// Avoid `console` errors in browsers that lack a console. (function() { var method; var noop = function noop() {}; var methods = [ 'assert', 'clear', 'count', 'debug', 'dir', 'dirxml', 'error', 'exception', 'group', 'groupCollapsed', 'groupEnd', 'info', 'log', 'markTimeline', 'profile', 'profileEnd', 'table', 'time', 'timeEnd', 'timeStamp', 'trace', 'warn' ]; var length = methods.length; var console = (window.console = window.console || {}); while (length--) { method = methods[length]; // Only stub undefined methods. if (!console[method]) { console[method] = noop; } } }()); $(document).ready(function() { function addRootDir(path) { if (!path.length) return; // check if it's the first one var is_default = false; if (!$('#whichDefaultRootDir').val().length) is_default = true; $('#rootDirs').append('<option value="'+path+'">'+path+'</option>'); syncOptionIDs(); if (is_default) setDefault($('#rootDirs option').attr('id')); refreshRootDirs(); $.get(sbRoot+'/config/general/saveRootDirs', { rootDirString: $('#rootDirText').val() }); } function editRootDir(path) { if (!path.length) return; // as long as something is selected if ($("#rootDirs option:selected").length) { // update the selected one with the provided path if ($("#rootDirs option:selected").attr('id') == $("#whichDefaultRootDir").val()) $("#rootDirs option:selected").text('*'+path); else $("#rootDirs option:selected").text(path); $("#rootDirs option:selected").val(path); } refreshRootDirs(); $.get(sbRoot+'/config/general/saveRootDirs', {rootDirString: $('#rootDirText').val()}); } $('#addRootDir').click(function(){$(this).nFileBrowser(addRootDir)}); $('#editRootDir').click(function(){$(this).nFileBrowser(editRootDir, {initialDir: $("#rootDirs option:selected").val()})}); $('#deleteRootDir').click(function() { if ($("#rootDirs option:selected").length) { var toDelete = $("#rootDirs option:selected"); var newDefault = (toDelete.attr('id') == $("#whichDefaultRootDir").val()); var deleted_num = $("#rootDirs option:selected").attr('id').substr(3); toDelete.remove(); syncOptionIDs(); if (newDefault) { console.log('new default when deleting'); // we deleted the default so this isn't valid anymore $("#whichDefaultRootDir").val(''); // if we're deleting the default and there are options left then pick a new default if ($("#rootDirs option").length) setDefault($('#rootDirs option').attr('id')); } else if ($("#whichDefaultRootDir").val().length) { var old_default_num = $("#whichDefaultRootDir").val().substr(3); if (old_default_num > deleted_num) $("#whichDefaultRootDir").val('rd-'+(old_default_num-1)) } } refreshRootDirs(); $.get(sbRoot+'/config/general/saveRootDirs', {rootDirString: $('#rootDirText').val()}); }); $('#defaultRootDir').click(function(){ if ($("#rootDirs option:selected").length) setDefault($("#rootDirs option:selected").attr('id')); refreshRootDirs(); $.get(sbRoot+'/config/general/saveRootDirs', {rootDirString: $('#rootDirText').val()}); }); function setDefault(which, force){ //console.log('setting default to '+which); if (/undefined/i.test(which) || !which.length) { return; } if ($('#whichDefaultRootDir').val() == which && force != true) return // put an asterisk on the text if ($('#'+which).text().charAt(0) != '*') $('#'+which).text('*'+$('#'+which).text()); // if there's an existing one then take the asterisk off if ($('#whichDefaultRootDir').val() && force != true) { var old_default = $('#'+$('#whichDefaultRootDir').val()); old_default.text(old_default.text().substring(1)); } $('#whichDefaultRootDir').val(which); } function syncOptionIDs() { // re-sync option ids var i = 0; $('#rootDirs option').each(function() { $(this).attr('id', 'rd-'+(i++)); }); } function refreshRootDirs() { if (!$("#rootDirs").length) return var do_disable = 'true'; // re-sync option ids syncOptionIDs(); // if nothing's selected then select the default if (!$("#rootDirs option:selected").length && $('#whichDefaultRootDir').val().length) $('#'+$('#whichDefaultRootDir').val()).prop("selected", true) // if something's selected then we have some behavior to figure out if ($("#rootDirs option:selected").length) { do_disable = ''; } // update the elements $('#deleteRootDir').prop('disabled', do_disable); $('#defaultRootDir').prop('disabled', do_disable); $('#editRootDir').prop('disabled', do_disable); var log_str = ''; var dir_text = ''; if ($('#whichDefaultRootDir').val().length >= 4) var dir_text = $('#whichDefaultRootDir').val().substr(3); $('#rootDirs option').each(function() { log_str += $(this).val()+'='+$(this).text()+'->'+$(this).attr('id')+'\n'; if (dir_text.length) dir_text += '|' + $(this).val() }); log_str += 'def: '+ $('#whichDefaultRootDir').val(); console.log(log_str); $('#rootDirText').val(dir_text); $('#rootDirText').change(); console.log('rootDirText: '+$('#rootDirText').val()); } $('#rootDirs').click(refreshRootDirs); // set up buttons on page load syncOptionIDs(); setDefault($('#whichDefaultRootDir').val(), true) refreshRootDirs(); });