$(document).ready(function(){ $('#sbRoot').ajaxEpSearch({'colorRow': true}); $('#sbRoot').ajaxEpRetry({'colorRow': true}); $('#sbRoot').ajaxEpSubtitlesSearch(); $('#seasonJump').change(function() { var id = $(this).val(); if (id && id != 'jump') { $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $(id).offset().top},'slow'); location.hash = id; } $(this).val('jump'); }); $("#prevShow").click(function(){ $('#pickShow option:selected').prev('option').attr('selected', 'selected'); $("#pickShow").change(); }); $("#nextShow").click(function(){ $('#pickShow option:selected').next('option').attr('selected', 'selected'); $("#pickShow").change(); }); $('#changeStatus').click(function(){ var sbRoot = $('#sbRoot').val() var epArr = new Array() $('.epCheck').each(function() { if (this.checked == true) { epArr.push($(this).attr('id')) } }); if (epArr.length == 0) return false url = sbRoot+'/home/setStatus?show='+$('#showID').attr('value')+'&eps='+epArr.join('|')+'&status='+$('#statusSelect').attr('value') window.location.href = url }); $('.seasonCheck').click(function(){ var seasCheck = this; var seasNo = $(seasCheck).attr('id'); $('.epCheck:visible').each(function(){ var epParts = $(this).attr('id').split('x') if (epParts[0] == seasNo) { this.checked = seasCheck.checked } }); }); var lastCheck = null; $('.epCheck').click(function(event) { if(!lastCheck || !event.shiftKey) { lastCheck = this; return; } var check = this; var found = 0; $('.epCheck').each(function() { switch (found) { case 2: return false; case 1: this.checked = lastCheck.checked; } if (this == check || this == lastCheck) found++; }); lastClick = this; }); // selects all visible episode checkboxes. $('.seriesCheck').click(function(){ $('.epCheck:visible').each(function(){ this.checked = true }); $('.seasonCheck:visible').each(function(){ this.checked = true }) }); // clears all visible episode checkboxes and the season selectors $('.clearAll').click(function(){ $('.epCheck:visible').each(function(){ this.checked = false }); $('.seasonCheck:visible').each(function(){ this.checked = false }); }); // handle the show selection dropbox $('#pickShow').change(function(){ var sbRoot = $('#sbRoot').val() var val = $(this).attr('value') if (val == 0) return url = sbRoot+'/home/displayShow?show='+val window.location.href = url }); // show/hide different types of rows when the checkboxes are changed $("#checkboxControls input").change(function(e){ var whichClass = $(this).attr('id') $(this).showHideRows(whichClass) return $('tr.'+whichClass).each(function(i){ $(this).toggle(); }); }); // initially show/hide all the rows according to the checkboxes $("#checkboxControls input").each(function(e){ var status = this.checked; $("tr."+$(this).attr('id')).each(function(e){ if (status) { $(this).show(); } else { $(this).hide(); } }); }); $.fn.showHideRows = function(whichClass){ var status = $('#checkboxControls > input, #'+whichClass).prop('checked') $("tr."+whichClass).each(function(e){ if (status) { $(this).show(); } else { $(this).hide(); } }); // hide season headers with no episodes under them $('tr.seasonheader').each(function(){ var numRows = 0 var seasonNo = $(this).attr('id') $('tr.'+seasonNo+' :visible').each(function(){ numRows++ }) if (numRows == 0) { $(this).hide() $('#'+seasonNo+'-cols').hide() } else { $(this).show() $('#'+seasonNo+'-cols').show() } }); } function setEpisodeSceneNumbering(forSeason, forEpisode, sceneSeason, sceneEpisode) { var sbRoot = $('#sbRoot').val(); var showId = $('#showID').val(); if (sceneSeason === '') sceneSeason = null; if (sceneEpisode === '') sceneEpisode = null; $.getJSON(sbRoot + '/home/setEpisodeSceneNumbering', { 'show': showId, 'forSeason': forSeason, 'forEpisode': forEpisode, 'sceneSeason': sceneSeason, 'sceneEpisode': sceneEpisode }, function(data) { // Set the values we get back if (data.sceneSeason === null || data.sceneEpisode === null) { $('#sceneSeasonXEpisode_' + showId + '_' + forSeason +'_' + forEpisode).val(''); } else { $('#sceneSeasonXEpisode_' + showId + '_' + forSeason +'_' + forEpisode).val(data.sceneSeason + 'x' + data.sceneEpisode); } if (!data.success) { if (data.errorMessage) { alert(data.errorMessage); } else { alert('Update failed.'); } } } ); } $('.sceneSeasonXEpisode').change(function() { // Strip non-numeric characters $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^0-9xX]*/g,'')); var forSeason = $(this).attr('data-for-season'); var forEpisode = $(this).attr('data-for-episode'); var showId = $('#showID').val(); //var sceneEpisode = $('#sceneEpisode_' + showId + '_' + forSeason +'_' + forEpisode).val(); var m = $(this).val().match(/^(\d+)x(\d+)$/i); var sceneSeason = null, sceneEpisode = null; if (m) { sceneSeason = m[1]; sceneEpisode = m[2]; } setEpisodeSceneNumbering(forSeason, forEpisode, sceneSeason, sceneEpisode); }); });