import re import urllib import ConfigParser import sys import os import shutil import zipfile import subprocess import fnmatch import googlecode_upload from distutils.core import setup try: import py2exe except: print "The Python module py2exe is required" sys.exit(1) try: import pygithub.github except: print "The Python module pyGitHub is required" sys.exit(1) # mostly stolen from the SABnzbd file name = 'SickGear' version = '0.1' release = name + '-' + version Win32ConsoleName = 'SickBeard-console.exe' Win32WindowName = 'SickBeard.exe' def findLatestBuild(): regex = "http\://SickGear\.googlecode\.com/files/SickGear\-win32\-alpha\-build(\d+)(?:\.\d+)?\.zip" svnFile = urllib.urlopen("") for curLine in svnFile.readlines(): match =, curLine) if match: groups = match.groups() return int(groups[0]) return None def recursive_find_data_files(root_dir, allowed_extensions=('*')): to_return = {} for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(root_dir): if not filenames: continue for cur_filename in filenames: matches_pattern = False for cur_pattern in allowed_extensions: if fnmatch.fnmatch(cur_filename, '*.' + cur_pattern): matches_pattern = True if not matches_pattern: continue cur_filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, cur_filename) to_return.setdefault(dirpath, []).append(cur_filepath) return sorted(to_return.items()) def find_all_libraries(root_dirs): libs = [] for cur_root_dir in root_dirs: for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(cur_root_dir): if '' not in filenames: continue libs.append(dirpath.replace(os.sep, '.')) return libs def allFiles(dir): files = [] for file in os.listdir(dir): fullFile = os.path.join(dir, file) if os.path.isdir(fullFile): files += allFiles(fullFile) else: files.append(fullFile) return files # save the original arguments and replace them with the py2exe args oldArgs = [] if len(sys.argv) > 1: oldArgs = sys.argv[1:] del sys.argv[1:] sys.argv.append('py2exe') # clear the dist dir if os.path.isdir('dist'): shutil.rmtree('dist') # root source dir compile_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))) if not 'nopull' in oldArgs: # pull new source from git print 'Updating source from git' p = subprocess.Popen('git pull origin master', shell=True, cwd=compile_dir) o, e = p.communicate() # figure out what build this is going to be latestBuild = findLatestBuild() if 'test' in oldArgs: currentBuildNumber = str(latestBuild) + 'a' else: currentBuildNumber = latestBuild + 1 # set up the compilation options data_files = recursive_find_data_files('data', ['gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'ico', 'js', 'css', 'tmpl']) options = dict( name=name, version=release, author='SickGear', author_email='', description=name + ' ' + release, scripts=[''], packages=find_all_libraries(['sickbeard', 'lib']), ) # set up py2exe to generate the console app program = [{'script': ''}] options['options'] = {'py2exe': { 'bundle_files': 3, 'packages': ['Cheetah'], 'excludes': ['Tkconstants', 'Tkinter', 'tcl'], 'optimize': 2, 'compressed': 0 } } options['zipfile'] = 'lib/' options['console'] = program options['data_files'] = data_files # compile sickbeard-console.exe setup(**options) # rename the exe to sickbeard-console.exe try: if os.path.exists("dist/%s" % Win32ConsoleName): os.remove("dist/%s" % Win32ConsoleName) os.rename("dist/%s" % Win32WindowName, "dist/%s" % Win32ConsoleName) except: print "Cannot create dist/%s" % Win32ConsoleName # sys.exit(1) # we don't need this stuff when we make the 2nd exe del options['console'] del options['data_files'] options['windows'] = program # compile sickbeard.exe setup(**options) # compile sabToSickbeard.exe using the existing script auto_process_dir = os.path.join(compile_dir, 'autoProcessTV') p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, os.path.join(auto_process_dir, '')], cwd=auto_process_dir, shell=True) o, e = p.communicate() # copy autoProcessTV files to the dist dir auto_process_files = ['autoProcessTV/', 'autoProcessTV/', 'autoProcessTV/', 'autoProcessTV/autoProcessTV.cfg.sample', 'autoProcessTV/sabToSickBeard.exe'] os.makedirs('dist/autoProcessTV') for curFile in auto_process_files: newFile = os.path.join('dist', curFile) print "Copying file from", curFile, "to", newFile shutil.copy(curFile, newFile) # compile updater.exe setup( options={'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 1}}, zipfile=None, console=[''], requires=['Cheetah'] ) if 'test' in oldArgs: print "Ignoring changelog for test build" else: # start building the CHANGELOG.txt print 'Creating changelog' gh = github.GitHub() # read the old changelog and find the last commit from that build lastCommit = "" try: cl = open("CHANGELOG.txt", "r") lastCommit = cl.readlines()[0].strip() cl.close() except: print "I guess there's no changelog" newestCommit = "" changeString = "" # cycle through all the git commits and save their commit messages for curCommit in gh.commits.forBranch('SickGear', 'SickGear'): if == lastCommit: break if newestCommit == "": newestCommit = changeString += curCommit.message + "\n\n" # if we didn't find any changes don't make a changelog file if newestCommit != "": newChangelog = open("CHANGELOG.txt", "w") newChangelog.write(newestCommit + "\n\n") newChangelog.write("Changelog for build " + str(currentBuildNumber) + "\n\n") newChangelog.write(changeString) newChangelog.close() else: print "No changes found, keeping old changelog" # put the changelog in the compile dir if os.path.exists("CHANGELOG.txt"): shutil.copy('CHANGELOG.txt', 'dist/') # figure out what we're going to call the zip file print 'Zipping files...' zipFilename = 'SickGear-win32-alpha-build' + str(currentBuildNumber) if os.path.isfile(zipFilename + '.zip'): zipNum = 2 while os.path.isfile(zipFilename + '.{0:0>2}.zip'.format(str(zipNum))): zipNum += 1 zipFilename = zipFilename + '.{0:0>2}'.format(str(zipNum)) # get a list of files to add to the zip zipFileList = allFiles('dist/') # add all files to the zip z = zipfile.ZipFile(zipFilename + '.zip', 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for file in zipFileList: z.write(file, file.replace('dist/', zipFilename + '/')) z.close() print "Created zip at", zipFilename # i store my google code username/pw in a config so i can have this file in public source control config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() configFilename = os.path.join(compile_dir, "gc.ini") gc_username = config.get("GC", "username") gc_password = config.get("GC", "password") # upload to google code unless I tell it not to if "noup" not in oldArgs and "test" not in oldArgs: print "Uploading zip to google code" googlecode_upload.upload(os.path.abspath(zipFilename + ".zip"), "SickGear", gc_username, gc_password, "Win32 alpha build " + str(currentBuildNumber) + " (unstable/development release)", ["Featured", "Type-Executable", "OpSys-Windows"]) if 'nopush' not in oldArgs and 'test' not in oldArgs: # tag commit as a new build and push changes to github print 'Tagging commit and pushing' p = subprocess.Popen('git tag -a "build-' + str(currentBuildNumber) + '" -m "Windows build ' + zipFilename + '"', shell=True, cwd=compile_dir) o, e = p.communicate() p = subprocess.Popen('git push --tags origin windows_binaries', shell=True, cwd=compile_dir) o, e = p.communicate()