/* jQuery Form to Form Wizard (Initial: Oct 1st, 2010) * This notice must stay intact for usage * Author: Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ * Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code */ // Oct 21st, 2010: Script updated to v1.1, which adds basic form validation functionality, triggered each time the user goes from one page to the next, or tries to submit the form. // jQuery.noConflict() function FormToWizard(options){ this.setting = jQuery.extend({fieldsetborderwidth:2, persistsection:false, revealfx:['slide', 500], oninit:function(){}, onpagechangestart:function(){}}, options); this.currentsection = -1; this.init(this.setting) } FormToWizard.prototype = { loadsection:function(rawi, bypasshooks){ //doload Boolean checks to see whether to load next section (true if bypasshooks param is true or onpagechangestart() event handler doesn't return false) var doload = bypasshooks || this.setting.onpagechangestart(jQuery, this.currentsection, this.sections.$sections.eq(this.currentsection)), tabIndex, thiswizard = this; doload = (doload !== false); //unless doload is explicitly false, set to true if (!bypasshooks && this.setting.validate && false === this.validate(this.currentsection)) doload = false; //get index of next section to show tabIndex = ('prev' == rawi ? this.currentsection - 1 : ('next' == rawi ? this.currentsection + 1 : parseInt(rawi))); //don't exceed min/max limit tabIndex = (tabIndex < 0 ? this.sections.count - 1 : (tabIndex > (this.sections.count - 1) ? 0 : tabIndex)); //if next section to show isn't the same as the current section shown if (tabIndex < this.sections.count && doload){ //dull current 'step' text then highlight next 'step' text this.$thesteps.eq(this.currentsection).addClass('disabledstep').end().eq(tabIndex).removeClass('disabledstep'); if ('slide' == this.setting.revealfx[0]) { this.sections.$sections.css('visibility', 'visible'); //animate fieldset wrapper's height to accommodate next section's height this.sections.$outerwrapper.stop().animate({height: this.sections.$sections.eq(tabIndex).outerHeight()}, this.setting.revealfx[1]); //slide next section into view this.sections.$innerwrapper.stop().animate({left: -tabIndex * this.maxfieldsetwidth}, this.setting.revealfx[1], function () { thiswizard.sections.$sections.each(function (thissec) { //hide fieldset sections currently not in view, so tabbing doesn't go to elements within them (and mess up layout) if (tabIndex != thissec) thiswizard.sections.$sections.eq(thissec).css('visibility', 'hidden') }) }) } else if ('fade' == this.setting.revealfx[0]) { //if fx is 'fade' this.sections.$sections.eq(this.currentsection).hide().end().eq(tabIndex).fadeIn(this.setting.revealfx[1], function () { if (document.all && this.style && this.style.removeAttribute) //fix IE clearType problem this.style.removeAttribute('filter'); }) } else { this.sections.$sections.eq(this.currentsection).hide().end().eq(tabIndex).show() } //update current page status text this.paginatediv.$status.text('step ' + (tabIndex + 1) + ' / ' + this.sections.count); this.paginatediv.$navlinks.css('visibility', 'visible'); if (0 == tabIndex) //hide 'prev' link this.paginatediv.$navlinks.eq(0).css('visibility', 'hidden'); else if ((this.sections.count - 1) == tabIndex) //hide 'next' link this.paginatediv.$navlinks.eq(1).css('visibility', 'hidden'); if (this.setting.persistsection) //enable persistence? FormToWizard.routines.setCookie(this.setting.formid + '_persist', tabIndex); this.currentsection = tabIndex; if (0 === tabIndex) { setTimeout(function () { $('#nameToSearch').focus(); }, 250); } } }, addvalidatefields:function(){ var $ = jQuery, setting = this.setting, theform = this.$theform.get(0), validatefields = setting.validate; //array of form element ids to validate for (var i = 0; i < validatefields.length; i++){ var el = theform.elements[validatefields[i]]; //reference form element if (el){ //find fieldset.sectionwrap this form element belongs to var $section = $(el).parents('fieldset.sectionwrap:eq(0)'); //if element is within a fieldset.sectionwrap element if ($section.length == 1){ //cache this element inside corresponding section $section.data('elements').push(el); } } } }, validate:function(section){ //reference elements within this section that should be validated var elements = this.sections.$sections.eq(section).data('elements'); var validated = true, invalidtext = ['Please fill out the following fields:' + "\n"]; function invalidate(el){ validated = false; invalidtext.push('- '+ (el.id || el.name)) } for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){ if (/(text)/.test(elements[i].type) && elements[i].value == ''){ //text and textarea elements invalidate(elements[i]) } else if (/(select)/.test(elements[i].type) && (elements[i].selectedIndex == -1 || elements[i].options[elements[i].selectedIndex].text == '')){ //select elements invalidate(elements[i]) } else if (undefined == elements[i].type && 0 < elements[i].length){ //radio and checkbox elements var onechecked = false; for (var r = 0; r < elements[i].length; r++){ if (elements[i][r].checked == true){ onechecked = true; break } } if (!onechecked){ invalidate(elements[i][0]) } } } if (!validated) alert(invalidtext.join("\n")); return validated }, init:function(setting){ var thiswizard = this; jQuery(function($){ //on document.ready var $theform = $('#' + setting.formid), //create Steps Container to house the 'steps' text $stepsguide = $('
'), //find all fieldsets within form and hide them initially $sections = $theform.find('fieldset.sectionwrap').hide(), $sectionswrapper = '', $sectionswrapper_inner = ''; if (0 == $theform.length) //if form with specified ID doesn't exist, try name attribute instead $theform = $('form[name=' + setting.formid + ']'); if ('slide' == setting.revealfx[0]) { //create outer DIV that will house all the fieldset.sectionwrap elements //add DIV above the first fieldset.sectionwrap element $sectionswrapper = $('').insertBefore($sections.eq(0)); //create inner DIV of $sectionswrapper that will scroll to reveal a fieldset element $sectionswrapper_inner = $(''); } //variable to get width of widest fieldset.sectionwrap var maxfieldsetwidth = $sections.eq(0).outerWidth(); //loop through $sections (starting from 2nd one) $sections.slice(1).each(function(){ maxfieldsetwidth = Math.max($(this).outerWidth(), maxfieldsetwidth) }); //add default 2px or param px to final width to reveal fieldset border (if not removed via CSS) maxfieldsetwidth += setting.fieldsetborderwidth; thiswizard.maxfieldsetwidth = maxfieldsetwidth; //loop through $sections again $sections.each(function(i){ var $section = $(this); if ('slide' == setting.revealfx[0]) { //set fieldset position to 'absolute' and move it to inside sectionswrapper_inner DIV $section.data('page', i).css({position: 'absolute', left: maxfieldsetwidth * i}).appendTo($sectionswrapper_inner); } //empty array to contain elements within this section that should be validated for data (applicable only if validate option is defined) $section.data('elements', []); //create each 'step' DIV and add it to main Steps Container: var $stepwords = ['first', 'second', 'third'], $thestep = $('').data('section', i).html(($stepwords[i] + ' step') + '