$(document).ready(function (){ function getRecommendedShows(){ $('#searchResults').empty().html('' + ' fetching recommendations...'); $.getJSON(sbRoot + '/home/addShows/getRecommendedShows', {}, function (data){ var resultStr = '', checked = '', rowType, row = 0; if (null === data || 0 === data.results.length){ resultStr += '

Sorry, no recommended shows found, this can happen from time to time.

' + '

However, if the issue persists, then try updating your watched shows list on trakt.tv

'; } else { $.each(data.results, function (index, obj){ checked = (0 == row ? ' checked' : ''); rowType = (0 == row % 2 ? '' : ' class="alt"'); row++; var whichSeries = obj[6] + '|' + obj[0] + '|' + obj[1] + '|' + obj[2] + '|' + obj[3], showstartdate = ''; if (null !== obj[3]){ var startDate = new Date(obj[3]); var today = new Date(); showstartdate = ' (' + (startDate > today ? 'will debut' : 'started') + ' on ' + obj[3] + ')'; } resultStr += '' + '' + '
' + '' + obj[1] + '' + showstartdate + (null == obj[6] ? '' : ' ' + '' + '' + '' + obj[4] + '' + '' + '' + '' ) + (null == obj[10] ? '' : ' ' + '' + '' + '' + obj[8] + '' + '' + '' + '' ) + (null == obj[2] ? '' : ' 
' + obj[2] + '
') + '
'; }); } $('#searchResults').html( '
' + "\n" + '' + (0 < row ? row : 'No') + ' recommended result' + (1 == row ? '' : 's') + '...' + "\n" + resultStr + '
' ); updateSampleText(); myform.loadsection(0); $('.stepone-result-radio, .stepone-result-title, .service').each(addQTip); } ); } $('#addShowButton').click(function () { // if they haven't picked a show don't let them submit if (!$('input:radio[name="whichSeries"]:checked').val() && !$('input:hidden[name="whichSeries"]').val().length) { alert('You must choose a show to continue'); return false; } $('#addShowForm').submit(); }); $('#qualityPreset').change(function (){ myform.loadsection(2); }); var myform = new FormToWizard({ fieldsetborderwidth: 0, formid: 'addShowForm', revealfx: ['slide', 500], oninit: function (){ getRecommendedShows(); updateSampleText(); } }); function goToStep(num){ $('.step').each(function (){ if ($.data(this, 'section') + 1 == num){ $(this).click(); } }); } function updateSampleText(){ // if something's selected then we have some behavior to figure out var elRadio = $('input:radio[name="whichSeries"]:checked'), elFullShowPath = $('#fullShowPath'), sep_char = '', root_dirs = $('#rootDirs'), // if they've picked a radio button then use that show_name = (elRadio.length ? elRadio.val().split('|')[2] : ''), sample_text = '

Adding show ' + show_name + '' + ('' == show_name ? 'into
' : '
into') + ' '; // if we have a root dir selected, figure out the path if (root_dirs.find('option:selected').length){ var root_dir_text = root_dirs.find('option:selected').val(); if (0 <= root_dir_text.indexOf('/')){ sep_char = '/'; } else if (0 <= root_dir_text.indexOf('\\')){ sep_char = '\\'; } root_dir_text += (sep_char != root_dir_text.substr(sample_text.length - 1) ? sep_char : '') + '||' + sep_char; sample_text += root_dir_text; } else if (elFullShowPath.length && elFullShowPath.val().length){ sample_text += elFullShowPath.val(); } else { sample_text += 'unknown dir.'; } sample_text += '

'; // if we have a show name then sanitize and use it for the dir name if (show_name.length){ $.get(sbRoot + '/home/addShows/sanitizeFileName', {name: show_name}, function (data){ $('#displayText').html(sample_text.replace('||', data)); }); // if not then it's unknown } else { $('#displayText').html(sample_text.replace('||', '??')); } // also toggle the add show button $('#addShowButton').attr('disabled', ((root_dirs.find('option:selected').length || (elFullShowPath.length && elFullShowPath.val().length)) && elRadio.length ? false : true)); } var addQTip = (function(){ $(this).css('cursor', 'help'); $(this).qtip({ show: { solo: true }, position: { viewport: $(window), my: 'left center', adjust: { y: -10, x: 2 } }, style: { tip: { corner: true, method: 'polygon' }, classes: 'qtip-rounded qtip-bootstrap qtip-shadow ui-tooltip-sb' } }); }); $('#rootDirText').change(updateSampleText); $('#searchResults').on('click', '.stepone-result-radio', updateSampleText); });