## #from sickgear import WEB_PORT, WEB_ROOT, PID, ENABLE_HTTPS, THEME_NAME ##set $sg_host = $getVar('sbHost', 'localhost') #set $sg_port = str($getVar('sbHttpPort', WEB_PORT)) #set $sg_root = $getVar('sbRoot', WEB_ROOT) #set $sg_pid = $getVar('sbPID', str(PID)) ##set $sg_use_https = $getVar('sbHttpsEnabled', ENABLE_HTTPS) #set $theme_suffix = ('', '-dark')['dark' == $getVar('sbThemeName', THEME_NAME)] ## Index of $basepath

Index of $basepath

#for $file in $filelist #end for
#set $lt = '<' #set $gt = '>' #set $ip = '%ssickgear ip address%s' % ($lt, $gt) #set $port = '%sport%s' % ($lt, $gt) #set $ip_port = '%sip address:port%s' % ($lt, $gt) #set $endpoint = 'kodi%s/' % ('', '-legacy')[$kodi_is_legacy] #set $endpoint_alt = '/kodi%s/' % ('', '-legacy')[not $kodi_is_legacy] #set $release = ('Matrix', 'Leia, Krypton, Jarvis, and Isangard')[$kodi_is_legacy] #set $release_alt = ('Matrix', 'Leia, Krypton, Jarvis, and Isangard')[not $kodi_is_legacy]

Add-ons for Kodi $release

SickGear add-on allows integration with Kodi.


Installing takes two steps, continue reading for Kodi $release, otherwise see $endpoint_alt for Kodi release#echo ('', 's')[not $kodi_is_legacy]# $release_alt

Step One: Install SickGear Add-on Repository

There are two options for installing the repository. Option two can be done entirely inside Kodi and is best suited for situations where Kodi is installed on a device with no access to download or copy files.

Option One - Direct download and install for Kodi $release (continue here for $release_alt)

Option Two - Sideload from a source

This is the best and sometimes the only option for standalone devices. This approach requires adding a source that points to the address where SickGear is running and then using that source to install the repo.

First, set up the source

Then, install the repo from the source

Step Two: Install Add-on

Install the add-on from the project repository

After a brief pause, a popup will confirm the add-on is running. Edit the add-on settings.

Tornado Server for SickGear $version