Prinz23 b59084d27d Add TVDb person search
fix handle tvdb error on browse tvdb page
adjust for datetime import changes in webserve
remove any references to sickgear in tvdb api libs
replace deprecated old method_whitelist with allowed_methods
2024-10-07 01:24:46 +01:00

1330 lines
64 KiB

# !/usr/bin/env python2
# encoding:utf-8
# author:dbr/Ben
# project:tvdb_api
# repository:
# license:un license (
from functools import wraps
__author__ = 'dbr/Ben'
__version__ = '2.0'
__api_version__ = '3.0.0'
import copy
import datetime
import getpass
import logging
import os
import random
import re
import requests
import requests.exceptions
import tempfile
import time
import warnings
from bs4_parser import BS4Parser
from collections import OrderedDict
from sg_helpers import clean_data, get_url, try_int
from lib.cachecontrol import CacheControl, caches
from lib.dateutil.parser import parse
from lib.exceptions_helper import ConnectionSkipException
from lib.tvinfo_base import CastList, TVInfoCharacter, CrewList, TVInfoPerson, RoleTypes, \
from .tvdb_exceptions import TvdbError, TvdbShownotfound, TvdbTokenexpired
from .tvdb_ui import BaseUI, ConsoleUI
from six import integer_types, iteritems, PY2, string_types
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional, Union
ENV = os.environ
THETVDB_V2_API_TOKEN = {'token': None, 'datetime': datetime.datetime.fromordinal(1)}
log = logging.getLogger('tvdb.api')
# noinspection HttpUrlsUsage,PyUnusedLocal
def _record_hook(r, *args, **kwargs):
r.hook_called = True
if 301 == r.status_code and isinstance(r.headers.get('Location'), string_types) \
and r.headers.get('Location').startswith(''):
r.headers['Location'] = r.headers['Location'].replace('http://', 'https://')
return r
def retry(exception_to_check, tries=4, delay=3, backoff=2):
"""Retry calling the decorated function using an exponential backoff.
original from:
:param exception_to_check: the exception to check. may be a tuple of
exceptions to check
:type exception_to_check: Exception or tuple
:param tries: number of times to try (not retry) before giving up
:type tries: int
:param delay: initial delay between retries in seconds
:type delay: int
:param backoff: backoff multiplier e.g. value of 2 will double the delay
each retry
:type backoff: int
def deco_retry(f):
def f_retry(*args, **kwargs):
mtries, mdelay = tries, delay
auth_error = 0
while 1 < mtries:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except exception_to_check as e:
msg = '%s, Retrying in %d seconds...' % (str(e), mdelay)
if isinstance(e, TvdbTokenexpired) and not auth_error:
auth_error += 1
mtries -= 1
mdelay *= backoff
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except TvdbTokenexpired:
if not auth_error:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
raise TvdbTokenexpired
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
return f_retry # true decorator
return deco_retry
class Actors(list):
"""Holds all Actor instances for a show
class Actor(dict):
"""Represents a single actor. Should contain..
def __repr__(self):
return '<Actor "%r">' % self.get('name')
class Tvdb(TVInfoBase):
"""Create easy-to-use interface to name of season/episode name
>> t = Tvdb()
>> t['Scrubs'][1][24]['episodename']
'My Last Day'
map_languages = {}
reverse_map_languages = {v: k for k, v in iteritems(map_languages)}
supported_id_searches = [TVINFO_TVDB, TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG]
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def __init__(self,
"""interactive (True/False):
When True, uses built-in console UI is used to select the correct show.
When False, the first search result is used.
select_first (True/False):
Automatically selects the first series search result (rather
than showing the user a list of more than one series).
Is overridden by interactive = False, or specifying a custom_ui
debug (True/False) DEPRECATED:
Replaced with proper use of logging module. To show debug messages:
>> import logging
>> logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)
cache (True/False/str/unicode/urllib2 opener):
Retrieved XML are persisted to to disc. If true, stores in
tvdb_api folder under your systems TEMP_DIR, if set to
str/unicode instance it will use this as the cache
location. If False, disables caching. Can also be passed
an arbitrary Python object, which is used as a urllib2
opener, which should be created by urllib2.build_opener
banners (True/False):
Retrieves the banners for a show. These are accessed
via the banners key of a Show(), for example:
>> Tvdb(banners=True)['scrubs']['banners'].keys()
['fanart', 'poster', 'series', 'season']
actors (True/False):
Retrieves a list of the actors for a show. These are accessed
via the actors key of a Show(), for example:
>> t = Tvdb(actors=True)
>> t['scrubs']['actors'][0]['name']
'Zach Braff'
custom_ui (tvdb_ui.BaseUI subclass):
A callable subclass of tvdb_ui.BaseUI (overrides interactive option)
language (2 character language abbreviation):
The language of the returned data. Is also the language search
uses. Default is "en" (English). For full list, run..
>> Tvdb().config['valid_languages'] #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
['da', 'fi', 'nl', ...]
search_all_languages (True/False):
By default, Tvdb will only search in the language specified using
the language option. When this is True, it will search for the
show in and language
apikey (str/unicode):
Override the default API key. By default it will use
tvdb_api's own key (fine for small scripts), but you can use your
own key if desired - this is recommended if you are embedding
tvdb_api in a larger application)
See to get your own key
super(Tvdb, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.config = {}
if None is not apikey:
self.config['apikey'] = apikey
self.config['apikey'] = '0629B785CE550C8D' # tvdb_api's API key
self.config['debug_enabled'] = debug # show debugging messages
self.config['custom_ui'] = custom_ui
self.config['interactive'] = interactive # prompt for correct series?
self.config['select_first'] = select_first
self.config['search_all_languages'] = search_all_languages
self.config['dvdorder'] = dvdorder
self.config['proxy'] = proxy
if cache is True:
self.config['cache_enabled'] = True
self.config['cache_location'] = self._get_temp_dir()
elif cache is False:
self.config['cache_enabled'] = False
elif isinstance(cache, string_types):
self.config['cache_enabled'] = True
self.config['cache_location'] = cache
raise ValueError('Invalid value for Cache %r (type was %s)' % (cache, type(cache)))
self.config['banners_enabled'] = banners
self.config['posters_enabled'] = posters
self.config['seasons_enabled'] = seasons
self.config['seasonwides_enabled'] = seasonwides
self.config['fanart_enabled'] = fanart
self.config['actors_enabled'] = actors
if self.config['debug_enabled']:
warnings.warn('The debug argument to tvdb_api.__init__ will be removed in the next version. ' +
'To enable debug messages, use the following code before importing: ' +
'import logging; logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)')
# List of language from
# Hard-coded here as it is relatively static, and saves another HTTP request, as
# recommended on
self.config['valid_languages'] = [
'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr',
'he', 'hr', 'hu', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'nl', 'no',
'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'sl', 'sv', 'tr', 'zh'
# not mapped: el, sl, tr. added as guess: fin, pol. unknown: _1
self.config['langabbv_23'] = {
'cs': 'ces', 'da': 'dan', 'de': 'deu', 'en': 'eng', 'es': 'spa', 'fi': 'fin', 'fr': 'fra',
'he': 'heb', 'hr': 'hrv', 'hu': 'hun', 'it': 'ita', 'ja': 'jpn', 'ko': 'kor', 'nb': 'nor',
'nl': 'nld', 'no': 'nor',
'pl': 'pol', 'pt': 'pot', 'ru': 'rus', 'sk': 'slv', 'sv': 'swe', 'zh': 'zho', '_1': 'srp',
self.config['valid_languages_3'] = list(self.config['langabbv_23'].values())
# should be based around numeric language codes,
# but to link to a series like
# requires the language ID, thus this mapping is required (mainly
# for usage in tvdb_ui - internally tvdb_api will use the language abbreviations)
self.config['langabbv_to_id'] = {
'cs': 28, 'da': 10, 'de': 14, 'el': 20, 'en': 7, 'es': 16, 'fi': 11, 'fr': 17,
'he': 24, 'hr': 31, 'hu': 19, 'it': 15, 'ja': 25, 'ko': 32, 'nl': 13, 'no': 9,
'pl': 18, 'pt': 26, 'ru': 22, 'sl': 30, 'sv': 8, 'tr': 21, 'zh': 27
if not language:
self.config['language'] = 'en'
if language not in self.config['valid_languages']:
raise ValueError('Invalid language %s, options are: %s' % (language, self.config['valid_languages']))
self.config['language'] = language
# The following url_ configs are based of the
self.config['base_url'] = ''
self.config['api3_url'] = ''
self.config['url_search_series'] = '%(api3_url)ssearch/series' % self.config
self.config['params_search_series'] = {'name': ''}
self.config['url_series_episodes_info'] = '%(api3_url)sseries/%%s/episodes?page=%%s' % self.config
self.config['url_series_info'] = '%(api3_url)sseries/%%s' % self.config
self.config['url_episodes_info'] = '%(api3_url)sepisodes/%%s' % self.config
self.config['url_actors_info'] = '%(api3_url)sseries/%%s/actors' % self.config
self.config['url_series_images'] = '%(api3_url)sseries/%%s/images/query?keyType=%%s' % self.config
self.config['url_artworks'] = ''
self.config['url_artworks_search'] = ''
self.config['url_people'] = '%(base_url)speople/%%s' % self.config
self.config['url_series_people'] = '%(base_url)sseries/%%s/people' % self.config
self.config['url_series_all'] = '%(base_url)sseries/%%s/allseasons/official' % self.config
self.config['url_series_dvd'] = '%(base_url)sseries/%%s/allseasons/dvd' % self.config
self.config['url_series_abs'] = '%(base_url)sseries/%%s/seasons/absolute/1' % self.config
def _search_show(self, name=None, ids=None, **kwargs):
# type: (AnyStr, Dict[integer_types, integer_types], Optional[Any]) -> List[TVInfoShow]
def make_tvinfoshow(data):
_ti_show = TVInfoShow(), _ti_show.banner, _ti_show.firstaired, _ti_show.poster,, _ti_show.overview, \
_ti_show.seriesname, _ti_show.slug, _ti_show.status, _ti_show.aliases, _ti_show.ids = \
clean_data(data['id']), clean_data(data.get('banner')), clean_data(data.get('firstaired')), \
clean_data(data.get('poster')), clean_data(data.get('network')), clean_data(data.get('overview')), \
clean_data(data.get('seriesname')), clean_data(data.get('slug')), clean_data(data.get('status')), \
clean_data((data.get('aliases'))), TVInfoIDs(tvdb=try_int(clean_data(data['id'])))
return _ti_show
results = []
if ids:
if ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB):
cache_id_key = 's-id-%s-%s' % (TVINFO_TVDB, ids[TVINFO_TVDB])
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
d_m = self._get_show_data(ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB), self.config['language'], direct_data=True)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, d_m, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
except (BaseException, Exception):
d_m = None
d_m = shows
if d_m:
if ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG):
cache_id_key = 's-id-%s-%s' % (TVINFO_TVDB, ids[TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG])
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
d_m = self.get_series(ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG).replace('-', ' '))
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, d_m, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
except (BaseException, Exception):
d_m = None
d_m = shows
if d_m:
for r in d_m:
if ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG) == r['slug']:
if name:
for n in ([name], name)[isinstance(name, list)]:
cache_name_key = 's-name-%s' % n
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_name_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
r = self.get_series(n)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_name_key, r, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
except (BaseException, Exception):
r = None
r = shows
if r:
if not isinstance(r, list):
r = [r]
results.extend([make_tvinfoshow(_s) for _s in r])
seen = set()
results = [seen.add(r['id']) or r for r in results if r['id'] not in seen]
return results
def get_new_token(self):
token = THETVDB_V2_API_TOKEN.get('token', None)
dt = THETVDB_V2_API_TOKEN.get('datetime', datetime.datetime.fromordinal(1))
url = '%s%s' % (self.config['api3_url'], 'login')
params = {'apikey': self.config['apikey']}
resp = get_url(url.strip(), post_json=params, parse_json=True, raise_skip_exception=True)
if resp:
if 'token' in resp:
token = resp['token']
dt =
return {'token': token, 'datetime': dt}
def get_token(self):
if None is THETVDB_V2_API_TOKEN.get(
'token') or - THETVDB_V2_API_TOKEN.get(
'datetime', datetime.datetime.fromordinal(1)) > datetime.timedelta(hours=23):
THETVDB_V2_API_TOKEN = self.get_new_token()
if not THETVDB_V2_API_TOKEN.get('token'):
raise TvdbError('Could not get Authentification Token')
return THETVDB_V2_API_TOKEN.get('token')
def _get_temp_dir():
"""Returns the [system temp dir]/tvdb_api-u501 (or
if hasattr(os, 'getuid'):
uid = 'u%d' % (os.getuid())
# For Windows
uid = getpass.getuser()
except ImportError:
return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'tvdb_api')
return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'tvdb_api-%s' % uid)
def _match_url_pattern(self, pattern, url):
if pattern in self.config:
if PY2:
return None is not'^%s$' % re.escape(self.config[pattern]).replace('\\%s', '[^/]+'), url)
return None is not'^%s$' % re.escape(self.config[pattern]).replace(r'%s', '[^/]+'), url)
except (BaseException, Exception):
return False
def is_apikey(self, check_url=None):
return bool(self.config['apikey']) and (None is check_url or '://api' in check_url)
@retry((TvdbError, TvdbTokenexpired))
def _load_url(self, url, params=None, language=None, parse_json=False, **kwargs):
log.debug('Retrieving URL %s' % url)
parse_json = parse_json or self.is_apikey(url)
session = requests.session()
if self.config['cache_enabled']:
session = CacheControl(session, cache=caches.FileCache(self.config['cache_location']))
if self.config['proxy']:
log.debug('Using proxy for URL: %s' % url)
session.proxies = {'http': self.config['proxy'], 'https': self.config['proxy']}
headers = {'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate'}
if self.is_apikey(url):
headers.update({'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.get_token(),
'Accept': 'application/vnd.thetvdb.v%s' % __api_version__})
if None is not language and language in self.config['valid_languages']:
headers.update({'Accept-Language': language})
resp = None
is_series_info = self._match_url_pattern('url_series_info', url)
if is_series_info:
self.show_not_found = False
self.not_found = False
resp = get_url(url.strip(), params=params, session=session, headers=headers, parse_json=parse_json,
raise_status_code=True, raise_exceptions=True, raise_skip_exception=True, **kwargs)
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
if 401 == e.response.status_code:
if self.is_apikey(url):
# token expired, get new token, raise error to retry
THETVDB_V2_API_TOKEN = self.get_new_token()
raise TvdbTokenexpired
elif 404 == e.response.status_code:
if is_series_info:
self.show_not_found = True
elif self._match_url_pattern('url_series_episodes_info', url):
resp = {'data': []}
self.not_found = True
elif 404 != e.response.status_code:
raise TvdbError
except (BaseException, Exception):
raise TvdbError
if is_series_info and isinstance(resp, dict) and isinstance(resp.get('data'), dict) and \
isinstance(resp['data'].get('seriesName'), string_types) and \'^[*]\s*[*]\s*[*]', resp['data'].get('seriesName', ''), flags=re.I):
self.show_not_found = True
self.not_found = True
map_show = {'airstime': 'airs_time', 'airsdayofweek': 'airs_dayofweek', 'imdbid': 'imdb_id',
'writers': 'writer', 'siterating': 'rating'}
def map_show_keys(data):
keep_data = {}
del_keys = []
new_data = {}
for k, v in iteritems(data):
k_org = k
k = k.lower()
if None is not v:
if k in ['banner', 'fanart', 'poster', 'image'] and v:
v = (self.config['url_artworks'],
isinstance(v, string_types) and v.lstrip('/').startswith('banners/')] % v.lstrip('/')
elif 'genre' == k:
keep_data['genre_list'] = v
v = '|'.join([clean_data(c) for c in v if isinstance(c, string_types)])
elif 'gueststars' == k:
keep_data['gueststars_list'] = v
v = '|%s|' % '|'.join([clean_data(c) for c in v if isinstance(c, string_types)])
elif 'writers' == k:
keep_data[k] = v
v = '|%s|' % '|'.join([clean_data(c) for c in v if isinstance(c, string_types)])
elif 'rating' == k:
new_data['contentrating'] = v
elif 'firstaired' == k:
if v:
v = parse(v, fuzzy=True).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
except (BaseException, Exception):
v = None
v = None
elif 'imdbid' == k:
if v:
if'^(tt)?\d{1,9}$', v, flags=re.I):
v = clean_data(v)
v = ''
v = clean_data(v)
if not v and 'seriesname' == k:
if isinstance(data.get('aliases'), list) and 0 < len(data.get('aliases')):
v = data['aliases'].pop(0)
# this is a invalid show, it has no Name
if not v:
return None
if k in map_show:
k = map_show[k]
if k_org is not k:
new_data[k] = v
data[k] = v
for d in del_keys:
del (data[d])
if isinstance(data, dict):
return data
if resp and isinstance(resp, dict):
if isinstance(resp.get('data'), dict):
resp['data'] = map_show_keys(resp['data'])
elif isinstance(resp.get('data'), list):
data_list = []
for idx, row in enumerate(resp['data']):
if isinstance(row, dict):
cr = map_show_keys(row)
if None is not cr:
resp['data'] = data_list
return resp
return dict([('data', (None, resp)[isinstance(resp, string_types)])])
def _getetsrc(self, url, params=None, language=None, parse_json=False):
"""Loads a URL using caching
src = self._load_url(url, params=params, language=language, parse_json=parse_json)
if isinstance(src, dict):
if None is not src['data']:
data = src['data']
data = {}
# data = src['data'] or {}
if isinstance(data, list):
if 0 < len(data):
data = data[0]
# data = data[0] or {}
if None is data or (isinstance(data, dict) and 1 > len(data.keys())):
raise ValueError
return src
except (KeyError, IndexError, Exception):
def clean_overview(text):
"""replace newlines with period and space, remove multiple spaces"""
return ' '.join(['%s.' % re.sub(r'[\s][\s]+', r' ', x).strip().rstrip('.') for x in text.split('\r\n')])
def get_show_info(self, sid, language=None):
# type: (int, Optional[str]) -> Optional[dict]
results = self.search_tvs(sid, language=language)
for cur_result in (isinstance(results, dict) and results.get('results') or []):
result = list(filter(lambda r: 'series' == r['type'] and sid == r['id'],
cur_result.get('nbHits') and cur_result.get('hits') or []))
if 1 == len(result):
result[0]['overview'] = self.clean_overview(
result[0]['overviews'][self.config['langabbv_23'].get(language) or 'eng'])
# remap
for from_key, to_key in iteritems({
'name': 'seriesname', 'first_air_date': 'firstaired'
result[0][to_key] = result[0][from_key]
del result[0][from_key] # delete also prevents false +ve with the following new key notifier
# notify of new keys
if ENV.get('SG_DEV_MODE'):
new_keys = set(list(result[0])).difference({
'_highlightResult', 'aliases', 'banner',
'fanart', 'firstaired', 'follower_count',
'id', 'image', 'is_tvdb_searchable', 'is_tvt_searchable',
'seriesname', 'network',
'objectID', 'overviews', 'poster', 'release_year',
'slug', 'status',
'translations', 'type',
'url', 'uuid'
if new_keys:
log.warning('DEV_MODE: New get_show_info tvdb attrs for %s %r' % (sid, new_keys))
return result[0]
# fallback : e.g.
response = self._load_url(self.config['base_url'], params={
'tab': 'series', 'id': sid, 'lid': self.config['langabbv_to_id'].get(language, 7)})
series = {}
def get_value(tag, contains):
rc_contains = re.compile(r'(?i)%s' % contains)
parent = copy.copy(tag.find(string=rc_contains, recursive=True).find_parent(class_=re.compile('item')))
return ', '.join(re.sub(r'(?i)(\s)([\s]+)', r'\1', i.get_text(strip=True))
for i in parent.find_all('span'))
except(BaseException, Exception):
with BS4Parser(response.get('data', '')) as soup:
basic_info = soup.find(id='series_basic_info')
series_id = try_int(get_value(basic_info, r'series\sid'), None)
if None is not series_id:
series['id'] = series_id
series['firstaired'] = None # fill from ep listings page
series['genrelist'] = get_value(basic_info, 'genres').split(', ') # extra field
series['genre'] = '|'.join(series['genrelist'])
series['language'] = language
series['seriesname'] = soup.find(id='series_title').get_text(strip=True)
series['networklist'] = get_value(basic_info, 'network').split(', ') # extra field
series['network'] = '|%s|' % '|'.join(series['networklist']) # e.g. '|network|network n|network 10|'
series['status'] = get_value(basic_info, 'status')
series['type'] = 'series' # extra field
airs_at = get_value(basic_info, 'airs')
airs = airs_at and airs_at.split(', ') or []
if 0 < len(airs):
series['airs_time'] = 'at ' in airs[-1] \
and re.sub(r'(?i)\s+([ap]m)', r'\1', airs[-1]).split()[-1] or ''
series['airs_dayofweek'] = ', '.join(airs[0:-1])
series['airs_time'] = airs_at
series['airs_dayofweek'] = ''
# alias list
series['aliases'] = []
lang_tag = soup.find(id='translations').select('.change_translation_text[data-language="%s"]' % (
self.config['langabbv_23'].get(language) or 'eng'))[0]
series['aliases'] = [t.get_text(strip=True) for t in lang_tag
.find(string=re.compile('(?i)alias'), recursive=True).find_parent()
except(BaseException, Exception):
# images
series['image'] = series['poster'] = (soup.find(rel=re.compile('artwork_posters')) or {}).get('href')
series['banner'] = (soup.find(rel=re.compile('artwork_banners')) or {}).get('href')
series['fanart'] = (soup.find(rel=re.compile('artwork_backgrounds')) or {}).get('href')
series['imdb_id'] = re.sub(r'.*(tt\d+)', r'\1',
(soup.find(href=re.compile(r'imdb\.com')) or {}).get('href', ''))
# {lang: overview}
series.setdefault('overviews', {})
for cur_tag in soup.find_all(class_='change_translation_text'):
lang = cur_tag.attrs.get('data-language')
if None is not lang:
text = cur_tag.p.get_text(strip=True)
if text:
text = self.clean_overview(text)
series['overviews'].setdefault(lang, text) # extra field
if lang == self.config['langabbv_23'].get(language):
series['overview'] = text
except(BaseException, Exception):
runtime = get_value(basic_info, 'runtime')
runtime_often = None
if ', ' in runtime:
# sort runtimes by most number of episodes (e.g. '25 minutes (700 episodes)')
runtime_often = sorted([re.findall(r'([^(]+)\((\d+).*', i)[0] for i in runtime.split(', ')],
key=lambda x: try_int(x[1]), reverse=True)
runtime_often = next(iter(runtime_often))[0].strip() # first item is most frequent runtime
except(BaseException, Exception):
runtime_often = None
series['runtime'] = runtime_often and re.sub('^([0-9]+).*', r'\1', runtime_often) or runtime
series['season'] = None
last_season = sorted([x.get('href')
for x in soup.find_all(href=re.compile(r'/seasons/official/(\d+)'))])[-1]
series['season'] = re.findall(r'(\d+)$', last_season)[0]
except(BaseException, Exception):
series['slug'] = series['url'] = ''
rc_slug = re.compile('(?i)/series/(?P<slug>[^/]+)/(?:episode|season)')
series['slug'] ='href')).group('slug')
series['url'] = '%sseries/%s' % (self.config['base_url'], series['slug']) # extra field
except(BaseException, Exception):
# {lang: show title in lang} # extra field
series['translations'] = {t.attrs.get('data-language'): t.attrs.get('data-title')
for t in soup.find_all(class_='change_translation_text')
if all(t.attrs.get(a) for a in ('data-title', 'data-language'))}
return series
def search_tvs(self, terms, language=None):
# type: (Union[int, str], Optional[str]) -> Optional[dict]
src = self._load_url(
'indexes/*/queries' % random.choice([1, 2, 3, 'dsn']),
params={'x-algo''lia-agent': 'Alg''olia for vani''lla JavaScript (lite) 3.3''2.0;'
'instant''search.js (3.5''.3);JS Helper (2.2''8.0)',
'x-algo''lia''-app''lication-id': 'tvshow''time',
'x-algo''lia''-ap''i-key': '3d''978dd96c457390f21cec6131ce5d''9c'[::-1]},
post_json={'requests': [
{'indexName': 'TVDB',
'params': '&'.join(
['query=%s' % terms, 'maxValuesPerFacet=10', 'page=0',
'facetFilters=[["type:series", "type:person"]]',
'tagFilters=', 'analytics=false', 'advancedSyntax=true',
'highlightPreTag=__ais-highlight__', 'highlightPostTag=__/ais-highlight__'
language=language, parse_json=True)
return src
except (KeyError, IndexError, Exception):
def search(self, series):
# type: (AnyStr) -> List
"""This searches for the series name
and returns the result list
if PY2:
series = series.encode('utf-8')
self.config['params_search_series']['name'] = series
log.debug('Searching for show %s' % series)
series_found = self._getetsrc(self.config['url_search_series'], params=self.config['params_search_series'],
if series_found:
return list(series_found.values())[0]
except (BaseException, Exception):
return []
def get_series(self, series):
"""This searches for the series name,
If a custom_ui UI is configured, it uses this to select the correct
series. If not, and interactive == True, ConsoleUI is used, if not
BaseUI is used to select the first result.
all_series =
if not isinstance(all_series, list):
all_series = [all_series]
if 0 == len(all_series):
log.debug('Series result returned zero')
raise TvdbShownotfound('Show-name search returned zero results (cannot find show on TVDB)')
if None is not self.config['custom_ui']:
log.debug('Using custom UI %s' % self.config['custom_ui'].__name__)
custom_ui = self.config['custom_ui']
ui = custom_ui(config=self.config)
if not self.config['interactive']:
log.debug('Auto-selecting first search result using BaseUI')
ui = BaseUI(config=self.config)
log.debug('Interactively selecting show using ConsoleUI')
ui = ConsoleUI(config=self.config)
return ui.select_series(all_series)
def _parse_banners(self, sid, img_list):
banners = {}
for cur_banner in img_list:
bid = cur_banner['id']
btype = (cur_banner['keytype'], 'banner')['series' == cur_banner['keytype']]
btype2 = (cur_banner['resolution'], try_int(cur_banner['subkey'], cur_banner['subkey']))[
btype in ('season', 'seasonwide')]
if None is btype or None is btype2:
for k, v in iteritems(cur_banner):
if None is k or None is v:
k, v = k.lower(), v.lower() if isinstance(v, string_types) else v
if 'filename' == k:
k = 'bannerpath'
v = self._make_image(self.config['url_artworks'], v)
elif 'thumbnail' == k:
k = 'thumbnailpath'
v = self._make_image(self.config['url_artworks'], v)
elif 'keytype' == k:
k = 'bannertype'
banners.setdefault(btype, OrderedDict()).setdefault(btype2, OrderedDict()).setdefault(bid, {})[
k] = v
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._set_show_data(sid, '_banners', banners, add=True)
def _make_image(base_url, url):
# type: (str, str) -> str
if not url or url.lower().startswith('http'):
return url or ''
return base_url % url
def _parse_actors(self, sid, actor_list, actor_list_alt):
a = []
cast = CastList()
alts = {}
if actor_list_alt:
with BS4Parser(actor_list_alt) as soup:
rc_role = re.compile(r'/series/(?P<show_slug>[^/]+)/people/(?P<role_id>\d+)/?$')
rc_img = re.compile(r'/(?P<url>person/(?P<person_id>[0-9]+)/(?P<img_id>[^/]+)\..*)')
rc_img_v3 = re.compile(r'/(?P<url>actors/(?P<img_id>[^/]+)\..*)')
max_people = 5
rc_clean = re.compile(r'[^a-z0-9]')
for cur_enum, cur_role in enumerate(soup.find_all('a', href=rc_role) or []):
image = person_id = None
for cur_rc in (rc_img, rc_img_v3):
img_tag = cur_role.find('img', src=cur_rc)
if img_tag:
img_parsed ='src'))
image, person_id = [x in img_parsed.groupdict() and
for x in ('url', 'person_id')]
lines = [x.strip() for x in cur_role.get_text().split('\n') if x.strip()][0:2]
name = role = ''
if len(lines):
name = lines[0]
for line in lines[1:]:
if line.lower().startswith('as '):
role = line[3:]
if not person_id and max_people:
max_people -= 1
results = self.search_tvs(name)
for cur_result in (isinstance(results, dict) and results.get('results') or []):
# sorts 'banners/images/missing/' to last before filter
people = list(filter(
lambda r: 'person' == r['type']
and rc_clean.sub(name, '') == rc_clean.sub(r['name'], ''),
and sorted(cur_result.get('hits'),
key=lambda x: len(x['image']), reverse=True) or []))
if ENV.get('SG_DEV_MODE'):
for person in people:
new_keys = set(list(person)).difference({
'_highlightResult', 'banner', 'id', 'image',
'is_tvdb_searchable', 'is_tvt_searchable', 'name',
'objectID', 'people_birthdate', 'people_died',
'poster', 'type', 'url'
if new_keys:
log.warning('DEV_MODE: New _parse_actors tvdb attrs for %s %r'
% (person['id'], new_keys))
person_ok = False
for person in people:
if image:
people_data = self._load_url(person['url'])['data']
person_ok =, people_data)
if not image or person_ok:
person_id = person['id']
raise ValueError('value okay, id found')
except (BaseException, Exception):
rid = int('href')).group('role_id'))
alts.setdefault(rid, {'id': rid, 'person_id': person_id or None, 'name': name, 'role': role,
'image': image, 'sortorder': cur_enum, 'lastupdated': 0})
except(BaseException, Exception):
if not self.is_apikey(): # for the future when apikey == ''
actor_list = sorted([d for _, d in iteritems(alts)], key=lambda x: x.get('sortorder'))
unique_c_p, c_p_list, new_actor_list = set(), [], []
for actor in sorted(actor_list, key=lambda x: x.get('lastupdated'), reverse=True):
c_p_list.append((actor['name'], actor['role']))
if (actor['name'], actor['role']) not in unique_c_p:
unique_c_p.add((actor['name'], actor['role']))
for n in sorted(new_actor_list, key=lambda x: x['sortorder']):
role_image = (alts.get(n['id'], {}).get('image'), n.get('image'))[
any([n.get('image')]) and 1 == c_p_list.count((n['name'], n['role']))]
if role_image:
role_image = self._make_image(self.config['url_artworks'], role_image)
character_name = n.get('role', '').strip() or alts.get(n['id'], {}).get('role', '')
person_name = n.get('name', '').strip() or alts.get(n['id'], {}).get('name', '')
person_id = None
person_id = person_id or alts.get(n['id'], {}).get('person_id')
character_id = n.get('id', None) or alts.get(n['id'], {}).get('rid')
a.append({'character': {'id': character_id,
'name': character_name,
'url': None, # not supported by tvdb
'image': role_image,
'person': {'id': person_id,
'name': person_name,
'url': person_id and (self.config['url_people'] % person_id) or None,
'image': None, # not supported by tvdb
'birthday': None, # not supported by tvdb
'deathday': None, # not supported by tvdb
'gender': None, # not supported by tvdb
'country': None, # not supported by tvdb
p_id=character_id, name=character_name, person=[TVInfoPerson(p_id=person_id, name=person_name)],
image=role_image, show=self.ti_shows[sid]))
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._set_show_data(sid, 'actors', a)
self._set_show_data(sid, 'cast', cast)
self.ti_shows[sid].actors_loaded = True
def get_episode_data(self, epid):
# Parse episode information
data = None
log.debug('Getting all episode data for %s' % epid)
url = self.config['url_episodes_info'] % epid
episode_data = self._getetsrc(url, language=self.config['language'])
if episode_data and 'data' in episode_data:
data = episode_data['data']
if isinstance(data, dict):
for k, v in iteritems(data):
k = k.lower()
if None is not v:
if 'filename' == k and v:
v = self._make_image(self.config['url_artworks'], v)
v = clean_data(v)
data[k] = v
return data
def _parse_images(self, sid, language, show_data, image_type, enabled_type, type_bool):
mapped_img_types = {'banner': 'series'}
excluded_main_data = enabled_type in ['seasons_enabled', 'seasonwides_enabled']
loaded_name = '%s_loaded' % image_type
if (type_bool or self.config[enabled_type]) and not getattr(self.ti_shows.get(sid), loaded_name, False):
image_data = self._getetsrc(self.config['url_series_images'] %
(sid, mapped_img_types.get(image_type, image_type)), language=language)
if image_data and 0 < len(image_data.get('data', '') or ''):
image_data['data'] = sorted(image_data['data'], reverse=True,
key=lambda x: (x['ratingsinfo']['average'], x['ratingsinfo']['count']))
if not excluded_main_data:
url_image = self._make_image(self.config['url_artworks'], image_data['data'][0]['filename'])
url_thumb = self._make_image(self.config['url_artworks'], image_data['data'][0]['thumbnail'])
self._set_show_data(sid, image_type, url_image)
self._set_show_data(sid, f'{image_type}_thumb', url_thumb)
excluded_main_data = True # artwork found so prevent fallback
self._parse_banners(sid, image_data['data'])
self.ti_shows[sid].__dict__[loaded_name] = True
# fallback image thumbnail for none excluded_main_data if artwork is not found
if not excluded_main_data and show_data.get(image_type):
self._set_show_data(sid, f'{image_type}_thumb',
re.sub(r'\.jpg$', '_t.jpg', show_data[image_type], flags=re.I))
def _get_show_data(self,
sid, # type: integer_types
language, # type: AnyStr
get_ep_info=False, # type: bool
banners=False, # type: bool
posters=False, # type: bool
seasons=False, # type: bool
seasonwides=False, # type: bool
fanart=False, # type: bool
actors=False, # type: bool
direct_data=False, # type: bool
**kwargs # type: Optional[Any]
): # type: (...) -> Optional[bool, dict]
"""Takes a series ID, gets the epInfo URL and parses the TVDB
XML file into the shows dict in layout:
# Parse show information
url = self.config['url_series_info'] % sid
if direct_data or sid not in self.ti_shows or None is self.ti_shows[sid].id or \
language != self.ti_shows[sid].language:
log.debug('Getting all series data for %s' % sid)
show_data = self._getetsrc(url, language=language)
if not show_data or not show_data.get('data'):
show_data = {'data': self.get_show_info(sid, language=language)}
if direct_data:
return show_data
# check and make sure we have data to process and that it contains a series name
if not (show_data and 'seriesname' in show_data.get('data', {}) or {}):
return False
show_data = show_data['data']
ti_show = self.ti_shows[sid] # type: TVInfoShow
ti_show.banner_loaded = ti_show.poster_loaded = ti_show.fanart_loaded = True = show_data['id']
ti_show.seriesname = clean_data(show_data.get('seriesname'))
ti_show.slug = clean_data(show_data.get('slug'))
ti_show.poster = clean_data(show_data.get('poster'))
ti_show.banner = clean_data(show_data.get('banner'))
ti_show.fanart = clean_data(show_data.get('fanart'))
ti_show.firstaired = clean_data(show_data.get('firstAired'))
ti_show.rating = show_data.get('rating')
ti_show.contentrating = clean_data(show_data.get('contentRatings'))
ti_show.aliases = show_data.get('aliases') or []
ti_show.status = clean_data(show_data['status'])
if clean_data(show_data.get('network')): = clean_data(show_data['network'])
ti_show.networks = [TVInfoNetwork(clean_data(show_data['network']),
ti_show.runtime = try_int(show_data.get('runtime'), 0)
ti_show.language = clean_data(show_data.get('language'))
ti_show.genre = clean_data(show_data.get('genre'))
ti_show.genre_list = clean_data(show_data.get('genre_list')) or []
ti_show.overview = clean_data(show_data.get('overview'))
ti_show.imdb_id = clean_data(show_data.get('imdb_id')) or None
ti_show.airs_time = clean_data(show_data.get('airs_time'))
ti_show.airs_dayofweek = clean_data(show_data.get('airs_dayofweek'))
ti_show.ids = TVInfoIDs(, imdb=try_int(str(ti_show.imdb_id).replace('tt', ''), None))
show_data = {'data': {}}
for img_type, en_type, p_type in [('poster', 'posters_enabled', posters),
('banner', 'banners_enabled', banners),
('fanart', 'fanart_enabled', fanart),
('season', 'seasons_enabled', seasons),
('seasonwide', 'seasonwides_enabled', seasonwides)]:
self._parse_images(sid, language, show_data, img_type, en_type, p_type)
if (actors or self.config['actors_enabled']) and not getattr(self.ti_shows.get(sid), 'actors_loaded', False):
actor_data = self._getetsrc(self.config['url_actors_info'] % sid, language=language)
actor_data_alt = self._getetsrc(self.config['url_series_people'] % sid, language=language)
if actor_data and 0 < len(actor_data.get('data', '') or '') or actor_data_alt and actor_data_alt['data']:
self._parse_actors(sid, actor_data and actor_data.get('data', ''), actor_data_alt and actor_data_alt['data'])
if get_ep_info and not getattr(self.ti_shows.get(sid), 'ep_loaded', False):
# Parse episode data
log.debug('Getting all episodes of %s' % sid)
page = 0 # type: int
episodes = [] # type: list
episode_data_found = False # type: bool
episode_data_broken = False # type: bool
page_count = 0 # type: int
pages_loaded = 0 # type: int
start_page = 0 # type: int
while page <= 400:
episode_data = {}
if self.is_apikey() and not episode_data_broken:
episode_data = self._getetsrc(
self.config['url_series_episodes_info'] % (sid, page), language=language)
# fallback to correct old pagination
if 0 == page and None is episode_data:
page = 1
if episode_data:
if 1 == page and not bool(episodes):
start_page = 1
pages_loaded += 1
episode_data_found |= start_page == page and bool(episode_data)
if episode_data_broken or \
(not episode_data_found and isinstance(show_data, dict) and 'slug' in show_data):
response = {'data': None}
items_found = False
# fallback to page 'all' if dvd is enabled and response has no items
for page_type in ('url_series_dvd', 'url_series_all'):
if 'dvd' not in page_type or self.config['dvdorder']:
response = self._load_url(self.config[page_type] % show_data.get('slug'))
with BS4Parser(response.get('data') or '') as soup:
items_found = bool(soup.find_all(class_='list-group-item'))
if items_found:
if not items_found:
episode_data = {'data': []}
with BS4Parser(response.get('data')) as soup:
items = soup.find_all(class_='list-group-item')
rc_sxe = re.compile(r'(?i)s(?:pecial\s*)?(\d+)\s*[xe]\s*(\d+)') # Special nxn or SnnEnn
rc_episode = re.compile(r'(?i)/series/%s/episodes?/(?P<ep_id>\d+)' % show_data['slug'])
rc_date = re.compile(r'\s\d{4}\s*$')
season_type, episode_type = ['%s%s' % (('aired', 'dvd')['dvd' in page_type], x)
for x in ('season', 'episodenumber')]
for cur_item in items:
heading_tag = cur_item.find(class_='list-group-item-heading')
sxe = heading_tag.find(class_='episode-label').get_text(strip=True)
ep_season, ep_episode = [try_int(x) for x in rc_sxe.findall(sxe)[0]]
link_ep_tag = heading_tag.find(href=rc_episode) or {}
link_match ='href', ''))
ep_id = link_match and try_int('ep_id'), None)
ep_name = link_ep_tag.get_text(strip=True)
# ep_network = None # extra field
ep_aired = None
for cur_tag in cur_item.find('ul').find_all('li'):
text = cur_tag.get_text(strip=True)
ep_aired = parse(text).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# elif text in show_data['data']['network']: # unreliable data
# ep_network = text
ep_overview = None
item_tag = cur_item.find(class_='list-group-item-text')
if item_tag:
ep_overview = self.clean_overview(item_tag.get_text() or '')
ep_filename = None
link_ep_tag = item_tag.find(href=rc_episode) or None
if link_ep_tag:
ep_filename = (link_ep_tag.find('img') or {}).get('src', '')
'id': ep_id, season_type: ep_season, episode_type: ep_episode,
'episodename': ep_name, 'firstaired': ep_aired, 'overview': ep_overview,
'filename': ep_filename, # 'network': ep_network
if not show_data['firstaired'] and ep_aired \
and (1, 1) == (ep_season, ep_episode):
show_data['firstaired'] = ep_aired
episode_data['fallback'] = True
except (BaseException, Exception):
if episode_data_found and not episode_data:
if pages_loaded < page_count or 0 == page_count:
episode_data_broken = True
if None is episode_data and not bool(episodes) and not episode_data_found:
raise TvdbError('Exception retrieving episodes for show')
if isinstance(episode_data, dict) and not episode_data.get('data', []):
if start_page != page:
self.not_found = False
if not getattr(self, 'not_found', False) and None is not episode_data.get('data'):
next_link = episode_data.get('links', {}).get('next', None)
# check if page is a valid following page
if not isinstance(next_link, integer_types) or next_link <= page:
next_link = None
if isinstance(episode_data, dict) and 'links' in episode_data \
and isinstance(episode_data['links'], dict) and 'last' in episode_data['links'] \
and isinstance(episode_data['links']['last'], int) \
and episode_data['links']['last'] > page_count:
page_count = episode_data['links']['last']
if not next_link and isinstance(episode_data, dict) \
and isinstance(episode_data.get('data', []), list) and \
(100 > len(episode_data.get('data', [])) or episode_data.get('fallback')):
if isinstance(next_link, int) and page + 1 == next_link:
page = next_link
page += 1
ep_map_keys = {'absolutenumber': 'absolute_number', 'airedepisodenumber': 'episodenumber',
'airedseason': 'seasonnumber', 'airedseasonid': 'seasonid',
'dvdepisodenumber': 'dvd_episodenumber', 'dvdseason': 'dvd_season'}
for cur_ep in episodes:
if self.config['dvdorder']:
log.debug('Using DVD ordering.')
use_dvd = None is not cur_ep.get('dvdseason') and None is not cur_ep.get('dvdepisodenumber')
use_dvd = False
if use_dvd:
elem_seasnum, elem_epno = cur_ep.get('dvdseason'), cur_ep.get('dvdepisodenumber')
elem_seasnum, elem_epno = cur_ep.get('airedseason'), cur_ep.get('airedepisodenumber')
if None is elem_seasnum or None is elem_epno:
log.warning('An episode has incomplete season/episode number (season: %r, episode: %r)' % (
elem_seasnum, elem_epno))
continue # Skip to next episode
# float() is because - should probably be fixed in TVDB data
seas_no = int(float(elem_seasnum))
ep_no = int(float(elem_epno))
if not cur_ep.get('network'):
cur_ep['network'] = self.ti_shows[sid].network
for k, v in iteritems(cur_ep):
k = k.lower()
if None is not v:
if 'filename' == k and v:
if '://' not in v:
v = self._make_image(self.config['url_artworks'], v)
v = clean_data(v)
if k in ep_map_keys:
k = ep_map_keys[k]
self._set_item(sid, seas_no, ep_no, k, v)
crew = CrewList()
cast = CastList()
for director in cur_ep.get('directors', []):
except (BaseException, Exception):
for guest in cur_ep.get('gueststars_list', []):
except (BaseException, Exception):
for writers in cur_ep.get('writers', []):
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._set_item(sid, seas_no, ep_no, 'crew', crew)
self._set_item(sid, seas_no, ep_no, 'cast', cast)
self.ti_shows[sid].ep_loaded = True
return True
def _name_to_sid(self, name):
"""Takes show name, returns the correct series ID (if the show has
already been grabbed), or grabs all episodes and returns
the correct SID.
if name in self.corrections:
log.debug('Correcting %s to %s' % (name, self.corrections[name]))
return self.corrections[name]
log.debug('Getting show %s' % name)
selected_series = self.get_series(name)
if isinstance(selected_series, dict):
selected_series = [selected_series]
sids = [int(x['id']) for x in selected_series if
self._get_show_data(int(x['id']), self.config['language'])]
self.corrections.update(dict([(x['seriesname'], int(x['id'])) for x in selected_series]))
return sids
def _get_languages(self):
if not Tvdb._supported_languages:
Tvdb._supported_languages = [{'id': _l, 'name': None, 'nativeName': None, 'sg_lang': _l}
for _l in self.config['valid_languages']]
def main():
"""Simple example of using tvdb_api - it just
grabs an episode name interactively.
import logging
tvdb_instance = Tvdb(interactive=True, cache=False)
if '__main__' == __name__: