# # This file is part of SickGear. # # SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickGear. If not, see . import copy import datetime import re import threading import traceback # noinspection PyPep8Naming from exceptions_helper import ex import sickgear from . import common, db, failed_history, generic_queue, helpers, \ history, logger, network_timezones, properFinder, search, ui from .classes import Proper, SimpleNamespace from .search import wanted_episodes, get_aired_in_season, set_wanted_aired from .tv import TVEpisode # noinspection PyUnreachableCode if False: from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional, Union from .tv import TVShow search_queue_lock = threading.Lock() BACKLOG_SEARCH = 10 RECENT_SEARCH = 20 FAILED_SEARCH = 30 MANUAL_SEARCH = 40 PROPER_SEARCH = 50 MANUAL_SEARCH_HISTORY = [] MANUAL_SEARCH_HISTORY_SIZE = 100 class SearchQueue(generic_queue.GenericQueue): def __init__(self): generic_queue.GenericQueue.__init__(self, cache_db_tables=['search_queue']) self.queue_name = 'SEARCHQUEUE' # type: AnyStr def load_queue(self): try: my_db = db.DBConnection('cache.db') queue_sql = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM search_queue') for q in queue_sql: if q['action_id'] in (BACKLOG_SEARCH, FAILED_SEARCH, MANUAL_SEARCH): show_obj = helpers.find_show_by_id({q['indexer']: q['indexer_id']}) if not show_obj: continue if BACKLOG_SEARCH == q['action_id']: segments = [show_obj.get_episode(*tuple([int(x) for x in cur_ep.split('x')])) for cur_ep in q['segment'].split(',')] item = BacklogQueueItem(show_obj=show_obj, segment=segments, standard_backlog=bool(q['standard_backlog']), limited_backlog=bool(q['limited_backlog']), forced=bool(q['forced']), torrent_only=bool(q['torrent_only']), uid=q['uid']) elif FAILED_SEARCH == q['action_id']: segments = [show_obj.get_episode(*tuple([int(x) for x in cur_ep.split('x')])) for cur_ep in q['segment'].split(',')] item = FailedQueueItem(show_obj=show_obj, segment=segments, uid=q['uid']) elif MANUAL_SEARCH == q['action_id']: segment = show_obj.get_episode(*tuple([int(x) for x in q['segment'].split('x')])) item = ManualSearchQueueItem(show_obj=show_obj, segment=segment, uid=q['uid']) else: continue self.add_item(item, add_to_db=False) except (BaseException, Exception) as e: logger.error('Exception loading queue %s: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, ex(e))) def _clear_sql(self): return [ ['DELETE FROM search_queue'] ] def _get_item_sql(self, item): # type: (BaseSearchQueueItem) -> List[List] if isinstance(item, BacklogQueueItem): return [ ['INSERT OR IGNORE INTO search_queue (indexer, indexer_id, segment, standard_backlog, limited_backlog,' ' forced, torrent_only, action_id, uid) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', [item.show_obj.tvid, item.show_obj.prodid, ','.join('%sx%s' % (i.season, i.episode) for i in item.segment), int(item.standard_backlog), int(item.limited_backlog), int(item.forced), int(item.torrent_only), BACKLOG_SEARCH, item.uid]] ] elif isinstance(item, FailedQueueItem): return [ ['INSERT OR IGNORE INTO search_queue (indexer, indexer_id, segment, action_id, uid)' ' VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', [item.show_obj.tvid, item.show_obj.prodid, ','.join('%sx%s' % (i.season, i.episode) for i in item.segment), FAILED_SEARCH, item.uid]] ] elif isinstance(item, ManualSearchQueueItem): return [ ['INSERT OR IGNORE INTO search_queue (indexer, indexer_id, segment, action_id, uid)' ' VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', [item.show_obj.tvid, item.show_obj.prodid, '%sx%s' % (item.segment.season, item.segment.episode), MANUAL_SEARCH, item.uid]] ] return [] def _delete_item_from_db_sql(self, item): # type: (BaseSearchQueueItem) -> List[List] if isinstance(item, (BacklogQueueItem, FailedQueueItem, ManualSearchQueueItem)): return [ ['DELETE FROM search_queue WHERE uid = ?', [item.uid]] ] def _clear_queue(self, action_types=None, excluded_types=None): generic_queue.GenericQueue._clear_queue(self, action_types=action_types, excluded_types=[RECENT_SEARCH, PROPER_SEARCH]) def remove_from_queue(self, to_remove=None, force=False): generic_queue.GenericQueue._remove_from_queue(self, to_remove=to_remove, excluded_types=[RECENT_SEARCH, PROPER_SEARCH], force=force) def is_in_queue(self, show_obj, segment): # type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow, List[sickgear.tv.TVEpisode]) -> bool with self.lock: return any(1 for cur_item in self.queue if isinstance(cur_item, BacklogQueueItem) and show_obj == cur_item.show_obj and segment == cur_item.segment) def is_ep_in_queue(self, segment): # type: (List[sickgear.tv.TVEpisode]) -> bool with self.lock: return any(1 for cur_item in self.queue if isinstance(cur_item, (ManualSearchQueueItem, FailedQueueItem)) and cur_item.segment == segment) def is_show_in_queue(self, tvid_prodid): # type: (AnyStr) -> bool with self.lock: return any(1 for cur_item in self.queue if isinstance(cur_item, (ManualSearchQueueItem, FailedQueueItem)) and tvid_prodid == cur_item.show_obj.tvid_prodid) def pause_backlog(self): # type: (...) -> None with self.lock: self.min_priority = generic_queue.QueuePriorities.HIGH def unpause_backlog(self): # type: (...) -> None with self.lock: self.min_priority = 0 def is_backlog_paused(self): # type: (...) -> bool # backlog priorities are NORMAL, this should be done properly somewhere with self.lock: return self.min_priority >= generic_queue.QueuePriorities.NORMAL def _is_in_progress(self, item_type): # type: (Any) -> bool with self.lock: return any(1 for cur_item in self.queue + [self.currentItem] if isinstance(cur_item, item_type)) def get_queued_manual(self, tvid_prodid): # type: (Optional[AnyStr]) -> List[BaseSearchQueueItem] """ Returns None or List of base info items of all show related items in manual or failed queue :param tvid_prodid: show tvid_prodid or None for all q items :return: List with 0 or more items """ ep_ns_list = [] with self.lock: for cur_item in self.queue: if (isinstance(cur_item, (ManualSearchQueueItem, FailedQueueItem)) and (not tvid_prodid or tvid_prodid == str(cur_item.show_obj.tvid_prodid))): ep_ns_list.append(cur_item.base_info()) return ep_ns_list def get_current_manual_item(self, tvid_prodid): # type: (Optional[AnyStr]) -> Union[ManualSearchQueueItem, FailedQueueItem] """ Returns a base info item of the currently active manual search item :param tvid_prodid: show tvid_prodid or None for all q items :type tvid_prodid: String or None :return: base info item of ManualSearchQueueItem or FailedQueueItem or None """ with self.lock: if self.currentItem and isinstance(self.currentItem, (ManualSearchQueueItem, FailedQueueItem)) \ and (not tvid_prodid or tvid_prodid == str(self.currentItem.show_obj.tvid_prodid)): return self.currentItem.base_info() def is_backlog_in_progress(self): # type: (...) -> bool return self._is_in_progress(BacklogQueueItem) def is_recentsearch_in_progress(self): # type: (...) -> bool return self._is_in_progress(RecentSearchQueueItem) def is_propersearch_in_progress(self): # type: (...) -> bool with self.lock: return any(1 for cur_item in self.queue + [self.currentItem] if isinstance(cur_item, ProperSearchQueueItem) and None is cur_item.propers) def is_standard_backlog_in_progress(self): # type: (...) -> bool with self.lock: return any(1 for cur_item in self.queue + [self.currentItem] if isinstance(cur_item, BacklogQueueItem) and cur_item.standard_backlog) def type_of_backlog_in_progress(self): # type: (...) -> AnyStr limited = full = other = False with self.lock: for cur_item in self.queue + [self.currentItem]: if isinstance(cur_item, BacklogQueueItem): if cur_item.standard_backlog: if cur_item.limited_backlog: limited = True else: full = True else: other = True types = [] for msg, variant in ['Limited', limited], ['Full', full], ['On Demand', other]: if variant: types.append(msg) message = 'None' if types: message = ', '.join(types) return message def queue_length(self): # type: (...) -> Dict[List] length = dict(backlog=[], recent=0, manual=[], failed=[], proper=[]) with self.lock: for cur_item in [self.currentItem] + self.queue: if not cur_item: continue if isinstance(cur_item, RecentSearchQueueItem): length['recent'] += 1 elif isinstance(cur_item, ProperSearchQueueItem): length['proper'] += [dict(recent=None is not cur_item.propers)] else: result_item = dict( name=cur_item.show_obj.name, segment=cur_item.segment, tvid=cur_item.show_obj.tvid, prodid=cur_item.show_obj.prodid, tvid_prodid=cur_item.show_obj.tvid_prodid, # legacy keys for api responses indexer=cur_item.show_obj.tvid, indexerid=cur_item.show_obj.prodid, uid=cur_item.uid ) if isinstance(cur_item, BacklogQueueItem): result_item.update(dict( standard_backlog=cur_item.standard_backlog, limited_backlog=cur_item.limited_backlog, forced=cur_item.forced, torrent_only=cur_item.torrent_only)) length['backlog'] += [result_item] elif isinstance(cur_item, FailedQueueItem): length['failed'] += [result_item] elif isinstance(cur_item, ManualSearchQueueItem): length['manual'] += [result_item] return length def abort_show(self, show_obj): # type: (TVShow) -> None if show_obj: with self.lock: to_remove = [] for c in ((self.currentItem and [self.currentItem]) or []) + self.queue: if show_obj == getattr(c, 'show_obj', None): try: to_remove.append(c.uid) except (BaseException, Exception): pass try: c.stop.set() except (BaseException, Exception): pass if to_remove: try: self.remove_from_queue(to_remove) except (BaseException, Exception): pass def add_item( self, item, # type: Union[RecentSearchQueueItem, ProperSearchQueueItem, BacklogQueueItem, ManualSearchQueueItem, FailedQueueItem] add_to_db=True # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> None """ :param item: :param add_to_db: :type item: RecentSearchQueueItem or ProperSearchQueueItem or BacklogQueueItem or ManualSearchQueueItem or FailedQueueItem """ if isinstance(item, (RecentSearchQueueItem, ProperSearchQueueItem)): # recent and proper searches generic_queue.GenericQueue.add_item(self, item, add_to_db=add_to_db) elif isinstance(item, BacklogQueueItem) and not self.is_in_queue(item.show_obj, item.segment): # backlog searches generic_queue.GenericQueue.add_item(self, item, add_to_db=add_to_db) elif isinstance(item, (ManualSearchQueueItem, FailedQueueItem)) and not self.is_ep_in_queue(item.segment): # manual and failed searches generic_queue.GenericQueue.add_item(self, item, add_to_db=add_to_db) else: logger.debug("Not adding item, it's already in the queue") class RecentSearchQueueItem(generic_queue.QueueItem): def __init__(self): self.success = None self.ep_obj_list = [] # type: List generic_queue.QueueItem.__init__(self, 'Recent Search', RECENT_SEARCH) self.snatched_eps = set([]) # type: set def run(self): generic_queue.QueueItem.run(self) try: self._change_missing_episodes() show_list = sickgear.showList from_date = datetime.date.fromordinal(1) needed = common.NeededQualities() for cur_show_obj in show_list: if cur_show_obj.paused: continue wanted_eps = wanted_episodes(cur_show_obj, from_date, unaired=sickgear.SEARCH_UNAIRED) if wanted_eps: if not needed.all_needed: if not needed.all_types_needed: needed.check_needed_types(cur_show_obj) if not needed.all_qualities_needed: for w in wanted_eps: if needed.all_qualities_needed: break if not w.show_obj.is_anime and not w.show_obj.is_sports: needed.check_needed_qualities(w.wanted_quality) self.ep_obj_list.extend(wanted_eps) if sickgear.DOWNLOAD_PROPERS: properFinder.get_needed_qualites(needed) self.update_providers(needed=needed) self._check_for_propers(needed) if not self.ep_obj_list: logger.log('No search of cache for episodes required') self.success = True else: num_shows = len(set([ep_obj.show_obj.name for ep_obj in self.ep_obj_list])) logger.log(f'Found {len(self.ep_obj_list):d} needed episode{helpers.maybe_plural(self.ep_obj_list)}' f' spanning {num_shows:d} show{helpers.maybe_plural(num_shows)}') try: logger.log('Beginning recent search for episodes') # noinspection PyTypeChecker search_results = search.search_for_needed_episodes(self.ep_obj_list) if not len(search_results): logger.log('No needed episodes found') else: for result in search_results: logger.log(f'Downloading {result.name} from {result.provider.name}') self.success = search.snatch_episode(result) if self.success: for ep_obj in result.ep_obj_list: self.snatched_eps.add(SimpleNamespace(tvid_prodid=ep_obj.show_obj.tvid_prodid, tvid=ep_obj.show_obj.tvid, prodid=ep_obj.show_obj.prodid, season=ep_obj.season, episode=ep_obj.episode, show=ep_obj.show_obj, ep_obj=ep_obj)) helpers.cpu_sleep() except (BaseException, Exception): logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) if None is self.success: self.success = False finally: self.finish() @staticmethod def _check_for_propers(needed): # type: (sickgear.common.NeededQualities) -> None if not sickgear.DOWNLOAD_PROPERS: return propers = {} my_db = db.DBConnection('cache.db') sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM provider_cache') re_p = r'\brepack|proper|real%s\b' % ('', '|v[2-9]')[needed.need_anime] proper_regex = re.compile(re_p, flags=re.I) for cur_result in sql_result: if proper_regex.search(cur_result['name']): try: show_obj = helpers.find_show_by_id({int(cur_result['indexer']): int(cur_result['indexerid'])}) except (BaseException, Exception): continue if show_obj: propers.setdefault(cur_result['provider'], []).append( Proper(cur_result['name'], cur_result['url'], datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cur_result['time']), show_obj, parsed_show_obj=show_obj)) if propers: logger.log('Found Proper/Repack/Real in recent search, sending data to properfinder') propersearch_queue_item = sickgear.search_queue.ProperSearchQueueItem(provider_proper_obj=propers) sickgear.search_queue_scheduler.action.add_item(propersearch_queue_item) @staticmethod def _change_missing_episodes(): if not network_timezones.network_dict: network_timezones.update_network_dict() if network_timezones.network_dict: cur_date = (datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).toordinal() else: cur_date = (datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=2)).toordinal() cur_time = datetime.datetime.now(network_timezones.SG_TIMEZONE) my_db = db.DBConnection() sql_result = my_db.select( 'SELECT indexer AS tvid, showid AS prodid, airdate, season, episode, timestamp,' ' timezone, network, airtime, runtime' ' FROM tv_episodes' ' WHERE status = ? AND season > 0 AND airdate <= ? AND airdate > 1' ' ORDER BY indexer, showid', [common.UNAIRED, cur_date]) sql_l = [] show_obj = None wanted = False for cur_result in sql_result: tvid, prodid = int(cur_result['tvid']), int(cur_result['prodid']) if not show_obj or not (show_obj.tvid == tvid and show_obj.prodid == prodid): show_obj = helpers.find_show_by_id({tvid: prodid}) # for when there is orphaned series in the database but not loaded into our showlist if not show_obj: continue try: end_time = network_timezones.get_episode_time(d=cur_result['airdate'], t=show_obj.airs, show_network=show_obj.network, show_airtime=show_obj.airtime, show_timezone=show_obj.timezone, ep_timestamp=cur_result['timestamp'], ep_network=cur_result['network'], ep_airtime=cur_result['airtime'], ep_timezone=cur_result['timezone'] ) end_time += datetime.timedelta(minutes=helpers.try_int(cur_result['runtime'] or show_obj.runtime, 60)) # filter out any episodes that haven't aired yet if end_time > cur_time: continue except (BaseException, Exception): # if an error occurred assume the episode hasn't aired yet continue ep_obj = show_obj.get_episode(int(cur_result['season']), int(cur_result['episode'])) with ep_obj.lock: # Now that it is time, change state of UNAIRED show into expected or skipped ep_obj.status = (common.WANTED, common.SKIPPED)[ep_obj.show_obj.paused] result = ep_obj.get_sql() if None is not result: sql_l.append(result) wanted |= (False, True)[common.WANTED == ep_obj.status] if not wanted: logger.log('No unaired episodes marked wanted') if 0 < len(sql_l): my_db = db.DBConnection() my_db.mass_action(sql_l) if wanted: logger.log('Found new episodes marked wanted') @staticmethod def update_providers(needed=common.NeededQualities(need_all=True)): # type: (sickgear.common.NeededQualities) -> None """ :param needed: needed class :type needed: common.NeededQualities """ orig_thread_name = threading.current_thread().name threads = [] providers = list(filter(lambda x: x.is_active() and x.enable_recentsearch, sickgear.providers.sorted_sources())) for cur_provider in providers: if not cur_provider.cache.should_update(): continue if not threads: logger.log('Updating provider caches with recent upload data') # spawn a thread for each provider to save time waiting for slow response providers threads.append(threading.Thread(target=cur_provider.cache.update_cache, kwargs={'needed': needed}, name='%s :: [%s]' % (orig_thread_name, cur_provider.name))) # start the thread we just created threads[-1].start() if not len(providers): logger.warning('No NZB/Torrent providers in Media Providers/Options are enabled to match recent episodes') if threads: # wait for all threads to finish for t in threads: t.join() logger.log('Finished updating provider caches') class ProperSearchQueueItem(generic_queue.QueueItem): def __init__(self, provider_proper_obj=None): # type: (Optional[Dict]) -> None generic_queue.QueueItem.__init__(self, 'Proper Search', PROPER_SEARCH) self.priority = (generic_queue.QueuePriorities.VERYHIGH, generic_queue.QueuePriorities.HIGH)[None is provider_proper_obj] self.propers = provider_proper_obj # type: Optional[Dict] self.success = None def run(self): generic_queue.QueueItem.run(self) try: properFinder.search_propers(self.propers) finally: self.finish() def __str__(self): return '<%s - %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, ('recent', 'native')[None is self.propers]) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() class BaseSearchQueueItem(generic_queue.QueueItem): def __init__(self, show_obj, segment, name, action_id=0, uid=None): # type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow, Union[TVEpisode, List[TVEpisode]], AnyStr, int, AnyStr) -> None """ :param show_obj: show object :param segment: segment :param name: name :param action_id: :param uid: """ super(BaseSearchQueueItem, self).__init__(name, action_id, uid=uid) self.segment = segment # type: Union[TVEpisode, List[TVEpisode]] self.show_obj = show_obj self.added_dt = None self.success = None self.snatched_eps = set([]) def base_info(self): return SimpleNamespace( success=self.success, added_dt=self.added_dt, snatched_eps=copy.deepcopy(self.snatched_eps), show_ns=SimpleNamespace( tvid=self.show_obj.tvid, prodid=self.show_obj.prodid, tvid_prodid=self.show_obj.tvid_prodid, quality=self.show_obj.quality, upgrade_once=self.show_obj.upgrade_once), segment_ns=[SimpleNamespace( season=s.season, episode=s.episode, status=s.status, ep_obj=s, show_ns=SimpleNamespace( tvid=s.show_obj.tvid, prodid=s.show_obj.prodid, tvid_prodid=self.show_obj.tvid_prodid, quality=s.show_obj.quality, upgrade_once=s.show_obj.upgrade_once )) for s in ([self.segment], self.segment)[isinstance(self.segment, list)]]) def __str__(self): if self.segment: if isinstance(self.segment, list): show_name = self.segment[0].show_obj and self.segment[0].show_obj.name else: show_name = self.segment.show_obj and self.segment.show_obj.name segment_str = ' - %s (%s)' % \ (show_name, ','.join(['%sx%s' % (s.season, s.episode) for s in ([self.segment], self.segment)[isinstance(self.segment, list)]])) else: segment_str = '' return '<%s%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, segment_str) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() class ManualSearchQueueItem(BaseSearchQueueItem): def __init__(self, show_obj, segment, uid=None): # type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow, sickgear.tv.TVEpisode, AnyStr) -> None """ :param show_obj: show object :param segment: segment :param uid: """ super(ManualSearchQueueItem, self).__init__(show_obj, segment, 'Manual Search', MANUAL_SEARCH, uid=uid) self.priority = generic_queue.QueuePriorities.HIGH # type: int self.name = 'MANUAL-%s' % show_obj.tvid_prodid # type: AnyStr self.started = None def run(self): generic_queue.QueueItem.run(self) try: logger.log(f'Beginning manual search for: [{self.segment.pretty_name()}]') self.started = True ep_count, ep_count_scene = get_aired_in_season(self.show_obj) set_wanted_aired(self.segment, True, ep_count, ep_count_scene, manual=True) if not getattr(self.segment, 'wanted_quality', None): ep_status, ep_quality = common.Quality.split_composite_status(self.segment.status) self.segment.wanted_quality = search.get_wanted_qualities(self.segment, ep_status, ep_quality, unaired=True, manual=True) if not self.segment.wanted_quality: logger.log('No qualities wanted for episode, exiting manual search') self.success = False self.finish() return search_result = search.search_providers(self.show_obj, [self.segment], True, try_other_searches=True) if search_result: for result in search_result: # type: sickgear.classes.NZBSearchResult logger.log(f'Downloading {result.name} from {result.provider.name}') self.success = search.snatch_episode(result) for ep_obj in result.ep_obj_list: # type: sickgear.tv.TVEpisode self.snatched_eps.add(SimpleNamespace(tvid_prodid=ep_obj.show_obj.tvid_prodid, tvid=ep_obj.show_obj.tvid, prodid=ep_obj.show_obj.prodid, season=ep_obj.season, episode=ep_obj.episode, show=ep_obj.show_obj, ep_obj=ep_obj)) helpers.cpu_sleep() # just use the first result for now break else: ui.notifications.message('No downloads found', f'Could not find a download for {self.segment.pretty_name()}') logger.log(f'Unable to find a download for: [{self.segment.pretty_name()}]') except (BaseException, Exception): logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) finally: # Keep a list with the last executed searches fifo(MANUAL_SEARCH_HISTORY, self.base_info()) if None is self.success: self.success = False self.finish() class BacklogQueueItem(BaseSearchQueueItem): def __init__( self, show_obj, # type: sickgear.tv.TVShow segment, # type: List[sickgear.tv.TVEpisode] standard_backlog=False, # type: bool limited_backlog=False, # type: bool forced=False, # type: bool torrent_only=False, # type: bool uid=None # type: AnyStr ): """ :param show_obj: show object :param segment: segment :param standard_backlog: is standard backlog :param limited_backlog: is limited backlog :param forced: forced :param torrent_only: torrent only :param uid: """ super(BacklogQueueItem, self).__init__(show_obj, segment, 'Backlog', BACKLOG_SEARCH, uid=uid) self.priority = generic_queue.QueuePriorities.LOW # type: int self.name = 'BACKLOG-%s' % show_obj.tvid_prodid # type: AnyStr self.standard_backlog = standard_backlog # type: bool self.limited_backlog = limited_backlog # type: bool self.forced = forced # type: bool self.torrent_only = torrent_only # type: bool def run(self): generic_queue.QueueItem.run(self) is_error = False try: if not self.standard_backlog: ep_count, ep_count_scene = get_aired_in_season(self.show_obj) for ep_obj in self.segment: # type: sickgear.tv.TVEpisode set_wanted_aired(ep_obj, True, ep_count, ep_count_scene) logger.log(f'Beginning backlog search for: [{self.show_obj.unique_name}]') search_result = search.search_providers( self.show_obj, self.segment, False, try_other_searches=(not self.standard_backlog or not self.limited_backlog), scheduled=self.standard_backlog) if search_result: for result in search_result: # type: sickgear.classes.NZBSearchResult logger.log(f'Downloading {result.name} from {result.provider.name}') if search.snatch_episode(result): for ep_obj in result.ep_obj_list: # type: sickgear.tv.TVEpisode self.snatched_eps.add(SimpleNamespace(tvid_prodid=ep_obj.show_obj.tvid_prodid, tvid=ep_obj.show_obj.tvid, prodid=ep_obj.show_obj.prodid, season=ep_obj.season, episode=ep_obj.episode, show=ep_obj.show_obj, ep_obj=ep_obj)) helpers.cpu_sleep() else: logger.log(f'No needed episodes found during backlog search for: [{self.show_obj.unique_name}]') except (BaseException, Exception): is_error = True logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) finally: logger.log('Completed backlog search %sfor: [%s]' % (('', 'with a debug error ')[is_error], self.show_obj.unique_name)) self.finish() class FailedQueueItem(BaseSearchQueueItem): def __init__(self, show_obj, segment, uid=None): # type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow, List[sickgear.tv.TVEpisode], AnyStr) -> None """ :param show_obj: show object :param segment: segment :param uid: """ super(FailedQueueItem, self).__init__(show_obj, segment, 'Retry', FAILED_SEARCH, uid=uid) self.priority = generic_queue.QueuePriorities.HIGH # type: int self.name = 'RETRY-%s' % show_obj.tvid_prodid # type: AnyStr self.started = None def run(self): generic_queue.QueueItem.run(self) self.started = True try: ep_count, ep_count_scene = get_aired_in_season(self.show_obj) for ep_obj in self.segment: # type: sickgear.tv.TVEpisode logger.log(f'Marking episode as bad: [{ep_obj.pretty_name()}]') failed_history.set_episode_failed(ep_obj) (release, provider) = failed_history.find_release(ep_obj) failed_history.revert_episode(ep_obj) if release: failed_history.add_failed(release) history.log_failed(ep_obj, release, provider) logger.log(f'Beginning failed download search for: [{ep_obj.pretty_name()}]') set_wanted_aired(ep_obj, True, ep_count, ep_count_scene, manual=True) search_result = search.search_providers(self.show_obj, self.segment, True, try_other_searches=True) or [] for result in search_result: # type: sickgear.classes.NZBSearchResult logger.log(f'Downloading {result.name} from {result.provider.name}') if search.snatch_episode(result): for ep_obj in result.ep_obj_list: # type: sickgear.tv.TVEpisode self.snatched_eps.add(SimpleNamespace(tvid_prodid=ep_obj.show_obj.tvid_prodid, tvid=ep_obj.show_obj.tvid, prodid=ep_obj.show_obj.prodid, season=ep_obj.season, episode=ep_obj.episode, show=ep_obj.show_obj, ep_obj=ep_obj)) helpers.cpu_sleep() else: pass # logger.log(f'No valid episode found to retry for: [{self.segment.pretty_name()}]') except (BaseException, Exception): logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) finally: # Keep a list with the last executed searches fifo(MANUAL_SEARCH_HISTORY, self.base_info()) if None is self.success: self.success = False self.finish() def fifo(my_list, item): # type: (List, Any) -> None remove_old_fifo(my_list) item.added_dt = datetime.datetime.now() if len(my_list) >= MANUAL_SEARCH_HISTORY_SIZE: my_list.pop(0) my_list.append(item) def remove_old_fifo(my_list, age=datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)): # type: (List, datetime.timedelta) -> None try: now = datetime.datetime.now() my_list[:] = [i for i in my_list if not isinstance(getattr(i, 'added_dt', None), datetime.datetime) or now - i.added_dt < age] except (BaseException, Exception): pass