mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 04:57:45 +00:00
In rare cases, systems *fail* to remove the deprecated "_base.pyc" file (and probably others) in \lib\html5lib\treebuilders\. Therefore, the startup cleanup process will now list files that cannot be auto deleted - user must then manually delete files listed in "__README-DANGER.txt". Change add un/pw for cookie support to improve SpeedCD torrent provider. Change improve handling faults when downloading .torrent files. Remove TorrentBytes provider. Change remove redundant log messages for releases never to be cached removing <30% log spam Change remove redundant log messages for items not found in cache removing <10% log spam Pep8.
427 lines
16 KiB
427 lines
16 KiB
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
__all__ = [
import warnings
import re
from bs4.builder import (
from bs4.element import (
import html5lib
from html5lib.constants import (
from bs4.element import (
# 0.99999999 and up
from html5lib.treebuilders import base as treebuilder_base
old_html5lib = False
except ImportError:
# Pre-0.99999999
from html5lib.treebuilders import _base as treebuilder_base
old_html5lib = True
class HTML5TreeBuilder(HTMLTreeBuilder):
"""Use html5lib to build a tree."""
NAME = "html5lib"
def prepare_markup(self, markup, user_specified_encoding,
document_declared_encoding=None, exclude_encodings=None):
# Store the user-specified encoding for use later on.
self.user_specified_encoding = user_specified_encoding
# document_declared_encoding and exclude_encodings aren't used
# ATM because the html5lib TreeBuilder doesn't use
# UnicodeDammit.
if exclude_encodings:
warnings.warn("You provided a value for exclude_encoding, but the html5lib tree builder doesn't support exclude_encoding.")
yield (markup, None, None, False)
# These methods are defined by Beautiful Soup.
def feed(self, markup):
if self.soup.parse_only is not None:
warnings.warn("You provided a value for parse_only, but the html5lib tree builder doesn't support parse_only. The entire document will be parsed.")
parser = html5lib.HTMLParser(tree=self.create_treebuilder)
extra_kwargs = dict()
if not isinstance(markup, unicode):
if not old_html5lib:
extra_kwargs['override_encoding'] = self.user_specified_encoding
extra_kwargs['encoding'] = self.user_specified_encoding
doc = parser.parse(markup, **extra_kwargs)
# Set the character encoding detected by the tokenizer.
if isinstance(markup, unicode):
# We need to special-case this because html5lib sets
# charEncoding to UTF-8 if it gets Unicode input.
doc.original_encoding = None
original_encoding = parser.tokenizer.stream.charEncoding[0]
if not isinstance(original_encoding, basestring):
# In 0.99999999 and up, the encoding is an html5lib
# Encoding object. We want to use a string for compatibility
# with other tree builders.
original_encoding = original_encoding.name
doc.original_encoding = original_encoding
def create_treebuilder(self, namespaceHTMLElements):
self.underlying_builder = TreeBuilderForHtml5lib(
namespaceHTMLElements, self.soup)
return self.underlying_builder
def test_fragment_to_document(self, fragment):
"""See `TreeBuilder`."""
return u'<html><head></head><body>%s</body></html>' % fragment
class TreeBuilderForHtml5lib(treebuilder_base.TreeBuilder):
def __init__(self, namespaceHTMLElements, soup=None):
if soup:
self.soup = soup
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
self.soup = BeautifulSoup("", "html.parser")
super(TreeBuilderForHtml5lib, self).__init__(namespaceHTMLElements)
def documentClass(self):
return Element(self.soup, self.soup, None)
def insertDoctype(self, token):
name = token["name"]
publicId = token["publicId"]
systemId = token["systemId"]
doctype = Doctype.for_name_and_ids(name, publicId, systemId)
def elementClass(self, name, namespace):
tag = self.soup.new_tag(name, namespace)
return Element(tag, self.soup, namespace)
def commentClass(self, data):
return TextNode(Comment(data), self.soup)
def fragmentClass(self):
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
self.soup = BeautifulSoup("", "html.parser")
self.soup.name = "[document_fragment]"
return Element(self.soup, self.soup, None)
def appendChild(self, node):
# XXX This code is not covered by the BS4 tests.
def getDocument(self):
return self.soup
def getFragment(self):
return treebuilder_base.TreeBuilder.getFragment(self).element
def testSerializer(self, element):
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
rv = []
doctype_re = re.compile(r'^(.*?)(?: PUBLIC "(.*?)"(?: "(.*?)")?| SYSTEM "(.*?)")?$')
def serializeElement(element, indent=0):
if isinstance(element, BeautifulSoup):
if isinstance(element, Doctype):
m = doctype_re.match(element)
if m:
name = m.group(1)
if m.lastindex > 1:
publicId = m.group(2) or ""
systemId = m.group(3) or m.group(4) or ""
rv.append("""|%s<!DOCTYPE %s "%s" "%s">""" %
(' ' * indent, name, publicId, systemId))
rv.append("|%s<!DOCTYPE %s>" % (' ' * indent, name))
rv.append("|%s<!DOCTYPE >" % (' ' * indent,))
elif isinstance(element, Comment):
rv.append("|%s<!-- %s -->" % (' ' * indent, element))
elif isinstance(element, NavigableString):
rv.append("|%s\"%s\"" % (' ' * indent, element))
if element.namespace:
name = "%s %s" % (prefixes[element.namespace],
name = element.name
rv.append("|%s<%s>" % (' ' * indent, name))
if element.attrs:
attributes = []
for name, value in element.attrs.items():
if isinstance(name, NamespacedAttribute):
name = "%s %s" % (prefixes[name.namespace], name.name)
if isinstance(value, list):
value = " ".join(value)
attributes.append((name, value))
for name, value in sorted(attributes):
rv.append('|%s%s="%s"' % (' ' * (indent + 2), name, value))
indent += 2
for child in element.children:
serializeElement(child, indent)
serializeElement(element, 0)
return "\n".join(rv)
class AttrList(object):
def __init__(self, element):
self.element = element
self.attrs = dict(self.element.attrs)
def __iter__(self):
return list(self.attrs.items()).__iter__()
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
# If this attribute is a multi-valued attribute for this element,
# turn its value into a list.
list_attr = HTML5TreeBuilder.cdata_list_attributes
if (name in list_attr['*']
or (self.element.name in list_attr
and name in list_attr[self.element.name])):
# A node that is being cloned may have already undergone
# this procedure.
if not isinstance(value, list):
value = whitespace_re.split(value)
self.element[name] = value
def items(self):
return list(self.attrs.items())
def keys(self):
return list(self.attrs.keys())
def __len__(self):
return len(self.attrs)
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self.attrs[name]
def __contains__(self, name):
return name in list(self.attrs.keys())
class Element(treebuilder_base.Node):
def __init__(self, element, soup, namespace):
treebuilder_base.Node.__init__(self, element.name)
self.element = element
self.soup = soup
self.namespace = namespace
def appendChild(self, node):
string_child = child = None
if isinstance(node, basestring):
# Some other piece of code decided to pass in a string
# instead of creating a TextElement object to contain the
# string.
string_child = child = node
elif isinstance(node, Tag):
# Some other piece of code decided to pass in a Tag
# instead of creating an Element object to contain the
# Tag.
child = node
elif node.element.__class__ == NavigableString:
string_child = child = node.element
node.parent = self
child = node.element
node.parent = self
if not isinstance(child, basestring) and child.parent is not None:
if (string_child and self.element.contents
and self.element.contents[-1].__class__ == NavigableString):
# We are appending a string onto another string.
# TODO This has O(n^2) performance, for input like
# "a</a>a</a>a</a>..."
old_element = self.element.contents[-1]
new_element = self.soup.new_string(old_element + string_child)
self.soup._most_recent_element = new_element
if isinstance(node, basestring):
# Create a brand new NavigableString from this string.
child = self.soup.new_string(node)
# Tell Beautiful Soup to act as if it parsed this element
# immediately after the parent's last descendant. (Or
# immediately after the parent, if it has no children.)
if self.element.contents:
most_recent_element = self.element._last_descendant(False)
elif self.element.next_element is not None:
# Something from further ahead in the parse tree is
# being inserted into this earlier element. This is
# very annoying because it means an expensive search
# for the last element in the tree.
most_recent_element = self.soup._last_descendant()
most_recent_element = self.element
child, parent=self.element,
def getAttributes(self):
if isinstance(self.element, Comment):
return {}
return AttrList(self.element)
def setAttributes(self, attributes):
if attributes is not None and len(attributes) > 0:
converted_attributes = []
for name, value in list(attributes.items()):
if isinstance(name, tuple):
new_name = NamespacedAttribute(*name)
del attributes[name]
attributes[new_name] = value
self.name, attributes)
for name, value in attributes.items():
self.element[name] = value
# The attributes may contain variables that need substitution.
# Call set_up_substitutions manually.
# The Tag constructor called this method when the Tag was created,
# but we just set/changed the attributes, so call it again.
attributes = property(getAttributes, setAttributes)
def insertText(self, data, insertBefore=None):
text = TextNode(self.soup.new_string(data), self.soup)
if insertBefore:
self.insertBefore(text, insertBefore)
def insertBefore(self, node, refNode):
index = self.element.index(refNode.element)
if (node.element.__class__ == NavigableString and self.element.contents
and self.element.contents[index-1].__class__ == NavigableString):
# (See comments in appendChild)
old_node = self.element.contents[index-1]
new_str = self.soup.new_string(old_node + node.element)
self.element.insert(index, node.element)
node.parent = self
def removeChild(self, node):
def reparentChildren(self, new_parent):
"""Move all of this tag's children into another tag."""
# print "MOVE", self.element.contents
# print "FROM", self.element
# print "TO", new_parent.element
element = self.element
new_parent_element = new_parent.element
# Determine what this tag's next_element will be once all the children
# are removed.
final_next_element = element.next_sibling
new_parents_last_descendant = new_parent_element._last_descendant(False, False)
if len(new_parent_element.contents) > 0:
# The new parent already contains children. We will be
# appending this tag's children to the end.
new_parents_last_child = new_parent_element.contents[-1]
new_parents_last_descendant_next_element = new_parents_last_descendant.next_element
# The new parent contains no children.
new_parents_last_child = None
new_parents_last_descendant_next_element = new_parent_element.next_element
to_append = element.contents
if len(to_append) > 0:
# Set the first child's previous_element and previous_sibling
# to elements within the new parent
first_child = to_append[0]
if new_parents_last_descendant:
first_child.previous_element = new_parents_last_descendant
first_child.previous_element = new_parent_element
first_child.previous_sibling = new_parents_last_child
if new_parents_last_descendant:
new_parents_last_descendant.next_element = first_child
new_parent_element.next_element = first_child
if new_parents_last_child:
new_parents_last_child.next_sibling = first_child
# Find the very last element being moved. It is now the
# parent's last descendant. It has no .next_sibling and
# its .next_element is whatever the previous last
# descendant had.
last_childs_last_descendant = to_append[-1]._last_descendant(False, True)
last_childs_last_descendant.next_element = new_parents_last_descendant_next_element
if new_parents_last_descendant_next_element:
# TODO: This code has no test coverage and I'm not sure
# how to get html5lib to go through this path, but it's
# just the other side of the previous line.
new_parents_last_descendant_next_element.previous_element = last_childs_last_descendant
last_childs_last_descendant.next_sibling = None
for child in to_append:
child.parent = new_parent_element
# Now that this element has no children, change its .next_element.
element.contents = []
element.next_element = final_next_element
# print "DONE WITH MOVE"
# print "FROM", self.element
# print "TO", new_parent_element
def cloneNode(self):
tag = self.soup.new_tag(self.element.name, self.namespace)
node = Element(tag, self.soup, self.namespace)
for key,value in self.attributes:
node.attributes[key] = value
return node
def hasContent(self):
return self.element.contents
def getNameTuple(self):
if self.namespace == None:
return namespaces["html"], self.name
return self.namespace, self.name
nameTuple = property(getNameTuple)
class TextNode(Element):
def __init__(self, element, soup):
treebuilder_base.Node.__init__(self, None)
self.element = element
self.soup = soup
def cloneNode(self):
raise NotImplementedError