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synced 2025-03-03 03:15:02 +00:00
Backported 400 revisions from rev 1de4961-8897c5b (2018-2014). Move core/benchmark, core/cmd_line, core/memory, core/profiler and core/timeout to core/optional/* Remove metadata/qt* PORT: Version 2.0a3 (inline with 3.0a3 @ f80c7d5). Basic Support for XMP Packets. tga: improvements to adhere more closely to the spec. pdf: slightly improved parsing. rar: fix TypeError on unknown block types. Add MacRoman win32 codepage. tiff/exif: support SubIFDs and tiled images. Add method to export metadata in dictionary. mpeg_video: don't attempt to parse Stream past length. mpeg_video: parse ESCR correctly, add SCR value. Change centralise CustomFragments. field: don't set parser class if class is None, to enable autodetect. field: add value/display for CustomFragment. parser: inline warning to enable tracebacks in debug mode. Fix empty bytestrings in makePrintable. Fix contentSize in jpeg.py to account for image_data blocks. Fix the ELF parser. Enhance the AR archive parser. elf parser: fix wrong wrong fields order in parsing little endian section flags. elf parser: add s390 as a machine type. Flesh out mp4 parser. PORT: Version 2.0a1 (inline with 3.0a1). Major refactoring and PEP8. Fix ResourceWarning warnings on files. Add a close() method and support for the context manager protocol ("with obj: ...") to parsers, input and output streams. metadata: get comment from ZIP. Support for InputIOStream.read(0). Fix sizeGe when size is None. Remove unused new_seekable_field_set file. Remove parser Mapsforge .map. Remove parser Parallel Realities Starfighter .pak files. sevenzip: fix for newer archives. java: update access flags and modifiers for Java 1.7 and update description text for most recent Java. Support ustar prefix field in tar archives. Remove file_system* parsers. Remove misc parsers 3d0, 3ds, gnome_keyring, msoffice*, mstask, ole*, word*. Remove program parsers macho, nds, prc. Support non-8bit Character subclasses. Python parser supports Python 3.7. Enhance mpeg_ts parser to support MTS/M2TS. Support for creation date in tiff. Change don't hardcode errno constant. PORT: 1.9.1 Internal Only: The following are legacy reference to upstream commit messages. Relevant changes up to b0a115f8. Use integer division. Replace HACHOIR_ERRORS with Exception. Fix metadata.Data: make it sortable. Import fixes from e7de492. PORT: Version 2.0a1 (inline with 3.0a1 @ e9f8fad). Replace hachoir.core.field with hachoir.field Replace hachoir.core.stream with hachoir.stream Remove the compatibility module for PY1.5 to PY2.5. metadata: support TIFF picture. metadata: fix string normalization. metadata: fix datetime regex Fix hachoir bug #57. FileFromInputStream: fix comparison between None and an int. InputIOStream: open the file in binary mode.
418 lines
15 KiB
418 lines
15 KiB
from hachoir.metadata.metadata import (registerExtractor,
Metadata, RootMetadata, MultipleMetadata)
from hachoir.parser.audio import AuFile, MpegAudioFile, RealAudioFile, AiffFile, FlacParser
from hachoir.parser.container import OggFile, RealMediaFile
from hachoir.core.i18n import _
from hachoir.core.tools import makePrintable, timedelta2seconds, humanBitRate
from datetime import timedelta
from hachoir.metadata.metadata_item import QUALITY_FAST, QUALITY_NORMAL, QUALITY_BEST
from hachoir.metadata.safe import fault_tolerant, getValue
def computeComprRate(meta, size):
if not meta.has("duration") \
or not meta.has("sample_rate") \
or not meta.has("bits_per_sample") \
or not meta.has("nb_channel") \
or not size:
orig_size = timedelta2seconds(meta.get("duration")) * meta.get('sample_rate') * meta.get(
'bits_per_sample') * meta.get('nb_channel')
meta.compr_rate = float(orig_size) / size
def computeBitRate(meta):
if not meta.has("bits_per_sample") \
or not meta.has("nb_channel") \
or not meta.has("sample_rate"):
meta.bit_rate = meta.get('bits_per_sample') * meta.get('nb_channel') * meta.get('sample_rate')
"ARTIST": "artist",
"ALBUM": "album",
"TRACKNUMBER": "track_number",
"TRACKTOTAL": "track_total",
"ENCODER": "producer",
"TITLE": "title",
"LOCATION": "location",
"DATE": "creation_date",
"ORGANIZATION": "organization",
"GENRE": "music_genre",
"": "comment",
"COMPOSER": "music_composer",
"DESCRIPTION": "comment",
"COMMENT": "comment",
"WWW": "url",
"WOAF": "url",
"LICENSE": "copyright",
def readVorbisComment(metadata, comment):
metadata.producer = getValue(comment, "vendor")
for item in comment.array("metadata"):
if "=" in item.value:
key, value = item.value.split("=", 1)
key = key.upper()
setattr(metadata, key, value)
elif value:
metadata.warning("Skip Vorbis comment %s: %s" % (key, value))
class OggMetadata(MultipleMetadata):
def extract(self, ogg):
granule_quotient = None
for index, page in enumerate(ogg.array("page")):
if "segments" not in page:
page = page["segments"]
if "vorbis_hdr" in page:
meta = Metadata(self)
self.vorbisHeader(page["vorbis_hdr"], meta)
self.addGroup("audio[]", meta, "Audio")
if not granule_quotient and meta.has("sample_rate"):
granule_quotient = meta.get('sample_rate')
if "theora_hdr" in page:
meta = Metadata(self)
self.theoraHeader(page["theora_hdr"], meta)
self.addGroup("video[]", meta, "Video")
if "video_hdr" in page:
meta = Metadata(self)
self.videoHeader(page["video_hdr"], meta)
self.addGroup("video[]", meta, "Video")
if not granule_quotient and meta.has("frame_rate"):
granule_quotient = meta.get('frame_rate')
if "comment" in page:
readVorbisComment(self, page["comment"])
if 3 <= index:
# Only process pages 0..3
# Compute duration
if granule_quotient and QUALITY_NORMAL <= self.quality:
page = ogg.createLastPage()
if page and "abs_granule_pos" in page:
self.duration = timedelta(seconds=float(page["abs_granule_pos"].value) / granule_quotient)
except OverflowError:
def videoHeader(self, header, meta):
meta.compression = header["fourcc"].display
meta.width = header["width"].value
meta.height = header["height"].value
meta.bits_per_pixel = header["bits_per_sample"].value
if header["time_unit"].value:
meta.frame_rate = 10000000.0 / header["time_unit"].value
def theoraHeader(self, header, meta):
meta.compression = "Theora"
meta.format_version = "Theora version %u.%u (revision %u)" % ( \
meta.width = header["frame_width"].value
meta.height = header["frame_height"].value
if header["fps_den"].value:
meta.frame_rate = float(header["fps_num"].value) / header["fps_den"].value
if header["aspect_ratio_den"].value:
meta.aspect_ratio = float(header["aspect_ratio_num"].value) / header["aspect_ratio_den"].value
meta.pixel_format = header["pixel_format"].display
meta.comment = "Quality: %s" % header["quality"].value
def vorbisHeader(self, header, meta):
meta.compression = u"Vorbis"
meta.sample_rate = header["audio_sample_rate"].value
meta.nb_channel = header["audio_channels"].value
meta.format_version = u"Vorbis version %s" % header["vorbis_version"].value
meta.bit_rate = header["bitrate_nominal"].value
class AuMetadata(RootMetadata):
def extract(self, audio):
self.sample_rate = audio["sample_rate"].value
self.nb_channel = audio["channels"].value
self.compression = audio["codec"].display
if "info" in audio:
self.comment = audio["info"].value
self.bits_per_sample = audio.getBitsPerSample()
if "audio_data" in audio:
if self.has("bit_rate"):
self.duration = timedelta(seconds=float(audio["audio_data"].size) / self.get('bit_rate'))
computeComprRate(self, audio["audio_data"].size)
class RealAudioMetadata(RootMetadata):
u"28_8": 15200, # 28.8 kbit/sec (audio bit rate: 15.2 kbit/s)
u"14_4": 8000, # 14.4 kbit/sec
u"lpcJ": 8000, # 14.4 kbit/sec
def extract(self, real):
version = real["version"].value
if "metadata" in real:
self.format_version = "Real audio version %s" % version
if version == 3:
size = getValue(real, "data_size")
elif "filesize" in real and "headersize" in real:
size = (real["filesize"].value + 40) - (real["headersize"].value + 16)
size = None
if size:
size *= 8
if self.has("bit_rate"):
sec = float(size) / self.get('bit_rate')
self.duration = timedelta(seconds=sec)
computeComprRate(self, size)
def useMetadata(self, info):
self.title = info["title"].value
self.author = info["author"].value
self.copyright = info["copyright"].value
self.comment = info["comment"].value
def useRoot(self, real):
self.bits_per_sample = 16 # FIXME: Is that correct?
if real["version"].value != 3:
self.sample_rate = real["sample_rate"].value
self.nb_channel = real["channels"].value
self.sample_rate = 8000
self.nb_channel = 1
fourcc = getValue(real, "FourCC")
if fourcc:
self.compression = fourcc
self.bit_rate = self.FOURCC_TO_BITRATE[fourcc]
except LookupError:
class RealMediaMetadata(MultipleMetadata):
"generated by": "producer",
"creation date": "creation_date",
"modification date": "last_modification",
"description": "comment",
def extract(self, media):
if "file_prop" in media:
if "content_desc" in media:
for index, stream in enumerate(media.array("stream_prop")):
self.useStreamProp(stream, index)
def useFileInfoProp(self, prop):
key = prop["name"].value.lower()
value = prop["value"].value
if key in self.KEY_TO_ATTR:
setattr(self, self.KEY_TO_ATTR[key], value)
elif value:
self.warning("Skip %s: %s" % (prop["name"].value, value))
def useFileProp(self, prop):
self.bit_rate = prop["avg_bit_rate"].value
self.duration = timedelta(milliseconds=prop["duration"].value)
def useContentDesc(self, content):
self.title = content["title"].value
self.author = content["author"].value
self.copyright = content["copyright"].value
self.comment = content["comment"].value
def useStreamProp(self, stream, index):
meta = Metadata(self)
meta.comment = "Start: %s" % stream["stream_start"].value
if getValue(stream, "mime_type") == "logical-fileinfo":
for prop in stream.array("file_info/prop"):
meta.bit_rate = stream["avg_bit_rate"].value
meta.duration = timedelta(milliseconds=stream["duration"].value)
meta.mime_type = getValue(stream, "mime_type")
meta.title = getValue(stream, "desc")
self.addGroup("stream[%u]" % index, meta, "Stream #%u" % (1 + index))
class MpegAudioMetadata(RootMetadata):
# ID3 version 2.2
"TP1": "author",
"COM": "comment",
"TEN": "producer",
"TRK": "track_number",
"TAL": "album",
"TT2": "title",
"TYE": "creation_date",
"TCO": "music_genre",
# ID3 version 2.3+
"TPE1": "author",
"COMM": "comment",
"TENC": "producer",
"TRCK": "track_number",
"TALB": "album",
"TIT2": "title",
"TYER": "creation_date",
"WXXX": "url",
"TCON": "music_genre",
"TLAN": "language",
"TCOP": "copyright",
"TDAT": "creation_date",
"TRDA": "creation_date",
"TORY": "creation_date",
"TIT1": "title",
def processID3v2(self, field):
# Read value
if "content" not in field:
content = field["content"]
if "text" not in content:
if "title" in content and content["title"].value:
value = "%s: %s" % (content["title"].value, content["text"].value)
value = content["text"].value
# Known tag?
tag = field["tag"].value
if tag not in self.TAG_TO_KEY:
if tag:
if isinstance(tag, str):
tag = makePrintable(tag, "ISO-8859-1", to_unicode=True)
self.warning("Skip ID3v2 tag %s: %s" % (tag, value))
key = self.TAG_TO_KEY[tag]
setattr(self, key, value)
def readID3v2(self, id3):
for field in id3:
if field.is_field_set and "tag" in field:
def extract(self, mp3):
if "/frames/frame[0]" in mp3:
frame = mp3["/frames/frame[0]"]
self.nb_channel = (frame.getNbChannel(), frame["channel_mode"].display)
self.format_version = u"MPEG version %s layer %s" % \
(frame["version"].display, frame["layer"].display)
self.sample_rate = frame.getSampleRate()
self.bits_per_sample = 16
if mp3["frames"].looksConstantBitRate():
if "id3v1" in mp3:
id3 = mp3["id3v1"]
self.comment = id3["comment"].value
self.author = id3["author"].value
self.title = id3["song"].value
self.album = id3["album"].value
if id3["year"].value != "0":
self.creation_date = id3["year"].value
if "track_nb" in id3:
self.track_number = id3["track_nb"].value
if "id3v2" in mp3:
if "frames" in mp3:
computeComprRate(self, mp3["frames"].size)
def computeBitrate(self, frame):
bit_rate = frame.getBitRate() # may returns None on error
if not bit_rate:
self.bit_rate = (bit_rate, _("%s (constant)") % humanBitRate(bit_rate))
self.duration = timedelta(seconds=float(frame["/frames"].size) / bit_rate)
def computeVariableBitrate(self, mp3):
if self.quality <= QUALITY_FAST:
count = 0
if QUALITY_BEST <= self.quality:
self.warning("Process all MPEG audio frames to compute exact duration")
max_count = None
max_count = 500 * self.quality
total_bit_rate = 0.0
for index, frame in enumerate(mp3.array("frames/frame")):
if index < 3:
bit_rate = frame.getBitRate()
if bit_rate:
total_bit_rate += float(bit_rate)
count += 1
if max_count and max_count <= count:
if not count:
bit_rate = total_bit_rate / count
self.bit_rate = (bit_rate,
_("%s (Variable bit rate)") % humanBitRate(bit_rate))
duration = timedelta(seconds=float(mp3["frames"].size) / bit_rate)
self.duration = duration
class AiffMetadata(RootMetadata):
def extract(self, aiff):
if "common" in aiff:
def useCommon(self, info):
self.nb_channel = info["nb_channel"].value
self.bits_per_sample = info["sample_size"].value
self.sample_rate = getValue(info, "sample_rate")
if self.has("sample_rate"):
rate = self.get("sample_rate")
if rate:
sec = float(info["nb_sample"].value) / rate
self.duration = timedelta(seconds=sec)
if "codec" in info:
self.compression = info["codec"].display
class FlacMetadata(RootMetadata):
def extract(self, flac):
if "metadata/stream_info/content" in flac:
if "metadata/comment/content" in flac:
readVorbisComment(self, flac["metadata/comment/content"])
def useStreamInfo(self, info):
self.nb_channel = info["nb_channel"].value + 1
self.bits_per_sample = info["bits_per_sample"].value + 1
self.sample_rate = info["sample_hertz"].value
sec = info["total_samples"].value
if sec:
sec = float(sec) / info["sample_hertz"].value
self.duration = timedelta(seconds=sec)
registerExtractor(AuFile, AuMetadata)
registerExtractor(MpegAudioFile, MpegAudioMetadata)
registerExtractor(OggFile, OggMetadata)
registerExtractor(RealMediaFile, RealMediaMetadata)
registerExtractor(RealAudioFile, RealAudioMetadata)
registerExtractor(AiffFile, AiffMetadata)
registerExtractor(FlacParser, FlacMetadata)