#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file is part of aDBa. # # aDBa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # aDBa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with aDBa. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from types import FunctionType from aniDBmaper import AniDBMaper class ResponseResolver: def __init__(self, data): restag, rescode, resstr, datalines = self.parse(data) self.restag = restag self.rescode = rescode self.resstr = resstr self.datalines = datalines def parse(self, data): resline = data.split('\n', 1)[0] lines = data.split('\n')[1:-1] rescode, resstr = resline.split(' ', 1) if rescode[0] == 'T': restag = rescode rescode, resstr = resstr.split(' ', 1) else: restag = None datalines = [] for line in lines: datalines.append(line.split('|')) return restag, rescode, resstr, datalines def resolve(self, cmd): return responses[self.rescode](cmd, self.restag, self.rescode, self.resstr, self.datalines) class Response: def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, rawlines): self.req = cmd self.restag = restag self.rescode = rescode self.resstr = resstr self.rawlines = rawlines self.maper = AniDBMaper() def __repr__(self): tmp = "%s(%s,%s,%s) %s\n" % ( self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.restag), repr(self.rescode), repr(self.resstr), repr(self.attrs)) m = 0 for line in self.datalines: for k, v in line.iteritems(): if len(k) > m: m = len(k) for line in self.datalines: tmp += " Line:\n" for k, v in line.iteritems(): tmp += " %s:%s %s\n" % (k, (m - len(k)) * ' ', v) return tmp def parse(self): tmp = self.resstr.split(' ', len(self.codehead)) self.attrs = dict(zip(self.codehead, tmp[:-1])) self.resstr = tmp[-1] self.datalines = [] for rawline in self.rawlines: normal = dict(zip(self.codetail, rawline)) rawline = rawline[len(self.codetail):] rep = [] if len(self.coderep): while rawline: tmp = dict(zip(self.coderep, rawline)) rawline = rawline[len(self.coderep):] rep.append(tmp) # normal['rep']=rep self.datalines.append(normal) def handle(self): if self.req: self.req.handle(self) class LoginAcceptedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: sesskey - session key address - your address (ip:port) as seen by the server data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'LOGIN_ACCEPTED' self.codetail = () self.coderep = () nat = cmd.parameters['nat'] nat = int(nat == None and nat or '0') if nat: self.codehead = ('sesskey', 'address') else: self.codehead = ('sesskey',) class LoginAcceptedNewVerResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: sesskey - session key address - your address (ip:port) as seen by the server data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'LOGIN_ACCEPTED_NEW_VER' self.codetail = () self.coderep = () nat = cmd.parameters['nat'] nat = int(nat == None and nat or '0') if nat: self.codehead = ('sesskey', 'address') else: self.codehead = ('sesskey',) class LoggedOutResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'LOGGED_OUT' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class ResourceResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'RESOURCE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class StatsResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'STATS' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class TopResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'TOP' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class UptimeResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: uptime - udpserver uptime in milliseconds """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'UPTIME' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('uptime',) self.coderep = () class EncryptionEnabledResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: salt - salt data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'ENCRYPTION_ENABLED' self.codehead = ('salt',) self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class MylistEntryAddedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: entrycnt - number of entries added """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'MYLIST_ENTRY_ADDED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('entrycnt',) self.coderep = () class MylistEntryDeletedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: entrycnt - number of entries """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'MYLIST_ENTRY_DELETED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('entrycnt',) self.coderep = () class AddedFileResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'ADDED_FILE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class AddedStreamResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'ADDED_STREAM' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class EncodingChangedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'ENCODING_CHANGED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class FileResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: eid episode id gid group id lid mylist id state state size size ed2k ed2k md5 md5 sha1 sha1 crc32 crc32 dublang dub language sublang sub language quality quality source source audiocodec audio codec audiobitrate audio bitrate videocodec video codec videobitrate video bitrate resolution video resolution filetype file type (extension) length length in seconds description description filename anidb file name gname group name gshortname group short name epno number of episode epname ep english name epromaji ep romaji name epkanji ep kanji name totaleps anime total episodes lastep last episode nr (highest, not special) year year type type romaji romaji name kanji kanji name name english name othername other name shortnames short name list synonyms synonym list categories category list relatedaids related aid list producernames producer name list producerids producer id list """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'FILE' self.codehead = () self.coderep = () fmask = cmd.parameters['fmask'] amask = cmd.parameters['amask'] codeListF = self.maper.getFileCodesF(fmask) codeListA = self.maper.getFileCodesA(amask) # print "File - codelistF: "+str(codeListF) #print "File - codelistA: "+str(codeListA) self.codetail = tuple(['fid'] + codeListF + codeListA) class MylistResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: lid - mylist id fid - file id eid - episode id aid - anime id gid - group id date - date when you added this to mylist state - the location of the file viewdate - date when you marked this watched storage - for example the title of the cd you have this on source - where you got the file (bittorrent,dc++,ed2k,...) other - other data regarding this file """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'MYLIST' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('lid', 'fid', 'eid', 'aid', 'gid', 'date', 'state', 'viewdate', 'storage', 'source', 'other') self.coderep = () class MylistStatsResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: animes - animes eps - eps files - files filesizes - size of files animesadded - added animes epsadded - added eps filesadded - added files groupsadded - added groups leechperc - leech % lameperc - lame % viewedofdb - viewed % of db mylistofdb - mylist % of db viewedofmylist - viewed % of mylist viewedeps - number of viewed eps votes - votes reviews - reviews """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'MYLIST_STATS' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ( 'animes', 'eps', 'files', 'filesizes', 'animesadded', 'epsadded', 'filesadded', 'groupsadded', 'leechperc', 'lameperc', 'viewedofdb', 'mylistofdb', 'viewedofmylist', 'viewedeps', 'votes', 'reviews') self.coderep = () class NotificationResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: nid - notification id unknown - unsure what this parameter is type - Type of notification: type=> 0=all, 1=new, 2=group, 3=complete aid - anime id priority - low = 0, medium = 1, high = 2 (unconfirmed) date - date notification subscribed to """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFICATION' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('nid', 'unknown', 'type', 'aid', 'priority', 'date') self.coderep = () class AnimeResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'ANIME' self.codehead = () self.coderep = () # TODO: impl random anime amask = cmd.parameters['amask'] codeList = self.maper.getAnimeCodesA(amask) self.codetail = tuple(codeList) class AnimeBestMatchResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'ANIME_BEST_MATCH' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class RandomanimeResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'RANDOMANIME' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class EpisodeResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: eid - episode id aid - anime id length - length rating - rating votes - votes epno - number of episode name - english name of episode romaji - romaji name of episode kanji - kanji name of episode """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'EPISODE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('eid', 'aid', 'length', 'rating', 'votes', 'epno', 'name', 'romaji', 'kanji') self.coderep = () class ProducerResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: pid - producer id name - name of producer shortname - short name othername - other name type - type pic - picture name url - home page url """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'PRODUCER' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('pid', 'name', 'shortname', 'othername', 'type', 'pic', 'url') self.coderep = () class GroupResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: gid - group id rating - rating votes - votes animes - anime count files - file count name - name shortname - short ircchannel - irc channel ircserver - irc server url - url """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'GROUP' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ( 'gid', 'rating', 'votes', 'animes', 'files', 'name', 'shortname', 'ircchannel', 'ircserver', 'url') self.coderep = () class GroupstatusResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: gid - group id rating - rating votes - votes animes - anime count files - file count name - name shortname - short ircchannel - irc channel ircserver - irc server url - url """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'GROUPSTATUS' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('gid', 'name', 'state', ' last_episode_number', 'rating', 'votes', 'episode_range') self.coderep = () class BuddyListResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: start - mylist entry number of first buddy on this packet end - mylist entry number of last buddy on this packet total - total number of buddies on mylist data: uid - uid name - username state - state """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'BUDDY_LIST' self.codehead = ('start', 'end', 'total') self.codetail = ('uid', 'username', 'state') self.coderep = () class BuddyStateResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: start - mylist entry number of first buddy on this packet end - mylist entry number of last buddy on this packet total - total number of buddies on mylist data: uid - uid state - online state """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'BUDDY_STATE' self.codehead = ('start', 'end', 'total') self.codetail = ('uid', 'state') self.coderep = () class BuddyAddedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'BUDDY_ADDED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class BuddyDeletedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'BUDDY_DELETED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class BuddyAcceptedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'BUDDY_ACCEPTED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class BuddyDeniedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'BUDDY_DENIED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class VotedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: name - aname/ename/gname """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'VOTED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('name',) self.coderep = () class VoteFoundResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: name - aname/ename/gname value - vote value """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'VOTE_FOUND' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('name', 'value') self.coderep = () class VoteUpdatedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: name - aname/ename/gname value - vote value """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'VOTE_UPDATED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('name', 'value') self.coderep = () class VoteRevokedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: name - aname/ename/gname value - vote value """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'VOTE_REVOKED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('name', 'value') self.coderep = () class NotificationAddedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: nid - notofication id """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFICATION_ITEM_ADDED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('nid') self.coderep = () class NotificationDeletedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: nid - notofication id """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFICATION_ITEM_DELETED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NotificationUpdatedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: nid - notofication id """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFICATION_ITEM_UPDATED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('nid') self.coderep = () class MultipleNotificationResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: nid - notification id type - priority - """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'MULTIPLE NOTIFICATION ITEMS' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = ('nid', 'type', 'priority',) class NotificationEnabledResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFICATION_ENABLED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NotificationNotifyResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: nid - notify packet id data: aid - anime id date - date count - count name - name of the anime """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFICATION_NOTIFY' self.codehead = ('nid',) self.codetail = ('aid', 'date', 'count', 'name') self.coderep = () class NotificationMessageResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: nid - notify packet id data: type - type date - date uid - user id of the sender name - name of the sender subject - subject """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE' self.codehead = ('nid',) self.codetail = ('type', 'date', 'uid', 'name', 'subject') self.coderep = () class NotificationBuddyResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: nid - notify packet id data: uid - buddy uid type - event type """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFICATION_BUDDY' self.codehead = ('notify_packet_id',) self.codetail = ('uid', 'type') self.coderep = () class NotificationShutdownResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: nid - notify packet id data: time - time offline comment - comment """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFICATION_SHUTDOWN' self.codehead = ('nid',) self.codetail = ('time', 'comment') self.coderep = () class PushackConfirmedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'PUSHACK_CONFIRMED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NotifyackSuccessfulMResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFYACK_SUCCESSFUL_M' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NotifyackSuccessfulNResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFYACK_SUCCESSFUL_N' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NotificationStateResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: notifies - pending notifies msgs - pending msgs buddys - number of online buddys """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFICATION' self.codehead = () self.coderep = () buddy = cmd.parameters['buddy'] buddy = int(buddy != None and buddy or '0') if buddy: self.codetail = ('notifies', 'msgs', 'buddys') else: self.codetail = ('notifies', 'msgs') class NotifylistResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: type - type nid - notify id """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFYLIST' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('type', 'nid') self.coderep = () class NotifygetMessageResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: nid - notify id uid - from user id uname - from username date - date type - type title - title body - body """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFYGET_MESSAGE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('nid', 'uid', 'uname', 'date', 'type', 'title', 'body') self.coderep = () class NotifygetNotifyResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: aid - aid type - type count - count date - date name - anime name fid - comma separated list of fids """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFYGET_NOTIFY' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('aid', 'type', 'count', 'date', 'name', 'fid') self.coderep = () class SendmsgSuccessfulResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'SENDMSG_SUCCESSFUL' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class UserResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: uid - user id """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'USER' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('uid',) self.coderep = () class PongResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'PONG' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class AuthpongResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'AUTHPONG' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchResourceResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_RESOURCE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class ApiPasswordNotDefinedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'API_PASSWORD_NOT_DEFINED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class FileAlreadyInMylistResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'FILE_ALREADY_IN_MYLIST' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class MylistEntryEditedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: entries - number of entries edited """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'MYLIST_ENTRY_EDITED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('entries',) self.coderep = () class MultipleMylistEntriesResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: name - anime title eps - episodes unknowneps - eps with state unknown hddeps - eps with state on hdd cdeps - eps with state on cd deletedeps - eps with state deleted watchedeps - watched eps gshortname - group short name geps - eps for group """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'MULTIPLE_MYLIST_ENTRIES' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('name', 'eps', 'unknowneps', 'hddeps', 'cdeps', 'deletedeps', 'watchedeps') self.coderep = ('gshortname', 'geps') class SizeHashExistsResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'SIZE_HASH_EXISTS' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class InvalidDataResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'INVALID_DATA' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class StreamnoidUsedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'STREAMNOID_USED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchFileResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_FILE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchEntryResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_ENTRY' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class MultipleFilesFoundResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: fid - file id """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'MULTIPLE_FILES_FOUND' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = ('fid',) class NoSuchNotificationResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_NOTIFICATION' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoGroupsFoundResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO GROUPS FOUND' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchAnimeResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_ANIME' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchEpisodeResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_EPISODE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchProducerResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_PRODUCER' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchGroupResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_GROUP' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class BuddyAlreadyAddedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'BUDDY_ALREADY_ADDED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchBuddyResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_BUDDY' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class BuddyAlreadyAcceptedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'BUDDY_ALREADY_ACCEPTED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class BuddyAlreadyDeniedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'BUDDY_ALREADY_DENIED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchVoteResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_VOTE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class InvalidVoteTypeResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'INVALID_VOTE_TYPE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class InvalidVoteValueResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'INVALID_VOTE_VALUE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class PermvoteNotAllowedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: aname - name of the anime """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'PERMVOTE_NOT_ALLOWED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('aname',) self.coderep = () class AlreadyPermvotedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: name - aname/ename/gname """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'ALREADY_PERMVOTED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('name',) self.coderep = () class NotificationDisabledResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOTIFICATION_DISABLED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchPacketPendingResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_PACKET_PENDING' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchEntryMResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_ENTRY_M' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchEntryNResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_ENTRY_N' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchMessageResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_MESSAGE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchNotifyResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_NOTIFY' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchUserResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_USER' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoChanges(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_CHANGES' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NotLoggedInResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NOT_LOGGED_IN' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchMylistFileResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_MYLIST_FILE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchMylistEntryResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_MYLIST_ENTRY' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class LoginFailedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'LOGIN_FAILED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class LoginFirstResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'LOGIN_FIRST' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class AccessDeniedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'ACCESS_DENIED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class ClientVersionOutdatedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'CLIENT_VERSION_OUTDATED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class ClientBannedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'CLIENT_BANNED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class IllegalInputOrAccessDeniedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'ILLEGAL_INPUT_OR_ACCESS_DENIED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class InvalidSessionResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'INVALID_SESSION' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class NoSuchEncryptionTypeResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'NO_SUCH_ENCRYPTION_TYPE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class EncodingNotSupportedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class BannedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'BANNED' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class UnknownCommandResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'UNKNOWN_COMMAND' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class InternalServerErrorResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class AnidbOutOfServiceResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'ANIDB_OUT_OF_SERVICE' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class ServerBusyResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'SERVER_BUSY' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class ApiViolationResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'API_VIOLATION' self.codehead = () self.codetail = () self.coderep = () class VersionResponse(Response): def __init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines): """ attributes: data: version - server version """ Response.__init__(self, cmd, restag, rescode, resstr, datalines) self.codestr = 'VERSION' self.codehead = () self.codetail = ('version',) self.coderep = () responses = { '200': LoginAcceptedResponse, '201': LoginAcceptedNewVerResponse, '203': LoggedOutResponse, '205': ResourceResponse, '206': StatsResponse, '207': TopResponse, '208': UptimeResponse, '209': EncryptionEnabledResponse, '210': MylistEntryAddedResponse, '211': MylistEntryDeletedResponse, '214': AddedFileResponse, '215': AddedStreamResponse, '219': EncodingChangedResponse, '220': FileResponse, '221': MylistResponse, '222': MylistStatsResponse, '224': NotificationResponse, '225': GroupstatusResponse, '230': AnimeResponse, '231': AnimeBestMatchResponse, '232': RandomanimeResponse, '240': EpisodeResponse, '245': ProducerResponse, '246': NotificationAddedResponse, '247': NotificationDeletedResponse, '248': NotificationUpdatedResponse, '249': MultipleNotificationResponse, '250': GroupResponse, '253': BuddyListResponse, '254': BuddyStateResponse, '255': BuddyAddedResponse, '256': BuddyDeletedResponse, '257': BuddyAcceptedResponse, '258': BuddyDeniedResponse, '260': VotedResponse, '261': VoteFoundResponse, '262': VoteUpdatedResponse, '263': VoteRevokedResponse, '270': NotificationEnabledResponse, '271': NotificationNotifyResponse, '272': NotificationMessageResponse, '273': NotificationBuddyResponse, '274': NotificationShutdownResponse, '280': PushackConfirmedResponse, '281': NotifyackSuccessfulMResponse, '282': NotifyackSuccessfulNResponse, '290': NotificationStateResponse, '291': NotifylistResponse, '292': NotifygetMessageResponse, '293': NotifygetNotifyResponse, '294': SendmsgSuccessfulResponse, '295': UserResponse, '300': PongResponse, '301': AuthpongResponse, '305': NoSuchResourceResponse, '309': ApiPasswordNotDefinedResponse, '310': FileAlreadyInMylistResponse, '311': MylistEntryEditedResponse, '312': MultipleMylistEntriesResponse, '314': SizeHashExistsResponse, '315': InvalidDataResponse, '316': StreamnoidUsedResponse, '320': NoSuchFileResponse, '321': NoSuchEntryResponse, '322': MultipleFilesFoundResponse, '324': NoSuchNotificationResponse, '325': NoGroupsFoundResponse, '330': NoSuchAnimeResponse, '340': NoSuchEpisodeResponse, '345': NoSuchProducerResponse, '350': NoSuchGroupResponse, '355': BuddyAlreadyAddedResponse, '356': NoSuchBuddyResponse, '357': BuddyAlreadyAcceptedResponse, '358': BuddyAlreadyDeniedResponse, '360': NoSuchVoteResponse, '361': InvalidVoteTypeResponse, '362': InvalidVoteValueResponse, '363': PermvoteNotAllowedResponse, '364': AlreadyPermvotedResponse, '370': NotificationDisabledResponse, '380': NoSuchPacketPendingResponse, '381': NoSuchEntryMResponse, '382': NoSuchEntryNResponse, '392': NoSuchMessageResponse, '393': NoSuchNotifyResponse, '394': NoSuchUserResponse, '399': NoChanges, '403': NotLoggedInResponse, '410': NoSuchMylistFileResponse, '411': NoSuchMylistEntryResponse, '500': LoginFailedResponse, '501': LoginFirstResponse, '502': AccessDeniedResponse, '503': ClientVersionOutdatedResponse, '504': ClientBannedResponse, '505': IllegalInputOrAccessDeniedResponse, '506': InvalidSessionResponse, '509': NoSuchEncryptionTypeResponse, '519': EncodingNotSupportedResponse, '555': BannedResponse, '598': UnknownCommandResponse, '600': InternalServerErrorResponse, '601': AnidbOutOfServiceResponse, '602': ServerBusyResponse, '666': ApiViolationResponse, '998': VersionResponse }