# Author: Nic Wolfe <nic@wolfeden.ca> # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickRage. # # SickRage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickRage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickRage. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import time import datetime import operator import threading import sickbeard from sickbeard import db from sickbeard import exceptions from sickbeard.exceptions import ex from sickbeard import helpers, logger, show_name_helpers from sickbeard import providers from sickbeard import search from sickbeard import history from sickbeard.common import DOWNLOADED, SNATCHED, SNATCHED_PROPER, Quality from name_parser.parser import NameParser, InvalidNameException class ProperFinder(): def __init__(self): self.amActive = False self.updateInterval = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) check_propers_interval = {'15m': 15, '45m': 45, '90m': 90, '4h': 4*60, 'daily': 24*60} for curInterval in ('15m', '45m', '90m', '4h', 'daily'): if sickbeard.CHECK_PROPERS_INTERVAL == curInterval: self.updateInterval = datetime.timedelta(minutes = check_propers_interval[curInterval]) def run(self, force=False): if not sickbeard.DOWNLOAD_PROPERS: return # look for propers every night at 1 AM updateTime = datetime.time(hour=1) logger.log(u"Checking proper time", logger.DEBUG) hourDiff = datetime.datetime.today().time().hour - updateTime.hour dayDiff = (datetime.date.today() - self._get_lastProperSearch()).days if sickbeard.CHECK_PROPERS_INTERVAL == "daily" and not force: # if it's less than an interval after the update time then do an update if not (hourDiff >= 0 and hourDiff < self.updateInterval.seconds / 3600 or dayDiff >= 1): return logger.log(u"Beginning the search for new propers") self.amActive = True propers = self._getProperList() if propers: self._downloadPropers(propers) self._set_lastProperSearch(datetime.datetime.today().toordinal()) msg = u"Completed the search for new propers, next check " if sickbeard.CHECK_PROPERS_INTERVAL == "daily": logger.log(u"%sat 1am tomorrow" % msg) else: logger.log(u"%sin ~%s" % (msg, sickbeard.CHECK_PROPERS_INTERVAL)) self.amActive = False def _getProperList(self): propers = {} # for each provider get a list of the origThreadName = threading.currentThread().name providers = [x for x in sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList() if x.isActive()] for curProvider in providers: threading.currentThread().name = origThreadName + " :: [" + curProvider.name + "]" search_date = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=2) logger.log(u"Searching for any new PROPER releases from " + curProvider.name) try: curPropers = curProvider.findPropers(search_date) except exceptions.AuthException, e: logger.log(u"Authentication error: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR) continue # if they haven't been added by a different provider than add the proper to the list for x in curPropers: name = self._genericName(x.name) if not name in propers: logger.log(u"Found new proper: " + x.name, logger.DEBUG) x.provider = curProvider propers[name] = x # reset thread name back to original threading.currentThread().name = origThreadName # take the list of unique propers and get it sorted by sortedPropers = sorted(propers.values(), key=operator.attrgetter('date'), reverse=True) finalPropers = [] for curProper in sortedPropers: try: myParser = NameParser(False) parse_result = myParser.parse(curProper.name) except InvalidNameException: logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename " + curProper.name + " into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG) continue if not parse_result.series_name: continue if not parse_result.show: continue if not parse_result.episode_numbers: logger.log( u"Ignoring " + curProper.name + " because it's for a full season rather than specific episode", logger.DEBUG) continue showObj = parse_result.show logger.log( u"Successful match! Result " + parse_result.original_name + " matched to show " + showObj.name, logger.DEBUG) # set the indexerid in the db to the show's indexerid curProper.indexerid = showObj.indexerid # set the indexer in the db to the show's indexer curProper.indexer = showObj.indexer # populate our Proper instance if parse_result.air_by_date or parse_result.sports: curProper.season = -1 curProper.episode = parse_result.air_date or parse_result.sports_event_date else: if parse_result.is_anime: logger.log(u"I am sorry '"+curProper.name+"' seams to be an anime proper seach is not yet suported", logger.DEBUG) continue else: curProper.season = parse_result.season_number if parse_result.season_number != None else 1 curProper.episode = parse_result.episode_numbers[0] curProper.quality = Quality.nameQuality(curProper.name, parse_result.is_anime) if not show_name_helpers.filterBadReleases(curProper.name): logger.log(u"Proper " + curProper.name + " isn't a valid scene release that we want, igoring it", logger.DEBUG) continue if showObj.rls_ignore_words and search.filter_release_name(curProper.name, showObj.rls_ignore_words): logger.log(u"Ignoring " + curProper.name + " based on ignored words filter: " + showObj.rls_ignore_words, logger.MESSAGE) continue if showObj.rls_require_words and not search.filter_release_name(curProper.name, showObj.rls_require_words): logger.log(u"Ignoring " + curProper.name + " based on required words filter: " + showObj.rls_require_words, logger.MESSAGE) continue # if we have an air-by-date show then get the real season/episode numbers if (parse_result.air_by_date or parse_result.sports_event_date) and curProper.indexerid: logger.log( u"Looks like this is an air-by-date or sports show, attempting to convert the date to season/episode", logger.DEBUG) airdate = curProper.episode.toordinal() myDB = db.DBConnection() sql_result = myDB.select( "SELECT season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? and indexer = ? and airdate = ?", [curProper.indexerid, curProper.indexer, airdate]) if sql_result: curProper.season = int(sql_result[0][0]) curProper.episodes = [int(sql_result[0][1])] else: logger.log(u"Unable to find episode with date " + str( curProper.episode) + " for show " + parse_result.series_name + ", skipping", logger.WARNING) continue # check if we actually want this proper (if it's the right quality) sqlResults = db.DBConnection().select( "SELECT status FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND season = ? AND episode = ?", [curProper.indexerid, curProper.season, curProper.episode]) if not sqlResults: continue oldStatus, oldQuality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int(sqlResults[0]["status"])) # only keep the proper if we have already retrieved the same quality ep (don't get better/worse ones) if oldStatus not in (DOWNLOADED, SNATCHED) or oldQuality != curProper.quality: continue # if the show is in our list and there hasn't been a proper already added for that particular episode then add it to our list of propers if curProper.indexerid != -1 and (curProper.indexerid, curProper.season, curProper.episode) not in map( operator.attrgetter('indexerid', 'season', 'episode'), finalPropers): logger.log(u"Found a proper that we need: " + str(curProper.name)) finalPropers.append(curProper) return finalPropers def _downloadPropers(self, properList): for curProper in properList: historyLimit = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=30) # make sure the episode has been downloaded before myDB = db.DBConnection() historyResults = myDB.select( "SELECT resource FROM history " "WHERE showid = ? AND season = ? AND episode = ? AND quality = ? AND date >= ? " "AND action IN (" + ",".join([str(x) for x in Quality.SNATCHED]) + ")", [curProper.indexerid, curProper.season, curProper.episode, curProper.quality, historyLimit.strftime(history.dateFormat)]) # if we didn't download this episode in the first place we don't know what quality to use for the proper so we can't do it if len(historyResults) == 0: logger.log( u"Unable to find an original history entry for proper " + curProper.name + " so I'm not downloading it.") continue else: # make sure that none of the existing history downloads are the same proper we're trying to download isSame = False for curResult in historyResults: # if the result exists in history already we need to skip it if self._genericName(curResult["resource"]) == self._genericName(curProper.name): isSame = True break if isSame: logger.log(u"This proper is already in history, skipping it", logger.DEBUG) continue # get the episode object showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, curProper.indexerid) if showObj == None: logger.log(u"Unable to find the show with indexerid " + str( curProper .indexerid) + " so unable to download the proper", logger.ERROR) continue epObj = showObj.getEpisode(curProper.season, curProper.episode) # make the result object result = curProper.provider.getResult([epObj]) result.url = curProper.url result.name = curProper.name result.quality = curProper.quality # snatch it search.snatchEpisode(result, SNATCHED_PROPER) def _genericName(self, name): return name.replace(".", " ").replace("-", " ").replace("_", " ").lower() def _set_lastProperSearch(self, when): logger.log(u"Setting the last Proper search in the DB to " + str(when), logger.DEBUG) myDB = db.DBConnection() sqlResults = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM info") if len(sqlResults) == 0: myDB.action("INSERT INTO info (last_backlog, last_indexer, last_proper_search) VALUES (?,?,?)", [0, 0, str(when)]) else: myDB.action("UPDATE info SET last_proper_search=" + str(when)) def _get_lastProperSearch(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() sqlResults = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM info") try: last_proper_search = datetime.date.fromordinal(int(sqlResults[0]["last_proper_search"])) except: return datetime.date.fromordinal(1) return last_proper_search