JackDandy 0c765e552c Add an in progress spinner that is suitable for the dark theme.
Add dark spinner to "Add New Show" (searching indexers), "Add existing shows" (Loading Folders), Coming Eps and all config pages (when saving).
2014-10-28 00:36:02 +00:00

227 lines
8.6 KiB

$(document).ready(function () {
function populateSelect() {
if (!$('#nameToSearch').length) {
if ($('#indexerLangSelect option').length <= 1) {
$.getJSON(sbRoot + '/home/addShows/getIndexerLanguages', {}, function (data) {
var selected, resultStr = '';
if (data.results.length === 0) {
resultStr = '<option value="en" selected="selected">en</option>';
} else {
$.each(data.results, function (index, obj) {
if (resultStr == '') {
selected = ' selected="selected"';
} else {
selected = '';
resultStr += '<option value="' + obj + '"' + selected + '>' + obj + '</option>';
$('#indexerLangSelect').change(function () { searchIndexers(); });
var searchRequestXhr = null;
function searchIndexers() {
if (!$('#nameToSearch').val().length) {
if (searchRequestXhr) searchRequestXhr.abort();
var searchingFor = $('#nameToSearch').val() + ' on ' + $('#providedIndexer option:selected').text() + ' in ' + $('#indexerLangSelect').val();
$('#searchResults').empty().html('<img id="searchingAnim" src="' + sbRoot + '/images/loading32' + themeSpinner + '.gif" height="32" width="32" /> searching ' + searchingFor + '...');
searchRequestXhr = $.ajax({
url: sbRoot + '/home/addShows/searchIndexersForShowName',
data: {'search_term': $('#nameToSearch').val(), 'lang': $('#indexerLangSelect').val(), 'indexer': $('#providedIndexer').val()},
timeout: parseInt($('#indexer_timeout').val(), 10) * 1000,
dataType: 'json',
error: function () {
$('#searchResults').empty().html('search timed out, try again or try another indexer');
success: function (data) {
var firstResult = true;
var resultStr = '<fieldset>\n<legend>Search Results:</legend>\n';
var checked = '';
if (data.results.length === 0) {
resultStr += '<b>No results found, try a different search.</b>';
} else {
$.each(data.results, function (index, obj) {
if (firstResult) {
checked = ' checked';
firstResult = false;
} else {
checked = '';
var whichSeries = obj.join('|');
resultStr += '<input type="radio" id="whichSeries" name="whichSeries" value="' + whichSeries + '"' + checked + ' /> ';
if (data.langid && data.langid != "") {
resultStr += '<a href="'+ obj[2] + obj[3] + '&lid=' + data.langid + '" onclick=\", \'_blank\'); return false;\" ><b>' + obj[4] + '</b></a>';
} else {
resultStr += '<a href="'+ obj[2] + obj[3] + '" onclick=\", \'_blank\'); return false;\" ><b>' + obj[4] + '</b></a>';
if (obj[5] !== null) {
var startDate = new Date(obj[5]);
var today = new Date();
if (startDate > today) {
resultStr += ' (will debut on ' + obj[5] + ')';
} else {
resultStr += ' (started on ' + obj[5] + ')';
if (obj[0] !== null) {
resultStr += ' [' + obj[0] + ']';
resultStr += '<br />';
resultStr += '</ul>';
resultStr += '</fieldset>';
$('#searchName').click(function () { searchIndexers(); });
if ($('#nameToSearch').length && $('#nameToSearch').val().length) {
$('#addShowButton').click(function () {
// if they haven't picked a show don't let them submit
if (!$("input:radio[name='whichSeries']:checked").val() && !$("input:hidden[name='whichSeries']").val().length) {
alert('You must choose a show to continue');
return false;
$('#skipShowButton').click(function () {
$('#qualityPreset').change(function () {
* jQuery Form to Form Wizard- (c) Dynamic Drive (
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit for this script and 100s more.
var myform = new formtowizard({
formid: 'addShowForm',
revealfx: ['slide', 500],
oninit: function () {
if ($('input:hidden[name=whichSeries]').length && $('#fullShowPath').length) {
function goToStep(num) {
$('.step').each(function () {
if ($.data(this, 'section') + 1 == num) {
function updateSampleText() {
// if something's selected then we have some behavior to figure out
var show_name, sep_char;
// if they've picked a radio button then use that
if ($('input:radio[name=whichSeries]:checked').length) {
show_name = $('input:radio[name=whichSeries]:checked').val().split('|')[4];
// if we provided a show in the hidden field, use that
else if ($('input:hidden[name=whichSeries]').length && $('input:hidden[name=whichSeries]').val().length) {
show_name = $('#providedName').val();
} else {
show_name = '';
var sample_text = 'Adding show <b>' + show_name + '</b> into <b>';
// if we have a root dir selected, figure out the path
if ($("#rootDirs option:selected").length) {
var root_dir_text = $('#rootDirs option:selected').val();
if (root_dir_text.indexOf('/') >= 0) {
sep_char = '/';
} else if (root_dir_text.indexOf('\\') >= 0) {
sep_char = '\\';
} else {
sep_char = '';
if (root_dir_text.substr(sample_text.length - 1) != sep_char) {
root_dir_text += sep_char;
root_dir_text += '<i>||</i>' + sep_char;
sample_text += root_dir_text;
} else if ($('#fullShowPath').length && $('#fullShowPath').val().length) {
sample_text += $('#fullShowPath').val();
} else {
sample_text += 'unknown dir.';
sample_text += '</b>';
// if we have a show name then sanitize and use it for the dir name
if (show_name.length) {
$.get(sbRoot + '/home/addShows/sanitizeFileName', {name: show_name}, function (data) {
$('#displayText').html(sample_text.replace('||', data));
// if not then it's unknown
} else {
$('#displayText').html(sample_text.replace('||', '??'));
// also toggle the add show button
if (($("#rootDirs option:selected").length || ($('#fullShowPath').length && $('#fullShowPath').val().length)) &&
($('input:radio[name=whichSeries]:checked').length) || ($('input:hidden[name=whichSeries]').length && $('input:hidden[name=whichSeries]').val().length)) {
$('#addShowButton').attr('disabled', false);
} else {
$('#addShowButton').attr('disabled', true);
$('#whichSeries').live('change', updateSampleText);
$('#nameToSearch').keyup(function (event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {