# Author: Nic Wolfe # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickGear. # # SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickGear. If not, see . import datetime import operator import os import threading import traceback import re import sickbeard from sickbeard import db, exceptions, helpers, history, logger, search, show_name_helpers from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek from sickbeard.common import DOWNLOADED, SNATCHED_ANY, SNATCHED_PROPER, Quality, ARCHIVED, FAILED, neededQualities from sickbeard.exceptions import ex, MultipleShowObjectsException from sickbeard import failed_history from sickbeard.history import dateFormat from sickbeard.sbdatetime import sbdatetime from name_parser.parser import NameParser, InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException def search_propers(proper_list=None): if not sickbeard.DOWNLOAD_PROPERS: return logger.log(('Checking Propers from recent search', 'Beginning search for new Propers')[None is proper_list]) age_shows, age_anime = sickbeard.BACKLOG_DAYS + 2, 14 aired_since_shows = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=age_shows) aired_since_anime = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=age_anime) recent_shows, recent_anime = _recent_history(aired_since_shows, aired_since_anime) if recent_shows or recent_anime: propers = _get_proper_list(aired_since_shows, recent_shows, recent_anime, proper_list=proper_list) if propers: _download_propers(propers) else: logger.log('No downloads or snatches found for the last %s%s days to use for a Propers search' % (age_shows, ('', ' (%s for anime)' % age_anime)[helpers.has_anime()])) run_at = '' if None is proper_list: _set_last_proper_search(datetime.datetime.now()) proper_sch = sickbeard.properFinderScheduler if None is proper_sch.start_time: run_in = proper_sch.lastRun + proper_sch.cycleTime - datetime.datetime.now() run_at = ', next check ' if datetime.timedelta() > run_in: run_at += 'imminent' else: hours, remainder = divmod(run_in.seconds, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) run_at += 'in approx. ' + ('%dm, %ds' % (minutes, seconds), '%dh, %dm' % (hours, minutes))[0 < hours] logger.log('Completed search for new Propers%s' % run_at) else: logger.log('Completed checking Propers from recent search') def get_old_proper_level(show_obj, indexer, indexerid, season, episodes, old_status, new_quality, extra_no_name, version, is_anime=False): level = 0 is_internal = False codec = '' rel_name = None if old_status not in SNATCHED_ANY: level = Quality.get_proper_level(extra_no_name, version, is_anime) elif show_obj: my_db = db.DBConnection() np = NameParser(False, showObj=show_obj) for episode in episodes: result = my_db.select( 'SELECT resource FROM history' ' WHERE showid = ?' ' AND season = ? AND episode = ? AND ' '(%s) ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1' % (' OR '.join('action LIKE "%%%02d"' % x for x in SNATCHED_ANY)), [indexerid, season, episode]) if not result or not isinstance(result[0]['resource'], basestring) or not result[0]['resource']: continue nq = Quality.sceneQuality(result[0]['resource'], show_obj.is_anime) if nq != new_quality: continue try: p = np.parse(result[0]['resource']) except (StandardError, Exception): continue level = Quality.get_proper_level(p.extra_info_no_name(), p.version, show_obj.is_anime) extra_no_name = p.extra_info_no_name() rel_name = result[0]['resource'] is_internal = p.extra_info_no_name() and re.search(r'\binternal\b', p.extra_info_no_name(), flags=re.I) codec = _get_codec(p.extra_info_no_name()) break return level, is_internal, codec, extra_no_name, rel_name def _get_codec(extra_info_no_name): if not extra_info_no_name: return '' if re.search(r'\b[xh]264\b', extra_info_no_name, flags=re.I): return '264' elif re.search(r'\bxvid\b', extra_info_no_name, flags=re.I): return 'xvid' elif re.search(r'\b[xh]\W?265|hevc\b', extra_info_no_name, flags=re.I): return 'hevc' return '' def get_webdl_type(extra_info_no_name, rel_name): if not sickbeard.WEBDL_TYPES: load_webdl_types() for t in sickbeard.WEBDL_TYPES: try: if re.search(r'\b%s\b' % t[1], extra_info_no_name, flags=re.I): return t[0] except (StandardError, Exception): continue return ('webdl', 'webrip')[None is re.search(r'\bweb.?dl\b', rel_name, flags=re.I)] def load_webdl_types(): new_types = [] default_types = [('Amazon', r'AMZN|AMAZON'), ('Netflix', r'NETFLIX|NF'), ('Hulu', r'HULU')] url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SickGear/sickgear.extdata/master/SickGear/webdl_types.txt' url_data = helpers.getURL(url) my_db = db.DBConnection() sql_results = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM webdl_types') old_types = [(r['dname'], r['regex']) for r in sql_results] if isinstance(url_data, basestring) and url_data.strip(): try: for line in url_data.splitlines(): try: (key, val) = line.decode('utf-8').strip().split(u'::', 1) except (StandardError, Exception): continue if key is None or val is None: continue new_types.append((key, val)) except (IOError, OSError): pass cl = [] for nt in new_types: if nt not in old_types: cl.append(['REPLACE INTO webdl_types (dname, regex) VALUES (?,?)', [nt[0], nt[1]]]) for ot in old_types: if ot not in new_types: cl.append(['DELETE FROM webdl_types WHERE dname = ? AND regex = ?', [ot[0], ot[1]]]) if cl: my_db.mass_action(cl) else: new_types = old_types sickbeard.WEBDL_TYPES = new_types + default_types def _get_proper_list(aired_since_shows, recent_shows, recent_anime, proper_list=None): propers = {} my_db = db.DBConnection() # for each provider get a list of arbitrary Propers orig_thread_name = threading.currentThread().name providers = filter(lambda p: p.is_active(), sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList()) for cur_provider in providers: if not recent_anime and cur_provider.anime_only: continue if None is not proper_list: found_propers = proper_list.get(cur_provider.get_id(), []) if not found_propers: continue else: threading.currentThread().name = '%s :: [%s]' % (orig_thread_name, cur_provider.name) logger.log('Searching for new PROPER releases') try: found_propers = cur_provider.find_propers(search_date=aired_since_shows, shows=recent_shows, anime=recent_anime) except exceptions.AuthException as e: logger.log('Authentication error: %s' % ex(e), logger.ERROR) continue except Exception as e: logger.log('Error while searching %s, skipping: %s' % (cur_provider.name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR) logger.log(traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR) continue finally: threading.currentThread().name = orig_thread_name # if they haven't been added by a different provider than add the Proper to the list for cur_proper in found_propers: name = _generic_name(cur_proper.name) if name in propers: continue try: np = NameParser(False, try_scene_exceptions=True, showObj=cur_proper.parsed_show, indexer_lookup=False) parse_result = np.parse(cur_proper.name) except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException, Exception): continue # get the show object cur_proper.parsed_show = (cur_proper.parsed_show or helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, parse_result.show.indexerid)) if None is cur_proper.parsed_show: logger.log('Skip download; cannot find show with indexerid [%s]' % cur_proper.indexerid, logger.ERROR) continue cur_proper.indexer = cur_proper.parsed_show.indexer cur_proper.indexerid = cur_proper.parsed_show.indexerid if not (-1 != cur_proper.indexerid and parse_result.series_name and parse_result.episode_numbers and (cur_proper.indexer, cur_proper.indexerid) in recent_shows + recent_anime): continue # only get anime Proper if it has release group and version if parse_result.is_anime and not parse_result.release_group and -1 == parse_result.version: logger.log('Ignored Proper with no release group and version in name [%s]' % cur_proper.name, logger.DEBUG) continue if not show_name_helpers.pass_wordlist_checks(cur_proper.name, parse=False, indexer_lookup=False): logger.log('Ignored unwanted Proper [%s]' % cur_proper.name, logger.DEBUG) continue re_x = dict(re_prefix='.*', re_suffix='.*') result = show_name_helpers.contains_any(cur_proper.name, cur_proper.parsed_show.rls_ignore_words, **re_x) if None is not result and result: logger.log('Ignored Proper containing ignore word [%s]' % cur_proper.name, logger.DEBUG) continue result = show_name_helpers.contains_any(cur_proper.name, cur_proper.parsed_show.rls_require_words, **re_x) if None is not result and not result: logger.log('Ignored Proper for not containing any required word [%s]' % cur_proper.name, logger.DEBUG) continue cur_size = getattr(cur_proper, 'size', None) if failed_history.has_failed(cur_proper.name, cur_size, cur_provider.name): continue cur_proper.season = parse_result.season_number if None is not parse_result.season_number else 1 cur_proper.episode = parse_result.episode_numbers[0] # check if we actually want this Proper (if it's the right quality) sql_results = my_db.select( 'SELECT release_group, status, version, release_name' ' FROM tv_episodes' ' WHERE showid = ? AND indexer = ? AND season = ? AND episode = ?' ' LIMIT 1', [cur_proper.indexerid, cur_proper.indexer, cur_proper.season, cur_proper.episode]) if not sql_results: continue # only keep the Proper if we already retrieved the same quality ep (don't get better/worse ones) # check if we want this release: same quality as current, current has correct status # restrict other release group releases to Proper's old_status, old_quality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int(sql_results[0]['status'])) cur_proper.quality = Quality.nameQuality(cur_proper.name, parse_result.is_anime) cur_proper.is_repack, cur_proper.properlevel = Quality.get_proper_level( parse_result.extra_info_no_name(), parse_result.version, parse_result.is_anime, check_is_repack=True) cur_proper.proper_level = cur_proper.properlevel # local non global value old_release_group = sql_results[0]['release_group'] same_release_group = parse_result.release_group == old_release_group if old_status not in SNATCHED_ANY + [DOWNLOADED, ARCHIVED] \ or cur_proper.quality != old_quality \ or (cur_proper.is_repack and not same_release_group): continue np = NameParser(False, try_scene_exceptions=True, showObj=cur_proper.parsed_show, indexer_lookup=False) try: extra_info = np.parse(sql_results[0]['release_name']).extra_info_no_name() except (StandardError, Exception): extra_info = None # don't take Proper of the same level we already downloaded old_proper_level, old_is_internal, old_codec, old_extra_no_name, old_name = \ get_old_proper_level(cur_proper.parsed_show, cur_proper.indexer, cur_proper.indexerid, cur_proper.season, parse_result.episode_numbers, old_status, cur_proper.quality, extra_info, parse_result.version, parse_result.is_anime) cur_proper.codec = _get_codec(parse_result.extra_info_no_name()) if cur_proper.proper_level < old_proper_level: continue cur_proper.is_internal = (parse_result.extra_info_no_name() and re.search(r'\binternal\b', parse_result.extra_info_no_name(), flags=re.I)) if cur_proper.proper_level == old_proper_level: if (('264' == cur_proper.codec and 'xvid' == old_codec) or (old_is_internal and not cur_proper.is_internal)): pass continue is_web = (old_quality in (Quality.HDWEBDL, Quality.FULLHDWEBDL, Quality.UHD4KWEB) or (old_quality == Quality.SDTV and re.search(r'\Wweb.?(dl|rip|.[hx]26[45])\W', str(sql_results[0]['release_name']), re.I))) if is_web: old_name = (old_name, sql_results[0]['release_name'])[old_name in ('', None)] old_webdl_type = get_webdl_type(old_extra_no_name, old_name) new_webdl_type = get_webdl_type(parse_result.extra_info_no_name(), cur_proper.name) if old_webdl_type != new_webdl_type: logger.log('Ignored Proper webdl source [%s], does not match existing webdl source [%s] for [%s]' % (old_webdl_type, new_webdl_type, cur_proper.name), logger.DEBUG) continue # for webdls, prevent Propers from different groups log_same_grp = 'Ignored Proper from release group [%s] does not match existing group [%s] for [%s]' \ % (parse_result.release_group, old_release_group, cur_proper.name) if sickbeard.PROPERS_WEBDL_ONEGRP and is_web and not same_release_group: logger.log(log_same_grp, logger.DEBUG) continue # check if we actually want this Proper (if it's the right release group and a higher version) if parse_result.is_anime: old_version = int(sql_results[0]['version']) if not (-1 < old_version < parse_result.version): continue if not same_release_group: logger.log(log_same_grp, logger.DEBUG) continue found_msg = 'Found anime Proper v%s to replace v%s' % (parse_result.version, old_version) else: found_msg = 'Found Proper [%s]' % cur_proper.name # make sure the episode has been downloaded before history_limit = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=30) history_results = my_db.select( 'SELECT resource FROM history' ' WHERE showid = ?' ' AND season = ? AND episode = ? AND quality = ? AND date >= ?' ' AND (%s)' % ' OR '.join('action LIKE "%%%02d"' % x for x in SNATCHED_ANY + [DOWNLOADED, ARCHIVED]), [cur_proper.indexerid, cur_proper.season, cur_proper.episode, cur_proper.quality, history_limit.strftime(history.dateFormat)]) # skip if the episode has never downloaded, because a previous quality is required to match the Proper if not len(history_results): logger.log('Ignored Proper cannot find a recent history item for [%s]' % cur_proper.name, logger.DEBUG) continue # make sure that none of the existing history downloads are the same Proper as the download candidate clean_proper_name = _generic_name(helpers.remove_non_release_groups( cur_proper.name, cur_proper.parsed_show.is_anime)) is_same = False for hitem in history_results: # if the result exists in history already we need to skip it if clean_proper_name == _generic_name(helpers.remove_non_release_groups( ek.ek(os.path.basename, hitem['resource']))): is_same = True break if is_same: logger.log('Ignored Proper already in history [%s]' % cur_proper.name) continue logger.log(found_msg, logger.DEBUG) # finish populating the Proper instance # cur_proper.show = cur_proper.parsed_show.indexerid cur_proper.provider = cur_provider cur_proper.extra_info = parse_result.extra_info cur_proper.extra_info_no_name = parse_result.extra_info_no_name cur_proper.release_group = parse_result.release_group cur_proper.is_anime = parse_result.is_anime cur_proper.version = parse_result.version propers[name] = cur_proper cur_provider.log_result('Propers', len(propers), '%s' % cur_provider.name) return propers.values() def _download_propers(proper_list): verified_propers = True consumed_proper = [] downloaded_epid = set() _epid = operator.attrgetter('indexerid', 'indexer', 'season', 'episode') while verified_propers: verified_propers = set() # get verified list; sort the list of unique Propers for highest proper_level, newest first for cur_proper in sorted( filter(lambda p: p not in consumed_proper, # allows Proper to fail or be rejected and another to be tried (with a different name) filter(lambda p: _epid(p) not in downloaded_epid, proper_list)), key=operator.attrgetter('properlevel', 'date'), reverse=True): epid = _epid(cur_proper) # if the show is in our list and there hasn't been a Proper already added for that particular episode # then add it to our list of Propers if epid not in map(_epid, verified_propers): logger.log('Proper may be useful [%s]' % cur_proper.name) verified_propers.add(cur_proper) else: # use Proper with the highest level remove_propers = set() map(lambda vp: remove_propers.add(vp), filter(lambda p: (epid == _epid(p) and cur_proper.proper_level > p.proper_level), verified_propers)) if remove_propers: verified_propers -= remove_propers logger.log('A more useful Proper [%s]' % cur_proper.name) verified_propers.add(cur_proper) for cur_proper in list(verified_propers): consumed_proper += [cur_proper] # scene release checking scene_only = getattr(cur_proper.provider, 'scene_only', False) scene_rej_nuked = getattr(cur_proper.provider, 'scene_rej_nuked', False) if any([scene_only, scene_rej_nuked]) and not cur_proper.parsed_show.is_anime: scene_or_contain = getattr(cur_proper.provider, 'scene_or_contain', '') scene_contains = False if scene_only and scene_or_contain: re_extras = dict(re_prefix='.*', re_suffix='.*') r = show_name_helpers.contains_any(cur_proper.name, scene_or_contain, **re_extras) if None is not r and r: scene_contains = True if scene_contains and not scene_rej_nuked: reject = False else: reject, url = search.can_reject(cur_proper.name) if reject: if isinstance(reject, basestring): if scene_rej_nuked: logger.log('Rejecting nuked release. Nuke reason [%s] source [%s]' % (reject, url), logger.DEBUG) else: logger.log('Considering nuked release. Nuke reason [%s] source [%s]' % (reject, url), logger.DEBUG) reject = False elif scene_contains: reject = False else: logger.log('Rejecting as not scene release listed at any [%s]' % url, logger.DEBUG) if reject: continue # make the result object ep_obj = cur_proper.parsed_show.getEpisode(cur_proper.season, cur_proper.episode) result = cur_proper.provider.get_result([ep_obj], cur_proper.url) if None is result: continue result.name = cur_proper.name result.quality = cur_proper.quality result.version = cur_proper.version result.properlevel = cur_proper.proper_level result.is_repack = cur_proper.is_repack result.puid = cur_proper.puid # snatch it if search.snatch_episode(result, SNATCHED_PROPER): downloaded_epid.add(_epid(cur_proper)) def get_needed_qualites(needed=None): if not isinstance(needed, neededQualities): needed = neededQualities() if not sickbeard.DOWNLOAD_PROPERS or needed.all_needed: return needed age_shows, age_anime = sickbeard.BACKLOG_DAYS + 2, 14 aired_since_shows = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=age_shows) aired_since_anime = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=age_anime) my_db = db.DBConnection() sql_results = my_db.select( 'SELECT DISTINCT s.indexer, s.indexer_id, e.season, e.episode FROM history as h' + ' INNER JOIN tv_episodes AS e ON (h.showid == e.showid AND h.season == e.season AND h.episode == e.episode)' + ' INNER JOIN tv_shows AS s ON (e.showid = s.indexer_id)' + ' WHERE h.date >= %s' % min(aired_since_shows, aired_since_anime).strftime(dateFormat) + ' AND (%s)' % ' OR '.join(['h.action LIKE "%%%02d"' % x for x in SNATCHED_ANY + [DOWNLOADED, FAILED]]) ) for sql_episode in sql_results: if needed.all_needed: break try: show = helpers.find_show_by_id( sickbeard.showList, {int(sql_episode['indexer']): int(sql_episode['indexer_id'])}) except MultipleShowObjectsException: continue if show: needed.check_needed_types(show) if needed.all_show_qualities_needed(show) or needed.all_qualities_needed: continue ep_obj = show.getEpisode(season=sql_episode['season'], episode=sql_episode['episode']) if ep_obj: ep_status, ep_quality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(ep_obj.status) if ep_status in SNATCHED_ANY + [DOWNLOADED, ARCHIVED]: needed.check_needed_qualities([ep_quality]) return needed def _recent_history(aired_since_shows, aired_since_anime): recent_shows, recent_anime = [], [] my_db = db.DBConnection() sql_results = my_db.select( 'SELECT DISTINCT s.indexer, s.indexer_id FROM history as h' + ' INNER JOIN tv_episodes AS e ON (h.showid == e.showid AND h.season == e.season AND h.episode == e.episode)' + ' INNER JOIN tv_shows AS s ON (e.showid = s.indexer_id)' + ' WHERE h.date >= %s' % min(aired_since_shows, aired_since_anime).strftime(dateFormat) + ' AND (%s)' % ' OR '.join(['h.action LIKE "%%%02d"' % x for x in SNATCHED_ANY + [DOWNLOADED, FAILED]]) ) for sqlshow in sql_results: try: show = helpers.find_show_by_id(sickbeard.showList, {int(sqlshow['indexer']): int(sqlshow['indexer_id'])}) except MultipleShowObjectsException: continue if show: if not show.is_anime: (sqlshow['indexer'], sqlshow['indexer_id']) not in recent_shows and \ recent_shows.append((sqlshow['indexer'], sqlshow['indexer_id'])) else: (sqlshow['indexer'], sqlshow['indexer_id']) not in recent_anime and show.is_anime and \ recent_anime.append((sqlshow['indexer'], sqlshow['indexer_id'])) return recent_shows, recent_anime def _generic_name(name): return name.replace('.', ' ').replace('-', ' ').replace('_', ' ').lower() def _set_last_proper_search(when): logger.log(u'Setting the last Proper search in the DB to %s' % when, logger.DEBUG) my_db = db.DBConnection() sql_results = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM info') if 0 == len(sql_results): my_db.action('INSERT INTO info (last_backlog, last_indexer, last_proper_search) VALUES (?,?,?)', [0, 0, sbdatetime.totimestamp(when)]) else: my_db.action('UPDATE info SET last_proper_search=%s' % sbdatetime.totimestamp(when)) def next_proper_timeleft(): return sickbeard.properFinderScheduler.timeLeft() def get_last_proper_search(): my_db = db.DBConnection() sql_results = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM info') try: last_proper_search = int(sql_results[0]['last_proper_search']) except (StandardError, Exception): return 1 return last_proper_search