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', 'buttons' : { 'Yes' : { 'class' : 'green', 'action': function() { all('off'); $.get(sbRoot + '/home/addShows/watchlist_imdb', { 'action': elDel.val().toLowerCase(), 'select': accId()}) .done(function(response) { all('on'); setControls(!populateSelect(response), !1); setOnOff(); }) .fail(function() { all('on'); setControls(!0, 'Invalid ID'); setOnOff(); }); } }, 'No' : { 'class' : 'red', 'action': function() { e.preventDefault(); all('on'); defaultControls();} } } }); }); elOnOff.on('click', function(e) { var strList = $.trim(elInput.val()); elInput.removeClass('warning'); if (!strList) { warnMessage('Missing IMDb list Id or URL'); } else { all('off'); var params = {'action': elOnOff.val().toLowerCase()}; if ('enable' == params.action) params.input = strList; else = accId(); $.get(sbRoot + '/home/addShows/watchlist_imdb', params) .done(function(data) { setControls(!populateSelect(data), !1); }) .fail(function() { setControls(!0, 'Failed to load list'); }); } }); function setControls(resetSelect, message) { all('on'); if (resetSelect) { if (message) warnMessage(message); var addList = '[value="new"]'; elDropDown.find(opt).not(addList).prop(sel, !1); elDropDown.find(opt + addList).prop(sel, sel); } elDel.prop('disabled', isAdd()); elInput.prop('readonly', !isAdd()); setLink() } var ui_update_trim_zero = (function () { var secs = ('00' + new Date().getSeconds().toString()).slice(-2), elSecs = $('#trim_info_seconds'), elTrimZero = $('#trim_zero'); elTrimZero.each(function () { var checked = $(this).prop('checked') && $('#fuzzy_dating').prop('checked'); $('#time_presets').find('option').each(function () { var text = ($(this).text()); $(this).text(checked ? 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