# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

# History
# -------
# 1/29 Created          Richard Powell          richard@powell.ws

# You will need to create a configuration file in order for this script
# to work properly. Please create /etc/conf.d/sickbeard with the following:
# SICKBEARD_USER=<user you want sickbeard to run under>
# SICKBEARD_GROUP=<group you want sickbeard to run under>
# SICKBEARD_DIR=<path to Sickbeard.py>
# PATH_TO_PYTHON_2=/usr/bin/python2
# SICKBEARD_DATADIR=<directory that contains sickbeard.db file>
# SICKBEARD_CONFDIR=<directory that contains Sickbeard's config.ini file>


depend() {
    need net

get_pidfile() {
    # Parse the config.ini file for the value of web_port in the General section
    eval `sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*\=[[:space:]]*/=/g' \
        -e 's/;.*$//' \
        -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' \
        -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' \
        -e "s/^\(.*\)=\([^\"']*\)$/\1=\"\2\"/" \
       <  ${SICKBEARD_CONFDIR}/config.ini \
        | sed -n -e "/^\[General\]/,/^\s*\[/{/^[^;].*\=.*/p;}"`

    echo "${RUNDIR}/sickbeard-${web_port}.pid"

start() {
    ebegin "Starting Sickbeard"

    checkpath -q -d -o ${SICKBEARD_USER}:${SICKBEARD_GROUP} -m 0770 "${RUNDIR}"

    start-stop-daemon \
        --quiet \
        --start \
        --user ${SICKBEARD_USER} \
        --group ${SICKBEARD_GROUP} \
        --name sickbeard \
        --background \
        --pidfile $(get_pidfile) \
        --exec ${PATH_TO_PYTHON_2} \
        -- \
        ${SICKBEARD_DIR}/SickBeard.py \
        -d \
        --pidfile $(get_pidfile) \
        --config ${SICKBEARD_CONFDIR}/config.ini \
        --datadir ${SICKBEARD_DATADIR}
    eend $?

start_pre() {
    if [ "$RC_CMD" == "restart" ]; then
        local pidfile=$(get_pidfile)
        while [ -e ${pidfile} ]; do
            sleep 1

    return 0

stop() {
    local pidfile=$(get_pidfile)
    local rc

    ebegin "Stopping Sickbeard"