#from sys import version_info #import datetime #import locale #import operator #import sickgear #from sickgear import config, metadata #from sickgear.metadata.generic import GenericMetadata #from sickgear.common import * #from sickgear.db import db_supports_backup #from sickgear.helpers import anon_url, maybe_plural #from sickgear.logger import reverseNames as file_logging_presets #from sickgear.piper import check_pip_env #from sickgear.sgdatetime import * <% def sg_var(varname, default=False): return getattr(sickgear, varname, default) %>#slurp# <% def sg_str(varname, default=''): return getattr(sickgear, varname, default) %>#slurp# #from _23 import list_keys ## #set global $title = 'Config - General' #set global $header = 'General Settings' #set global $sbPath = '../..' #set global $topmenu = 'config' ## #import os.path #include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl') #if $varExists('header')




#end if ## #set $checked = ' checked="checked"' #set $selected = ' selected="selected"' ##


Startup options. TV info source options. Log and show file locations.

Some options may require a manual restart to take effect.

Send to trash for actions

selected actions use trash (recycle bin) instead of the default permanent delete

#set $def_isrc = 0 #if $sg_var('TVINFO_DEFAULT') #set $def_isrc = $sg_var('TVINFO_DEFAULT') #end if #if $getVar('infosrc', None) and 1 < $len($infosrc)
#end if


Options for software, package and alternative shownames/numbers.

#set $git_unsafe = 'git' == $sickgear.update_software_scheduler.action.install_type and $sickgear.update_software_scheduler.action.updater.unsafe #if $git_unsafe
Built-in updates disabled

SickGear directory is not marked as safe in git settings. Tip: Use 'install-path' $sg_str('PROG_DIR').replace('\\', '/') to enable git updates in...

git config --global --add safe.directory install-path
#end if #if not $sg_var('EXT_UPDATES') #if not $git_unsafe
Software updates #set $hide_interval1 = not ($sg_var('UPDATE_NOTIFY') or $sg_var('UPDATE_AUTO'))
#end if
Package updates #set $hide_interval2 = not ($sg_var('UPDATE_PACKAGES_NOTIFY') or $sg_var('UPDATE_PACKAGES_AUTO')) #set $hide_package_tbl = not ($sg_var('UPDATE_PACKAGES_NOTIFY') or $sg_var('UPDATE_PACKAGES_AUTO') or $sg_var('UPDATE_PACKAGES_MENU'))
#try #set $installed, $extra_info, $known_failed = $check_pip_env() #except #set $installed, $extra_info, $known_failed = ([], None, []) #end try
#for $item in $installed #end for #set $update_link = 'check update (clear failed)' % $sbRoot #for $item in $known_failed #set $update_link = '' #end for
package (py #echo '.'.join('%s' % n for n in sys.version_info[0:3])#) version in use extra info
$item[0].lower()#echo $item[1] or '-'##echo $sg_var('UPDATES_TODO', {}).get($item[0]) and 'update ready' or $extra_info.get($item[0], 'filled optional')#

the above info may help with packages that don't update internally
manual installation tip: python -m pip install -U #echo $pip_user_arg#package

Built-in updates disabled

using #echo $sg_var('EXT_UPDATES') or 'other'# update method instead

#end if
Alias show names/numbers

updates for alternative show names and numbers

#if not $sg_var('EXT_UPDATES') #end if

User Interface

Options for visual appearance.

#if not hasattr($sickgear, 'FANART_LIMIT')#Restart SickGear to reveal new options here#else#
#end if
#if not hasattr($sickgear, 'DISPLAY_FREESPACE')#Restart SickGear to reveal new option here#else#
#end if
#if not $SGDatetime.is_locale_eng() #else
#end if

display dates and times in either your timezone or the shows network timezone

Web Interface

It is recommended that you enable a username and password to secure SickGear from being tampered with remotely.

These options require a manual restart to take effect.


#if not $sg_var('EXT_UPDATES')
#if $sg_str('BRANCH', 'main') != 'main'
#end if
#end if
#if $db_supports_backup
#end if

All non-absolute folder locations are relative to $sg_str('DATA_DIR')
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')