mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 23:05:05 +00:00
Change add "Keep up to x most recent downloads" to Edit Show/Other. Change add "Keep up to x most recent downloads" to Manage/Bulk Change/Edit. Change append number of downloads to keep to the number of file(s) at Display Show. Change add "Keep up to x most recent downloads" to add show finally step. Add prune to refreshDir/rescan. Add helper function remove_file.
632 lines
24 KiB
632 lines
24 KiB
# Author: Nic Wolfe <nic@wolfeden.ca>
# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import with_statement
import os.path
import re
import sqlite3
import time
import threading
import sickbeard
from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek
from sickbeard import logger
from sickbeard.exceptions import ex
import helpers
db_lock = threading.Lock()
def dbFilename(filename='sickbeard.db', suffix=None):
@param filename: The sqlite database filename to use. If not specified,
will be made to be sickbeard.db
@param suffix: The suffix to append to the filename. A '.' will be added
automatically, i.e. suffix='v0' will make dbfile.db.v0
@return: the correct location of the database file.
if suffix:
filename = '%s.%s' % (filename, suffix)
return ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, filename)
def mass_upsert_sql(table_name, value_dict, key_dict, sanitise=True):
use with cl.extend(mass_upsert_sql(tableName, valueDict, keyDict))
:param table_name: table name
:param value_dict: dict of values to be set {'table_fieldname': value}
:param key_dict: dict of restrains for update {'table_fieldname': value}
:param sanitise: True to remove k, v pairs in keyDict from valueDict as they must not exist in both.
This option has a performance hit so it's best to remove key_dict keys from value_dict and set this False instead.
:type sanitise: Boolean
:return: list of 2 sql command
cl = []
gen_params = (lambda my_dict: [x + ' = ?' for x in my_dict.keys()])
# sanity: remove k, v pairs in keyDict from valueDict
if sanitise:
value_dict = dict(filter(lambda (k, _): k not in key_dict.keys(), value_dict.items()))
cl.append(['UPDATE [%s] SET %s WHERE %s' %
(table_name, ', '.join(gen_params(value_dict)), ' AND '.join(gen_params(key_dict))),
value_dict.values() + key_dict.values()])
cl.append(['INSERT INTO [' + table_name + '] (' +
', '.join(["'%s'" % ('%s' % v).replace("'", "''") for v in value_dict.keys() + key_dict.keys()]) + ')' +
' SELECT ' +
', '.join(["'%s'" % ('%s' % v).replace("'", "''") for v in value_dict.values() + key_dict.values()]) +
' WHERE changes() = 0'])
return cl
class DBConnection(object):
def __init__(self, filename='sickbeard.db', suffix=None, row_type=None):
db_src = dbFilename(filename)
if not os.path.isfile(db_src):
db_alt = dbFilename('sickrage.db')
if os.path.isfile(db_alt):
helpers.copyFile(db_alt, db_src)
self.filename = filename
self.connection = sqlite3.connect(db_src, 20)
if row_type == 'dict':
self.connection.row_factory = self._dict_factory
self.connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
def checkDBVersion(self):
if self.hasTable('db_version'):
result = self.select('SELECT db_version FROM db_version')
version = self.select('PRAGMA user_version')[0]['user_version']
if version:
self.action('PRAGMA user_version = 0')
self.action('CREATE TABLE db_version (db_version INTEGER);')
self.action('INSERT INTO db_version (db_version) VALUES (%s);' % version)
return version
return 0
if result:
version = int(result[0]['db_version'])
if 10000 > version and self.hasColumn('db_version', 'db_minor_version'):
minor = self.select('SELECT db_minor_version FROM db_version')
return version * 100 + int(minor[0]['db_minor_version'])
return version
return 0
def mass_action(self, querylist, logTransaction=False):
with db_lock:
if querylist is None:
sqlResult = []
attempt = 0
while attempt < 5:
affected = 0
for qu in querylist:
cursor = self.connection.cursor()
if len(qu) == 1:
if logTransaction:
logger.log(qu[0], logger.DB)
elif len(qu) > 1:
if logTransaction:
logger.log(qu[0] + ' with args ' + str(qu[1]), logger.DB)
sqlResult.append(cursor.execute(qu[0], qu[1]).fetchall())
affected += cursor.rowcount
if affected > 0:
logger.log(u'Transaction with %s queries executed affected %i row%s' % (
len(querylist), affected, helpers.maybe_plural(affected)), logger.DEBUG)
return sqlResult
except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
sqlResult = []
if self.connection:
if 'unable to open database file' in e.args[0] or 'database is locked' in e.args[0]:
logger.log(u'DB error: ' + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
attempt += 1
logger.log(u'DB error: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e:
if self.connection:
logger.log(u'Fatal error executing query: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
return sqlResult
def action(self, query, args=None):
with db_lock:
if query is None:
sqlResult = None
attempt = 0
while attempt < 5:
if args is None:
logger.log(self.filename + ': ' + query, logger.DB)
sqlResult = self.connection.execute(query)
logger.log(self.filename + ': ' + query + ' with args ' + str(args), logger.DB)
sqlResult = self.connection.execute(query, args)
# get out of the connection attempt loop since we were successful
except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
if 'unable to open database file' in e.args[0] or 'database is locked' in e.args[0]:
logger.log(u'DB error: ' + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
attempt += 1
logger.log(u'DB error: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e:
logger.log(u'Fatal error executing query: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
return sqlResult
def select(self, query, args=None):
sqlResults = self.action(query, args).fetchall()
if sqlResults is None:
return []
return sqlResults
def upsert(self, tableName, valueDict, keyDict):
changesBefore = self.connection.total_changes
genParams = lambda myDict: [x + ' = ?' for x in myDict.keys()]
query = 'UPDATE [%s] SET %s WHERE %s' % (
tableName, ', '.join(genParams(valueDict)), ' AND '.join(genParams(keyDict)))
self.action(query, valueDict.values() + keyDict.values())
if self.connection.total_changes == changesBefore:
query = 'INSERT INTO [' + tableName + '] (' + ', '.join(valueDict.keys() + keyDict.keys()) + ')' + \
' VALUES (' + ', '.join(['?'] * len(valueDict.keys() + keyDict.keys())) + ')'
self.action(query, valueDict.values() + keyDict.values())
def tableInfo(self, tableName):
# FIXME ? binding is not supported here, but I cannot find a way to escape a string manually
sqlResult = self.select('PRAGMA table_info([%s])' % tableName)
columns = {}
for column in sqlResult:
columns[column['name']] = {'type': column['type']}
return columns
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3300464/how-can-i-get-dict-from-sqlite-query
def _dict_factory(cursor, row):
d = {}
for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description):
d[col[0]] = row[idx]
return d
def hasTable(self, tableName):
return len(self.select('SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = ?;', (tableName, ))) > 0
def hasColumn(self, tableName, column):
return column in self.tableInfo(tableName)
def hasIndex(self, tableName, index):
sqlResults = self.select('PRAGMA index_list([%s])' % tableName)
for result in sqlResults:
if result['name'] == index:
return True
return False
def addColumn(self, table, column, type='NUMERIC', default=0):
self.action('ALTER TABLE [%s] ADD %s %s' % (table, column, type))
self.action('UPDATE [%s] SET %s = ?' % (table, column), (default,))
def has_flag(self, flag_name):
sql_result = self.select('SELECT flag FROM flags WHERE flag = ?', [flag_name])
if 0 < len(sql_result):
return True
return False
def add_flag(self, flag_name):
has_flag = self.has_flag(flag_name)
if not has_flag:
self.action('INSERT INTO flags (flag) VALUES (?)', [flag_name])
return not has_flag
def remove_flag(self, flag_name):
has_flag = self.has_flag(flag_name)
if has_flag:
self.action('DELETE FROM flags WHERE flag = ?', [flag_name])
return has_flag
def toggle_flag(self, flag_name):
Add or remove a flag
:param flag_name: Name of flag
:type flag_name: String
:return: True if this call added the flag, False if flag is removed
:rtype: Boolean
if self.remove_flag(flag_name):
return False
return True
def set_flag(self, flag_name, state=True):
Set state of flag
:param flag_name: Name of flag
:type flag_name: String
:param state: If true, create flag otherwise remove flag
:type state: Boolean
:return: Previous state of flag
:rtype: Boolean
return (self.add_flag, self.remove_flag)[not bool(state)](flag_name)
def close(self):
"""Close database connection"""
if getattr(self, 'connection', None) is not None:
self.connection = None
def sanityCheckDatabase(connection, sanity_check):
class DBSanityCheck(object):
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
def check(self):
def upgradeDatabase(connection, schema):
logger.log(u'Checking database structure...', logger.MESSAGE)
_processUpgrade(connection, schema)
def prettyName(class_name):
return ' '.join([x.group() for x in re.finditer('([A-Z])([a-z0-9]+)', class_name)])
def restoreDatabase(filename, version):
logger.log(u'Restoring database before trying upgrade again')
if not sickbeard.helpers.restoreVersionedFile(dbFilename(filename=filename, suffix='v%s' % version), version):
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Database restore failed, abort upgrading database')
return False
return True
def _processUpgrade(connection, upgradeClass):
instance = upgradeClass(connection)
logger.log(u'Checking %s database upgrade' % prettyName(upgradeClass.__name__), logger.DEBUG)
if not instance.test():
logger.log(u'Database upgrade required: %s' % prettyName(upgradeClass.__name__), logger.MESSAGE)
except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e:
# attemping to restore previous DB backup and perform upgrade
result = connection.select('SELECT db_version FROM db_version')
if result:
version = int(result[0]['db_version'])
# close db before attempting restore
if restoreDatabase(connection.filename, version):
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Successfully restored database version: %s' % version)
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Failed to restore database version: %s' % version)
logger.log('%s upgrade completed' % upgradeClass.__name__, logger.DEBUG)
logger.log('%s upgrade not required' % upgradeClass.__name__, logger.DEBUG)
for upgradeSubClass in upgradeClass.__subclasses__():
_processUpgrade(connection, upgradeSubClass)
# Base migration class. All future DB changes should be subclassed from this class
class SchemaUpgrade(object):
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
def hasTable(self, tableName):
return len(self.connection.select('SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = ?;', (tableName, ))) > 0
def hasColumn(self, tableName, column):
return column in self.connection.tableInfo(tableName)
def addColumn(self, table, column, type='NUMERIC', default=0):
self.connection.action('ALTER TABLE [%s] ADD %s %s' % (table, column, type))
self.connection.action('UPDATE [%s] SET %s = ?' % (table, column), (default,))
def dropColumn(self, table, column):
# get old table columns and store the ones we want to keep
result = self.connection.select('pragma table_info([%s])' % table)
keptColumns = [c for c in result if c['name'] != column]
keptColumnsNames = []
final = []
pk = []
# copy the old table schema, column by column
for column in keptColumns:
cl = [column['name'], column['type']]
To be implemented if ever required
if column['dflt_value']:
if column['notnull']:
if int(column['pk']) != 0:
b = ' '.join(cl)
# join all the table column creation fields
final = ', '.join(final)
keptColumnsNames = ', '.join(keptColumnsNames)
# generate sql for the new table creation
if len(pk) == 0:
sql = 'CREATE TABLE [%s_new] (%s)' % (table, final)
pk = ', '.join(pk)
sql = 'CREATE TABLE [%s_new] (%s, PRIMARY KEY(%s))' % (table, final, pk)
# create new temporary table and copy the old table data across, barring the removed column
self.connection.action('INSERT INTO [%s_new] SELECT %s FROM [%s]' % (table, keptColumnsNames, table))
# copy the old indexes from the old table
result = self.connection.select("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name=? and type='index'", [table])
# remove the old table and rename the new table to take it's place
self.connection.action('DROP TABLE [%s]' % table)
self.connection.action('ALTER TABLE [%s_new] RENAME TO [%s]' % (table, table))
# write any indexes to the new table
if len(result) > 0:
for index in result:
# vacuum the db as we will have a lot of space to reclaim after dropping tables
def checkDBVersion(self):
return self.connection.checkDBVersion()
def incDBVersion(self):
new_version = self.checkDBVersion() + 1
self.connection.action('UPDATE db_version SET db_version = ?', [new_version])
return new_version
def setDBVersion(self, new_version):
self.connection.action('UPDATE db_version SET db_version = ?', [new_version])
return new_version
def listTables(self):
tables = []
sql_result = self.connection.select('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master where type = "table"')
for table in sql_result:
return tables
def do_query(self, queries):
if not isinstance(queries, list):
queries = list(queries)
elif isinstance(queries[0], list):
queries = [item for sublist in queries for item in sublist]
for query in queries:
tbl_name = re.findall('(?i)DROP.*?TABLE.*?\[?([^\s\]]+)', query)
if tbl_name and not self.hasTable(tbl_name[0]):
tbl_name = re.findall('(?i)CREATE.*?TABLE.*?\s([^\s(]+)\s*\(', query)
if tbl_name and self.hasTable(tbl_name[0]):
def finish(self, tbl_dropped=False):
if tbl_dropped:
def MigrationCode(myDB):
schema = {
0: sickbeard.mainDB.InitialSchema,
9: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSizeAndSceneNameFields,
10: sickbeard.mainDB.RenameSeasonFolders,
11: sickbeard.mainDB.Add1080pAndRawHDQualities,
12: sickbeard.mainDB.AddShowidTvdbidIndex,
13: sickbeard.mainDB.AddLastUpdateTVDB,
14: sickbeard.mainDB.AddDBIncreaseTo15,
15: sickbeard.mainDB.AddIMDbInfo,
16: sickbeard.mainDB.AddProperNamingSupport,
17: sickbeard.mainDB.AddEmailSubscriptionTable,
18: sickbeard.mainDB.AddProperSearch,
19: sickbeard.mainDB.AddDvdOrderOption,
20: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSubtitlesSupport,
21: sickbeard.mainDB.ConvertTVShowsToIndexerScheme,
22: sickbeard.mainDB.ConvertTVEpisodesToIndexerScheme,
23: sickbeard.mainDB.ConvertIMDBInfoToIndexerScheme,
24: sickbeard.mainDB.ConvertInfoToIndexerScheme,
25: sickbeard.mainDB.AddArchiveFirstMatchOption,
26: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSceneNumbering,
27: sickbeard.mainDB.ConvertIndexerToInteger,
28: sickbeard.mainDB.AddRequireAndIgnoreWords,
29: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSportsOption,
30: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSceneNumberingToTvEpisodes,
31: sickbeard.mainDB.AddAnimeTVShow,
32: sickbeard.mainDB.AddAbsoluteNumbering,
33: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSceneAbsoluteNumbering,
34: sickbeard.mainDB.AddAnimeBlacklistWhitelist,
35: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSceneAbsoluteNumbering2,
36: sickbeard.mainDB.AddXemRefresh,
37: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSceneToTvShows,
38: sickbeard.mainDB.AddIndexerMapping,
39: sickbeard.mainDB.AddVersionToTvEpisodes,
40: sickbeard.mainDB.BumpDatabaseVersion,
41: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate41,
42: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate41,
43: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate43,
44: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate43,
4301: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate4301,
4302: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate4302,
4400: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate4302,
5816: sickbeard.mainDB.MigrateUpstream,
5817: sickbeard.mainDB.MigrateUpstream,
5818: sickbeard.mainDB.MigrateUpstream,
10000: sickbeard.mainDB.SickGearDatabaseVersion,
10001: sickbeard.mainDB.RemoveDefaultEpStatusFromTvShows,
10002: sickbeard.mainDB.RemoveMinorDBVersion,
10003: sickbeard.mainDB.RemoveMetadataSub,
20000: sickbeard.mainDB.DBIncreaseTo20001,
20001: sickbeard.mainDB.AddTvShowOverview,
20002: sickbeard.mainDB.AddTvShowTags,
20003: sickbeard.mainDB.ChangeMapIndexer,
20004: sickbeard.mainDB.AddShowNotFoundCounter,
20005: sickbeard.mainDB.AddFlagTable,
20006: sickbeard.mainDB.DBIncreaseTo20007,
20007: sickbeard.mainDB.AddWebdlTypesTable,
20008: sickbeard.mainDB.AddWatched,
20009: sickbeard.mainDB.AddPrune,
# 20002: sickbeard.mainDB.AddCoolSickGearFeature3,
db_version = myDB.checkDBVersion()
logger.log(u'Detected database version: v%s' % db_version, logger.DEBUG)
if not (db_version in schema):
if db_version == sickbeard.mainDB.MAX_DB_VERSION:
logger.log(u'Database schema is up-to-date, no upgrade required')
elif db_version < 10000:
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'SickGear does not currently support upgrading from this database version')
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Invalid database version')
while db_version < sickbeard.mainDB.MAX_DB_VERSION:
if None is schema[db_version]: # skip placeholders used when multi PRs are updating DB
db_version += 1
update = schema[db_version](myDB)
db_version = update.execute()
except Exception as e:
logger.log(u'Failed to update database with error: %s attempting recovery...' % ex(e), logger.ERROR)
if restoreDatabase(myDB.filename, db_version):
# initialize the main SB database
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Successfully restored database version: %s' % db_version)
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Failed to restore database version: %s' % db_version)
def backup_database(filename, version):
logger.log(u'Backing up database before upgrade')
if not sickbeard.helpers.backupVersionedFile(dbFilename(filename), version):
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Database backup failed, abort upgrading database')
logger.log(u'Proceeding with upgrade')
def get_rollback_module():
import imp
module_urls = [
hdr = '# SickGear Rollback Module'
module = ''
fetched = False
for t in range(1, 4):
for url in module_urls:
module = helpers.getURL(url)
if module and module.startswith(hdr):
fetched = True
except (StandardError, Exception):
if fetched:
if fetched:
loaded = imp.new_module('DbRollback')
exec(module, loaded.__dict__)
return loaded
except (StandardError, Exception):
return None