mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 19:05:02 +00:00
Change add p2p 720HD tag to file name quality parse. Change add month name support to uk date parse. Change add short year support to uk date parse. Change add part/pt number pairing with episode name from tv info source. Fix fetch db history item in check_name.
266 lines
12 KiB
266 lines
12 KiB
# coding=utf-8
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import re
import traceback
from . import generic
from sickbeard import logger
from sickbeard.bs4_parser import BS4Parser
from sickbeard.config import naming_ep_type
from sickbeard.helpers import tryInt
from dateutil.parser import parse
from lib.unidecode import unidecode
class TVChaosUKProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
def __init__(self):
generic.TorrentProvider.__init__(self, 'TVChaosUK')
self.url_base = 'https://www.tvchaosuk.com/'
self.urls = {'config_provider_home_uri': self.url_base,
'login_action': self.url_base + 'login.php',
'search': self.url_base + 'browse.php',
'get': self.url_base + '%s'}
self.url = self.urls['config_provider_home_uri']
self.username, self.password, self.freeleech, self.minseed, self.minleech = 5 * [None]
self.search_fallback = True
def _authorised(self, **kwargs):
return super(TVChaosUKProvider, self)._authorised(
logged_in=(lambda y=None: self.has_all_cookies(pre='c_secure_')))
def _search_provider(self, search_params, **kwargs):
results = []
if not self._authorised():
return results
items = {'Cache': [], 'Season': [], 'Episode': [], 'Propers': []}
rc = dict((k, re.compile('(?i)' + v)) for (k, v) in {'info': 'detail', 'get': 'download', 'fl': 'free'}.items())
for mode in search_params.keys():
for search_string in search_params[mode]:
search_string = search_string.replace(u'£', '%')
search_string = isinstance(search_string, unicode) and unidecode(search_string) or search_string
kwargs = dict(post_data={'keywords': search_string, 'do': 'quick_sort', 'page': '0',
'category': '0', 'search_type': 't_name', 'sort': 'added',
'order': 'desc', 'daysprune': '-1'})
html = self.get_url(self.urls['search'], **kwargs)
cnt = len(items[mode])
if not html or self._has_no_results(html):
raise generic.HaltParseException
with BS4Parser(html, 'html.parser') as soup:
torrent_table = soup.find('table', id='sortabletable')
torrent_rows = [] if not torrent_table else torrent_table.find_all('tr')
get_detail = True
if 2 > len(torrent_rows):
raise generic.HaltParseException
head = None
for tr in torrent_rows[1:]:
cells = tr.find_all('td')
if 6 > len(cells):
head = head if None is not head else self._header_row(tr)
seeders, leechers, size = [tryInt(n, n) for n in [
cells[head[x]].get_text().strip() for x in 'seed', 'leech', 'size']]
if self._peers_fail(mode, seeders, leechers) \
or self.freeleech and None is cells[1].find('img', title=rc['fl']):
info = tr.find('a', href=rc['info'])
title = (tr.find('div', class_='tooltip-content').get_text() or info.get_text()).strip()
title = re.findall('(?m)(^[^\r\n]+)', title)[0]
download_url = self._link(tr.find('a', href=rc['get'])['href'])
except (StandardError, Exception):
if get_detail and title.endswith('...'):
with BS4Parser(self.get_url('%s%s' % (
self.urls['config_provider_home_uri'], info['href'].lstrip('/').replace(
self.urls['config_provider_home_uri'], ''))),
'html.parser') as soup_detail:
title = soup_detail.find(
'td', class_='thead', attrs={'colspan': '3'}).get_text().strip()
title = re.findall('(?m)(^[^\r\n]+)', title)[0]
except IndexError:
except (StandardError, Exception):
get_detail = False
titles = self.regulate_title(title, mode, search_string)
if download_url and titles:
for title in titles:
items[mode].append((title, download_url, seeders, self._bytesizer(size)))
except (StandardError, Exception):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (StandardError, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt,
('search string: ' + search_string.replace('%', '%%'), self.name)['Cache' == mode])
if mode in 'Season' and len(items[mode]):
results = self._sort_seeding(mode, results + items[mode])
return results
def regulate_title(title, mode='-', search_string=''):
has_series = re.findall('(?i)(.*?series[^\d]*?\d+)(.*)', title)
if has_series:
rc_xtras = re.compile('(?i)([. _-]|^)(special|extra)s?\w*([. _-]|$)')
has_special = rc_xtras.findall(has_series[0][1])
if has_special:
title = has_series[0][0] + rc_xtras.sub(list(set(
list(has_special[0][0]) + list(has_special[0][2])))[0], has_series[0][1])
title = re.sub('(?i)series', r'Season', title)
years = re.findall('((?:19|20)\d\d)', title)
title = re.sub('(19|20)\d\d', r'{{yr}}', title)
title_parts = re.findall(
'(?im)^(.*?)(?:Season[^\d]*?(\d+).*?)?' +
'(?:(?:pack|part|pt)\W*?)?(\d+)[^\d]*?of[^\d]*?(?:\d+)(.*?)$', title)
if len(title_parts):
new_parts = [tryInt(part, part) for part in title_parts[0]]
if not new_parts[1]:
new_parts[1] = 1
new_parts[2] = ('E%02d', ' Pack %d')[any([re.search('(?i)season|series', title),
mode in 'Season'])] % new_parts[2]
title = '%s`S%02d%s`%s' % tuple(new_parts)
for yr in years:
title = re.sub('\{\{yr\}\}', yr, title, count=1)
date_re = '(?i)([(\s]*)((?:\d+\s)?)([adfjmnos]\w{2,}\s+)((?:19|20)\d\d)([)\s]*)'
dated = re.findall(date_re, title)
dnew = None
for d in dated:
dout = parse(''.join(d[1:4])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
dnew = dout[0: not any(d[2]) and 4 or not any(d[1]) and 7 or len(dout)]
title = title.replace(''.join(d), '%s%s%s' % (('', ' ')[1 < len(d[0])], dnew, ('', ' ')[1 < len(d[4])]))
except (StandardError, Exception):
if dated:
add_pad = re.findall('((?:19|20)\d\d[-]\d\d[-]\d\d)([\w\W])', title)
if any(add_pad) and add_pad[0][1] not in [' ', '.']:
title = title.replace(''.join(
add_pad[0]), '%s %s' % (add_pad[0][0], add_pad[0][1]))
title = re.sub(r'(?sim)(.*?)(?:Episode|Season).\d+.(.*)', r'\1\2', title)
t = ['']
bl = '[*\[({]+\s*'
br = '\s*[})\]*]+'
title = re.sub('(.*?)((?i)%sproper%s)(.*)' % (bl, br), r'\1\3\2', title)
for r in '\s+-\s+', '(?:19|20)\d\d(?:\-\d\d\-\d\d)?', 'S\d\d+(?:E\d\d+)?':
m = re.findall('(.*%s)(.*)' % r, title)
if any(m) and len(m[0][0]) > len(t[0]):
t = m[0]
t = ([title], t)[any(t)]
tags = [re.findall(x, t[-1], flags=re.X) for x in
('(?i)%sProper%s|\bProper\b$' % (bl, br),
''', '''
''', '''
title = ('%s`%s' % (
re.sub('|'.join(['|'.join([re.escape(y) for y in x]) for x in tags if x]).strip('|'), '', t[-1]),
re.sub('(?i)(\d{3,4})hd', r'\1p', '`'.join(['`'.join(x) for x in tags[:-1]]).rstrip('`')) +
('', '`hdtv')[not any(tags[2])] + ('', '`x264')[not any(tags[3])]))
for r in [('(?i)(?:\W(?:Series|Season))?\W(Repack)\W', r'`\1`'),
('(?i)%s(Proper)%s' % (bl, br), r'`\1`'), ('%s\s*%s' % (bl, br), '`')]:
title = re.sub(r[0], r[1], title)
title = '%s%s-nogrp' % (('', t[0])[1 < len(t)], title)
for r in [('\s+[-]?\s+|\s+`|`\s+', '`'), ('`+', '.')]:
title = re.sub(r[0], r[1], title)
titles = []
if dnew:
snew = None
dated_s = re.findall(date_re, search_string)
for d in dated_s:
sout = parse(''.join(d[1:4])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
snew = sout[0: not any(d[2]) and 4 or not any(d[1]) and 7 or len(sout)]
except (StandardError, Exception):
if snew and dnew and snew != dnew:
return titles
sxxexx_r = '(?i)S\d\d+E\d\d+'
if dnew and re.search(sxxexx_r, title):
titles += [re.sub(sxxexx_r, dnew, re.sub('[_.\-\s]?%s' % dnew, '', title))]
except (StandardError, Exception):
titles += [title]
return titles
def _season_strings(self, ep_obj, **kwargs):
return generic.TorrentProvider._season_strings(self, ep_obj, scene=False, prefix='%', sp_detail=(
lambda e: [
(('', 'Series %(seasonnumber)d%%')[1 < tryInt(e.get('seasonnumber'))] + '%(episodenumber)dof') % e,
'Series %(seasonnumber)d' % e]))
def _episode_strings(self, ep_obj, **kwargs):
return generic.TorrentProvider._episode_strings(self, ep_obj, scene=False, prefix='%', date_detail=(
lambda d: [x.strip('0') for x in (
['{0} {1}% {2}'.format(d.strftime('%d')[-1], d.strftime('%b'), d.strftime('%Y'))] +
[d.strftime('%d %b %Y')] + ([d.strftime('%d %B %Y')], [])[d.strftime('%b') == d.strftime('%B')])]),
ep_detail=(lambda e: [naming_ep_type[2] % e] + (
[], ['%(episodenumber)dof' % e])[1 == tryInt(e.get('seasonnumber'))]), **kwargs)
def ui_string(key):
return ('tvchaosuk_tip' == key
and 'releases are often "Air by date release names" - edit search settings of show if required' or '')
provider = TVChaosUKProvider()