SickGear - $title
#if $getVar('inc_top_glide', None)
## Required Core Stylesheet
## Optional Theme Stylesheet
#end if
#if $sg_var('FUZZY_DATING')
#end if
#if $getVar('inc_top_glide', None)
#end if
#if $getVar('inc_ofi', None)
#end if
#set $tab = 4
#set global $body_attr = ''
#set global $body_attr += ' id="%s"' % $page_body_attr
#end try
#if not any(x in $body_attr for x in ['back-art', 'pro', 'ii'])
#set $parts = $body_attr.split('class="')
#set $body_attr = ('class="%s '.join($parts), $parts[0] + ' class="%s"')[1 == len($parts)] % {0: '', 1: 'pro', 2: 'pro ii'}.get(getattr($sickgear, 'DISPLAY_SHOW_VIEWMODE', 0))
#end if
#set $classes = ' '.join(([], ['shows-not-found'])[any([$getVar('log_num_not_found_shows_all', 0)])] \
+ ([], [($getVar('log_num_not_found_shows', 0) * 'n')[0:4]])[any([$getVar('log_num_not_found_shows', 0)])])
#if any($classes)
#set $body_attr = $body_attr.rstrip('"') + (' class="%s"', ' %s"')['class=' in $body_attr] % $classes
#end if
#if $varExists('submenu')
#set $first = True
#for $menuItem in $submenu
#if 'requires' not in $menuItem or $menuItem.requires()
#if type($menuItem.path) == dict
#if $first then '' else ''#$menuItem.title
#set $first = False
#set $inner_first = True
#for $cur_link in $menuItem.path
#if $inner_first then '' else '· '
#set $inner_first = False
#end for
#set $first = False
#end if
#end if
#end for
#end if
#set $py_ver = sys.version_info[:3]
#if $py_ver in [(3, 9, 3), (3, 8, 1), (3, 7, 6)]:
#if (3, 9, 3) == $py_ver:
Your installed Python 3.9.3 has been recalled due to breakage with C extensions
Please replace with Python 3.9.4: download here
#elif (3, 8, 1) == $py_ver:
Your installed Python 3.8.1 has a critical issue affecting the parsing of URLs
Please replace with Python 3.8.2, 3.8.0, or older: download here
#else if (3, 7, 6) == $py_ver:
Your installed Python 3.7.6 has a critical issue affecting the parsing of URLs
Please replace with Python 3.7.7, 3.7.5, or older: download here
#end if
#end if
#if $tvinfo_switch_running
Switching the TV info source of shows. Expect links and elements to temporarily not work
#end if
#end if
#end if
Since Jan 2019, installations like this one have displayed a
message on every startup to run `` instead of ``.
But some runners (e.g. Linux service files) hide the message.
Nov 2022:
To remove this red box, and to prevent a future startup failure when the outdated `` is removed,
please change whatever starts SickGear to run ``.