#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file is part of SickGear. # # SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # Check needed software dependencies to nudge users to fix their setup import codecs import datetime import errno import getopt import os import signal import sys import shutil import time import threading import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=r'.*bs4_parser.*', message='.*No parser was explicitly specified.*') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=r'.*Cheetah.*') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=r'.*connectionpool.*', message='.*certificate verification.*') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=r'.*fuzzywuzzy.*') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=r'.*ssl_.*', message='.*SSLContext object.*') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=r'.*zoneinfo.*', message='.*file or directory.*') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='.*deprecated in cryptography.*') versions = [((3, 9, 0), (3, 9, 2)), ((3, 9, 4), (3, 9, 20)), ((3, 10, 0), (3, 12, 7))] # inclusive version ranges if not any(list(map(lambda v: v[0] <= sys.version_info[:3] <= v[1], versions))) and not int(os.environ.get('PYT', 0)): major, minor, micro = sys.version_info[:3] print('Python %s.%s.%s detected.' % (major, minor, micro)) print('Sorry, SickGear requires a Python version %s' % ', '.join(map( lambda r: '%s - %s' % tuple(map(lambda v: str(v).replace(',', '.')[1:-1], r)), versions))) sys.exit(1) sys.path.insert(1, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'lib'))) is_win = 'win' == sys.platform[0:3] try: try: py_cache_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '__pycache__')) for pf in ['_cleaner.pyc', '_cleaner.pyo']: cleaner_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), pf)) if os.path.isfile(cleaner_file): os.remove(cleaner_file) if os.path.isdir(py_cache_path): shutil.rmtree(py_cache_path) except (BaseException, Exception): pass import _cleaner from sickgear import piper except (BaseException, Exception): pass try: import Cheetah except (BaseException, Exception): print('The Python module CT3 (Cheetah) is required') if is_win: print('(1) However, this first run may have just installed it, so try to simply rerun sickgear.py again') print('(2) If this output is a rerun of (1) then open a command line prompt and manually install using...') else: print('Manually install using...') print('cd <sickgear_installed_folder>') print('python -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt') print('python sickgear.py') sys.exit(1) # Compatibility fixes for Windows if is_win: codecs.register(lambda name: codecs.lookup('utf-8') if name == 'cp65001' else None) # We only need this for compiling an EXE from multiprocessing import freeze_support from configobj import ConfigObj # noinspection PyPep8Naming from encodingKludge import SYS_ENCODING from exceptions_helper import ex import sickgear from sickgear import db, logger, name_cache, network_timezones from sickgear.event_queue import Events from sickgear.tv import TVShow from sickgear.webserveInit import WebServer from six import integer_types, iteritems throwaway = datetime.datetime.strptime('20110101', '%Y%m%d') rollback_loaded = None for signal_type in [signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT] + ([] if not is_win else [signal.SIGBREAK]): signal.signal(signal_type, lambda signum, void: sickgear.sig_handler(signum=signum, _=void)) class SickGear(object): def __init__(self): # system event callback for shutdown/restart sickgear.events = Events(self.shutdown) # daemon constants self.run_as_daemon = False self.create_pid = False self.pid_file = '' self.run_as_systemd = False self.console_logging = False # webserver constants self.webserver = None self.force_update = False self.forced_port = None self.no_launch = False self.web_options = None self.webhost = None self.start_port = None self.log_dir = None @staticmethod def help_message(): """ print help message for commandline options """ global is_win help_msg = [''] help_msg += ['Usage: %s <option> <another option>\n' % sickgear.MY_FULLNAME] help_msg += ['Options:\n'] help_tmpl = ' %-10s%-17s%s' for ln in [ ('-h', '--help', 'Prints this message'), ('-f', '--forceupdate', 'Force update all shows in the DB (from tvdb) on startup'), ('-q', '--quiet', 'Disables logging to console'), ('', '--nolaunch', 'Suppress launching web browser on startup') ]: help_msg += [help_tmpl % ln] if is_win: for ln in [ ('-d', '--daemon', 'Running as daemon is not supported on Windows'), ('', '', 'On Windows, --daemon is substituted with: --quiet --nolaunch') ]: help_msg += [help_tmpl % ln] else: for ln in [ ('-d', '--daemon', 'Run as double forked daemon (includes options --quiet --nolaunch)'), ('-s', '--systemd', 'Run as systemd service (includes options --quiet --nolaunch)'), ('', '--pidfile=<path>', 'Combined with --daemon creates a pidfile (full path including filename)') ]: help_msg += [help_tmpl % ln] for ln in [ ('-p <port>', '--port=<port>', 'Override default/configured port to listen on'), ('', '--datadir=<path>', 'Override folder (full path) as location for'), ('', '', 'storing database, configfile, cache, logfiles'), ('', '', 'Default: %s' % sickgear.PROG_DIR), ('', '--config=<path>', 'Override config filename (full path including filename)'), ('', '', 'to load configuration from'), ('', '', 'Default: config.ini in %s or --datadir location' % sickgear.PROG_DIR), ('', '--noresize', 'Prevent resizing of the banner/posters even if PIL is installed') ]: help_msg += [help_tmpl % ln] return '\n'.join(help_msg) @staticmethod def execute_rollback(mo, max_v, load_msg): global rollback_loaded try: if None is rollback_loaded: rollback_loaded = db.get_rollback_module() if None is not rollback_loaded: rc = rollback_loaded.__dict__[mo]() rc.load_msg = load_msg rc.run(max_v) else: print('ERROR: Could not download Rollback Module.') except (BaseException, Exception): pass def start(self): global is_win # do some preliminary stuff sickgear.MY_FULLNAME = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sickgear.PROG_DIR = os.path.dirname(sickgear.MY_FULLNAME) sickgear.DATA_DIR = sickgear.PROG_DIR sickgear.MY_ARGS = sys.argv[1:] sickgear.SYS_ENCODING = SYS_ENCODING legacy_runner = globals().get('_legacy_sickgear_runner') if not legacy_runner: import __main__ legacy_runner = 'bear' in (getattr(__main__, '__file__', False) or '').split(os.sep)[-1].lower() sickgear.MEMCACHE['DEPRECATE_SB_RUNNER'] = legacy_runner # Need console logging for sickgear.py self.console_logging = not hasattr(sys, 'frozen') # Rename the main thread threading.current_thread().name = 'MAIN' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hfqdsp::', ['help', 'forceupdate', 'quiet', 'nolaunch', 'daemon', 'systemd', 'pidfile=', 'port=', 'datadir=', 'config=', 'noresize', 'update-restart', 'update-pkg']) except getopt.GetoptError: sys.exit(self.help_message()) for o, a in opts: # Prints help message if o in ('-h', '--help'): sys.exit(self.help_message()) # For now, we'll just silence the logging if o in ('-q', '--quiet'): self.console_logging = False # Should we update (from indexer) all shows in the DB right away? if o in ('-f', '--forceupdate'): self.force_update = True # Suppress launching web browser # Needed for OSes without default browser assigned # Prevent duplicate browser window when restarting in the app if o in ('--nolaunch',): self.no_launch = True # Override default/configured port if o in ('-p', '--port'): try: self.forced_port = int(a) except ValueError: sys.exit('Port: %s is not a number. Exiting.' % a) # Run as a double forked daemon if o in ('-d', '--daemon'): self.run_as_daemon = True # When running as daemon disable console_logging and don't start browser self.console_logging = False self.no_launch = True if is_win: self.run_as_daemon = False # Run as a systemd service if o in ('-s', '--systemd') and not is_win: self.run_as_systemd = True self.run_as_daemon = False self.console_logging = False self.no_launch = True # Write a pidfile if requested if o in ('--pidfile',): self.create_pid = True self.pid_file = str(a) # If the pidfile already exists, sickgear may still be running, so exit if os.path.exists(self.pid_file): sys.exit('PID file: %s already exists. Exiting.' % self.pid_file) # Specify folder to load the config file from if o in ('--config',): sickgear.CONFIG_FILE = os.path.abspath(a) # Specify folder to use as the data dir if o in ('--datadir',): sickgear.DATA_DIR = os.path.abspath(a) # Prevent resizing of the banner/posters even if PIL is installed if o in ('--noresize',): sickgear.NO_RESIZE = True # The pidfile is only useful in daemon mode, make sure we can write the file properly if self.create_pid: if self.run_as_daemon: pid_dir = os.path.dirname(self.pid_file) if not os.access(pid_dir, os.F_OK): sys.exit(f"PID dir: {pid_dir} doesn't exist. Exiting.") if not os.access(pid_dir, os.W_OK): sys.exit(f'PID dir: {pid_dir} must be writable (write permissions). Exiting.') else: if self.console_logging: print('Not running in daemon mode. PID file creation disabled') self.create_pid = False # If they don't specify a config file then put it in the data dir if not sickgear.CONFIG_FILE: sickgear.CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(sickgear.DATA_DIR, 'config.ini') # Make sure that we can create the data dir if not os.access(sickgear.DATA_DIR, os.F_OK): try: os.makedirs(sickgear.DATA_DIR, 0o744) except os.error: sys.exit(f'Unable to create data directory: {sickgear.DATA_DIR} Exiting.') # Make sure we can write to the data dir if not os.access(sickgear.DATA_DIR, os.W_OK): sys.exit(f'Data directory: {sickgear.DATA_DIR} must be writable (write permissions). Exiting.') # Make sure we can write to the config file if not os.access(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE, os.W_OK): if os.path.isfile(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE): sys.exit(f'Config file: {sickgear.CONFIG_FILE} must be writeable (write permissions). Exiting.') elif not os.access(os.path.dirname(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE), os.W_OK): sys.exit(f'Config file directory: {os.path.dirname(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE)}' f' must be writeable (write permissions). Exiting') os.chdir(sickgear.DATA_DIR) if self.console_logging: print(f'Starting up SickGear from {sickgear.CONFIG_FILE}') # Load the config and publish it to the sickgear package if not os.path.isfile(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE): print(f'Unable to find "{sickgear.CONFIG_FILE}", all settings will be default!') sickgear.CFG = ConfigObj(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE) try: stack_size = int(sickgear.CFG['General']['stack_size']) except (BaseException, Exception): stack_size = None if stack_size: try: threading.stack_size(stack_size) except (BaseException, Exception) as er: print('Stack Size %s not set: %s' % (stack_size, ex(er))) if self.run_as_daemon: self.daemonize() # Get PID sickgear.PID = os.getpid() # Initialize the config sickgear.initialize(console_logging=self.console_logging) if self.forced_port: logger.log(f'Forcing web server to port {self.forced_port}') self.start_port = self.forced_port else: self.start_port = sickgear.WEB_PORT if sickgear.WEB_LOG: self.log_dir = sickgear.LOG_DIR else: self.log_dir = None # sickgear.WEB_HOST is available as a configuration value in various # places but is not configurable. It is supported here for historic reasons. if sickgear.WEB_HOST and '' != sickgear.WEB_HOST: self.webhost = sickgear.WEB_HOST else: self.webhost = (('', '::')[sickgear.WEB_IPV6], '')[sickgear.WEB_IPV64] # web server options self.web_options = dict( host=self.webhost, port=int(self.start_port), web_root=sickgear.WEB_ROOT, data_root=os.path.join(sickgear.PROG_DIR, 'gui', sickgear.GUI_NAME), log_dir=self.log_dir, username=sickgear.WEB_USERNAME, password=sickgear.WEB_PASSWORD, handle_reverse_proxy=sickgear.HANDLE_REVERSE_PROXY, enable_https=False, https_cert=None, https_key=None, ) if sickgear.ENABLE_HTTPS: self.web_options.update(dict( enable_https=sickgear.ENABLE_HTTPS, https_cert=os.path.join(sickgear.PROG_DIR, sickgear.HTTPS_CERT), https_key=os.path.join(sickgear.PROG_DIR, sickgear.HTTPS_KEY) )) # start web server try: # used to check if existing SG instances have been started sickgear.helpers.wait_for_free_port( sickgear.WEB_IPV6 and '::1' or self.web_options['host'], self.web_options['port']) self.webserver = WebServer(options=self.web_options) self.webserver.start() # wait for server thread to be started self.webserver.wait_server_start() sickgear.started = True except (BaseException, Exception): logger.error(f'Unable to start web server, is something else running on port {self.start_port:d}?') if self.run_as_systemd: self.exit(0) if sickgear.LAUNCH_BROWSER and not self.no_launch: logger.error('Launching browser and exiting') sickgear.launch_browser(self.start_port) self.exit(1) # Launch browser if sickgear.LAUNCH_BROWSER and not self.no_launch: sickgear.launch_browser(self.start_port) # send pid of sg instance to ui sickgear.classes.loading_msg.set_msg_progress('Process-id', sickgear.PID) # check all db versions for d, min_v, max_v, base_v, mo in [ ('failed.db', sickgear.failed_db.MIN_DB_VERSION, sickgear.failed_db.MAX_DB_VERSION, sickgear.failed_db.TEST_BASE_VERSION, 'FailedDb'), ('cache.db', sickgear.cache_db.MIN_DB_VERSION, sickgear.cache_db.MAX_DB_VERSION, sickgear.cache_db.TEST_BASE_VERSION, 'CacheDb'), ('sickbeard.db', sickgear.mainDB.MIN_DB_VERSION, sickgear.mainDB.MAX_DB_VERSION, sickgear.mainDB.TEST_BASE_VERSION, 'MainDb') ]: cur_db_version = db.DBConnection(d).check_db_version() # handling of standalone TEST db versions load_msg = 'Downgrading %s to production version' % d if 100000 <= cur_db_version != max_v: sickgear.classes.loading_msg.set_msg_progress(load_msg, 'Rollback') print('Your [%s] database version (%s) is a test db version and doesn\'t match SickGear required ' 'version (%s), downgrading to production db' % (d, cur_db_version, max_v)) self.execute_rollback(mo, max_v, load_msg) cur_db_version = db.DBConnection(d).check_db_version() if 100000 <= cur_db_version: print('Rollback to production failed.') sys.exit('If you have used other forks, your database may be unusable due to their changes') if 100000 <= max_v and None is not base_v: max_v = base_v # set max_v to the needed base production db for test_db print(f'Rollback to production of [{d}] successful.') sickgear.classes.loading_msg.set_msg_progress(load_msg, 'Finished') # handling of production version higher than current base of test db if isinstance(base_v, integer_types) and max_v >= 100000 > cur_db_version > base_v: sickgear.classes.loading_msg.set_msg_progress(load_msg, 'Rollback') print('Your [%s] database version (%s) is a db version and doesn\'t match SickGear required ' 'version (%s), downgrading to production base db' % (d, cur_db_version, max_v)) self.execute_rollback(mo, base_v, load_msg) cur_db_version = db.DBConnection(d).check_db_version() if 100000 <= cur_db_version: print('Rollback to production base failed.') sys.exit('If you have used other forks, your database may be unusable due to their changes') if 100000 <= max_v and None is not base_v: max_v = base_v # set max_v to the needed base production db for test_db print(f'Rollback to production base of [{d}] successful.') sickgear.classes.loading_msg.set_msg_progress(load_msg, 'Finished') # handling of production db versions if 0 < cur_db_version < 100000: if cur_db_version < min_v: print(f'Your [{d}] database version ({cur_db_version})' f' is too old to migrate from with this version of SickGear') sys.exit('Upgrade using a previous version of SG first,' ' or start with no database file to begin fresh') if cur_db_version > max_v: sickgear.classes.loading_msg.set_msg_progress(load_msg, 'Rollback') print(f'Your [{d}] database version ({cur_db_version}) has been incremented past what this' f' version of SickGear supports. Trying to rollback now. Please wait...') self.execute_rollback(mo, max_v, load_msg) if db.DBConnection(d).check_db_version() > max_v: print('Rollback failed.') sys.exit('If you have used other forks, your database may be unusable due to their changes') print(f'Rollback of [{d}] successful.') sickgear.classes.loading_msg.set_msg_progress(load_msg, 'Finished') # migrate the config if it needs it from sickgear.config import ConfigMigrator migrator = ConfigMigrator(sickgear.CFG) if migrator.config_version > migrator.expected_config_version: self.execute_rollback('ConfigFile', migrator.expected_config_version, 'Downgrading config.ini') migrator = ConfigMigrator(sickgear.CFG) migrator.migrate_config() # free memory global rollback_loaded rollback_loaded = None sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Init SickGear' # Initialize the threads and other stuff sickgear.initialize(console_logging=self.console_logging) # Check if we need to perform a restore first restore_dir = os.path.join(sickgear.DATA_DIR, 'restore') if os.path.exists(restore_dir): sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Restoring files' if self.restore(restore_dir, sickgear.DATA_DIR): logger.log('Restore successful...') else: logger.log_error_and_exit('Restore FAILED!') # refresh network timezones sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Checking network timezones' network_timezones.update_network_dict() update_arg = '--update-restart' manual_update_arg = '--update-pkg' if update_arg not in sickgear.MY_ARGS and sickgear.UPDATES_TODO \ and (manual_update_arg in sickgear.MY_ARGS or sickgear.UPDATE_PACKAGES_AUTO): sickgear.MEMCACHE['update_restart'] = piper.pip_update( sickgear.classes.loading_msg, sickgear.UPDATES_TODO, sickgear.DATA_DIR) sickgear.UPDATES_TODO = dict() sickgear.save_config() if manual_update_arg in sickgear.MY_ARGS: sickgear.MY_ARGS.remove(manual_update_arg) if not sickgear.MEMCACHE.get('update_restart'): # Build from the DB to start with sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Loading shows from db' sickgear.indexermapper.indexer_list = [i for i in sickgear.TVInfoAPI().all_sources if sickgear.TVInfoAPI(i).config.get('show_url') and True is not sickgear.TVInfoAPI(i).config.get('people_only')] self.load_shows_from_db() sickgear.MEMCACHE['history_tab'] = sickgear.webserve.History.menu_tab( sickgear.MEMCACHE['history_tab_limit']) if not db.DBConnection().has_flag('ignore_require_cleaned'): from sickgear.show_updater import clean_ignore_require_words sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Cleaning ignore/require words lists' clean_ignore_require_words() db.DBConnection().set_flag('ignore_require_cleaned') # Fire up threads sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Starting threads' sickgear.start() if sickgear.MEMCACHE.get('update_restart'): sickgear.MY_ARGS.append(update_arg) sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Restarting SickGear after update' time.sleep(3) sickgear.restart(soft=False) # restart wait loop while True: time.sleep(1) if update_arg in sickgear.MY_ARGS: sickgear.MY_ARGS.remove(update_arg) # Build internal name cache sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Build name cache' name_cache.build_name_cache() # load all ids from xem # sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Loading xem data' # startup_background_tasks = threading.Thread(name='XEMUPDATER', target=sickgear.scene_exceptions.ReleaseMap().fetch_xem_ids) # startup_background_tasks.start() sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Checking history' # check history snatched_proper update if not db.DBConnection().has_flag('history_snatch_proper'): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences history_snatched_proper_task = threading.Thread(name='UPGRADE-HISTORY-ACTION', target=sickgear.history.history_snatched_proper_fix) history_snatched_proper_task.start() if not db.DBConnection().has_flag('kodi_nfo_default_removed'): sickgear.metadata.kodi.remove_default_attr() if not db.DBConnection().has_flag('kodi_nfo_rebuild_uniqueid'): sickgear.metadata.kodi.rebuild_nfo() my_db = db.DBConnection() sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM tv_src_switch WHERE status = 0') if sql_result: switching = True l_msg = 'Adding shows that are switching tv source to queue' total_result = len(sql_result) def q_switch(switch): try: _show_obj = sickgear.helpers.find_show_by_id({switch['new_indexer']: switch['new_indexer_id']}) if _show_obj: sickgear.show_queue_scheduler.action.switch_show( show_obj=_show_obj, new_tvid=switch['new_indexer'], new_prodid=switch['new_indexer_id'], force_id=bool(switch['force_id']), uid=switch['uid'], set_pause=bool(switch['set_pause']), mark_wanted=bool(switch['mark_wanted']), resume=True, old_tvid=switch['old_indexer'], old_prodid=switch['old_indexer_id'] ) except (BaseException, Exception): pass sickgear.classes.loading_msg.set_msg_progress(l_msg, '0/%s' % total_result) for i, cur_switch in enumerate(sql_result, 1): sickgear.classes.loading_msg.set_msg_progress(l_msg, '%s/%s' % (i, total_result)) try: show_obj = sickgear.helpers.find_show_by_id( {cur_switch['old_indexer']: cur_switch['old_indexer_id']}) except (BaseException, Exception): if cur_switch['new_indexer_id']: # show id was already switched, but not finished updated, so queue as update q_switch(cur_switch) continue if show_obj: try: sickgear.show_queue_scheduler.action.switch_show( show_obj=show_obj, new_tvid=cur_switch['new_indexer'], new_prodid=cur_switch['new_indexer_id'], force_id=bool(cur_switch['force_id']), uid=cur_switch['uid'], set_pause=bool(cur_switch['set_pause']), mark_wanted=bool(cur_switch['mark_wanted']) ) except (BaseException, Exception): continue elif cur_switch['new_indexer_id']: # show id was already switched, but not finished updated, so resume q_switch(cur_switch) else: switching = False # Start an update if we're supposed to if not switching and (self.force_update or sickgear.UPDATE_SHOWS_ON_START): sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Starting a forced show update' background_start_forced_show_update = threading.Thread(name='STARTUP-FORCE-SHOW-UPDATE', target=sickgear.update_show_scheduler.action.run) background_start_forced_show_update.start() sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Switching to default web server' time.sleep(2) self.webserver.switch_handlers() # main loop while 1: time.sleep(1) def daemonize(self): """ Fork off as a daemon """ # pylint: disable=E1101 # Make a non-session-leader child process try: pid = os.fork() # only available in UNIX if 0 != pid: self.exit(0) except OSError as er: sys.stderr.write('fork #1 failed: %d (%s)\n' % (er.errno, er.strerror)) sys.exit(1) os.setsid() # only available in UNIX # Make sure I can read my own files and shut out others prev = os.umask(0) os.umask(prev and int('077', 8)) # Make the child a session-leader by detaching from the terminal try: pid = os.fork() # only available in UNIX if 0 != pid: self.exit(0) except OSError as er: sys.stderr.write('fork #2 failed: %d (%s)\n' % (er.errno, er.strerror)) sys.exit(1) # Write pid if self.create_pid: pid = str(os.getpid()) logger.log(f'Writing PID: {pid} to {self.pid_file}') try: os.fdopen(os.open(self.pid_file, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY, 0o644), 'w').write('%s\n' % pid) except (BaseException, Exception) as er: logger.log_error_and_exit('Unable to write PID file: %s Error: %s [%s]' % ( self.pid_file, er.strerror, er.errno)) # Redirect all output sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() devnull = getattr(os, 'devnull', '/dev/null') stdin = open(devnull, 'r') stdout = open(devnull, 'a+') stderr = open(devnull, 'a+') os.dup2(stdin.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(stdout.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(stderr.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) @staticmethod def remove_pid_file(pidfile): try: if os.path.exists(pidfile): os.remove(pidfile) except (IOError, OSError): return False return True @staticmethod def load_shows_from_db(): """ Populates the showList with shows from the database """ logger.log('Loading initial show list') my_db = db.DBConnection(row_type='dict') sql_result = my_db.select( """ SELECT tv_shows.indexer AS tv_id, tv_shows.indexer_id AS prod_id, tv_shows.*, ii.akas AS ii_akas, ii.certificates AS ii_certificates, ii.countries AS ii_countries, ii.country_codes AS ii_country_codes, ii.genres AS ii_genres, ii.imdb_id AS ii_imdb_id, ii.indexer AS ii_indexer, ii.indexer_id AS ii_indexer_id, ii.last_update AS ii_ii_last_update, ii.rating AS ii_rating, ii.runtimes AS ii_runtimes, ii.is_mini_series AS ii_is_mini_series, ii.episode_count AS ii_episode_count, ii.title AS ii_title, ii.votes AS ii_votes, ii.year AS ii_year, tsnf.fail_count AS tsnf_fail_count, tsnf.indexer AS tsnf_indexer, tsnf.indexer_id AS tsnf_indexer_id, tsnf.last_check AS tsnf_last_check, tsnf.last_success AS tsnf_last_success FROM tv_shows LEFT JOIN imdb_info ii ON tv_shows.indexer = ii.indexer AND tv_shows.indexer_id = ii.indexer_id LEFT JOIN tv_shows_not_found tsnf ON tv_shows.indexer = tsnf.indexer AND tv_shows.indexer_id = tsnf.indexer_id """) sickgear.showList = [] sickgear.showDict = {} for cur_result in sql_result: try: tv_id = int(cur_result['tv_id']) prod_id = int(cur_result['prod_id']) if cur_result['ii_indexer_id']: imdb_info_sql = {_fk.replace('ii_', ''): _fv for _fk, _fv in iteritems(cur_result) if _fk.startswith('ii_')} else: imdb_info_sql = None show_obj = TVShow(tv_id, prod_id, show_result=cur_result, imdb_info_result=imdb_info_sql) if cur_result['tsnf_indexer_id']: failed_result = {_fk.replace('tsnf_', ''): _fv for _fk, _fv in iteritems(cur_result) if _fk.startswith('tsnf_')} show_obj.helper_load_failed_db(sql_result=failed_result) sickgear.showList.append(show_obj) sickgear.showDict[show_obj.sid_int] = show_obj _ = show_obj.ids except (BaseException, Exception) as err: logger.error('There was an error creating the show in %s: %s' % (cur_result['location'], ex(err))) sickgear.webserve.Home.make_showlist_unique_names() @staticmethod def restore(src_dir, dst_dir): try: for filename in os.listdir(src_dir): src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, filename) dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, filename) bak_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, '%s.bak' % filename) shutil.move(dst_file, bak_file) shutil.move(src_file, dst_file) os.rmdir(src_dir) return True except (BaseException, Exception): return False def shutdown(self, ev_type): logger.debug(f'Shutdown ev_type:{ev_type}, sickgear.started:{sickgear.started}') if sickgear.started: # stop all tasks sickgear.halt() # save all shows to DB sickgear.save_all() # shutdown web server if self.webserver: logger.log('Shutting down Tornado') self.webserver.shut_down() try: self.webserver.join(10) except (BaseException, Exception): pass # if run as daemon delete the pidfile if self.run_as_daemon and self.create_pid: self.remove_pid_file(self.pid_file) if sickgear.events.SystemEvent.RESTART == ev_type: popen_list = [] if sickgear.update_software_scheduler.action.install_type in ('git', 'source'): popen_list = [sys.executable, sickgear.MY_FULLNAME] if popen_list: popen_list += sickgear.MY_ARGS if self.run_as_systemd: logger.log(f'Restarting SickGear with exit(1) handler and {popen_list}') logger.close() self.exit(1) if '--nolaunch' not in popen_list: popen_list += ['--nolaunch'] logger.log(f'Restarting SickGear with {popen_list}') logger.close() from _23 import Popen with Popen(popen_list, cwd=os.getcwd()): self.exit(0) # system exit self.exit(0) @staticmethod def exit(code): # noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyUnresolvedReferences os._exit(code) if '__main__' == __name__: freeze_support() try: try: # start SickGear SickGear().start() except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.EINTR: raise except SystemExit as e: print('%s' % ex(e)) except (BaseException, Exception) as e: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) logger.log('SickGear.Start() exception caught %s: %s' % (ex(e), traceback.format_exc()))