from __future__ import unicode_literals from pyjsparser.pyjsparserdata import * from .friendly_nodes import * import random import six if six.PY3: from functools import reduce xrange = range unicode = str # number of characters above which expression will be split to multiple lines in order to avoid python parser stack overflow # still experimental so I suggest to set it to 400 in order to avoid common errors # set it to smaller value only if you have problems with parser stack overflow LINE_LEN_LIMIT = 400 # 200 # or any other value - the larger the smaller probability of errors :) class ForController: def __init__(self): self.inside = [False] self.update = '' def enter_for(self, update): self.inside.append(True) self.update = update def leave_for(self): self.inside.pop() def enter_other(self): self.inside.append(False) def leave_other(self): self.inside.pop() def is_inside(self): return self.inside[-1] class InlineStack: NAME = 'PyJs_%s_%d_' def __init__(self): self.reps = {} self.names = [] def inject_inlines(self, source): for lval in self.names: # first in first out! Its important by the way source = inject_before_lval(source, lval, self.reps[lval]) return source def require(self, typ): name = self.NAME % (typ, len(self.names)) self.names.append(name) return name def define(self, name, val): self.reps[name] = val def reset(self): self.rel = {} self.names = [] class ContextStack: def __init__(self): self.to_register = set([]) self.to_define = {} def reset(self): self.to_register = set([]) self.to_define = {} def register(self, var): self.to_register.add(var) def define(self, name, code): self.to_define[name] = code self.register(name) def get_code(self): code = 'var.registers([%s])\n' % ', '.join( repr(e) for e in self.to_register) for name, func_code in six.iteritems(self.to_define): code += func_code return code def clean_stacks(): global Context, inline_stack Context = ContextStack() inline_stack = InlineStack() def to_key(literal_or_identifier): ''' returns string representation of this object''' if literal_or_identifier['type'] == 'Identifier': return literal_or_identifier['name'] elif literal_or_identifier['type'] == 'Literal': k = literal_or_identifier['value'] if isinstance(k, float): return unicode(float_repr(k)) elif 'regex' in literal_or_identifier: return compose_regex(k) elif isinstance(k, bool): return 'true' if k else 'false' elif k is None: return 'null' else: return unicode(k) def is_iteration_statement(cand): if not isinstance(cand, dict): # Multiple statements. return False return cand.get("type", "?") in {"ForStatement", "ForInStatement", "WhileStatement", "DoWhileStatement"} def trans(ele, standard=False): """Translates esprima syntax tree to python by delegating to appropriate translating node""" try: node = globals().get(ele['type']) if not node: raise NotImplementedError('%s is not supported!' % ele['type']) if standard: node = node.__dict__[ 'standard'] if 'standard' in node.__dict__ else node return node(**ele) except: #print ele raise def limited(func): '''Decorator limiting resulting line length in order to avoid python parser stack overflow - If expression longer than LINE_LEN_LIMIT characters then it will be moved to upper line USE ONLY ON EXPRESSIONS!!! ''' def f(standard=False, **args): insert_pos = len( inline_stack.names ) # in case line is longer than limit we will have to insert the lval at current position # this is because calling func will change inline_stack. # we cant use inline_stack.require here because we dont know whether line overflows yet res = func(**args) if len(res) > LINE_LEN_LIMIT: name = inline_stack.require('LONG') inline_stack.names.pop() inline_stack.names.insert(insert_pos, name) res = 'def %s(var=var):\n return %s\n' % (name, res) inline_stack.define(name, res) return name + '()' else: return res f.__dict__['standard'] = func return f # ==== IDENTIFIERS AND LITERALS ======= inf = float('inf') def Literal(type, value, raw, regex=None): if regex: # regex return 'JsRegExp(%s)' % repr(compose_regex(value)) elif value is None: # null return 'var.get(u"null")' # Todo template # String, Bool, Float return 'Js(%s)' % repr(value) if value != inf else 'Js(float("inf"))' def Identifier(type, name): return 'var.get(%s)' % repr(name) @limited def MemberExpression(type, computed, object, property): far_left = trans(object) if computed: # obj[prop] type accessor # may be literal which is the same in every case so we can save some time on conversion if property['type'] == 'Literal': prop = repr(to_key(property)) else: # worst case prop = trans(property) else: # always the same since not computed (obj.prop accessor) prop = repr(to_key(property)) return far_left + '.get(%s)' % prop def ThisExpression(type): return 'var.get(u"this")' @limited def CallExpression(type, callee, arguments): arguments = [trans(e) for e in arguments] if callee['type'] == 'MemberExpression': far_left = trans(callee['object']) if callee['computed']: # obj[prop] type accessor # may be literal which is the same in every case so we can save some time on conversion if callee['property']['type'] == 'Literal': prop = repr(to_key(callee['property'])) else: # worst case prop = trans( callee['property']) # its not a string literal! so no repr else: # always the same since not computed (obj.prop accessor) prop = repr(to_key(callee['property'])) arguments.insert(0, prop) return far_left + '.callprop(%s)' % ', '.join(arguments) else: # standard call return trans(callee) + '(%s)' % ', '.join(arguments) # ========== ARRAYS ============ def ArrayExpression(type, elements): # todo fix null inside problem return 'Js([%s])' % ', '.join(trans(e) if e else 'None' for e in elements) # ========== OBJECTS ============= def ObjectExpression(type, properties): name = None elems = [] after = '' for p in properties: if p['kind'] == 'init': elems.append('%s:%s' % Property(**p)) else: if name is None: name = inline_stack.require('Object') if p['kind'] == 'set': k, setter = Property( **p ) # setter is just a lval referring to that function, it will be defined in InlineStack automatically after += '%s.define_own_property(%s, {"set":%s, "configurable":True, "enumerable":True})\n' % ( name, k, setter) elif p['kind'] == 'get': k, getter = Property(**p) after += '%s.define_own_property(%s, {"get":%s, "configurable":True, "enumerable":True})\n' % ( name, k, getter) else: raise RuntimeError('Unexpected object propery kind') definition = 'Js({%s})' % ','.join(elems) if name is None: return definition body = '%s = %s\n' % (name, definition) body += after body += 'return %s\n' % name code = 'def %s():\n%s' % (name, indent(body)) inline_stack.define(name, code) return name + '()' def Property(type, kind, key, computed, value, method, shorthand): if shorthand or computed: raise NotImplementedError( 'Shorthand and Computed properties not implemented!') k = to_key(key) if k is None: raise SyntaxError('Invalid key in dictionary! Or bug in Js2Py') v = trans(value) return repr(k), v # ========== EXPRESSIONS ============ @limited def UnaryExpression(type, operator, argument, prefix): a = trans( argument, standard=True ) # unary involve some complex operations so we cant use line shorteners here if operator == 'delete': if argument['type'] in ('Identifier', 'MemberExpression'): # means that operation is valid return js_delete(a) return 'PyJsComma(%s, Js(True))' % a # otherwise not valid, just perform expression and return true. elif operator == 'typeof': return js_typeof(a) return UNARY[operator](a) @limited def BinaryExpression(type, operator, left, right): a = trans(left) b = trans(right) # delegate to our friends return BINARY[operator](a, b) @limited def UpdateExpression(type, operator, argument, prefix): a = trans( argument, standard=True ) # also complex operation involving parsing of the result so no line length reducing here return js_postfix(a, operator == '++', not prefix) @limited def AssignmentExpression(type, operator, left, right): operator = operator[:-1] if left['type'] == 'Identifier': if operator: return 'var.put(%s, %s, %s)' % (repr(to_key(left)), trans(right), repr(operator)) else: return 'var.put(%s, %s)' % (repr(to_key(left)), trans(right)) elif left['type'] == 'MemberExpression': far_left = trans(left['object']) if left['computed']: # obj[prop] type accessor # may be literal which is the same in every case so we can save some time on conversion if left['property']['type'] == 'Literal': prop = repr(to_key(left['property'])) else: # worst case prop = trans( left['property']) # its not a string literal! so no repr else: # always the same since not computed (obj.prop accessor) prop = repr(to_key(left['property'])) if operator: return far_left + '.put(%s, %s, %s)' % (prop, trans(right), repr(operator)) else: return far_left + '.put(%s, %s)' % (prop, trans(right)) else: raise SyntaxError('Invalid left hand side in assignment!') six @limited def SequenceExpression(type, expressions): return reduce(js_comma, (trans(e) for e in expressions)) @limited def NewExpression(type, callee, arguments): return trans(callee) + '.create(%s)' % ', '.join( trans(e) for e in arguments) @limited def ConditionalExpression( type, test, consequent, alternate): # caused plenty of problems in my home-made translator :) return '(%s if %s else %s)' % (trans(consequent), trans(test), trans(alternate)) # =========== STATEMENTS ============= def BlockStatement(type, body): return StatementList( body) # never returns empty string! In the worst case returns pass\n def ExpressionStatement(type, expression): return trans(expression) + '\n' # end expression space with new line def BreakStatement(type, label): if label: return 'raise %s("Breaked")\n' % (get_break_label(label['name'])) else: return 'break\n' def ContinueStatement(type, label): if label: return 'raise %s("Continued")\n' % (get_continue_label(label['name'])) else: return 'continue\n' def ReturnStatement(type, argument): return 'return %s\n' % (trans(argument) if argument else "var.get('undefined')") def EmptyStatement(type): return 'pass\n' def DebuggerStatement(type): return 'pass\n' def DoWhileStatement(type, body, test): inside = trans(body) + 'if not %s:\n' % trans(test) + indent('break\n') result = 'while 1:\n' + indent(inside) return result def ForStatement(type, init, test, update, body): update = indent(trans(update)) if update else '' init = trans(init) if init else '' if not init.endswith('\n'): init += '\n' test = trans(test) if test else '1' if not update: result = '#for JS loop\n%swhile %s:\n%s%s\n' % ( init, test, indent(trans(body)), update) else: result = '#for JS loop\n%swhile %s:\n' % (init, test) body = 'try:\n%sfinally:\n %s\n' % (indent(trans(body)), update) result += indent(body) return result def ForInStatement(type, left, right, body, each): res = 'for PyJsTemp in %s:\n' % trans(right) if left['type'] == "VariableDeclaration": addon = trans(left) # make sure variable is registered if addon != 'pass\n': res = addon + res # we have to execute this expression :( # now extract the name try: name = left['declarations'][0]['id']['name'] except: raise RuntimeError('Unusual ForIn loop') elif left['type'] == 'Identifier': name = left['name'] else: raise RuntimeError('Unusual ForIn loop') res += indent('var.put(%s, PyJsTemp)\n' % repr(name) + trans(body)) return res def IfStatement(type, test, consequent, alternate): # NOTE we cannot do elif because function definition inside elif statement would not be possible! IF = 'if %s:\n' % trans(test) IF += indent(trans(consequent)) if not alternate: return IF ELSE = 'else:\n' + indent(trans(alternate)) return IF + ELSE def LabeledStatement(type, label, body): # todo consider using smarter approach! inside = trans(body) defs = '' if is_iteration_statement(body) and (inside.startswith('while ') or inside.startswith( 'for ') or inside.startswith('#for')): # we have to add contine label as well... # 3 or 1 since #for loop type has more lines before real for. sep = 1 if not inside.startswith('#for') else 3 cont_label = get_continue_label(label['name']) temp = inside.split('\n') injected = 'try:\n' + '\n'.join(temp[sep:]) injected += 'except %s:\n pass\n' % cont_label inside = '\n'.join(temp[:sep]) + '\n' + indent(injected) defs += 'class %s(Exception): pass\n' % cont_label break_label = get_break_label(label['name']) inside = 'try:\n%sexcept %s:\n pass\n' % (indent(inside), break_label) defs += 'class %s(Exception): pass\n' % break_label return defs + inside def StatementList(lis): if lis: # ensure we don't return empty string because it may ruin indentation! code = ''.join(trans(e) for e in lis) return code if code else 'pass\n' else: return 'pass\n' def PyimportStatement(type, imp): lib = imp['name'] jlib = 'PyImport_%s' % lib code = 'import %s as %s\n' % (lib, jlib) #check whether valid lib name... try: compile(code, '', 'exec') except: raise SyntaxError( 'Invalid Python module name (%s) in pyimport statement' % lib) # var.pyimport will handle module conversion to PyJs object code += 'var.pyimport(%s, %s)\n' % (repr(lib), jlib) return code def SwitchStatement(type, discriminant, cases): #TODO there will be a problem with continue in a switch statement.... FIX IT code = 'while 1:\n' + indent('SWITCHED = False\nCONDITION = (%s)\n') code = code % trans(discriminant) for case in cases: case_code = None if case['test']: # case (x): case_code = 'if SWITCHED or PyJsStrictEq(CONDITION, %s):\n' % ( trans(case['test'])) else: # default: case_code = 'if True:\n' case_code += indent('SWITCHED = True\n') case_code += indent(StatementList(case['consequent'])) # one more indent for whole code += indent(case_code) # prevent infinite loop and sort out nested switch... code += indent('SWITCHED = True\nbreak\n') return code def ThrowStatement(type, argument): return 'PyJsTempException = JsToPyException(%s)\nraise PyJsTempException\n' % trans( argument) def TryStatement(type, block, handler, handlers, guardedHandlers, finalizer): result = 'try:\n%s' % indent(trans(block)) # complicated catch statement... if handler: identifier = handler['param']['name'] holder = 'PyJsHolder_%s_%d' % (to_hex(identifier), random.randrange(1e8)) identifier = repr(identifier) result += 'except PyJsException as PyJsTempException:\n' # fill in except ( catch ) block and remember to recover holder variable to its previous state result += indent( TRY_CATCH.replace('HOLDER', holder).replace('NAME', identifier).replace( 'BLOCK', indent(trans(handler['body'])))) # translate finally statement if present if finalizer: result += 'finally:\n%s' % indent(trans(finalizer)) return result def LexicalDeclaration(type, declarations, kind): raise NotImplementedError( 'let and const not implemented yet but they will be soon! Check github for updates.' ) def VariableDeclarator(type, id, init): name = id['name'] # register the name if not already registered Context.register(name) if init: return 'var.put(%s, %s)\n' % (repr(name), trans(init)) return '' def VariableDeclaration(type, declarations, kind): code = ''.join(trans(d) for d in declarations) return code if code else 'pass\n' def WhileStatement(type, test, body): result = 'while %s:\n' % trans(test) + indent(trans(body)) return result def WithStatement(type, object, body): raise NotImplementedError('With statement not implemented!') def Program(type, body): inline_stack.reset() code = ''.join(trans(e) for e in body) # here add hoisted elements (register variables and define functions) code = Context.get_code() + code # replace all inline variables code = inline_stack.inject_inlines(code) return code # ======== FUNCTIONS ============ def FunctionDeclaration(type, id, params, defaults, body, generator, expression): if generator: raise NotImplementedError('Generators not supported') if defaults: raise NotImplementedError('Defaults not supported') if not id: return FunctionExpression(type, id, params, defaults, body, generator, expression) + '\n' JsName = id['name'] PyName = 'PyJsHoisted_%s_' % JsName PyName = PyName if is_valid_py_name(PyName) else 'PyJsHoistedNonPyName' # this is quite complicated global Context previous_context = Context # change context to the context of this function Context = ContextStack() # translate body within current context code = trans(body) # get arg names vars = [v['name'] for v in params] # args are automaticaly registered variables Context.to_register.update(vars) # add all hoisted elements inside function code = Context.get_code() + code # check whether args are valid python names: used_vars = [] for v in vars: if is_valid_py_name(v): used_vars.append(v) else: # invalid arg in python, for example $, replace with alternatice arg used_vars.append('PyJsArg_%s_' % to_hex(v)) header = '@Js\n' header += 'def %s(%sthis, arguments, var=var):\n' % ( PyName, ', '.join(used_vars) + (', ' if vars else '')) # transfer names from Py scope to Js scope arg_map = dict(zip(vars, used_vars)) arg_map.update({'this': 'this', 'arguments': 'arguments'}) arg_conv = 'var = Scope({%s}, var)\n' % ', '.join( repr(k) + ':' + v for k, v in six.iteritems(arg_map)) # and finally set the name of the function to its real name: footer = '%s.func_name = %s\n' % (PyName, repr(JsName)) footer += 'var.put(%s, %s)\n' % (repr(JsName), PyName) whole_code = header + indent(arg_conv + code) + footer # restore context Context = previous_context # define in upper context Context.define(JsName, whole_code) return 'pass\n' def FunctionExpression(type, id, params, defaults, body, generator, expression): if generator: raise NotImplementedError('Generators not supported') if defaults: raise NotImplementedError('Defaults not supported') JsName = id['name'] if id else 'anonymous' if not is_valid_py_name(JsName): ScriptName = 'InlineNonPyName' else: ScriptName = JsName PyName = inline_stack.require(ScriptName) # this is unique # again quite complicated global Context previous_context = Context # change context to the context of this function Context = ContextStack() # translate body within current context code = trans(body) # get arg names vars = [v['name'] for v in params] # args are automaticaly registered variables Context.to_register.update(vars) # add all hoisted elements inside function code = Context.get_code() + code # check whether args are valid python names: used_vars = [] for v in vars: if is_valid_py_name(v): used_vars.append(v) else: # invalid arg in python, for example $, replace with alternatice arg used_vars.append('PyJsArg_%s_' % to_hex(v)) header = '@Js\n' header += 'def %s(%sthis, arguments, var=var):\n' % ( PyName, ', '.join(used_vars) + (', ' if vars else '')) # transfer names from Py scope to Js scope arg_map = dict(zip(vars, used_vars)) arg_map.update({'this': 'this', 'arguments': 'arguments'}) if id: # make self available from inside... if id['name'] not in arg_map: arg_map[id['name']] = PyName arg_conv = 'var = Scope({%s}, var)\n' % ', '.join( repr(k) + ':' + v for k, v in six.iteritems(arg_map)) # and finally set the name of the function to its real name: footer = '%s._set_name(%s)\n' % (PyName, repr(JsName)) whole_code = header + indent(arg_conv + code) + footer # restore context Context = previous_context # define in upper context inline_stack.define(PyName, whole_code) return PyName LogicalExpression = BinaryExpression PostfixExpression = UpdateExpression clean_stacks() if __name__ == '__main__': import codecs import time import pyjsparser c = None #'''`ijfdij`''' if not c: with"esp.js", "r", "utf-8") as f: c = print('Started') t = time.time() res = trans(pyjsparser.PyJsParser().parse(c)) dt = time.time() - t + 0.000000001 print('Translated everyting in', round(dt, 5), 'seconds.') print('Thats %d characters per second' % int(len(c) / dt)) with open('', 'w') as f: f.write(res)