# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ tmdbsimple.movies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module implements the Movies, Collections, Companies, Keywords, and Reviews functionality of tmdbsimple. Created by Celia Oakley on 2013-10-31. :copyright: (c) 2013-2020 by Celia Oakley :license: GPLv3, see LICENSE for more details """ from .base import TMDB class Movies(TMDB): """ Movies functionality. See: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/movies """ BASE_PATH = 'movie' URLS = { 'info': '/{id}', 'account_states': '/{id}/account_states', 'alternative_titles': '/{id}/alternative_titles', 'changes': '/{id}/changes', 'credits': '/{id}/credits', 'external_ids': '/{id}/external_ids', 'images': '/{id}/images', 'keywords': '/{id}/keywords', 'release_dates': '/{id}/release_dates', 'videos': '/{id}/videos', 'translations': '/{id}/translations', 'recommendations': '/{id}/recommendations', 'similar_movies': '/{id}/similar_movies', 'reviews': '/{id}/reviews', 'lists': '/{id}/lists', 'rating': '/{id}/rating', 'rating_delete': '/{id}/rating', 'latest': '/latest', 'now_playing': '/now_playing', 'popular': '/popular', 'top_rated': '/top_rated', 'upcoming': '/upcoming', 'releases': '/{id}/releases', # backward compatability } def __init__(self, id=0): super(Movies, self).__init__() self.id = id def info(self, **kwargs): """ Get the primary information about a movie. Supports append_to_response. Read more about this at https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/append-to-response. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. append_to_response: (optional) Append requests within the same namespace to the response. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('info') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def account_states(self, **kwargs): """ Grab the following account states for a session: - Movie rating - If it belongs to your watchlist - If it belongs to your favourite list Args: session_id: (required) See Authentication. guest_session_id: (optional) See Authentication. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('account_states') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def alternative_titles(self, **kwargs): """ Get all of the alternative titles for a movie. Args: country: (optional) ISO 3166-1 code. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('alternative_titles') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def changes(self, **kwargs): """ Get the changes for a movie. By default only the last 24 hours are returned. You can query up to 14 days in a single query by using the start_date and end_date query parameters. Args: start_date: (optional) Filter the results with a start date. Expected format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'. end_date: (optional) Filter the results with a end date. Expected format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'. page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000, default 1. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('changes') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def credits(self, **kwargs): """ Get the cast and crew for a movie. Args: None Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('credits') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def external_ids(self, **kwargs): """ Get the external ids for a movie. We currently support the following external sources. Media Databases - IMDb Social IDs - Facebok, Instagram, Twitter Args: None Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('external_ids') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def images(self, **kwargs): """ Get the images that belong to a movie. Querying images with a language parameter will filter the results. If you want to include a fallback language (especially useful for backdrops) you can use the include_image_language parameter. This should be a comma seperated value like so: include_image_language=en,null. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. include_image_language: (optional) Comma separated, a valid ISO 69-1. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('images') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def keywords(self): """ Get the keywords that have been added to a movie. Args: None Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('keywords') response = self._GET(path) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def release_dates(self, **kwargs): """ Get the release date along with the certification for a movie. Release dates support different types: 1. Premiere 2. Theatrical (limited) 3. Theatrical 4. Digital 5. Physical 6. TV Args: None Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('release_dates') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def videos(self, **kwargs): """ Get the videos that have been added to a movie. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('videos') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def translations(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of translations that have been created for a movie. Args: None Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('translations') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def recommendations(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of recommended movies for a movie. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000, default 1. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('recommendations') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def similar_movies(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of similar movies. This is not the same as the "Recommendation" system you see on the website. These items are assembled by looking at keywords and genres. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000, default 1. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('similar_movies') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def reviews(self, **kwargs): """ Get the user reviews for a movie. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000, default 1. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('reviews') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def lists(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of lists that this movie belongs to. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000, default 1. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('lists') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def rating(self, **kwargs): """ Rate a movie. A valid session or guest session ID is required. You can read more about how this works at https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/authentication/how-do-i-generate-a-session-id. Args: session_id: (optional) See Authentication. guest_session_id: (optional) See Authentication. value: (required) This is the value of the rating you want to submit. The value is expected to be between 0.5 and 10.0. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('rating') payload = { 'value': kwargs.pop('value', None), } response = self._POST(path, kwargs, payload) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def rating_delete(self, **kwargs): """ Remove your rating for a movie. A valid session or guest session ID is required. You can read more about how this works at https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/authentication/how-do-i-generate-a-session-id. Args: session_id: (optional) See Authentication. guest_session_id: (optional) See Authentication. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('rating_delete') payload = { 'value': kwargs.pop('value', None), } response = self._DELETE(path, kwargs, payload) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def latest(self, **kwargs): """ Get the most newly created movie. This is a live response and will continuously change. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_path('latest') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def now_playing(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of movies in theatres. This is a release type query that looks for all movies that have a release type of 2 or 3 within the specified date range. You can optionally specify a region prameter which will narrow the search to only look for theatrical release dates within the specified country. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000, default 1. region: (optional) Specify a ISO 3166-1 code to filter release dates. Must be uppercase. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_path('now_playing') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def popular(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of the current popular movies on TMDb. This list updates daily. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000, default 1. region: (optional) Specify a ISO 3166-1 code to filter release dates. Must be uppercase. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_path('popular') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def top_rated(self, **kwargs): """ Get the top rated movies on TMDb. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000, default 1. region: (optional) Specify a ISO 3166-1 code to filter release dates. Must be uppercase. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_path('top_rated') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def upcoming(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of upcoming movies in theatres. This is a release type query that looks for all movies that have a release type of 2 or 3 within the specified date range. You can optionally specify a region prameter which will narrow the search to only look for theatrical release dates within the specified country. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000, default 1. region: (optional) Specify a ISO 3166-1 code to filter release dates. Must be uppercase. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_path('upcoming') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response # backward compatability def releases(self, **kwargs): """ Get the release date and certification information by country for a specific movie id. Args: None Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('releases') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response class Collections(TMDB): """ Collections functionality. See: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/collections """ BASE_PATH = 'collection' URLS = { 'info': '/{id}', 'images': '/{id}/images', 'translations': '/{id}/translations', } def __init__(self, id): super(Collections, self).__init__() self.id = id def info(self, **kwargs): """ Get collection details by id. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('info') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def images(self, **kwargs): """ Get the images for a collection by id. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('images') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def translations(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of the translations for a collection by id. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('translations') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response class Companies(TMDB): """ Companies functionality. See: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/companies """ BASE_PATH = 'company' URLS = { 'info': '/{id}', 'alternative_names': '/{id}/alternative_names', 'images': '/{id}/images', 'movies': '/{id}/movies', # backward compatability } def __init__(self, id=0): super(Companies, self).__init__() self.id = id def info(self, **kwargs): """ Get a companies details by id. Args: Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('info') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def alternative_names(self, **kwargs): """ Get the alternative names of a company. Args: Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('alternative_names') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def images(self, **kwargs): """ Get a company's logos by id. There are two image formats that are supported for companies, PNG's and SVG's. You can see which type the original file is by looking at the file_type field. We prefer SVG's as they are resolution independent and as such, the width and height are only there to reflect the original asset that was uploaded. An SVG can be scaled properly beyond those dimensions if you call them as a PNG. For more information about how SVG's and PNG's can be used, take a read through https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/images. Args: Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('images') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response # backward compatability def movies(self, **kwargs): """ Get the list of movies associated with a particular company. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. page: (optional) Minimum value of 1. Expected value is an integer. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('movies') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response class Keywords(TMDB): """ Keywords functionality. See: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/keywords """ BASE_PATH = 'keyword' URLS = { 'info': '/{id}', 'movies': '/{id}/movies', } def __init__(self, id): super(Keywords, self).__init__() self.id = id def info(self, **kwargs): """ Get the details of a keyword. Args: None Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('info') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def movies(self, **kwargs): """ Get the movies that belong to a keyword. We highly recommend using movie discover instead of this method as it is much more flexible. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. include_adult: Choose whether to inlcude adult (pornography) content in the results. Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('movies') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response class Reviews(TMDB): """ Reviews functionality. See: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/reviews """ BASE_PATH = 'review' URLS = { 'info': '/{id}', } def __init__(self, id): super(Reviews, self).__init__() self.id = id def info(self, **kwargs): """ Get the review details by id. Args: None Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('info') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response