# Author: Nic Wolfe # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickGear. # # SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickGear. If not, see . import time import sickbeard from . import generic from sickbeard import helpers, logger, scene_exceptions, tvcache from sickbeard.exceptions import AuthException class NewznabProvider(generic.NZBProvider): def __init__(self, name, url, key='', cat_ids=None, search_mode=None, search_fallback=False, enable_recentsearch=False, enable_backlog=False): generic.NZBProvider.__init__(self, name, True, False) self.url = url self.key = key self.cat_ids = cat_ids or '5030,5040' self.search_mode = search_mode or 'eponly' self.search_fallback = search_fallback self.enable_recentsearch = enable_recentsearch self.enable_backlog = enable_backlog self.needs_auth = '0' != self.key.strip() # '0' in the key setting indicates that api_key is not needed self.default = False self.cache = NewznabCache(self) def check_auth_from_data(self, data): if data is None: return self._check_auth() if 'error' in data.feed: code = data.feed['error']['code'] if '100' == code: raise AuthException('Your API key for %s is incorrect, check your config.' % self.name) elif '101' == code: raise AuthException('Your account on %s has been suspended, contact the admin.' % self.name) elif '102' == code: raise AuthException('Your account isn\'t allowed to use the API on %s, contact the admin.' % self.name) elif '910' == code: logger.log(u'%s currently has their API disabled, please check with provider.' % self.name, logger.WARNING) else: logger.log(u'Unknown error given from %s: %s' % (self.name, data.feed['error']['description']), logger.ERROR) return False return True def get_newznab_categories(self): """ Uses the newznab provider url and apikey to get the capabilities. Makes use of the default newznab caps param. e.a. http://yournewznab/api?t=caps&apikey=skdfiw7823sdkdsfjsfk Returns a tuple with (succes or not, array with dicts [{"id": "5070", "name": "Anime"}, {"id": "5080", "name": "Documentary"}, {"id": "5020", "name": "Foreign"}...etc}], error message) """ return_categories = [] api_key = self._check_auth() params = {'t': 'caps'} if isinstance(api_key, basestring): params['apikey'] = api_key url = '%s/api?%s' % (self.url.strip('/'), '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in params.items()])) categories = self.get_url(url, timeout=10) if not categories: logger.log(u'Error getting html for [%s]' % url, logger.DEBUG) return False, return_categories, 'Error getting html for [%s]' % url xml_categories = helpers.parse_xml(categories) if not xml_categories: logger.log(u'Error parsing xml for [%s]' % self.name, logger.DEBUG) return False, return_categories, 'Error parsing xml for [%s]' % self.name try: for category in xml_categories.iter('category'): if 'TV' == category.get('name'): for subcat in category.findall('subcat'): return_categories.append(subcat.attrib) except: logger.log(u'Error parsing result for [%s]' % self.name, logger.DEBUG) return False, return_categories, 'Error parsing result for [%s]' % self.name return True, return_categories, '' def config_str(self): return '%s|%s|%s|%s|%i|%s|%i|%i|%i' \ % (self.name or '', self.url or '', self.maybe_apikey() or '', self.cat_ids or '', self.enabled, self.search_mode or '', self.search_fallback, self.enable_recentsearch, self.enable_backlog) def _season_strings(self, ep_obj): search_params = [] base_params = {} # season ep_detail = None if ep_obj.show.air_by_date or ep_obj.show.is_sports: airdate = str(ep_obj.airdate).split('-')[0] base_params['season'] = airdate base_params['q'] = airdate if ep_obj.show.air_by_date: ep_detail = '+"%s"' % airdate elif ep_obj.show.is_anime: base_params['season'] = '%d' % ep_obj.scene_absolute_number else: base_params['season'] = str((ep_obj.season, ep_obj.scene_season)[bool(ep_obj.show.is_scene)]) ep_detail = 'S%02d' % helpers.tryInt(base_params['season'], 1) # id search ids = helpers.mapIndexersToShow(ep_obj.show) ids_fail = '6box' in self.name if not ids_fail and ids[1]: # or ids[2]: params = base_params.copy() use_id = False if ids[1] and self.supports_tvdbid(): params['tvdbid'] = ids[1] use_id = True if ids[2]: params['rid'] = ids[2] use_id = True use_id and search_params.append(params) # query search and exceptions name_exceptions = list( set([helpers.sanitizeSceneName(a) for a in scene_exceptions.get_scene_exceptions(ep_obj.show.indexerid) + [ep_obj.show.name]])) spacer = 'geek' in self.get_id() and ' ' or '.' for cur_exception in name_exceptions: params = base_params.copy() cur_exception = cur_exception.replace('.', spacer) if 'q' in params: params['q'] = '%s%s%s' % (cur_exception, spacer, params['q']) search_params.append(params) if ep_detail: params = base_params.copy() params['q'] = '%s%s%s' % (cur_exception, spacer, ep_detail) 'season' in params and params.pop('season') 'ep' in params and params.pop('ep') search_params.append(params) return [{'Season': search_params}] def _episode_strings(self, ep_obj): search_params = [] base_params = {} if not ep_obj: return [base_params] ep_detail = None if ep_obj.show.air_by_date or ep_obj.show.is_sports: airdate = str(ep_obj.airdate).split('-') base_params['season'] = airdate[0] if ep_obj.show.air_by_date: base_params['ep'] = '/'.join(airdate[1:]) ep_detail = '+"%s.%s"' % (base_params['season'], '.'.join(airdate[1:])) elif ep_obj.show.is_anime: base_params['ep'] = '%i' % (helpers.tryInt(ep_obj.scene_absolute_number) or helpers.tryInt(ep_obj.scene_episode)) ep_detail = '%02d' % helpers.tryInt(base_params['ep']) else: base_params['season'], base_params['ep'] = ( (ep_obj.season, ep_obj.episode), (ep_obj.scene_season, ep_obj.scene_episode))[ep_obj.show.is_scene] ep_detail = sickbeard.config.naming_ep_type[2] % { 'seasonnumber': helpers.tryInt(base_params['season'], 1), 'episodenumber': helpers.tryInt(base_params['ep'], 1)} # id search ids = helpers.mapIndexersToShow(ep_obj.show) ids_fail = '6box' in self.name if not ids_fail and ids[1]: # or ids[2]: params = base_params.copy() use_id = False if ids[1]: if self.supports_tvdbid(): params['tvdbid'] = ids[1] use_id = True if ids[2]: params['rid'] = ids[2] use_id = True use_id and search_params.append(params) # query search and exceptions name_exceptions = list( set([helpers.sanitizeSceneName(a) for a in scene_exceptions.get_scene_exceptions(ep_obj.show.indexerid) + [ep_obj.show.name]])) spacer = 'geek' in self.get_id() and ' ' or '.' if sickbeard.scene_exceptions.has_abs_episodes(ep_obj): search_params.append({'q': '%s%s%s' % (ep_obj.show.name, spacer, base_params['ep'])}) for cur_exception in name_exceptions: params = base_params.copy() cur_exception = cur_exception.replace('.', spacer) params['q'] = cur_exception search_params.append(params) if ep_detail: params = base_params.copy() params['q'] = '%s%s%s' % (cur_exception, spacer, ep_detail) 'season' in params and params.pop('season') 'ep' in params and params.pop('ep') search_params.append(params) return [{'Episode': search_params}] def supports_tvdbid(self): return self.get_id() not in ['sick_beard_index'] def _search_provider(self, search_params, **kwargs): api_key = self._check_auth() base_params = {'t': 'tvsearch', 'maxage': sickbeard.USENET_RETENTION or 0, 'limit': 100, 'attrs': 'rageid', 'offset': 0} if isinstance(api_key, basestring): base_params['apikey'] = api_key results = [] total, cnt, search_url, exit_log = 0, len(results), '', False for mode in search_params.keys(): for i, params in enumerate(search_params[mode]): # category ids cat = [] cat_sport = ['5060'] cat_anime = (['5070'], ['6070,7040'])['nzbs_org' == self.get_id()] if 'Episode' == mode or 'Season' == mode: if not ('rid' in params or 'tvdbid' in params or 'q' in params or not self.supports_tvdbid()): logger.log('Error no rid, tvdbid, or search term available for search.') continue if self.show: if self.show.is_sports: cat = cat_sport elif self.show.is_anime: cat = cat_anime else: cat = cat_sport + cat_anime if self.cat_ids or len(cat): base_params['cat'] = ','.join(sorted(set(self.cat_ids.split(',') + cat))) request_params = base_params.copy() if 'q' in params and not (any(x in params for x in ['season', 'ep'])): request_params['t'] = 'search' request_params.update(params) # workaround a strange glitch if sum(ord(i) for i in self.get_id()) in [383] and 5 == 14 - request_params['maxage']: request_params['maxage'] += 1 offset = 0 batch_count = not 0 # hardcoded to stop after a max of 4 hits (400 items) per query while (offset <= total) and (offset < (200, 400)[self.supports_tvdbid()]) and batch_count: cnt = len(results) data = self.cache.getRSSFeed('%sapi' % self.url, params=request_params) i and time.sleep(2.1) if not data or not self.check_auth_from_data(data): break for item in data.entries: title, url = self._title_and_url(item) if title and url: results.append(item) else: logger.log(u'The data returned from %s is incomplete, this result is unusable' % self.name, logger.DEBUG) # get total and offset attribs try: if 0 == total: total = int(data.feed.newznab_response['total'] or 0) hits = (total / 100 + int(0 < (total % 100))) hits += int(0 == hits) offset = int(data.feed.newznab_response['offset'] or 0) except AttributeError: break # No items found, prevent from doing another search if 0 == total: break # Cache mode, prevent from doing another search if 'Cache' == mode: exit_log = True break if offset != request_params['offset']: logger.log('Ask your newznab provider to fix their newznab responses') break request_params['offset'] += request_params['limit'] if total <= request_params['offset']: exit_log = True logger.log('%s item%s found for episode matching' % (total, helpers.maybe_plural(total)), logger.DEBUG) break # there are more items available than the amount given in one call, grab some more items = total - request_params['offset'] logger.log('%s more item%s to fetch from a batch of up to %s items.' % (items, helpers.maybe_plural(items), request_params['limit']), logger.DEBUG) batch_count = self._log_result(results, mode, cnt, data.rq_response['url']) if exit_log: self._log_result(results, mode, cnt, data and data.rq_response['url'] or '%sapi' % self.url) exit_log = False if 'tvdbid' in request_params and len(results): break return results def _log_result(self, results, mode, cnt, url): count = len(results) - cnt if count: self._log_search(mode, count, url) return count class NewznabCache(tvcache.TVCache): def __init__(self, provider): tvcache.TVCache.__init__(self, provider) self.update_freq = 5 def updateCache(self): result = [] if 4489 != sickbeard.RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY or self.should_update(): try: self._checkAuth() items = self.provider.cache_data() except Exception: items = None if items: self._clearCache() # parse data cl = [] for item in items: ci = self._parseItem(item) if ci is not None: cl.append(ci) if 0 < len(cl): my_db = self.get_db() my_db.mass_action(cl) # set updated as time the attempt to fetch data is self.setLastUpdate() return result # overwrite method with that parses the rageid from the newznab feed def _parseItem(self, *item): title = item[0].title url = item[0].link attrs = item[0].newznab_attr if not isinstance(attrs, list): attrs = [item[0].newznab_attr] tvrageid = 0 for attr in attrs: if 'tvrageid' == attr['name']: tvrageid = int(attr['value']) break self._checkItemAuth(title, url) if not title or not url: logger.log(u'The data returned from the %s feed is incomplete, this result is unusable' % self.provider.name, logger.DEBUG) return None url = self._translateLinkURL(url) logger.log(u'Attempting to add item from RSS to cache: ' + title, logger.DEBUG) return self.add_cache_entry(title, url, indexer_id=tvrageid)