import pyjsparser import pyjsparser.parser from . import translating_nodes import hashlib import re # Enable Js2Py exceptions and pyimport in parser pyjsparser.parser.ENABLE_PYIMPORT = True # the re below is how we'll recognise numeric constants. # it finds any 'simple numeric that is not preceded with an alphanumeric character # the numeric can be a float (so a dot is found) but # it does not recognise notation such as 123e5, 0xFF, infinity or NaN CP_NUMERIC_RE = re.compile(r'(?<![a-zA-Z0-9_"\'])([0-9\.]+)') CP_NUMERIC_PLACEHOLDER = '__PyJsNUM_%i_PyJsNUM__' CP_NUMERIC_PLACEHOLDER_REVERSE_RE = re.compile( CP_NUMERIC_PLACEHOLDER.replace('%i', r'([0-9\.]+)')) # the re below is how we'll recognise string constants # it finds a ' or ", then reads until the next matching ' or " # this re only services simple cases, it can not be used when # there are escaped quotes in the expression #CP_STRING_1 = re.compile(r'(["\'])(.*?)\1') # this is how we'll recognise string constants CP_STRING = '"([^\\\\"]+|\\\\([bfnrtv\'"\\\\]|[0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}))*"|\'([^\\\\\']+|\\\\([bfnrtv\'"\\\\]|[0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}))*\'' CP_STRING_RE = re.compile( CP_STRING) # this is how we'll recognise string constants CP_STRING_PLACEHOLDER = '__PyJsSTR_%i_PyJsSTR__' CP_STRING_PLACEHOLDER_REVERSE_RE = re.compile( CP_STRING_PLACEHOLDER.replace('%i', r'([0-9\.]+)')) cache = {} # This crap is still needed but I removed it for speed reasons. Have to think ofa better idea # import js2py.pyjs, sys # # Redefine builtin objects... Do you have a better idea? # for m in list(sys.modules): # if m.startswith('js2py'): # del sys.modules[m] # del js2py.pyjs # del js2py DEFAULT_HEADER = u'''from js2py.pyjs import * # setting scope var = Scope( JS_BUILTINS ) set_global_object(var) # Code follows: ''' def dbg(x): """does nothing, legacy dummy function""" return '' # Another way of doing that would be with my auto esprima translation but its much slower: # parsed = esprima.parse(js).to_dict() def pyjsparser_parse_fn(code): parser = pyjsparser.PyJsParser() return parser.parse(code) def translate_js(js, HEADER=DEFAULT_HEADER, use_compilation_plan=False, parse_fn=pyjsparser_parse_fn): """js has to be a javascript source code. returns equivalent python code.""" if use_compilation_plan and not '//' in js and not '/*' in js: return translate_js_with_compilation_plan(js, HEADER=HEADER) parsed = parse_fn(js) translating_nodes.clean_stacks() return HEADER + translating_nodes.trans( parsed) # syntax tree to python code class match_unumerator(object): """This class ise used """ matchcount = -1 def __init__(self, placeholder_mask): self.placeholder_mask = placeholder_mask self.matches = [] def __call__(self, match): self.matchcount += 1 self.matches.append( return self.placeholder_mask % self.matchcount def __repr__(self): return '\n'.join(self.placeholder_mask % counter + '=' + match for counter, match in enumerate(self.matches)) def wrap_up(self, output): for counter, value in enumerate(self.matches): output = output.replace( "u'" + self.placeholder_mask % (counter) + "'", value, 1) return output def get_compilation_plan(js): match_increaser_str = match_unumerator(CP_STRING_PLACEHOLDER) compilation_plan = re.sub(CP_STRING, match_increaser_str, js) match_increaser_num = match_unumerator(CP_NUMERIC_PLACEHOLDER) compilation_plan = re.sub(CP_NUMERIC_RE, match_increaser_num, compilation_plan) # now put quotes, note that just patching string replaces is somewhat faster than # using another re: compilation_plan = compilation_plan.replace( '__PyJsNUM_', '"__PyJsNUM_').replace('_PyJsNUM__', '_PyJsNUM__"') compilation_plan = compilation_plan.replace( '__PyJsSTR_', '"__PyJsSTR_').replace('_PyJsSTR__', '_PyJsSTR__"') return match_increaser_str, match_increaser_num, compilation_plan def translate_js_with_compilation_plan(js, HEADER=DEFAULT_HEADER): """js has to be a javascript source code. returns equivalent python code. compile plans only work with the following restrictions: - only enabled for oneliner expressions - when there are comments in the js code string substitution is disabled - when there nested escaped quotes string substitution is disabled, so cacheable: Q1 == 1 && name == 'harry' not cacheable: Q1 == 1 && name == 'harry' // some comment not cacheable: Q1 == 1 && name == 'o\'Reilly' not cacheable: Q1 == 1 && name /* some comment */ == 'o\'Reilly' """ match_increaser_str, match_increaser_num, compilation_plan = get_compilation_plan( js) cp_hash = hashlib.md5(compilation_plan.encode('utf-8')).digest() try: python_code = cache[cp_hash]['proto_python_code'] except: parser = pyjsparser.PyJsParser() parsed = parser.parse(compilation_plan) # js to esprima syntax tree # Another way of doing that would be with my auto esprima translation but its much slower and causes import problems: # parsed = esprima.parse(js).to_dict() translating_nodes.clean_stacks() python_code = translating_nodes.trans( parsed) # syntax tree to python code cache[cp_hash] = { 'compilation_plan': compilation_plan, 'proto_python_code': python_code, } python_code = match_increaser_str.wrap_up(python_code) python_code = match_increaser_num.wrap_up(python_code) return HEADER + python_code def trasnlate(js, HEADER=DEFAULT_HEADER): """js has to be a javascript source code. returns equivalent python code. Equivalent to translate_js""" return translate_js(js, HEADER) syntax_tree_translate = translating_nodes.trans if __name__ == '__main__': PROFILE = False import js2py import codecs def main(): with"esprima.js", "r", "utf-8") as f: d = r = js2py.translate_js(d) with open('', 'wb') as f2: f2.write(r) exec (r, {}) if PROFILE: import cProfile'main()', sort='tottime') else: main()