# # This file is part of SickGear. # # SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickGear. If not, see . from collections import defaultdict import datetime import io import os import re import sys import threading import traceback import sickgear from exceptions_helper import ex from json_helper import json_load from . import db, helpers, logger, name_cache from .anime import create_anidb_obj from .classes import OrderedDefaultdict from .indexers.indexer_config import TVINFO_TVDB from .sgdatetime import timestamp_near import lib.rarfile.rarfile as rarfile from _23 import list_range from six import iteritems, text_type # noinspection PyUnreachableCode if False: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from typing import AnyStr, List, Tuple, Union exception_dict = {} anidb_exception_dict = {} xem_exception_dict = {} xem_ids_list = defaultdict(list) exceptionsCache = {} exceptionsSeasonCache = {} exceptionLock = threading.Lock() def should_refresh(name, max_refresh_age_secs=86400, remaining=False): # type: (AnyStr, int, bool) -> Union[bool, int] """ :param name: name :param max_refresh_age_secs: :param remaining: True to return remaining seconds :return: """ my_db = db.DBConnection() rows = my_db.select('SELECT last_refreshed FROM scene_exceptions_refresh WHERE list = ?', [name]) if rows: last_refresh = int(rows[0]['last_refreshed']) if remaining: time_left = (last_refresh + max_refresh_age_secs - int(timestamp_near(datetime.datetime.now()))) return (0, time_left)[time_left > 0] return int(timestamp_near(datetime.datetime.now())) > last_refresh + max_refresh_age_secs return True def set_last_refresh(name): """ :param name: name :type name: AnyStr """ my_db = db.DBConnection() my_db.upsert('scene_exceptions_refresh', {'last_refreshed': int(timestamp_near(datetime.datetime.now()))}, {'list': name}) def has_season_exceptions(tvid, prodid, season): get_scene_exceptions(tvid, prodid, season=season) if (tvid, prodid) in exceptionsCache and -1 < season and season in exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)]: return True return False def get_scene_exceptions(tvid, prodid, season=-1): """ Given a indexer_id, return a list of all the scene exceptions. :param tvid: tvid :type tvid: int :param prodid: prodid :type prodid: int or long :param season: season number :type season: int :return: :rtype: List """ global exceptionsCache exceptions_list = [] if (tvid, prodid) not in exceptionsCache or season not in exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)]: my_db = db.DBConnection() exceptions = my_db.select('SELECT show_name' ' FROM scene_exceptions' ' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?' ' AND season = ?', [tvid, prodid, season]) if exceptions: exceptions_list = list(set([cur_exception['show_name'] for cur_exception in exceptions])) if (tvid, prodid) not in exceptionsCache: exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)] = {} exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)][season] = exceptions_list else: exceptions_list = exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)][season] if 1 == season: # if we where looking for season 1 we can add generic names exceptions_list += get_scene_exceptions(tvid, prodid, season=-1) return exceptions_list def get_all_scene_exceptions(tvid_prodid): """ :param tvid_prodid: :type tvid_prodid: AnyStr :return: :rtype: OrderedDefaultdict """ exceptions_dict = OrderedDefaultdict(list) from sickgear.tv import TVidProdid my_db = db.DBConnection() exceptions = my_db.select('SELECT show_name,season' ' FROM scene_exceptions' ' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?' ' ORDER BY season DESC, show_name DESC', TVidProdid(tvid_prodid).list) exceptions_seasons = [] if exceptions: for cur_exception in exceptions: # order as, s*, and then season desc, show_name also desc (so years in names may fall newest on top) if -1 == cur_exception['season']: exceptions_dict[cur_exception['season']].append(cur_exception['show_name']) else: exceptions_seasons += [cur_exception] for cur_exception in exceptions_seasons: exceptions_dict[cur_exception['season']].append(cur_exception['show_name']) return exceptions_dict def get_scene_seasons(tvid, prodid): """ return a list of season numbers that have scene exceptions :param tvid: tvid :type tvid: int :param prodid: prodid :type prodid: int or long :return: :rtype: List """ global exceptionsSeasonCache exception_season_list = [] if (tvid, prodid) not in exceptionsSeasonCache: my_db = db.DBConnection() sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT DISTINCT(season) AS season' ' FROM scene_exceptions' ' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?', [tvid, prodid]) if sql_result: exception_season_list = list(set([int(x['season']) for x in sql_result])) if (tvid, prodid) not in exceptionsSeasonCache: exceptionsSeasonCache[(tvid, prodid)] = {} exceptionsSeasonCache[(tvid, prodid)] = exception_season_list else: exception_season_list = exceptionsSeasonCache[(tvid, prodid)] return exception_season_list def get_scene_exception_by_name(show_name): """ :param show_name: show name :type show_name: AnyStr :return: :rtype: Tuple[None, None, None] or Tuple[int, int or long, int] """ return get_scene_exception_by_name_multiple(show_name)[0] def get_scene_exception_by_name_multiple(show_name): """ :param show_name: show name :type show_name: AnyStr :return: (tvid, prodid, season) of the exception, None if no exception is present. :rtype: Tuple[None, None, None] or Tuple[int, int or long, int] """ try: exception_result = name_cache.sceneNameCache[helpers.full_sanitize_scene_name(show_name)] return [exception_result] except (BaseException, Exception): return [[None, None, None]] def retrieve_exceptions(): """ Looks up the exceptions on github, parses them into a dict, and inserts them into the scene_exceptions table in cache.db. Also clears the scene name cache. """ global exception_dict, anidb_exception_dict, xem_exception_dict # exceptions are stored on github pages for tvid in sickgear.TVInfoAPI().sources: if should_refresh(sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name): logger.log(u'Checking for scene exception updates for %s' % sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name) url = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).config.get('scene_url') if not url: continue url_data = helpers.get_url(url) if None is url_data: # When None is urlData, trouble connecting to github logger.log(u'Check scene exceptions update failed. Unable to get URL: %s' % url, logger.ERROR) continue else: set_last_refresh(sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name) # each exception is on one line with the format indexer_id: 'show name 1', 'show name 2', etc for cur_line in url_data.splitlines(): cur_line = cur_line prodid, sep, aliases = cur_line.partition(':') if not aliases: continue prodid = int(prodid) # regex out the list of shows, taking \' into account # alias_list = [re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', x) for x in re.findall(r"'(.*?)(? scene_episodes[1] if desc: # handle a descending range case scene_episodes.reverse() scene_episodes = list_range(*[scene_episodes[0], scene_episodes[1] + 1]) if desc: scene_episodes.reverse() target_season = helpers.try_int(target_season, None) for target_episode in scene_episodes: sn = find_scene_numbering(tvid, prodid, for_season, for_episode) used.add((for_season, for_episode, target_season, target_episode)) if sn and ((for_season, for_episode) + sn) not in used \ and (for_season, for_episode) not in used: logger.log( u'Skipped setting "%s" episode %sx%s to target a release %sx%s because set to %sx%s' % (show_obj.unique_name, for_season, for_episode, target_season, target_episode, sn[0], sn[1]), logger.DEBUG) else: used.add((for_season, for_episode)) if not sn or sn != (target_season, target_episode): # not already set result = set_scene_numbering_helper( tvid, prodid, for_season=for_season, for_episode=for_episode, scene_season=target_season, scene_episode=target_episode) if result.get('success'): cnt_updated_numbers += 1 for_episode = for_episode + 1 return custom_exception_dict, cnt_updated_numbers, should_refresh(src_id, iv, remaining=True) def _anidb_exceptions_fetcher(): global anidb_exception_dict if should_refresh('anidb'): logger.log(u'Checking for AniDB scene exception updates') for cur_show_obj in filter(lambda _s: _s.is_anime and TVINFO_TVDB == _s.tvid, sickgear.showList): try: anime = create_anidb_obj(name=cur_show_obj.name, tvdbid=cur_show_obj.prodid, autoCorrectName=True) except (BaseException, Exception): continue if anime.name and anime.name != cur_show_obj.name: anidb_exception_dict[(cur_show_obj.tvid, cur_show_obj.prodid)] = [{anime.name: -1}] set_last_refresh('anidb') return anidb_exception_dict def _xem_exceptions_fetcher(): global xem_exception_dict xem_list = 'xem_us' for cur_show_obj in sickgear.showList: if cur_show_obj.is_anime and not cur_show_obj.paused: xem_list = 'xem' break if should_refresh(xem_list): for tvid in [i for i in sickgear.TVInfoAPI().sources if 'xem_origin' in sickgear.TVInfoAPI(i).config]: logger.log(u'Checking for XEM scene exception updates for %s' % sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name) url = 'https://thexem.info/map/allNames?origin=%s%s&seasonNumbers=1'\ % (sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).config['xem_origin'], ('&language=us', '')['xem' == xem_list]) parsed_json = helpers.get_url(url, parse_json=True, timeout=90) if not parsed_json: logger.log(u'Check scene exceptions update failed for %s, Unable to get URL: %s' % (sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name, url), logger.ERROR) continue if 'failure' == parsed_json['result']: continue for prodid, names in iteritems(parsed_json['data']): try: xem_exception_dict[(tvid, int(prodid))] = names except (BaseException, Exception): continue set_last_refresh(xem_list) return xem_exception_dict def _xem_get_ids(infosrc_name, xem_origin): """ :param infosrc_name: :type infosrc_name: AnyStr :param xem_origin: :type xem_origin: AnyStr :return: :rtype: List """ xem_ids = [] url = 'https://thexem.info/map/havemap?origin=%s' % xem_origin task = 'Fetching show ids with%s xem scene mapping%s for origin' logger.log(u'%s %s' % (task % ('', 's'), infosrc_name)) parsed_json = helpers.get_url(url, parse_json=True, timeout=90) if not isinstance(parsed_json, dict) or not parsed_json: logger.log(u'Failed %s %s, Unable to get URL: %s' % (task.lower() % ('', 's'), infosrc_name, url), logger.ERROR) else: if 'success' == parsed_json.get('result', '') and 'data' in parsed_json: xem_ids = list(set(filter(lambda prodid: 0 < prodid, map(lambda pid: helpers.try_int(pid), parsed_json['data'])))) if 0 == len(xem_ids): logger.log(u'Failed %s %s, no data items parsed from URL: %s' % (task.lower() % ('', 's'), infosrc_name, url), logger.WARNING) logger.log(u'Finished %s %s' % (task.lower() % (' %s' % len(xem_ids), helpers.maybe_plural(xem_ids)), infosrc_name)) return xem_ids def get_xem_ids(): global xem_ids_list for tvid, name in iteritems(sickgear.TVInfoAPI().xem_supported_sources): xem_ids = _xem_get_ids(name, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).config['xem_origin']) if len(xem_ids): xem_ids_list[tvid] = xem_ids def has_abs_episodes(ep_obj=None, name=None): """ :param ep_obj: episode object :type ep_obj: sickgear.tv.TVEpisode or None :param name: name :type name: AnyStr :return: :rtype: bool """ return any([(name or ep_obj.show_obj.name or '').lower().startswith(x.lower()) for x in [ 'The Eighties', 'The Making of the Mob', 'The Night Of', 'Roots 2016', 'Trepalium' ]])