# Author: Nic Wolfe # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of Sick Beard. # # Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Sick Beard. If not, see . import urllib import datetime import sickbeard import generic from sickbeard import classes, show_name_helpers, helpers from sickbeard import exceptions, logger from sickbeard.common import * from sickbeard import tvcache from lib.dateutil.parser import parse as parseDate class Fanzub(generic.NZBProvider): def __init__(self): generic.NZBProvider.__init__(self, "Fanzub") self.supportsBacklog = False self.supportsAbsoluteNumbering = True self.anime_only = True self.enabled = False self.cache = FanzubCache(self) self.url = 'https://fanzub.com/' def isEnabled(self): return self.enabled def imageName(self): return 'fanzub.gif' def _get_season_search_strings(self, ep_obj): return [x for x in show_name_helpers.makeSceneSeasonSearchString(self.show, ep_obj)] def _get_episode_search_strings(self, ep_obj, add_string=''): return [x for x in show_name_helpers.makeSceneSearchString(self.show, ep_obj)] def _doSearch(self, search_string, search_mode='eponly', epcount=0, age=0): if self.show and not self.show.is_anime: logger.log(u"" + str(self.show.name) + " is not an anime skiping ...") return [] params = { "cat": "anime", "q": search_string.encode('utf-8'), "max": "100" } search_url = self.url + "rss?" + urllib.urlencode(params) logger.log(u"Search url: " + search_url, logger.DEBUG) data = self.cache.getRSSFeed(search_url) if not data: return [] if 'entries' in data: items = data.entries results = [] for curItem in items: (title, url) = self._get_title_and_url(curItem) if title and url: results.append(curItem) else: logger.log( u"The data returned from " + self.name + " is incomplete, this result is unusable", logger.DEBUG) return results return [] def findPropers(self, date=None): results = [] for item in self._doSearch("v2|v3|v4|v5"): (title, url) = self._get_title_and_url(item) if item.has_key('published_parsed') and item['published_parsed']: result_date = item.published_parsed if result_date: result_date = datetime.datetime(*result_date[0:6]) else: logger.log(u"Unable to figure out the date for entry " + title + ", skipping it") continue if not date or result_date > date: search_result = classes.Proper(title, url, result_date, self.show) results.append(search_result) return results class FanzubCache(tvcache.TVCache): def __init__(self, provider): tvcache.TVCache.__init__(self, provider) # only poll Fanzub every 20 minutes max self.minTime = 20 def _getRSSData(self): params = { "cat": "anime".encode('utf-8'), "max": "100".encode('utf-8') } rss_url = self.provider.url + 'rss?' + urllib.urlencode(params) logger.log(self.provider.name + u" cache update URL: " + rss_url, logger.DEBUG) data = self.getRSSFeed(rss_url) if data and 'entries' in data: return data.entries else: return [] provider = Fanzub()