#!/usr/bin/env python # # ############################################################################## # ############################################################################## # # SickGear PostProcessing script for NZBGet # ========================================= # # If NZBGet v17+ is installed on the same system as SickGear then as a local install, # # 1) Add the location of this script file to NZBGet Settings/PATHS/ScriptDir # # 2) Navigate to any named TV category at Settings/Categories, click "Choose" Category.Extensions then Apply SickGear-NG # # This is the best set up to automatically get script updates from SickGear # # ############# # # If NZBGet v16 or earlier is installed, then as an older install, # # 1) Copy the directory with/or this single script file to path set in NZBGet Settings/PATHS/ScriptDir # # 2) Refresh the NZBGet page and navigate to Settings/SickGear-NG # # 3) Click View -> Compact to remove any tick and un hide tips and suggestions # # 4) The bare minimum change is the sg_base_path setting or enter `python -m pip install requests` at admin commandline # # 5) Navigate to any named TV category at Settings/Categories, click "Choose" Category.Extensions then Apply SickGear-NG # # You will need to manually update your script with this set up # # ############ # # Notes: # Debian doesn't have pip, _if_ requests is needed, try "apt install python-requests" # ----- # Enjoy # # ############################################################################## # ############################################################################## # # Copyright (C) 2016 SickGear Developers # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # ############################################################################## ### NZBGET QUEUE/POST-PROCESSING SCRIPT ### ### QUEUE EVENTS: NZB_ADDED, NZB_DELETED, URL_COMPLETED, NZB_MARKED ### # Send PostProcessing requests to SickGear # # PostProcessing-Script version: 1.3. # # # # Setup steps NZBGet Version # # # # 1 # # # If NZBGet v17 or newer is installed on the same system as SickGear, then add the # location of this script file to NZBGet Settings/PATHS/ScriptDir #

# Or, if NZBGet v16 or earlier is installed on the same system as SickGear and # if python requests library # is not installed, then sg_base_path must be set #
# # # 2 # # # Then, for any install type, click Choose # then apply "SickGear-NG" in a TV Category at NZBGet Settings/CATEGORIES, # save all changes and reload NZBGet # # # #
# # Note This script requires Python 2.7+ and may not work with Python 3.x+ # ############################################################################## ### OPTIONS ### # #test connection@Test SickGear connection # # # Optional # SickGear base installation path. # use where NZBGet v16 or older is installed on the same system as SickGear, and no python requests library is installed # (use "pip list" to check installed modules) #sg_base_path= # # Optional # SickGear server ipaddress [default: aka localhost]. # change if SickGear is not installed on the same localhost as NZBGet #sg_host=localhost # # Optional # SickGear HTTP Port [default:8081] (1025-65535). #sg_port=8081 # # Optional # SickGear Username. #sg_username= # # Optional # SickGear Password. #sg_password= # # Optional # SickGear has SSL enabled [default:No] (yes, no). #sg_ssl=no # # Advanced use # SickGear Web Root. # change if using a custom SickGear web_root setting (e.g. for a reverse proxy) #sg_web_root= # # Optional # Print more logging messages [default:No] (yes, no). # For debugging or if you need to report a bug. #sg_verbose=no ### NZBGET QUEUE/POST-PROCESSING SCRIPT ### ############################################################################## import locale import os import re import sys __version__ = '1.4' verbose = 0 or 'yes' == os.environ.get('NZBPO_SG_VERBOSE', 'no') # NZBGet exit codes for post-processing scripts (Queue-scripts don't have any special exit codes). POSTPROCESS_SUCCESS, POSTPROCESS_ERROR, POSTPROCESS_NONE = 93, 94, 95 failed = False # define minimum dir size, downloads under this size will be handled as failure min_dir_size = 20 * 1024 * 1024 class Logger: INFO, DETAIL, ERROR, WARNING = 'INFO', 'DETAIL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING' # '[NZB]' send a command message to NZBGet (no log) NZB = 'NZB' def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def safe_print(msg_type, message): try: print '[%s] %s' % (msg_type, message.encode(SYS_ENCODING)) except (StandardError, Exception): try: print '[%s] %s' % (msg_type, message) except (StandardError, Exception): try: print '[%s] %s' % (msg_type, repr(message)) except (StandardError, Exception): pass @staticmethod def log(message, msg_type=INFO): size = 900 if size > len(message): Logger.safe_print(msg_type, message) else: for group in (message[pos:pos + size] for pos in xrange(0, len(message), size)): Logger.safe_print(msg_type, group) if 'nt' == os.name: import ctypes class WinEnv: def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def get_environment_variable(name): name = unicode(name) # ensures string argument is unicode n = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetEnvironmentVariableW(name, None, 0) env_value = None if n: buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(u'\0'*n) ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetEnvironmentVariableW(name, buf, n) env_value = buf.value verbose and Logger.log('Get var(%s) = %s' % (name, env_value or n)) return env_value def __getitem__(self, key): return self.get_environment_variable(key) def get(self, key, default=None): r = self.get_environment_variable(key) return r if r is not None else default env_var = WinEnv() else: class LinuxEnv(object): def __init__(self, environ): self.environ = environ def __getitem__(self, key): v = self.environ.get(key) try: return v.decode(SYS_ENCODING) if isinstance(v, str) else v except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): return v def get(self, key, default=None): v = self[key] return v if v is not None else default env_var = LinuxEnv(os.environ) SYS_ENCODING = None try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except (locale.Error, IOError): pass try: SYS_ENCODING = locale.getpreferredencoding() except (locale.Error, IOError): pass if not SYS_ENCODING or SYS_ENCODING in ('ANSI_X3.4-1968', 'US-ASCII', 'ASCII'): SYS_ENCODING = 'UTF-8' verbose and Logger.log('%s(%s) env dump = %s' % (('posix', 'nt')['nt' == os.name], SYS_ENCODING, os.environ)) class Ek: def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def fix_string_encoding(x): if str == type(x): try: return x.decode(SYS_ENCODING) except UnicodeDecodeError: return None elif unicode == type(x): return x return None @staticmethod def fix_list_encoding(x): if type(x) not in (list, tuple): return x return filter(lambda i: None is not i, map(Ek.fix_string_encoding, i)) @staticmethod def encode_item(x): try: return x.encode(SYS_ENCODING) except UnicodeEncodeError: return x.encode(SYS_ENCODING, 'ignore') @staticmethod def ek(func, *args, **kwargs): if 'nt' == os.name: func_result = func(*args, **kwargs) else: func_result = func(*[Ek.encode_item(x) if type(x) == str else x for x in args], **kwargs) if type(func_result) in (list, tuple): return Ek.fix_list_encoding(func_result) elif str == type(func_result): return Ek.fix_string_encoding(func_result) return func_result # Depending on the mode in which the script was called (queue-script NZBNA_DELETESTATUS # or post-processing-script) a different set of parameters (env. vars) # is passed. They also have different prefixes: # - NZBNA in queue-script mode; # - NZBPP in pp-script mode. env_run_mode = ('PP', 'NA')['NZBNA_EVENT' in os.environ] def nzbget_var(name, default='', namespace=env_run_mode): return env_var.get('NZB%s_%s' % (namespace, name), default) def nzbget_opt(name, default=''): return nzbget_var(name, default, 'OP') def nzbget_plugin_opt(name, default=''): return nzbget_var('SG_%s' % name, default, 'PO') sg_path = nzbget_plugin_opt('BASE_PATH') if not sg_path or not Ek.ek(os.path.isdir, sg_path): try: script_path = Ek.ek(os.path.dirname, __file__) sg_path = Ek.ek(os.path.dirname, Ek.ek(os.path.dirname, script_path)) except (StandardError, Exception): pass if sg_path and Ek.ek(os.path.isdir, Ek.ek(os.path.join, sg_path, 'lib')): sys.path.insert(1, Ek.ek(os.path.join, sg_path, 'lib')) try: import requests except ImportError: Logger.log('You must set SickGear sg_base_path in script config or install python requests library', Logger.ERROR) sys.exit(1) def get_size(start_path='.'): if Ek.ek(os.path.isfile, start_path): return Ek.ek(os.path.getsize, start_path) total_size = 0 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in Ek.ek(os.walk, start_path): for f in filenames: if not f.lower().endswith(('.nzb', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png', '.tif', '.nfo', '.txt', '.srt', '.sub', '.sbv', '.idx', '.bat', '.sh', '.exe', '.pdf')): fp = Ek.ek(os.path.join, dirpath, f) total_size += Ek.ek(os.path.getsize, fp) return total_size def try_int(s, s_default=0): try: return int(s) except (StandardError, Exception): return s_default def try_float(s, s_default=0): try: return float(s) except (StandardError, Exception): return s_default class ExitReason: def __init__(self): pass PP_SUCCESS = 0 FAIL_SUCCESS = 1 MARKED_BAD_SUCCESS = 2 DELETED = 5 SAME_DUPEKEY = 10 UNFINISHED_DOWNLOAD = 11 NONE = 20 NONE_SG = 21 PP_ERROR = 25 FAIL_ERROR = 26 MARKED_BAD_ERROR = 27 def script_exit(status, reason, runmode=None): Logger.log('NZBPR_SICKGEAR_PROCESSED=%s_%s_%s' % (status, runmode or env_run_mode, reason), Logger.NZB) sys.exit(status) def get_old_status(): old_status = env_var.get('NZBPR_SICKGEAR_PROCESSED', '') status_regex = re.compile(r'(\d+)_(\w\w)_(\d+)') if old_status and status_regex.search(old_status) is not None: s = status_regex.match(old_status) return try_int(s.group(1)), s.group(2), try_int(s.group(3)) return POSTPROCESS_NONE, env_run_mode, ExitReason.NONE markbad = 'NZB_MARKED' == env_var.get('NZBNA_EVENT') and 'BAD' == env_var.get('NZBNA_MARKSTATUS') good_statuses = [(POSTPROCESS_SUCCESS, 'PP', ExitReason.FAIL_SUCCESS), # successfully failed pp'ed (POSTPROCESS_SUCCESS, 'NA', ExitReason.FAIL_SUCCESS), # queue, successfully failed sent (POSTPROCESS_SUCCESS, 'NA', ExitReason.MARKED_BAD_SUCCESS)] # queue, mark bad+successfully failed sent if not markbad: good_statuses.append((POSTPROCESS_SUCCESS, 'PP', ExitReason.PP_SUCCESS)) # successfully pp'ed # Start up checks def start_check(): # Check if the script is called from a compatible NZBGet version (as queue-script or as pp-script) nzbget_version = re.search(r'^(\d+\.\d+)', nzbget_opt('VERSION', '0.1')) nzbget_version = nzbget_version.group(1) if nzbget_version and len(nzbget_version.groups()) >= 1 else '0.1' nzbget_version = try_float(nzbget_version) if 17 > nzbget_version: Logger.log('This script is designed to be called from NZBGet 17.0 or later.') sys.exit(0) if 'NZB_ADDED' == env_var.get('NZBNA_EVENT'): Logger.log('NZBPR_SICKGEAR_PROCESSED=', Logger.NZB) # reset var in case of Download Again sys.exit(0) # This script processes only certain queue events. # For compatibility with newer NZBGet versions it ignores event types it doesn't know if env_var.get('NZBNA_EVENT') not in ['NZB_DELETED', 'URL_COMPLETED', 'NZB_MARKED', None]: sys.exit(0) if 'NZB_MARKED' == env_var.get('NZBNA_EVENT') and 'BAD' != env_var.get('NZBNA_MARKSTATUS'): Logger.log('Marked as [%s], nothing to do, existing' % env_var.get('NZBNA_MARKSTATUS', '')) sys.exit(0) old_exit_status = get_old_status() if old_exit_status in good_statuses and not ( ExitReason.FAIL_SUCCESS == old_exit_status[2] and 'SUCCESS' == nzbget_var('TOTALSTATUS')): Logger.log('Found result from a previous completed run, exiting') script_exit(old_exit_status[0], old_exit_status[2], old_exit_status[1]) # If called via "Post-process again" from history details dialog the download may not exist anymore if 'NZBNA_EVENT' not in os.environ and 'NZBPP_DIRECTORY' in os.environ: directory = nzbget_var('DIRECTORY') if not directory or not Ek.ek(os.path.exists, directory): Logger.log('No files for postprocessor, look back in your NZBGet logs if required, exiting') script_exit(POSTPROCESS_NONE, ExitReason.NONE) def call_nzbget_direct(url_command): # Connect to NZBGet and call an RPC-API method without using python's XML-RPC which is slow for large amount of data # First we need connection info: host, port and password of NZBGet server, NZBGet passes configuration options to # scripts using environment variables host, port, username, password = [nzbget_opt('CONTROL%s' % name) for name in 'IP', 'PORT', 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD'] url = 'http://%s:%s/jsonrpc/%s' % ((host, '')['' == host], port, url_command) try: response = requests.get(url, auth=(username, password)) except requests.RequestException: return '' return response.content if response.ok else '' def call_sickgear(nzb_name, dir_name, test=False): global failed ssl, host, port, username, password, webroot = [nzbget_plugin_opt(name, default) for name, default in ('SSL', 'no'), ('HOST', 'localhost'), ('PORT', '8081'), ('USERNAME', ''), ('PASSWORD', ''), ('WEB_ROOT', '')] protocol = 'http%s://' % ('', 's')['yes' == ssl] webroot = any(webroot) and '/%s' % webroot.strip('/') or '' url = '%s%s:%s%s/home/postprocess/processEpisode' % (protocol, host, port, webroot) dupescore = nzbget_var('DUPESCORE') dupekey = nzbget_var('DUPEKEY') nzbid = nzbget_var('NZBID') params = {'nzbName': '%s.nzb' % (nzb_name and re.sub('(?i)\.nzb$', '', nzb_name) or None), 'dir': dir_name, 'failed': int(failed), 'quiet': 1, 'stream': 1, 'force': 1, 'dupekey': dupekey, 'dupescore': dupescore, 'nzbid': nzbid, 'ppVersion': __version__, 'is_basedir': 0, 'client': 'nzbget'} if test: params['test'] = '1' Logger.log('Opening URL: %s with params: %s' % (url, params)) try: s = requests.Session() if username or password: login = '%s%s:%s%s/login' % (protocol, host, port, webroot) r = s.get(login, verify=False) login_params = {'username': username, 'password': password} if 401 == r.status_code and r.cookies.get('_xsrf'): login_params['_xsrf'] = r.cookies.get('_xsrf') s.post(login, data=login_params, stream=True, verify=False) r = s.get(url, auth=(username, password), params=params, stream=True, verify=False, timeout=900) except (StandardError, Exception): Logger.log('Unable to open URL: %s' % url, Logger.ERROR) return False success = False try: if r.status_code not in [requests.codes.ok, requests.codes.created, requests.codes.accepted]: Logger.log('Server returned status %s' % str(r.status_code), Logger.ERROR) return False for line in r.iter_lines(): if line: Logger.log(line, Logger.DETAIL) if test: if 'Connection success!' in line: return True elif not failed and 'Failed download detected:' in line: failed = True global markbad markbad = True Logger.log('MARK=BAD', Logger.NZB) success = ('Processing succeeded' in line or 'Successfully processed' in line or (1 == failed and 'Successful failed download processing' in line)) except Exception as e: Logger.log(str(e), Logger.ERROR) return success def find_dupekey_history(dupekey, nzb_id): if not dupekey: return False data = call_nzbget_direct('history?hidden=true') cur_status = cur_dupekey = cur_id = '' cur_dupescore = 0 for line in data.splitlines(): if line.startswith('"NZBID" : '): cur_id = line[10:-1] elif line.startswith('"Status" : '): cur_status = line[12:-2] elif line.startswith('"DupeKey" : '): cur_dupekey = line[13:-2] elif line.startswith('"DupeScore" : '): cur_dupescore = try_int(line[14:-1]) elif cur_id and line.startswith('}'): if (cur_status.startswith('SUCCESS') and dupekey == cur_dupekey and cur_dupescore >= try_int(nzbget_var('DUPESCORE')) and cur_id != nzb_id): return True cur_status = cur_dupekey = cur_id = '' cur_dupescore = 0 return False def find_dupekey_queue(dupekey, nzb_id): if not dupekey: return False data = call_nzbget_direct('listgroups') cur_status = cur_dupekey = cur_id = '' for line in data.splitlines(): if line.startswith('"NZBID" : '): cur_id = line[10:-1] elif line.startswith('"Status" : '): cur_status = line[12:-2] elif line.startswith('"DupeKey" : '): cur_dupekey = line[13:-2] elif cur_id and line.startswith('}'): if 'PAUSED' != cur_status and dupekey == cur_dupekey and cur_id != nzb_id: return True cur_status = cur_dupekey = cur_id = '' return False def check_for_failure(directory): failure = True dupekey = nzbget_var('DUPEKEY') if 'PP' == env_run_mode: total_status = nzbget_var('TOTALSTATUS') status = nzbget_var('STATUS') if 'WARNING' == total_status and status in ['WARNING/REPAIRABLE', 'WARNING/SPACE', 'WARNING/DAMAGED']: Logger.log('WARNING/REPAIRABLE' == status and 'Download is damaged but probably can be repaired' or 'WARNING/SPACE' == status and 'Out of Diskspace' or 'Par-check is required but is disabled in settings', Logger.WARNING) script_exit(POSTPROCESS_ERROR, ExitReason.UNFINISHED_DOWNLOAD) elif 'DELETED' == total_status: Logger.log('Download was deleted and manually processed, nothing to do, exiting') script_exit(POSTPROCESS_NONE, ExitReason.DELETED) elif 'SUCCESS' == total_status: # check for min dir size if get_size(directory) > min_dir_size: failure = False else: nzb_id = nzbget_var('NZBID') if (not markbad and find_dupekey_queue(dupekey, nzb_id)) or find_dupekey_history(dupekey, nzb_id): Logger.log('Download with same Dupekey in download queue or history, exiting') script_exit(POSTPROCESS_NONE, ExitReason.SAME_DUPEKEY) nzb_delete_status = nzbget_var('DELETESTATUS') if nzb_delete_status == 'MANUAL': Logger.log('Download was manually deleted, exiting') script_exit(POSTPROCESS_NONE, ExitReason.DELETED) # Check if it's a Failed Download not added by SickGear if failure and (not dupekey or not dupekey.startswith('SickGear-')): Logger.log('Failed download was not added by SickGear, exiting') script_exit(POSTPROCESS_NONE, ExitReason.NONE_SG) return failure # Check if the script is executed from settings page with a custom command command = os.environ.get('NZBCP_COMMAND') if None is not command: if 'test connection' == command: Logger.log('Test connection...') result = call_sickgear('', '', test=True) if True is result: Logger.log('Connection Test successful!') sys.exit(POSTPROCESS_SUCCESS) Logger.log('Connection Test failed!', Logger.ERROR) sys.exit(POSTPROCESS_ERROR) Logger.log('Invalid command passed to SickGear-NG: ' + command, Logger.ERROR) sys.exit(POSTPROCESS_ERROR) # Script body def main(): global failed # Do start up check start_check() # Read context (what nzb is currently being processed) directory = nzbget_var('DIRECTORY') nzbname = nzbget_var('NZBNAME') failed = check_for_failure(directory) if call_sickgear(nzbname, directory): Logger.log('Successfully post-processed %s' % nzbname) sys.stdout.flush() script_exit(POSTPROCESS_SUCCESS, failed and (markbad and ExitReason.MARKED_BAD_SUCCESS or ExitReason.FAIL_SUCCESS) or ExitReason.PP_SUCCESS) Logger.log('Failed to post-process %s' % nzbname, Logger.ERROR) sys.stdout.flush() script_exit(POSTPROCESS_ERROR, failed and (markbad and ExitReason.MARKED_BAD_ERROR or ExitReason.FAIL_ERROR) or ExitReason.PP_ERROR) # Execute main script function main() script_exit(POSTPROCESS_NONE, ExitReason.NONE)