#import sickbeard #import lib.adba as adba #from sickbeard import common #from sickbeard import exceptions #from sickbeard import scene_exceptions #from sickbeard.blackandwhitelist import * #set global $title="Edit " + $show.name #set global $header=$show.name #set global $sbPath=".." #set global $topmenu="home" #import os.path #include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, "gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl") #if $varExists('header')




#end if

Quality: #set $qualities = $common.Quality.splitQuality(int($show.quality)) #set global $anyQualities = $qualities[0] #set global $bestQualities = $qualities[1] #include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, "gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_qualityChooser.tmpl")
#if $anyQualities + $bestQualities Archive on first match: (check this to have the episode archived after the first best match is found from your archive quality list)

#end if Scene Exception:

This will affect the episode show search on nzb and torrent provider.
This list overrides the original name, it doesn't append to it.

Exceptions List

Info Language:
Note: This will only affect the language of the retrieved metadata file contents and episode filenames.
This DOES NOT allow SickRage to download non-english TV episodes!

Flatten files (no folders):



Air by date:
(check this if the show is released as Show.03.02.2010 rather than Show.S02E03)

(check this if the show is a sporting or MMA event)

(check this if the show is released as Show.265 rather than Show.S02E03, this show is an anime)

DVD Order:
(check this if you wish to use the DVD order instead of the Airing order)

Ignored Words:
Results with any of these words in the title will be filtered out
Separate words with a comma, e.g. "word1,word2,word3"

Required Words:
Results without one of these words in the title will be filtered out
Separate words with a comma, e.g. "word1,word2,word3"

#if $show.is_anime

Realease Groups:

Pool (Name|Rating|Subed Ep):

#end if
#include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR,"gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl")