# Author: Nic Wolfe # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickGear. # # SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickGear. If not, see . import os.path import datetime import re import urlparse import sickbeard from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek from sickbeard import helpers from sickbeard import logger from sickbeard import naming from sickbeard import db from sickbeard import providers from sickbeard.providers.generic import GenericProvider naming_ep_type = ("%(seasonnumber)dx%(episodenumber)02d", "s%(seasonnumber)02de%(episodenumber)02d", "S%(seasonnumber)02dE%(episodenumber)02d", "%(seasonnumber)02dx%(episodenumber)02d") sports_ep_type = ("%(seasonnumber)dx%(episodenumber)02d", "s%(seasonnumber)02de%(episodenumber)02d", "S%(seasonnumber)02dE%(episodenumber)02d", "%(seasonnumber)02dx%(episodenumber)02d") naming_ep_type_text = ("1x02", "s01e02", "S01E02", "01x02") naming_multi_ep_type = {0: ["-%(episodenumber)02d"] * len(naming_ep_type), 1: [" - " + x for x in naming_ep_type], 2: [x + "%(episodenumber)02d" for x in ("x", "e", "E", "x")]} naming_multi_ep_type_text = ("extend", "duplicate", "repeat") naming_sep_type = (" - ", " ") naming_sep_type_text = (" - ", "space") def change_HTTPS_CERT(https_cert): if https_cert == '': sickbeard.HTTPS_CERT = '' return True if os.path.normpath(sickbeard.HTTPS_CERT) != os.path.normpath(https_cert): if helpers.makeDir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(https_cert))): sickbeard.HTTPS_CERT = os.path.normpath(https_cert) logger.log(u"Changed https cert path to " + https_cert) else: return False return True def change_HTTPS_KEY(https_key): if https_key == '': sickbeard.HTTPS_KEY = '' return True if os.path.normpath(sickbeard.HTTPS_KEY) != os.path.normpath(https_key): if helpers.makeDir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(https_key))): sickbeard.HTTPS_KEY = os.path.normpath(https_key) logger.log(u"Changed https key path to " + https_key) else: return False return True def change_LOG_DIR(log_dir, web_log): log_dir_changed = False abs_log_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sickbeard.DATA_DIR, log_dir)) web_log_value = checkbox_to_value(web_log) if os.path.normpath(sickbeard.LOG_DIR) != abs_log_dir: if helpers.makeDir(abs_log_dir): sickbeard.ACTUAL_LOG_DIR = os.path.normpath(log_dir) sickbeard.LOG_DIR = abs_log_dir logger.sb_log_instance.initLogging() logger.log(u"Initialized new log file in " + sickbeard.LOG_DIR) log_dir_changed = True else: return False if sickbeard.WEB_LOG != web_log_value or log_dir_changed == True: sickbeard.WEB_LOG = web_log_value return True def change_NZB_DIR(nzb_dir): if nzb_dir == '': sickbeard.NZB_DIR = '' return True if os.path.normpath(sickbeard.NZB_DIR) != os.path.normpath(nzb_dir): if helpers.makeDir(nzb_dir): sickbeard.NZB_DIR = os.path.normpath(nzb_dir) logger.log(u"Changed NZB folder to " + nzb_dir) else: return False return True def change_TORRENT_DIR(torrent_dir): if torrent_dir == '': sickbeard.TORRENT_DIR = '' return True if os.path.normpath(sickbeard.TORRENT_DIR) != os.path.normpath(torrent_dir): if helpers.makeDir(torrent_dir): sickbeard.TORRENT_DIR = os.path.normpath(torrent_dir) logger.log(u"Changed torrent folder to " + torrent_dir) else: return False return True def change_TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR(tv_download_dir): if tv_download_dir == '': sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR = '' return True if os.path.normpath(sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR) != os.path.normpath(tv_download_dir): if helpers.makeDir(tv_download_dir): sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR = os.path.normpath(tv_download_dir) logger.log(u"Changed TV download folder to " + tv_download_dir) else: return False return True def change_AUTOPOSTPROCESSER_FREQUENCY(freq): sickbeard.AUTOPOSTPROCESSER_FREQUENCY = to_int(freq, default=sickbeard.DEFAULT_AUTOPOSTPROCESSER_FREQUENCY) if sickbeard.AUTOPOSTPROCESSER_FREQUENCY < sickbeard.MIN_AUTOPOSTPROCESSER_FREQUENCY: sickbeard.AUTOPOSTPROCESSER_FREQUENCY = sickbeard.MIN_AUTOPOSTPROCESSER_FREQUENCY sickbeard.autoPostProcesserScheduler.cycleTime = datetime.timedelta(minutes=sickbeard.AUTOPOSTPROCESSER_FREQUENCY) def change_RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY(freq): sickbeard.RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY = to_int(freq, default=sickbeard.DEFAULT_RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY) if sickbeard.RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY < sickbeard.MIN_RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY: sickbeard.RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY = sickbeard.MIN_RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY sickbeard.recentSearchScheduler.cycleTime = datetime.timedelta(minutes=sickbeard.RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY) def change_BACKLOG_FREQUENCY(freq): sickbeard.BACKLOG_FREQUENCY = to_int(freq, default=sickbeard.DEFAULT_BACKLOG_FREQUENCY) sickbeard.MIN_BACKLOG_FREQUENCY = sickbeard.get_backlog_cycle_time() if sickbeard.BACKLOG_FREQUENCY < sickbeard.MIN_BACKLOG_FREQUENCY: sickbeard.BACKLOG_FREQUENCY = sickbeard.MIN_BACKLOG_FREQUENCY sickbeard.backlogSearchScheduler.cycleTime = datetime.timedelta(minutes=sickbeard.BACKLOG_FREQUENCY) def change_UPDATE_FREQUENCY(freq): sickbeard.UPDATE_FREQUENCY = to_int(freq, default=sickbeard.DEFAULT_UPDATE_FREQUENCY) if sickbeard.UPDATE_FREQUENCY < sickbeard.MIN_UPDATE_FREQUENCY: sickbeard.UPDATE_FREQUENCY = sickbeard.MIN_UPDATE_FREQUENCY sickbeard.versionCheckScheduler.cycleTime = datetime.timedelta(hours=sickbeard.UPDATE_FREQUENCY) def change_VERSION_NOTIFY(version_notify): oldSetting = sickbeard.VERSION_NOTIFY sickbeard.VERSION_NOTIFY = version_notify if not version_notify: sickbeard.NEWEST_VERSION_STRING = None if oldSetting == False and version_notify == True: sickbeard.versionCheckScheduler.action.run() # @UndefinedVariable def change_DOWNLOAD_PROPERS(download_propers): if sickbeard.DOWNLOAD_PROPERS == download_propers: return sickbeard.DOWNLOAD_PROPERS = download_propers if sickbeard.DOWNLOAD_PROPERS: sickbeard.properFinderScheduler.start() else: sickbeard.properFinderScheduler.stop.set() logger.log(u"Waiting for the PROPERFINDER thread to exit") try: sickbeard.properFinderScheduler.join(10) except: pass def change_USE_TRAKT(use_trakt): if sickbeard.USE_TRAKT == use_trakt: return sickbeard.USE_TRAKT = use_trakt if sickbeard.USE_TRAKT: sickbeard.traktCheckerScheduler.start() else: sickbeard.traktCheckerScheduler.stop.set() logger.log(u"Waiting for the TRAKTCHECKER thread to exit") try: sickbeard.traktCheckerScheduler.join(10) except: pass def change_USE_SUBTITLES(use_subtitles): if sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES == use_subtitles: return sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES = use_subtitles if sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES: sickbeard.subtitlesFinderScheduler.start() else: sickbeard.subtitlesFinderScheduler.stop.set() logger.log(u"Waiting for the SUBTITLESFINDER thread to exit") try: sickbeard.subtitlesFinderScheduler.join(10) except: pass def CheckSection(CFG, sec): """ Check if INI section exists, if not create it """ try: CFG[sec] return True except: CFG[sec] = {} return False def checkbox_to_value(option, value_on=1, value_off=0): """ Turns checkbox option 'on' or 'true' to value_on (1) any other value returns value_off (0) """ if type(option) is list: option = option[-1] if option == 'on' or option == 'true': return value_on return value_off def clean_host(host, default_port=None): """ Returns host or host:port or empty string from a given url or host If no port is found and default_port is given use host:default_port """ host = host.strip() if host: match_host_port = re.search(r'(?:http.*://)?(?P[^:/]+).?(?P[0-9]*).*', host) cleaned_host = match_host_port.group('host') cleaned_port = match_host_port.group('port') if cleaned_host: if cleaned_port: host = cleaned_host + ':' + cleaned_port elif default_port: host = cleaned_host + ':' + str(default_port) else: host = cleaned_host else: host = '' return host def clean_hosts(hosts, default_port=None): cleaned_hosts = [] for cur_host in [x.strip() for x in hosts.split(",")]: if cur_host: cleaned_host = clean_host(cur_host, default_port) if cleaned_host: cleaned_hosts.append(cleaned_host) if cleaned_hosts: cleaned_hosts = ",".join(cleaned_hosts) else: cleaned_hosts = '' return cleaned_hosts def clean_url(url, add_slash=True): """ Returns an cleaned url starting with a scheme and folder with trailing / or an empty string """ if url and url.strip(): url = url.strip() if '://' not in url: url = '//' + url scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url, 'http') if not path.endswith('/'): basename, ext = ek.ek(os.path.splitext, ek.ek(os.path.basename, path)) # @UnusedVariable if not ext and add_slash: path = path + '/' cleaned_url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment)) else: cleaned_url = '' return cleaned_url def to_int(val, default=0): """ Return int value of val or default on error """ try: val = int(val) except: val = default return val ################################################################################ # Check_setting_int # ################################################################################ def minimax(val, default, low, high): """ Return value forced within range """ val = to_int(val, default=default) if val < low: return low if val > high: return high return val ################################################################################ # Check_setting_int # ################################################################################ def check_setting_int(config, cfg_name, item_name, def_val): try: my_val = int(config[cfg_name][item_name]) except: my_val = def_val try: config[cfg_name][item_name] = my_val except: config[cfg_name] = {} config[cfg_name][item_name] = my_val logger.log(item_name + " -> " + str(my_val), logger.DEBUG) return my_val ################################################################################ # Check_setting_float # ################################################################################ def check_setting_float(config, cfg_name, item_name, def_val): try: my_val = float(config[cfg_name][item_name]) except: my_val = def_val try: config[cfg_name][item_name] = my_val except: config[cfg_name] = {} config[cfg_name][item_name] = my_val logger.log(item_name + " -> " + str(my_val), logger.DEBUG) return my_val ################################################################################ # Check_setting_str # ################################################################################ def check_setting_str(config, cfg_name, item_name, def_val, log=True): # For passwords you must include the word `password` in the item_name and add `helpers.encrypt(ITEM_NAME, ENCRYPTION_VERSION)` in save_config() if bool(item_name.find('password') + 1): log = False encryption_version = sickbeard.ENCRYPTION_VERSION else: encryption_version = 0 try: my_val = helpers.decrypt(config[cfg_name][item_name], encryption_version) except: my_val = def_val try: config[cfg_name][item_name] = helpers.encrypt(my_val, encryption_version) except: config[cfg_name] = {} config[cfg_name][item_name] = helpers.encrypt(my_val, encryption_version) if log: logger.log(item_name + " -> " + str(my_val), logger.DEBUG) else: logger.log(item_name + " -> ******", logger.DEBUG) return my_val class ConfigMigrator(): def __init__(self, config_obj): """ Initializes a config migrator that can take the config from the version indicated in the config file up to the version required by SB """ self.config_obj = config_obj # check the version of the config self.config_version = check_setting_int(config_obj, 'General', 'config_version', sickbeard.CONFIG_VERSION) self.expected_config_version = sickbeard.CONFIG_VERSION self.migration_names = {1: 'Custom naming', 2: 'Sync backup number with version number', 3: 'Rename omgwtfnzb variables', 4: 'Add newznab catIDs', 5: 'Metadata update', 6: 'Rename daily search to recent search', 7: 'Rename coming episodes to episode view', 8: 'Disable searches on start', 9: 'Rename pushbullet variables',} def migrate_config(self): """ Calls each successive migration until the config is the same version as SB expects """ if self.config_version > self.expected_config_version: logger.log_error_and_exit(u"Your config version (" + str( self.config_version) + ") has been incremented past what this version of SickGear supports (" + str( self.expected_config_version) + ").\n" + \ "If you have used other forks or a newer version of SickGear, your config file may be unusable due to their modifications.") sickbeard.CONFIG_VERSION = self.config_version while self.config_version < self.expected_config_version: next_version = self.config_version + 1 if next_version in self.migration_names: migration_name = ': ' + self.migration_names[next_version] else: migration_name = '' logger.log(u"Backing up config before upgrade") if not helpers.backupVersionedFile(sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE, self.config_version): logger.log_error_and_exit(u"Config backup failed, abort upgrading config") else: logger.log(u"Proceeding with upgrade") # do the migration, expect a method named _migrate_v logger.log(u"Migrating config up to version " + str(next_version) + migration_name) getattr(self, '_migrate_v' + str(next_version))() self.config_version = next_version # save new config after migration sickbeard.CONFIG_VERSION = self.config_version logger.log(u"Saving config file to disk") sickbeard.save_config() # Migration v1: Custom naming def _migrate_v1(self): """ Reads in the old naming settings from your config and generates a new config template from them. """ sickbeard.NAMING_PATTERN = self._name_to_pattern() logger.log("Based on your old settings I'm setting your new naming pattern to: " + sickbeard.NAMING_PATTERN) sickbeard.NAMING_CUSTOM_ABD = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_dates', 0)) if sickbeard.NAMING_CUSTOM_ABD: sickbeard.NAMING_ABD_PATTERN = self._name_to_pattern(True) logger.log("Adding a custom air-by-date naming pattern to your config: " + sickbeard.NAMING_ABD_PATTERN) else: sickbeard.NAMING_ABD_PATTERN = naming.name_abd_presets[0] sickbeard.NAMING_MULTI_EP = int(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_multi_ep_type', 1)) # see if any of their shows used season folders myDB = db.DBConnection() season_folder_shows = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM tv_shows WHERE flatten_folders = 0") # if any shows had season folders on then prepend season folder to the pattern if season_folder_shows: old_season_format = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'season_folders_format', 'Season %02d') if old_season_format: try: new_season_format = old_season_format % 9 new_season_format = str(new_season_format).replace('09', '%0S') new_season_format = new_season_format.replace('9', '%S') logger.log( u"Changed season folder format from " + old_season_format + " to " + new_season_format + ", prepending it to your naming config") sickbeard.NAMING_PATTERN = new_season_format + os.sep + sickbeard.NAMING_PATTERN except (TypeError, ValueError): logger.log(u"Can't change " + old_season_format + " to new season format", logger.ERROR) # if no shows had it on then don't flatten any shows and don't put season folders in the config else: logger.log(u"No shows were using season folders before so I'm disabling flattening on all shows") # don't flatten any shows at all myDB.action("UPDATE tv_shows SET flatten_folders = 0") sickbeard.NAMING_FORCE_FOLDERS = naming.check_force_season_folders() def _name_to_pattern(self, abd=False): # get the old settings from the file use_periods = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_use_periods', 0)) ep_type = check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_ep_type', 0) sep_type = check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_sep_type', 0) use_quality = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_quality', 0)) use_show_name = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_show_name', 1)) use_ep_name = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_ep_name', 1)) # make the presets into templates naming_ep_type = ("%Sx%0E", "s%0Se%0E", "S%0SE%0E", "%0Sx%0E") naming_sep_type = (" - ", " ") # set up our data to use if use_periods: show_name = '%S.N' ep_name = '%E.N' ep_quality = '%Q.N' abd_string = '%A.D' else: show_name = '%SN' ep_name = '%EN' ep_quality = '%QN' abd_string = '%A-D' if abd: ep_string = abd_string else: ep_string = naming_ep_type[ep_type] finalName = "" # start with the show name if use_show_name: finalName += show_name + naming_sep_type[sep_type] # add the season/ep stuff finalName += ep_string # add the episode name if use_ep_name: finalName += naming_sep_type[sep_type] + ep_name # add the quality if use_quality: finalName += naming_sep_type[sep_type] + ep_quality if use_periods: finalName = re.sub("\s+", ".", finalName) return finalName # Migration v2: Dummy migration to sync backup number with config version number def _migrate_v2(self): return # Migration v2: Rename omgwtfnzb variables def _migrate_v3(self): """ Reads in the old naming settings from your config and generates a new config template from them. """ # get the old settings from the file and store them in the new variable names sickbeard.OMGWTFNZBS_USERNAME = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'omgwtfnzbs', 'omgwtfnzbs_uid', '') sickbeard.OMGWTFNZBS_APIKEY = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'omgwtfnzbs', 'omgwtfnzbs_key', '') # Migration v4: Add default newznab catIDs def _migrate_v4(self): """ Update newznab providers so that the category IDs can be set independently via the config """ new_newznab_data = [] old_newznab_data = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'Newznab', 'newznab_data', '') if old_newznab_data: old_newznab_data_list = old_newznab_data.split("!!!") for cur_provider_data in old_newznab_data_list: try: name, url, key, enabled = cur_provider_data.split("|") except ValueError: logger.log(u"Skipping Newznab provider string: '" + cur_provider_data + "', incorrect format", logger.ERROR) continue if name == 'Sick Beard Index': key = '0' if name == 'NZBs.org': catIDs = '5030,5040,5060,5070,5090' else: catIDs = '5030,5040,5060' cur_provider_data_list = [name, url, key, catIDs, enabled] new_newznab_data.append("|".join(cur_provider_data_list)) sickbeard.NEWZNAB_DATA = "!!!".join(new_newznab_data) # Migration v5: Metadata upgrade def _migrate_v5(self): """ Updates metadata values to the new format """ """ Quick overview of what the upgrade does: new | old | description (new) ----+-----+-------------------- 1 | 1 | show metadata 2 | 2 | episode metadata 3 | 4 | show fanart 4 | 3 | show poster 5 | - | show banner 6 | 5 | episode thumb 7 | 6 | season poster 8 | - | season banner 9 | - | season all poster 10 | - | season all banner Note that the ini places start at 1 while the list index starts at 0. old format: 0|0|0|0|0|0 -- 6 places new format: 0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0 -- 10 places Drop the use of use_banner option. Migrate the poster override to just using the banner option (applies to xbmc only). """ metadata_xbmc = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_xbmc', '0|0|0|0|0|0') metadata_xbmc_12plus = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_xbmc_12plus', '0|0|0|0|0|0') metadata_mediabrowser = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_mediabrowser', '0|0|0|0|0|0') metadata_ps3 = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_ps3', '0|0|0|0|0|0') metadata_wdtv = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_wdtv', '0|0|0|0|0|0') metadata_tivo = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_tivo', '0|0|0|0|0|0') metadata_mede8er = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_mede8er', '0|0|0|0|0|0') metadata_kodi = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_kodi', '0|0|0|0|0|0') use_banner = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'use_banner', 0)) def _migrate_metadata(metadata, metadata_name, use_banner): cur_metadata = metadata.split('|') # if target has the old number of values, do upgrade if len(cur_metadata) == 6: logger.log(u"Upgrading " + metadata_name + " metadata, old value: " + metadata) cur_metadata.insert(4, '0') cur_metadata.append('0') cur_metadata.append('0') cur_metadata.append('0') # swap show fanart, show poster cur_metadata[3], cur_metadata[2] = cur_metadata[2], cur_metadata[3] # if user was using use_banner to override the poster, instead enable the banner option and deactivate poster if metadata_name == 'XBMC' and use_banner: cur_metadata[4], cur_metadata[3] = cur_metadata[3], '0' # write new format metadata = '|'.join(cur_metadata) logger.log(u"Upgrading " + metadata_name + " metadata, new value: " + metadata) elif len(cur_metadata) == 10: metadata = '|'.join(cur_metadata) logger.log(u"Keeping " + metadata_name + " metadata, value: " + metadata) else: logger.log(u"Skipping " + metadata_name + " metadata: '" + metadata + "', incorrect format", logger.ERROR) metadata = '0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0' logger.log(u"Setting " + metadata_name + " metadata, new value: " + metadata) return metadata sickbeard.METADATA_XBMC = _migrate_metadata(metadata_xbmc, 'XBMC', use_banner) sickbeard.METADATA_XBMC_12PLUS = _migrate_metadata(metadata_xbmc_12plus, 'XBMC 12+', use_banner) sickbeard.METADATA_MEDIABROWSER = _migrate_metadata(metadata_mediabrowser, 'MediaBrowser', use_banner) sickbeard.METADATA_PS3 = _migrate_metadata(metadata_ps3, 'PS3', use_banner) sickbeard.METADATA_WDTV = _migrate_metadata(metadata_wdtv, 'WDTV', use_banner) sickbeard.METADATA_TIVO = _migrate_metadata(metadata_tivo, 'TIVO', use_banner) sickbeard.METADATA_MEDE8ER = _migrate_metadata(metadata_mede8er, 'Mede8er', use_banner) sickbeard.METADATA_KODI = _migrate_metadata(metadata_kodi, 'Kodi', use_banner) # Migration v6: Rename daily search to recent search def _migrate_v6(self): sickbeard.RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY = check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'dailysearch_frequency', sickbeard.DEFAULT_RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY) sickbeard.RECENTSEARCH_STARTUP = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'dailysearch_startup', 1)) if sickbeard.RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY < sickbeard.MIN_RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY: sickbeard.RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY = sickbeard.MIN_RECENTSEARCH_FREQUENCY for curProvider in providers.sortedProviderList(): if hasattr(curProvider, 'enable_recentsearch'): curProvider.enable_recentsearch = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, curProvider.getID().upper(), curProvider.getID() + '_enable_dailysearch', 1)) def _migrate_v7(self): sickbeard.EPISODE_VIEW_LAYOUT = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'GUI', 'coming_eps_layout', 'banner') sickbeard.EPISODE_VIEW_SORT = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'GUI', 'coming_eps_sort', 'time') if 'date' == sickbeard.EPISODE_VIEW_SORT: sickbeard.EPISODE_VIEW_SORT = 'time' sickbeard.EPISODE_VIEW_DISPLAY_PAUSED = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'GUI', 'coming_eps_display_paused', 0)) sickbeard.EPISODE_VIEW_MISSED_RANGE = check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'GUI', 'coming_eps_missed_range', 7) def _migrate_v8(self): # removing settings from gui and making it a hidden debug option sickbeard.RECENTSEARCH_STARTUP = False sickbeard.BACKLOG_STARTUP = False def _migrate_v9(self): sickbeard.PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'Pushbullet', 'pushbullet_api', '') sickbeard.PUSHBULLET_DEVICE_IDEN = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'Pushbullet', 'pushbullet_device', '')