#import sickbeard #import re #from sickbeard import subtitles, sbdatetime, network_timezones #import sickbeard.helpers #from sickbeard.common import * #from sickbeard.helpers import anon_url #from lib import subliminal #import os.path, os #import datetime #set global $title = $show.name #set global $topmenu = 'home' #set $exceptions_string = ', '.join($show.exceptions) #set global $page_body_attr = 'display-show' #include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl') #if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO: #end if
Change show: #set $displayshowlist = [] #set $cur_sel = 0 #for $curShowList in $sortedShowLists #set $curShowType = $curShowList[0] #set $curShowList = $curShowList[1] #if 1 < len($sortedShowLists): $displayshowlist.append('\t\t\t' % $curShowType) #end if #for $curShow in $curShowList #set void = $displayshowlist.append('\t\t\t' % ($curShow.indexerid, ('', ' selected="selected"')[$curShow == $show], $curShow.name)) #if $curShow == $show #set $cur_sel = len($displayshowlist) #end if #end for #if 1 < len($sortedShowLists) #set void = $displayshowlist.append('\t\t\t') #end if #end for #set $last_item = len($displayshowlist) #set $prev_option = $displayshowlist[($cur_sel - 2, $last_item - 1)[1 == $cur_sel]] #set $next_option = $displayshowlist[($cur_sel, 0)[$last_item == $cur_sel]] #set $next_match = re.search(r']+>(.*?)]+>(.*?)<<
#if $show_message:
#end if
#if int($show.paused):
#end if
#if $seasonResults: ##There is a special/season_0?## #set $season_special = (0, 1)[0 == int($seasonResults[-1]['season'])] #if not $sickbeard.DISPLAY_SHOW_SPECIALS and $season_special: $seasonResults.pop(-1) #end if
#if $season_special: Specials #if sickbeard.DISPLAY_SHOW_SPECIALS#View-#end if##echo ('Show', 'Hide')[sickbeard.DISPLAY_SHOW_SPECIALS]# #end if
Season #if 12 < (len($seasonResults)): #else: #for $seasonNum in $seasonResults: #if 0 == int($seasonNum['season']) #continue #end if $seasonNum['season'] #end for #end if
#end if


#if not $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO or not $show.imdbid #if $show.genre: #for $genre in $show.genre[1:-1].replace('Science-Fiction','Sci-Fi').split('|') $genre #end for #end if #end if #if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO and 'genres' in $show.imdb_info and '' != $show.imdb_info['genres']: #for $imdbgenre in $show.imdb_info['genres'].split('|') $imdbgenre.replace('Sci-Fi','Science-Fiction') #end for #end if
Indexers #set $_show = $show #if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO and $show.imdbid [imdb] #end if $sickbeard.indexerApi($show.indexer).name #if $xem_numbering or $xem_absolute_numbering: [xem] #end if
#if not $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO or not $show.imdbid #set $runtime = $show.runtime #set $startyear = $show.startyear #elif $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO #if 'countries' in $show.imdb_info: #set $country = $show.imdb_info['countries'] #end if #if 'year' in $show.imdb_info: #set $runtime = $show.imdb_info['runtimes'] #set $startyear = $show.imdb_info['year'] #end if #end if
Premiered $startyear #if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO and 'country_codes' in $show.imdb_info and '' != $show.imdb_info['country_codes']: #for $country in $show.imdb_info['country_codes'].split('|') #end for #end if
#if $show.airs: #set $showairs = '%s%s' % ($show.airs.replace('y', 'y,'), ('', ' (invalid timeformat)')[not $network_timezones.test_timeformat($show.airs)])
Airs $showairs
#end if #if $show.network:
Network $show.network
#end if
Runtime $runtime minutes
#if '' != $show.status:
Status $show.status
#end if #if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO and 'rating' in $show.imdb_info
IMDb rating #if '' != $show.imdb_info['votes'] #set $rating_tip = '%s of 10 stars
%s votes' % (str($show.imdb_info['rating']), str($show.imdb_info['votes'])) $show.imdb_info['rating'] #else No votes available #end if
#end if #set $anyQualities, $bestQualities = $Quality.splitQuality(int($show.quality)) #if $show.quality in $qualityPresets:
Quality $qualityPresetStrings[$show.quality]
#else: #if $anyQualities:
Initial #echo ', '.join([$Quality.qualityStrings[$x] for $x in sorted($anyQualities)])#
#end if #if $bestQualities:
Replace with #echo ', '.join([$Quality.qualityStrings[$x] for $x in sorted($bestQualities)])#
#end if #end if
#echo ('No plot overview available', $show.overview)['' != $show.overview]#
Info language, $show.lang $showLoc[0] $sickbeard.helpers.human(sickbeard.helpers.get_size($showLoc[0])) #set $filecount = sum([$c for $k, $c in $epCounts['videos'].items()]) $filecount file$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($filecount) #if $show.paused Paused #end if #if ($anyQualities + $bestQualities) and int($show.archive_firstmatch) Archive first match #end if #if $show.exceptions: Scene names #end if #if $show.rls_ignore_words: Ignored words #end if #if $show.rls_require_words: Required words #end if #if $show.flatten_folders or $sickbeard.NAMING_FORCE_FOLDERS: Flat folders #end if #if int($show.air_by_date): Air by date #end if #if int($show.dvdorder): DVD order #end if #if int($show.scene): Scene numbering #end if #if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES and int($show.subtitles): Subtitles #end if #if int($show.is_sports): Sports #end if #if int($show.is_anime): Anime #end if #if $bwl and $bwl.whitelist: Wanted group$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural(len($bwl.whitelist)) #end if #if $bwl and $bwl.blacklist: Unwanted group$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural(len($bwl.blacklist)) #end if

Change selected episodes to

#set $curSeason = -1 #set $odd = 0 #set $scene, $scene_anime = (False, False) #if not $show.air_by_date and not $show.is_sports and not $show.is_anime and $show.is_scene: #set $scene = True #elif not $show.air_by_date and not $show.is_sports and $show.is_anime and $show.is_scene: #set $scene_anime = True #end if #if 0 == len($sqlResults)

Episodes no longer exist for this show at the associated indexer

#else: #for $epResult in $sqlResults: #set $epStr = '%sx%s' % ($epResult['season'], $epResult['episode']) #if not $epStr in $epCats or (0 == int($epResult['season']) and not $sickbeard.DISPLAY_SHOW_SPECIALS): #continue #end if #slurp #if $curSeason != int($epResult['season']): #if 0 <= $curSeason: #end if #if $show.is_anime: #end if #if $scene: #end if #if $scene_anime: #end if #if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES and $show.subtitles: #end if #set $curSeason = int($epResult['season']) #end if #set $epLoc = $epResult['location'] #set never_aired = 0 < $curSeason and 1 == int($epResult['airdate']) #if $show.is_anime: #end if #if $scene: #set $dfltSeas, $dfltEpis = (0, 0) if ($epResult['season'], $epResult['episode']) not in $xem_numbering else $xem_numbering[($epResult['season'], $epResult['episode'])] #elif $scene_anime: #set $dfltAbsolute = 0 if $epResult['absolute_number'] not in $xem_absolute_numbering else $xem_absolute_numbering[$epResult['absolute_number']] #end if #if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES and $show.subtitles: #end if #set $curStatus, $curQuality = $Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int($epResult['status'])) #if Quality.NONE != $curQuality: #else: #end if #end for
#set $videos = 'none' if $epResult['season'] not in $epCounts['videos'] else $epCounts['videos'][$epResult['season']] #set $archived = False if $epResult['season'] not in $epCounts['archived'] else $epCounts['archived'][$epResult['season']]

#if 0 == int($epResult['season']) then 'Specials' else 'Season ' + str($epResult['season']) [ $videos / $epCounts['totals'][$epResult['season']]#echo ('', ' with %s archived' % $archived)[0 < $archived]# ]

EpisodeAbsoluteSceneScene absoluteName AirdateSubtitlesStatus Search
#if $UNAIRED != int($epResult['status']) and not $never_aired #end if Yes Yes #if $epLoc and $show._location and $epLoc.lower().startswith($show._location.lower()): #set $epLoc = $epLoc[len($show._location)+1:] #elif $epLoc and (not $epLoc.lower().startswith($show._location.lower()) or not $show._location): #set $epLoc = $epLoc #end if #if '' != $epLoc and None != $epLoc: $epResult["episode"] #else $epResult['episode'] #end if $epResult['absolute_number'] ' %\ ('None', ('" id="plot_info_%s_%s_%s' % ($show.indexerid, $epResult['season'], $epResult['episode'])))[None is not $epResult['description'] and '' != $epResult['description']]# $epResult['name'] #if 1 == int($epResult['airdate']) then 'never' else $sbdatetime.sbdatetime.sbfdate($sbdatetime.sbdatetime.convert_to_setting($network_timezones.parse_date_time($epResult['airdate'], $show.airs, $show.network)))# #if $epResult['subtitles']: #for $sub_lang in subliminal.language.language_list($epResult['subtitles'].split(',')): #if '' != sub_lang.alpha2 ${sub_lang} #end if #end for #end if $statusStrings[$curStatus] $Quality.qualityStrings[$curQuality]$statusStrings[$curStatus]
#end if #include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')