# JUST FOR NOW, later I will write my own - much faster and better. # Copyright (C) 2013 Ariya Hidayat <ariya.hidayat@gmail.com> # Copyright (C) 2013 Thaddee Tyl <thaddee.tyl@gmail.com> # Copyright (C) 2012 Ariya Hidayat <ariya.hidayat@gmail.com> # Copyright (C) 2012 Mathias Bynens <mathias@qiwi.be> # Copyright (C) 2012 Joost-Wim Boekesteijn <joost-wim@boekesteijn.nl> # Copyright (C) 2012 Kris Kowal <kris.kowal@cixar.com> # Copyright (C) 2012 Yusuke Suzuki <utatane.tea@gmail.com> # Copyright (C) 2012 Arpad Borsos <arpad.borsos@googlemail.com> # Copyright (C) 2011 Ariya Hidayat <ariya.hidayat@gmail.com> # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- from __future__ import print_function import re def typeof(t): if t is None: return 'undefined' elif isinstance(t, bool): return 'boolean' elif isinstance(t, str): return 'string' elif isinstance(t, int) or isinstance(t, float): return 'number' elif hasattr(t, '__call__'): return 'function' else: return 'object' def list_indexOf(l, v): try: return l.index(v) except: return -1 parseFloat = float parseInt = int class jsdict(object): def __init__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) def __getitem__(self, name): if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] else: return None def __setitem__(self, name, value): self.__dict__[name] = value return value def __getattr__(self, name): try: return getattr(self, name) except: return None def __setattr__(self, name, value): self[name] = value return value def __contains__(self, name): return name in self.__dict__ def __repr__(self): return str(self.__dict__) class RegExp(object): def __init__(self, pattern, flags=''): self.flags = flags pyflags = 0 | re.M if 'm' in flags else 0 | re.I if 'i' in flags else 0 self.source = pattern self.pattern = re.compile(pattern, pyflags) def test(self, s): return self.pattern.search(s) is not None console = jsdict({"log": print}) def __temp__42(object=None, body=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.WithStatement, "object": object, "body": body, }) def __temp__41(test=None, body=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.WhileStatement, "test": test, "body": body, }) def __temp__40(id=None, init=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.VariableDeclarator, "id": id, "init": init, }) def __temp__39(declarations=None, kind=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.VariableDeclaration, "declarations": declarations, "kind": kind, }) def __temp__38(operator=None, argument=None): if (operator == "++") or (operator == "--"): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.UpdateExpression, "operator": operator, "argument": argument, "prefix": True, }) return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.UnaryExpression, "operator": operator, "argument": argument, "prefix": True, }) def __temp__37(block=None, guardedHandlers=None, handlers=None, finalizer=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.TryStatement, "block": block, "guardedHandlers": guardedHandlers, "handlers": handlers, "finalizer": finalizer, }) def __temp__36(argument=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.ThrowStatement, "argument": argument, }) def __temp__35(): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.ThisExpression, }) def __temp__34(discriminant=None, cases=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.SwitchStatement, "discriminant": discriminant, "cases": cases, }) def __temp__33(test=None, consequent=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.SwitchCase, "test": test, "consequent": consequent, }) def __temp__32(expressions=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.SequenceExpression, "expressions": expressions, }) def __temp__31(argument=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.ReturnStatement, "argument": argument, }) def __temp__30(kind=None, key=None, value=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.Property, "key": key, "value": value, "kind": kind, }) def __temp__29(body=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.Program, "body": body, }) def __temp__28(operator=None, argument=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.UpdateExpression, "operator": operator, "argument": argument, "prefix": False, }) def __temp__27(properties=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.ObjectExpression, "properties": properties, }) def __temp__26(callee=None, args=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.NewExpression, "callee": callee, "arguments": args, }) def __temp__25(accessor=None, object=None, property=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.MemberExpression, "computed": accessor == "[", "object": object, "property": property, }) def __temp__24(token=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.Literal, "value": token.value, "raw": source[token.range[0]:token.range[1]], }) def __temp__23(label=None, body=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.LabeledStatement, "label": label, "body": body, }) def __temp__22(test=None, consequent=None, alternate=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.IfStatement, "test": test, "consequent": consequent, "alternate": alternate, }) def __temp__21(name=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.Identifier, "name": name, }) def __temp__20(id=None, params=None, defaults=None, body=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.FunctionExpression, "id": id, "params": params, "defaults": defaults, "body": body, "rest": None, "generator": False, "expression": False, }) def __temp__19(id=None, params=None, defaults=None, body=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.FunctionDeclaration, "id": id, "params": params, "defaults": defaults, "body": body, "rest": None, "generator": False, "expression": False, }) def __temp__18(left=None, right=None, body=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.ForInStatement, "left": left, "right": right, "body": body, "each": False, }) def __temp__17(init=None, test=None, update=None, body=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.ForStatement, "init": init, "test": test, "update": update, "body": body, }) def __temp__16(expression=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.ExpressionStatement, "expression": expression, }) def __temp__15(): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.EmptyStatement, }) def __temp__14(body=None, test=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.DoWhileStatement, "body": body, "test": test, }) def __temp__13(): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.DebuggerStatement, }) def __temp__12(label=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.ContinueStatement, "label": label, }) def __temp__11(test=None, consequent=None, alternate=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.ConditionalExpression, "test": test, "consequent": consequent, "alternate": alternate, }) def __temp__10(param=None, body=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.CatchClause, "param": param, "body": body, }) def __temp__9(callee=None, args=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.CallExpression, "callee": callee, "arguments": args, }) def __temp__8(label=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.BreakStatement, "label": label, }) def __temp__7(body=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.BlockStatement, "body": body, }) def __temp__6(operator=None, left=None, right=None): type = (Syntax.LogicalExpression if (operator == "||") or (operator == "&&") else Syntax.BinaryExpression) return jsdict({ "type": type, "operator": operator, "left": left, "right": right, }) def __temp__5(operator=None, left=None, right=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.AssignmentExpression, "operator": operator, "left": left, "right": right, }) def __temp__4(elements=None): return jsdict({ "type": Syntax.ArrayExpression, "elements": elements, }) def __temp__3(node=None): if extra.source: node.loc.source = extra.source return node def __temp__2(node=None): if node.range or node.loc: if extra.loc: state.markerStack.pop() state.markerStack.pop() if extra.range: state.markerStack.pop() else: SyntaxTreeDelegate.markEnd(node) return node def __temp__1(node=None): if extra.range: node.range = [state.markerStack.pop(), index] if extra.loc: node.loc = jsdict({ "start": jsdict({ "line": state.markerStack.pop(), "column": state.markerStack.pop(), }), "end": jsdict({ "line": lineNumber, "column": index - lineStart, }), }) SyntaxTreeDelegate.postProcess(node) return node def __temp__0(): if extra.loc: state.markerStack.append(index - lineStart) state.markerStack.append(lineNumber) if extra.range: state.markerStack.append(index) Token = None TokenName = None FnExprTokens = None Syntax = None PropertyKind = None Messages = None Regex = None SyntaxTreeDelegate = None source = None strict = None index = None lineNumber = None lineStart = None length = None delegate = None lookahead = None state = None extra = None Token = jsdict({ "BooleanLiteral": 1, "EOF": 2, "Identifier": 3, "Keyword": 4, "NullLiteral": 5, "NumericLiteral": 6, "Punctuator": 7, "StringLiteral": 8, "RegularExpression": 9, }) TokenName = jsdict({}) TokenName[Token.BooleanLiteral] = "Boolean" TokenName[Token.EOF] = "<end>" TokenName[Token.Identifier] = "Identifier" TokenName[Token.Keyword] = "Keyword" TokenName[Token.NullLiteral] = "Null" TokenName[Token.NumericLiteral] = "Numeric" TokenName[Token.Punctuator] = "Punctuator" TokenName[Token.StringLiteral] = "String" TokenName[Token.RegularExpression] = "RegularExpression" FnExprTokens = [ "(", "{", "[", "in", "typeof", "instanceof", "new", "return", "case", "delete", "throw", "void", "=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "&=", "|=", "^=", ",", "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "++", "--", "<<", ">>", ">>>", "&", "|", "^", "!", "~", "&&", "||", "?", ":", "===", "==", ">=", "<=", "<", ">", "!=", "!==" ] Syntax = jsdict({ "AssignmentExpression": "AssignmentExpression", "ArrayExpression": "ArrayExpression", "BlockStatement": "BlockStatement", "BinaryExpression": "BinaryExpression", "BreakStatement": "BreakStatement", "CallExpression": "CallExpression", "CatchClause": "CatchClause", "ConditionalExpression": "ConditionalExpression", "ContinueStatement": "ContinueStatement", "DoWhileStatement": "DoWhileStatement", "DebuggerStatement": "DebuggerStatement", "EmptyStatement": "EmptyStatement", "ExpressionStatement": "ExpressionStatement", "ForStatement": "ForStatement", "ForInStatement": "ForInStatement", "FunctionDeclaration": "FunctionDeclaration", "FunctionExpression": "FunctionExpression", "Identifier": "Identifier", "IfStatement": "IfStatement", "Literal": "Literal", "LabeledStatement": "LabeledStatement", "LogicalExpression": "LogicalExpression", "MemberExpression": "MemberExpression", "NewExpression": "NewExpression", "ObjectExpression": "ObjectExpression", "Program": "Program", "Property": "Property", "ReturnStatement": "ReturnStatement", "SequenceExpression": "SequenceExpression", "SwitchStatement": "SwitchStatement", "SwitchCase": "SwitchCase", "ThisExpression": "ThisExpression", "ThrowStatement": "ThrowStatement", "TryStatement": "TryStatement", "UnaryExpression": "UnaryExpression", "UpdateExpression": "UpdateExpression", "VariableDeclaration": "VariableDeclaration", "VariableDeclarator": "VariableDeclarator", "WhileStatement": "WhileStatement", "WithStatement": "WithStatement", }) PropertyKind = jsdict({ "Data": 1, "Get": 2, "Set": 4, }) Messages = jsdict({ "UnexpectedToken": "Unexpected token %0", "UnexpectedNumber": "Unexpected number", "UnexpectedString": "Unexpected string", "UnexpectedIdentifier": "Unexpected identifier", "UnexpectedReserved": "Unexpected reserved word", "UnexpectedEOS": "Unexpected end of input", "NewlineAfterThrow": "Illegal newline after throw", "InvalidRegExp": "Invalid regular expression", "UnterminatedRegExp": "Invalid regular expression: missing /", "InvalidLHSInAssignment": "Invalid left-hand side in assignment", "InvalidLHSInForIn": "Invalid left-hand side in for-in", "MultipleDefaultsInSwitch": "More than one default clause in switch statement", "NoCatchOrFinally": "Missing catch or finally after try", "UnknownLabel": "Undefined label '%0'", "Redeclaration": "%0 '%1' has already been declared", "IllegalContinue": "Illegal continue statement", "IllegalBreak": "Illegal break statement", "IllegalReturn": "Illegal return statement", "StrictModeWith": "Strict mode code may not include a with statement", "StrictCatchVariable": "Catch variable may not be eval or arguments in strict mode", "StrictVarName": "Variable name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode", "StrictParamName": "Parameter name eval or arguments is not allowed in strict mode", "StrictParamDupe": "Strict mode function may not have duplicate parameter names", "StrictFunctionName": "Function name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode", "StrictOctalLiteral": "Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode.", "StrictDelete": "Delete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode.", "StrictDuplicateProperty": "Duplicate data property in object literal not allowed in strict mode", "AccessorDataProperty": "Object literal may not have data and accessor property with the same name", "AccessorGetSet": "Object literal may not have multiple get/set accessors with the same name", "StrictLHSAssignment": "Assignment to eval or arguments is not allowed in strict mode", "StrictLHSPostfix": "Postfix increment/decrement may not have eval or arguments operand in strict mode", "StrictLHSPrefix": "Prefix increment/decrement may not have eval or arguments operand in strict mode", "StrictReservedWord": "Use of future reserved word in strict mode", }) Regex = jsdict({ "NonAsciiIdentifierStart": RegExp( u"[\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\u02c1\u02c6-\u02d1\u02e0-\u02e4\u02ec\u02ee\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037a-\u037d\u0386\u0388-\u038a\u038c\u038e-\u03a1\u03a3-\u03f5\u03f7-\u0481\u048a-\u0527\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05d0-\u05ea\u05f0-\u05f2\u0620-\u064a\u066e\u066f\u0671-\u06d3\u06d5\u06e5\u06e6\u06ee\u06ef\u06fa-\u06fc\u06ff\u0710\u0712-\u072f\u074d-\u07a5\u07b1\u07ca-\u07ea\u07f4\u07f5\u07fa\u0800-\u0815\u081a\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u08a0\u08a2-\u08ac\u0904-\u0939\u093d\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0977\u0979-\u097f\u0985-\u098c\u098f\u0990\u0993-\u09a8\u09aa-\u09b0\u09b2\u09b6-\u09b9\u09bd\u09ce\u09dc\u09dd\u09df-\u09e1\u09f0\u09f1\u0a05-\u0a0a\u0a0f\u0a10\u0a13-\u0a28\u0a2a-\u0a30\u0a32\u0a33\u0a35\u0a36\u0a38\u0a39\u0a59-\u0a5c\u0a5e\u0a72-\u0a74\u0a85-\u0a8d\u0a8f-\u0a91\u0a93-\u0aa8\u0aaa-\u0ab0\u0ab2\u0ab3\u0ab5-\u0ab9\u0abd\u0ad0\u0ae0\u0ae1\u0b05-\u0b0c\u0b0f\u0b10\u0b13-\u0b28\u0b2a-\u0b30\u0b32\u0b33\u0b35-\u0b39\u0b3d\u0b5c\u0b5d\u0b5f-\u0b61\u0b71\u0b83\u0b85-\u0b8a\u0b8e-\u0b90\u0b92-\u0b95\u0b99\u0b9a\u0b9c\u0b9e\u0b9f\u0ba3\u0ba4\u0ba8-\u0baa\u0bae-\u0bb9\u0bd0\u0c05-\u0c0c\u0c0e-\u0c10\u0c12-\u0c28\u0c2a-\u0c33\u0c35-\u0c39\u0c3d\u0c58\u0c59\u0c60\u0c61\u0c85-\u0c8c\u0c8e-\u0c90\u0c92-\u0ca8\u0caa-\u0cb3\u0cb5-\u0cb9\u0cbd\u0cde\u0ce0\u0ce1\u0cf1\u0cf2\u0d05-\u0d0c\u0d0e-\u0d10\u0d12-\u0d3a\u0d3d\u0d4e\u0d60\u0d61\u0d7a-\u0d7f\u0d85-\u0d96\u0d9a-\u0db1\u0db3-\u0dbb\u0dbd\u0dc0-\u0dc6\u0e01-\u0e30\u0e32\u0e33\u0e40-\u0e46\u0e81\u0e82\u0e84\u0e87\u0e88\u0e8a\u0e8d\u0e94-\u0e97\u0e99-\u0e9f\u0ea1-\u0ea3\u0ea5\u0ea7\u0eaa\u0eab\u0ead-\u0eb0\u0eb2\u0eb3\u0ebd\u0ec0-\u0ec4\u0ec6\u0edc-\u0edf\u0f00\u0f40-\u0f47\u0f49-\u0f6c\u0f88-\u0f8c\u1000-\u102a\u103f\u1050-\u1055\u105a-\u105d\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106e-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108e\u10a0-\u10c5\u10c7\u10cd\u10d0-\u10fa\u10fc-\u1248\u124a-\u124d\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125a-\u125d\u1260-\u1288\u128a-\u128d\u1290-\u12b0\u12b2-\u12b5\u12b8-\u12be\u12c0\u12c2-\u12c5\u12c8-\u12d6\u12d8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135a\u1380-\u138f\u13a0-\u13f4\u1401-\u166c\u166f-\u167f\u1681-\u169a\u16a0-\u16ea\u16ee-\u16f0\u1700-\u170c\u170e-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176c\u176e-\u1770\u1780-\u17b3\u17d7\u17dc\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18a8\u18aa\u18b0-\u18f5\u1900-\u191c\u1950-\u196d\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19ab\u19c1-\u19c7\u1a00-\u1a16\u1a20-\u1a54\u1aa7\u1b05-\u1b33\u1b45-\u1b4b\u1b83-\u1ba0\u1bae\u1baf\u1bba-\u1be5\u1c00-\u1c23\u1c4d-\u1c4f\u1c5a-\u1c7d\u1ce9-\u1cec\u1cee-\u1cf1\u1cf5\u1cf6\u1d00-\u1dbf\u1e00-\u1f15\u1f18-\u1f1d\u1f20-\u1f45\u1f48-\u1f4d\u1f50-\u1f57\u1f59\u1f5b\u1f5d\u1f5f-\u1f7d\u1f80-\u1fb4\u1fb6-\u1fbc\u1fbe\u1fc2-\u1fc4\u1fc6-\u1fcc\u1fd0-\u1fd3\u1fd6-\u1fdb\u1fe0-\u1fec\u1ff2-\u1ff4\u1ff6-\u1ffc\u2071\u207f\u2090-\u209c\u2102\u2107\u210a-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211d\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212a-\u212d\u212f-\u2139\u213c-\u213f\u2145-\u2149\u214e\u2160-\u2188\u2c00-\u2c2e\u2c30-\u2c5e\u2c60-\u2ce4\u2ceb-\u2cee\u2cf2\u2cf3\u2d00-\u2d25\u2d27\u2d2d\u2d30-\u2d67\u2d6f\u2d80-\u2d96\u2da0-\u2da6\u2da8-\u2dae\u2db0-\u2db6\u2db8-\u2dbe\u2dc0-\u2dc6\u2dc8-\u2dce\u2dd0-\u2dd6\u2dd8-\u2dde\u2e2f\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303c\u3041-\u3096\u309d-\u309f\u30a1-\u30fa\u30fc-\u30ff\u3105-\u312d\u3131-\u318e\u31a0-\u31ba\u31f0-\u31ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fcc\ua000-\ua48c\ua4d0-\ua4fd\ua500-\ua60c\ua610-\ua61f\ua62a\ua62b\ua640-\ua66e\ua67f-\ua697\ua6a0-\ua6ef\ua717-\ua71f\ua722-\ua788\ua78b-\ua78e\ua790-\ua793\ua7a0-\ua7aa\ua7f8-\ua801\ua803-\ua805\ua807-\ua80a\ua80c-\ua822\ua840-\ua873\ua882-\ua8b3\ua8f2-\ua8f7\ua8fb\ua90a-\ua925\ua930-\ua946\ua960-\ua97c\ua984-\ua9b2\ua9cf\uaa00-\uaa28\uaa40-\uaa42\uaa44-\uaa4b\uaa60-\uaa76\uaa7a\uaa80-\uaaaf\uaab1\uaab5\uaab6\uaab9-\uaabd\uaac0\uaac2\uaadb-\uaadd\uaae0-\uaaea\uaaf2-\uaaf4\uab01-\uab06\uab09-\uab0e\uab11-\uab16\uab20-\uab26\uab28-\uab2e\uabc0-\uabe2\uac00-\ud7a3\ud7b0-\ud7c6\ud7cb-\ud7fb\uf900-\ufa6d\ufa70-\ufad9\ufb00-\ufb06\ufb13-\ufb17\ufb1d\ufb1f-\ufb28\ufb2a-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40\ufb41\ufb43\ufb44\ufb46-\ufbb1\ufbd3-\ufd3d\ufd50-\ufd8f\ufd92-\ufdc7\ufdf0-\ufdfb\ufe70-\ufe74\ufe76-\ufefc\uff21-\uff3a\uff41-\uff5a\uff66-\uffbe\uffc2-\uffc7\uffca-\uffcf\uffd2-\uffd7\uffda-\uffdc]" ), "NonAsciiIdentifierPart": RegExp( u"[\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\u02c1\u02c6-\u02d1\u02e0-\u02e4\u02ec\u02ee\u0300-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037a-\u037d\u0386\u0388-\u038a\u038c\u038e-\u03a1\u03a3-\u03f5\u03f7-\u0481\u0483-\u0487\u048a-\u0527\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u0591-\u05bd\u05bf\u05c1\u05c2\u05c4\u05c5\u05c7\u05d0-\u05ea\u05f0-\u05f2\u0610-\u061a\u0620-\u0669\u066e-\u06d3\u06d5-\u06dc\u06df-\u06e8\u06ea-\u06fc\u06ff\u0710-\u074a\u074d-\u07b1\u07c0-\u07f5\u07fa\u0800-\u082d\u0840-\u085b\u08a0\u08a2-\u08ac\u08e4-\u08fe\u0900-\u0963\u0966-\u096f\u0971-\u0977\u0979-\u097f\u0981-\u0983\u0985-\u098c\u098f\u0990\u0993-\u09a8\u09aa-\u09b0\u09b2\u09b6-\u09b9\u09bc-\u09c4\u09c7\u09c8\u09cb-\u09ce\u09d7\u09dc\u09dd\u09df-\u09e3\u09e6-\u09f1\u0a01-\u0a03\u0a05-\u0a0a\u0a0f\u0a10\u0a13-\u0a28\u0a2a-\u0a30\u0a32\u0a33\u0a35\u0a36\u0a38\u0a39\u0a3c\u0a3e-\u0a42\u0a47\u0a48\u0a4b-\u0a4d\u0a51\u0a59-\u0a5c\u0a5e\u0a66-\u0a75\u0a81-\u0a83\u0a85-\u0a8d\u0a8f-\u0a91\u0a93-\u0aa8\u0aaa-\u0ab0\u0ab2\u0ab3\u0ab5-\u0ab9\u0abc-\u0ac5\u0ac7-\u0ac9\u0acb-\u0acd\u0ad0\u0ae0-\u0ae3\u0ae6-\u0aef\u0b01-\u0b03\u0b05-\u0b0c\u0b0f\u0b10\u0b13-\u0b28\u0b2a-\u0b30\u0b32\u0b33\u0b35-\u0b39\u0b3c-\u0b44\u0b47\u0b48\u0b4b-\u0b4d\u0b56\u0b57\u0b5c\u0b5d\u0b5f-\u0b63\u0b66-\u0b6f\u0b71\u0b82\u0b83\u0b85-\u0b8a\u0b8e-\u0b90\u0b92-\u0b95\u0b99\u0b9a\u0b9c\u0b9e\u0b9f\u0ba3\u0ba4\u0ba8-\u0baa\u0bae-\u0bb9\u0bbe-\u0bc2\u0bc6-\u0bc8\u0bca-\u0bcd\u0bd0\u0bd7\u0be6-\u0bef\u0c01-\u0c03\u0c05-\u0c0c\u0c0e-\u0c10\u0c12-\u0c28\u0c2a-\u0c33\u0c35-\u0c39\u0c3d-\u0c44\u0c46-\u0c48\u0c4a-\u0c4d\u0c55\u0c56\u0c58\u0c59\u0c60-\u0c63\u0c66-\u0c6f\u0c82\u0c83\u0c85-\u0c8c\u0c8e-\u0c90\u0c92-\u0ca8\u0caa-\u0cb3\u0cb5-\u0cb9\u0cbc-\u0cc4\u0cc6-\u0cc8\u0cca-\u0ccd\u0cd5\u0cd6\u0cde\u0ce0-\u0ce3\u0ce6-\u0cef\u0cf1\u0cf2\u0d02\u0d03\u0d05-\u0d0c\u0d0e-\u0d10\u0d12-\u0d3a\u0d3d-\u0d44\u0d46-\u0d48\u0d4a-\u0d4e\u0d57\u0d60-\u0d63\u0d66-\u0d6f\u0d7a-\u0d7f\u0d82\u0d83\u0d85-\u0d96\u0d9a-\u0db1\u0db3-\u0dbb\u0dbd\u0dc0-\u0dc6\u0dca\u0dcf-\u0dd4\u0dd6\u0dd8-\u0ddf\u0df2\u0df3\u0e01-\u0e3a\u0e40-\u0e4e\u0e50-\u0e59\u0e81\u0e82\u0e84\u0e87\u0e88\u0e8a\u0e8d\u0e94-\u0e97\u0e99-\u0e9f\u0ea1-\u0ea3\u0ea5\u0ea7\u0eaa\u0eab\u0ead-\u0eb9\u0ebb-\u0ebd\u0ec0-\u0ec4\u0ec6\u0ec8-\u0ecd\u0ed0-\u0ed9\u0edc-\u0edf\u0f00\u0f18\u0f19\u0f20-\u0f29\u0f35\u0f37\u0f39\u0f3e-\u0f47\u0f49-\u0f6c\u0f71-\u0f84\u0f86-\u0f97\u0f99-\u0fbc\u0fc6\u1000-\u1049\u1050-\u109d\u10a0-\u10c5\u10c7\u10cd\u10d0-\u10fa\u10fc-\u1248\u124a-\u124d\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125a-\u125d\u1260-\u1288\u128a-\u128d\u1290-\u12b0\u12b2-\u12b5\u12b8-\u12be\u12c0\u12c2-\u12c5\u12c8-\u12d6\u12d8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135a\u135d-\u135f\u1380-\u138f\u13a0-\u13f4\u1401-\u166c\u166f-\u167f\u1681-\u169a\u16a0-\u16ea\u16ee-\u16f0\u1700-\u170c\u170e-\u1714\u1720-\u1734\u1740-\u1753\u1760-\u176c\u176e-\u1770\u1772\u1773\u1780-\u17d3\u17d7\u17dc\u17dd\u17e0-\u17e9\u180b-\u180d\u1810-\u1819\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18aa\u18b0-\u18f5\u1900-\u191c\u1920-\u192b\u1930-\u193b\u1946-\u196d\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19ab\u19b0-\u19c9\u19d0-\u19d9\u1a00-\u1a1b\u1a20-\u1a5e\u1a60-\u1a7c\u1a7f-\u1a89\u1a90-\u1a99\u1aa7\u1b00-\u1b4b\u1b50-\u1b59\u1b6b-\u1b73\u1b80-\u1bf3\u1c00-\u1c37\u1c40-\u1c49\u1c4d-\u1c7d\u1cd0-\u1cd2\u1cd4-\u1cf6\u1d00-\u1de6\u1dfc-\u1f15\u1f18-\u1f1d\u1f20-\u1f45\u1f48-\u1f4d\u1f50-\u1f57\u1f59\u1f5b\u1f5d\u1f5f-\u1f7d\u1f80-\u1fb4\u1fb6-\u1fbc\u1fbe\u1fc2-\u1fc4\u1fc6-\u1fcc\u1fd0-\u1fd3\u1fd6-\u1fdb\u1fe0-\u1fec\u1ff2-\u1ff4\u1ff6-\u1ffc\u200c\u200d\u203f\u2040\u2054\u2071\u207f\u2090-\u209c\u20d0-\u20dc\u20e1\u20e5-\u20f0\u2102\u2107\u210a-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211d\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212a-\u212d\u212f-\u2139\u213c-\u213f\u2145-\u2149\u214e\u2160-\u2188\u2c00-\u2c2e\u2c30-\u2c5e\u2c60-\u2ce4\u2ceb-\u2cf3\u2d00-\u2d25\u2d27\u2d2d\u2d30-\u2d67\u2d6f\u2d7f-\u2d96\u2da0-\u2da6\u2da8-\u2dae\u2db0-\u2db6\u2db8-\u2dbe\u2dc0-\u2dc6\u2dc8-\u2dce\u2dd0-\u2dd6\u2dd8-\u2dde\u2de0-\u2dff\u2e2f\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u302f\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303c\u3041-\u3096\u3099\u309a\u309d-\u309f\u30a1-\u30fa\u30fc-\u30ff\u3105-\u312d\u3131-\u318e\u31a0-\u31ba\u31f0-\u31ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fcc\ua000-\ua48c\ua4d0-\ua4fd\ua500-\ua60c\ua610-\ua62b\ua640-\ua66f\ua674-\ua67d\ua67f-\ua697\ua69f-\ua6f1\ua717-\ua71f\ua722-\ua788\ua78b-\ua78e\ua790-\ua793\ua7a0-\ua7aa\ua7f8-\ua827\ua840-\ua873\ua880-\ua8c4\ua8d0-\ua8d9\ua8e0-\ua8f7\ua8fb\ua900-\ua92d\ua930-\ua953\ua960-\ua97c\ua980-\ua9c0\ua9cf-\ua9d9\uaa00-\uaa36\uaa40-\uaa4d\uaa50-\uaa59\uaa60-\uaa76\uaa7a\uaa7b\uaa80-\uaac2\uaadb-\uaadd\uaae0-\uaaef\uaaf2-\uaaf6\uab01-\uab06\uab09-\uab0e\uab11-\uab16\uab20-\uab26\uab28-\uab2e\uabc0-\uabea\uabec\uabed\uabf0-\uabf9\uac00-\ud7a3\ud7b0-\ud7c6\ud7cb-\ud7fb\uf900-\ufa6d\ufa70-\ufad9\ufb00-\ufb06\ufb13-\ufb17\ufb1d-\ufb28\ufb2a-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40\ufb41\ufb43\ufb44\ufb46-\ufbb1\ufbd3-\ufd3d\ufd50-\ufd8f\ufd92-\ufdc7\ufdf0-\ufdfb\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufe20-\ufe26\ufe33\ufe34\ufe4d-\ufe4f\ufe70-\ufe74\ufe76-\ufefc\uff10-\uff19\uff21-\uff3a\uff3f\uff41-\uff5a\uff66-\uffbe\uffc2-\uffc7\uffca-\uffcf\uffd2-\uffd7\uffda-\uffdc]" ), }) def assert__py__(condition=None, message=None): if not condition: raise RuntimeError("ASSERT: " + message) def isDecimalDigit(ch=None): return (ch >= 48) and (ch <= 57) def isHexDigit(ch=None): return "0123456789abcdefABCDEF".find(ch) >= 0 def isOctalDigit(ch=None): return "01234567".find(ch) >= 0 def isWhiteSpace(ch=None): return ( ((((ch == 32) or (ch == 9)) or (ch == 11)) or (ch == 12)) or (ch == 160) ) or ((ch >= 5760) and ( u"\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff" .find(unichr(ch)) > 0)) def isLineTerminator(ch=None): return (((ch == 10) or (ch == 13)) or (ch == 8232)) or (ch == 8233) def isIdentifierStart(ch=None): return (((((ch == 36) or (ch == 95)) or ((ch >= 65) and (ch <= 90))) or ((ch >= 97) and (ch <= 122))) or (ch == 92)) or ((ch >= 128) and Regex.NonAsciiIdentifierStart.test(unichr(ch))) def isIdentifierPart(ch=None): return ((((((ch == 36) or (ch == 95)) or ((ch >= 65) and (ch <= 90))) or ((ch >= 97) and (ch <= 122))) or ((ch >= 48) and (ch <= 57))) or (ch == 92)) or ((ch >= 128) and Regex.NonAsciiIdentifierPart.test(unichr(ch))) def isFutureReservedWord(id=None): while 1: if (id == "super") or ((id == "import") or ((id == "extends") or ((id == "export") or ((id == "enum") or (id == "class"))))): return True else: return False break def isStrictModeReservedWord(id=None): while 1: if (id == "let") or ((id == "yield") or ((id == "static") or ((id == "public") or ((id == "protected") or ((id == "private") or ((id == "package") or ((id == "interface") or (id == "implements")))))))): return True else: return False break def isRestrictedWord(id=None): return (id == "eval") or (id == "arguments") def isKeyword(id=None): if strict and isStrictModeReservedWord(id): return True while 1: if len(id) == 2: return ((id == "if") or (id == "in")) or (id == "do") elif len(id) == 3: return ((((id == "var") or (id == "for")) or (id == "new")) or (id == "try")) or (id == "let") elif len(id) == 4: return (((((id == "this") or (id == "else")) or (id == "case")) or (id == "void")) or (id == "with")) or (id == "enum") elif len(id) == 5: return (((((((id == "while") or (id == "break")) or (id == "catch")) or (id == "throw")) or (id == "const")) or (id == "yield")) or (id == "class")) or (id == "super") elif len(id) == 6: return (((((id == "return") or (id == "typeof")) or (id == "delete")) or (id == "switch")) or (id == "export")) or (id == "import") elif len(id) == 7: return ((id == "default") or (id == "finally")) or (id == "extends") elif len(id) == 8: return ((id == "function") or (id == "continue")) or (id == "debugger") elif len(id) == 10: return id == "instanceof" else: return False break def addComment(type=None, value=None, start=None, end=None, loc=None): comment = None assert__py__(('undefined' if not 'start' in locals() else typeof(start)) == "number", "Comment must have valid position") if state.lastCommentStart >= start: return state.lastCommentStart = start comment = jsdict({ "type": type, "value": value, }) if extra.range: comment.range = [start, end] if extra.loc: comment.loc = loc extra.comments.append(comment) def skipSingleLineComment(): global index, lineNumber, lineStart start = None loc = None ch = None comment = None start = index - 2 loc = jsdict({ "start": jsdict({ "line": lineNumber, "column": (index - lineStart) - 2, }), }) while index < length: ch = (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) index += 1 index if isLineTerminator(ch): if extra.comments: comment = source[(start + 2):(index - 1)] loc.end = jsdict({ "line": lineNumber, "column": (index - lineStart) - 1, }) addComment("Line", comment, start, index - 1, loc) if (ch == 13) and ( (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) == 10): index += 1 index lineNumber += 1 lineNumber lineStart = index return if extra.comments: comment = source[(start + 2):index] loc.end = jsdict({ "line": lineNumber, "column": index - lineStart, }) addComment("Line", comment, start, index, loc) def skipMultiLineComment(): global index, lineNumber, lineStart start = None loc = None ch = None comment = None if extra.comments: start = index - 2 loc = jsdict({ "start": jsdict({ "line": lineNumber, "column": (index - lineStart) - 2, }), }) while index < length: ch = (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) if isLineTerminator(ch): if (ch == 13) and ((ord(source[index + 1]) if (index + 1) < len(source) else None) == 10): index += 1 index lineNumber += 1 lineNumber index += 1 index lineStart = index if index >= length: throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") elif ch == 42: if (ord(source[index + 1]) if (index + 1) < len(source) else None) == 47: index += 1 index index += 1 index if extra.comments: comment = source[(start + 2):(index - 2)] loc.end = jsdict({ "line": lineNumber, "column": index - lineStart, }) addComment("Block", comment, start, index, loc) return index += 1 index else: index += 1 index throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") def skipComment(): global index, lineNumber, lineStart ch = None while index < length: ch = (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) if isWhiteSpace(ch): index += 1 index elif isLineTerminator(ch): index += 1 index if (ch == 13) and ( (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) == 10): index += 1 index lineNumber += 1 lineNumber lineStart = index elif ch == 47: ch = (ord(source[index + 1]) if (index + 1) < len(source) else None) if ch == 47: index += 1 index index += 1 index skipSingleLineComment() elif ch == 42: index += 1 index index += 1 index skipMultiLineComment() else: break else: break def scanHexEscape(prefix=None): global len__py__, index i = None len__py__ = None ch = None code = 0 len__py__ = (4 if prefix == "u" else 2) i = 0 while 1: if not (i < len__py__): break if (index < length) and isHexDigit(source[index]): index += 1 ch = source[index - 1] code = (code * 16) + "0123456789abcdef".find(ch.lower()) else: return "" i += 1 return unichr(code) def getEscapedIdentifier(): global index ch = None id = None index += 1 index += 1 ch = (ord(source[index - 1]) if index - 1 < len(source) else None) id = unichr(ch) if ch == 92: if (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) != 117: throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") index += 1 index ch = scanHexEscape("u") if ((not ch) or (ch == "\\")) or (not isIdentifierStart( (ord(ch[0]) if 0 < len(ch) else None))): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") id = ch while index < length: ch = (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) if not isIdentifierPart(ch): break index += 1 index id += unichr(ch) if ch == 92: id = id[0:(0 + (len(id) - 1))] if (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) != 117: throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") index += 1 index ch = scanHexEscape("u") if ((not ch) or (ch == "\\")) or (not isIdentifierPart( (ord(ch[0]) if 0 < len(ch) else None))): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") id += ch return id def getIdentifier(): global index start = None ch = None index += 1 start = index - 1 while index < length: ch = (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) if ch == 92: index = start return getEscapedIdentifier() if isIdentifierPart(ch): index += 1 index else: break return source[start:index] def scanIdentifier(): start = None id = None type = None start = index id = (getEscapedIdentifier() if (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) == 92 else getIdentifier()) if len(id) == 1: type = Token.Identifier elif isKeyword(id): type = Token.Keyword elif id == "null": type = Token.NullLiteral elif (id == "true") or (id == "false"): type = Token.BooleanLiteral else: type = Token.Identifier return jsdict({ "type": type, "value": id, "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) def scanPunctuator(): global index start = index code = (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) code2 = None ch1 = source[index] ch2 = None ch3 = None ch4 = None while 1: if (code == 126) or ((code == 63) or ((code == 58) or ((code == 93) or ((code == 91) or ((code == 125) or ((code == 123) or ((code == 44) or ((code == 59) or ((code == 41) or ((code == 40) or (code == 46))))))))))): index += 1 index if extra.tokenize: if code == 40: extra.openParenToken = len(extra.tokens) elif code == 123: extra.openCurlyToken = len(extra.tokens) return jsdict({ "type": Token.Punctuator, "value": unichr(code), "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) else: code2 = (ord(source[index + 1]) if (index + 1) < len(source) else None) if code2 == 61: while 1: if (code == 124) or ((code == 94) or ((code == 62) or ((code == 60) or ((code == 47) or ((code == 45) or ((code == 43) or ((code == 42) or ((code == 38) or (code == 37))))))))): index += 2 return jsdict({ "type": Token.Punctuator, "value": unichr(code) + unichr(code2), "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) elif (code == 61) or (code == 33): index += 2 if (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) == 61: index += 1 index return jsdict({ "type": Token.Punctuator, "value": source[start:index], "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) else: break break break break ch2 = source[index + 1] if index + 1 < len(source) else None ch3 = source[index + 2] if index + 2 < len(source) else None ch4 = source[index + 3] if index + 3 < len(source) else None if ((ch1 == ">") and (ch2 == ">")) and (ch3 == ">"): if ch4 == "=": index += 4 return jsdict({ "type": Token.Punctuator, "value": ">>>=", "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) if ((ch1 == ">") and (ch2 == ">")) and (ch3 == ">"): index += 3 return jsdict({ "type": Token.Punctuator, "value": ">>>", "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) if ((ch1 == "<") and (ch2 == "<")) and (ch3 == "="): index += 3 return jsdict({ "type": Token.Punctuator, "value": "<<=", "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) if ((ch1 == ">") and (ch2 == ">")) and (ch3 == "="): index += 3 return jsdict({ "type": Token.Punctuator, "value": ">>=", "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) if (ch1 == ch2) and ("+-<>&|".find(ch1) >= 0): index += 2 return jsdict({ "type": Token.Punctuator, "value": ch1 + ch2, "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) if "<>=!+-*%&|^/".find(ch1) >= 0: index += 1 index return jsdict({ "type": Token.Punctuator, "value": ch1, "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") def scanHexLiteral(start=None): global index number = "" while index < length: if not isHexDigit(source[index]): break index += 1 number += source[index - 1] if len(number) == 0: throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") if isIdentifierStart( (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None)): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") return jsdict({ "type": Token.NumericLiteral, "value": parseInt("0x" + number, 16), "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) def scanOctalLiteral(start=None): global index index += 1 number = "0" + source[index - 1] while index < length: if not isOctalDigit(source[index]): break index += 1 number += source[index - 1] if isIdentifierStart( (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None)) or isDecimalDigit( (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None)): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") return jsdict({ "type": Token.NumericLiteral, "value": parseInt(number, 8), "octal": True, "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) def scanNumericLiteral(): global index number = None start = None ch = None ch = source[index] assert__py__( isDecimalDigit((ord(ch[0]) if 0 < len(ch) else None)) or (ch == "."), "Numeric literal must start with a decimal digit or a decimal point") start = index number = "" if ch != ".": index += 1 number = source[index - 1] ch = source[index] if index < len(source) else None if number == "0": if (ch == "x") or (ch == "X"): index += 1 index return scanHexLiteral(start) if isOctalDigit(ch): return scanOctalLiteral(start) if ch and isDecimalDigit((ord(ch[0]) if 0 < len(ch) else None)): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") while isDecimalDigit( (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None)): index += 1 number += source[index - 1] ch = source[index] if index < len(source) else None if ch == ".": index += 1 number += source[index - 1] while isDecimalDigit( (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None)): index += 1 number += source[index - 1] ch = source[index] if (ch == "e") or (ch == "E"): index += 1 number += source[index - 1] ch = source[index] if (ch == "+") or (ch == "-"): index += 1 number += source[index - 1] if isDecimalDigit( (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None)): while isDecimalDigit( (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None)): index += 1 number += source[index - 1] else: throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") if isIdentifierStart( (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None)): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") return jsdict({ "type": Token.NumericLiteral, "value": parseFloat(number), "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) def scanStringLiteral(): global index, lineNumber str = "" quote = None start = None ch = None code = None unescaped = None restore = None octal = False quote = source[index] assert__py__((quote == "'") or (quote == "\""), "String literal must starts with a quote") start = index index += 1 index while index < length: index += 1 ch = source[index - 1] if ch == quote: quote = "" break elif ch == "\\": index += 1 ch = source[index - 1] if (not ch) or (not isLineTerminator( (ord(ch[0]) if 0 < len(ch) else None))): while 1: if ch == "n": str += u"\x0a" break elif ch == "r": str += u"\x0d" break elif ch == "t": str += u"\x09" break elif (ch == "x") or (ch == "u"): restore = index unescaped = scanHexEscape(ch) if unescaped: str += unescaped else: index = restore str += ch break elif ch == "b": str += u"\x08" break elif ch == "f": str += u"\x0c" break elif ch == "v": str += u"\x0b" break else: if isOctalDigit(ch): code = "01234567".find(ch) if code != 0: octal = True if (index < length) and isOctalDigit( source[index]): octal = True index += 1 code = (code * 8) + "01234567".find( source[index - 1]) if (("0123".find(ch) >= 0) and (index < length)) and isOctalDigit( source[index]): index += 1 code = (code * 8) + "01234567".find( source[index - 1]) str += unichr(code) else: str += ch break break else: lineNumber += 1 lineNumber if (ch == u"\x0d") and (source[index] == u"\x0a"): index += 1 index elif isLineTerminator((ord(ch[0]) if 0 < len(ch) else None)): break else: str += ch if quote != "": throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnexpectedToken, "ILLEGAL") return jsdict({ "type": Token.StringLiteral, "value": str, "octal": octal, "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) def scanRegExp(): global lookahead, index str = None ch = None start = None pattern = None flags = None value = None classMarker = False restore = None terminated = False lookahead = None skipComment() start = index ch = source[index] assert__py__(ch == "/", "Regular expression literal must start with a slash") index += 1 str = source[index - 1] while index < length: index += 1 ch = source[index - 1] str += ch if classMarker: if ch == "]": classMarker = False else: if ch == "\\": index += 1 ch = source[index - 1] if isLineTerminator((ord(ch[0]) if 0 < len(ch) else None)): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnterminatedRegExp) str += ch elif ch == "/": terminated = True break elif ch == "[": classMarker = True elif isLineTerminator((ord(ch[0]) if 0 < len(ch) else None)): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnterminatedRegExp) if not terminated: throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnterminatedRegExp) pattern = str[1:(1 + (len(str) - 2))] flags = "" while index < length: ch = source[index] if not isIdentifierPart((ord(ch[0]) if 0 < len(ch) else None)): break index += 1 index if (ch == "\\") and (index < length): ch = source[index] if ch == "u": index += 1 index restore = index ch = scanHexEscape("u") if ch: flags += ch str += "\\u" while 1: if not (restore < index): break str += source[restore] restore += 1 else: index = restore flags += "u" str += "\\u" else: str += "\\" else: flags += ch str += ch try: value = RegExp(pattern, flags) except Exception as e: throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.InvalidRegExp) peek() if extra.tokenize: return jsdict({ "type": Token.RegularExpression, "value": value, "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [start, index], }) return jsdict({ "literal": str, "value": value, "range": [start, index], }) def isIdentifierName(token=None): return (((token.type == Token.Identifier) or (token.type == Token.Keyword)) or (token.type == Token.BooleanLiteral)) or ( token.type == Token.NullLiteral) def advanceSlash(): prevToken = None checkToken = None prevToken = extra.tokens[len(extra.tokens) - 1] if not prevToken: return scanRegExp() if prevToken.type == "Punctuator": if prevToken.value == ")": checkToken = extra.tokens[extra.openParenToken - 1] if (checkToken and (checkToken.type == "Keyword")) and ( (((checkToken.value == "if") or (checkToken.value == "while")) or (checkToken.value == "for")) or (checkToken.value == "with")): return scanRegExp() return scanPunctuator() if prevToken.value == "}": if extra.tokens[extra.openCurlyToken - 3] and ( extra.tokens[extra.openCurlyToken - 3].type == "Keyword"): checkToken = extra.tokens[extra.openCurlyToken - 4] if not checkToken: return scanPunctuator() elif extra.tokens[extra.openCurlyToken - 4] and ( extra.tokens[extra.openCurlyToken - 4].type == "Keyword"): checkToken = extra.tokens[extra.openCurlyToken - 5] if not checkToken: return scanRegExp() else: return scanPunctuator() if FnExprTokens.indexOf(checkToken.value) >= 0: return scanPunctuator() return scanRegExp() return scanRegExp() if prevToken.type == "Keyword": return scanRegExp() return scanPunctuator() def advance(): ch = None skipComment() if index >= length: return jsdict({ "type": Token.EOF, "lineNumber": lineNumber, "lineStart": lineStart, "range": [index, index], }) ch = (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) if ((ch == 40) or (ch == 41)) or (ch == 58): return scanPunctuator() if (ch == 39) or (ch == 34): return scanStringLiteral() if isIdentifierStart(ch): return scanIdentifier() if ch == 46: if isDecimalDigit((ord(source[index + 1]) if (index + 1) < len(source) else None)): return scanNumericLiteral() return scanPunctuator() if isDecimalDigit(ch): return scanNumericLiteral() if extra.tokenize and (ch == 47): return advanceSlash() return scanPunctuator() def lex(): global index, lineNumber, lineStart, lookahead token = None token = lookahead index = token.range[1] lineNumber = token.lineNumber lineStart = token.lineStart lookahead = advance() index = token.range[1] lineNumber = token.lineNumber lineStart = token.lineStart return token def peek(): global lookahead, index, lineNumber, lineStart pos = None line = None start = None pos = index line = lineNumber start = lineStart lookahead = advance() index = pos lineNumber = line lineStart = start SyntaxTreeDelegate = jsdict({ "name": "SyntaxTree", "markStart": __temp__0, "markEnd": __temp__1, "markEndIf": __temp__2, "postProcess": __temp__3, "createArrayExpression": __temp__4, "createAssignmentExpression": __temp__5, "createBinaryExpression": __temp__6, "createBlockStatement": __temp__7, "createBreakStatement": __temp__8, "createCallExpression": __temp__9, "createCatchClause": __temp__10, "createConditionalExpression": __temp__11, "createContinueStatement": __temp__12, "createDebuggerStatement": __temp__13, "createDoWhileStatement": __temp__14, "createEmptyStatement": __temp__15, "createExpressionStatement": __temp__16, "createForStatement": __temp__17, "createForInStatement": __temp__18, "createFunctionDeclaration": __temp__19, "createFunctionExpression": __temp__20, "createIdentifier": __temp__21, "createIfStatement": __temp__22, "createLabeledStatement": __temp__23, "createLiteral": __temp__24, "createMemberExpression": __temp__25, "createNewExpression": __temp__26, "createObjectExpression": __temp__27, "createPostfixExpression": __temp__28, "createProgram": __temp__29, "createProperty": __temp__30, "createReturnStatement": __temp__31, "createSequenceExpression": __temp__32, "createSwitchCase": __temp__33, "createSwitchStatement": __temp__34, "createThisExpression": __temp__35, "createThrowStatement": __temp__36, "createTryStatement": __temp__37, "createUnaryExpression": __temp__38, "createVariableDeclaration": __temp__39, "createVariableDeclarator": __temp__40, "createWhileStatement": __temp__41, "createWithStatement": __temp__42, }) def peekLineTerminator(): global index, lineNumber, lineStart pos = None line = None start = None found = None pos = index line = lineNumber start = lineStart skipComment() found = lineNumber != line index = pos lineNumber = line lineStart = start return found def throwError(token=None, messageFormat=None, a=None): def __temp__43(whole=None, index=None): assert__py__(index < len(args), "Message reference must be in range") return args[index] error = None args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2) msg = messageFormat.replace(RegExp(r'%(\d)'), __temp__43) if ('undefined' if not ('lineNumber' in token) else typeof( token.lineNumber)) == "number": error = RuntimeError((("Line " + token.lineNumber) + ": ") + msg) error.index = token.range[0] error.lineNumber = token.lineNumber error.column = (token.range[0] - lineStart) + 1 else: error = RuntimeError((("Line " + lineNumber) + ": ") + msg) error.index = index error.lineNumber = lineNumber error.column = (index - lineStart) + 1 error.description = msg raise error def throwErrorTolerant(): try: throwError.apply(None, arguments) except Exception as e: if extra.errors: extra.errors.append(e) else: raise def throwUnexpected(token=None): if token.type == Token.EOF: throwError(token, Messages.UnexpectedEOS) if token.type == Token.NumericLiteral: throwError(token, Messages.UnexpectedNumber) if token.type == Token.StringLiteral: throwError(token, Messages.UnexpectedString) if token.type == Token.Identifier: throwError(token, Messages.UnexpectedIdentifier) if token.type == Token.Keyword: if isFutureReservedWord(token.value): throwError(token, Messages.UnexpectedReserved) elif strict and isStrictModeReservedWord(token.value): throwErrorTolerant(token, Messages.StrictReservedWord) return throwError(token, Messages.UnexpectedToken, token.value) throwError(token, Messages.UnexpectedToken, token.value) def expect(value=None): token = lex() if (token.type != Token.Punctuator) or (token.value != value): throwUnexpected(token) def expectKeyword(keyword=None): token = lex() if (token.type != Token.Keyword) or (token.value != keyword): throwUnexpected(token) def match(value=None): return (lookahead.type == Token.Punctuator) and (lookahead.value == value) def matchKeyword(keyword=None): return (lookahead.type == Token.Keyword) and (lookahead.value == keyword) def matchAssign(): op = None if lookahead.type != Token.Punctuator: return False op = lookahead.value return (((((((((((op == "=") or (op == "*=")) or (op == "/=")) or (op == "%=")) or (op == "+=")) or (op == "-=")) or (op == "<<=")) or (op == ">>=")) or (op == ">>>=")) or (op == "&=")) or (op == "^=")) or (op == "|=") def consumeSemicolon(): line = None if (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) == 59: lex() return line = lineNumber skipComment() if lineNumber != line: return if match(";"): lex() return if (lookahead.type != Token.EOF) and (not match("}")): throwUnexpected(lookahead) def isLeftHandSide(expr=None): return (expr.type == Syntax.Identifier) or ( expr.type == Syntax.MemberExpression) def parseArrayInitialiser(): elements = [] expect("[") while not match("]"): if match(","): lex() elements.append(None) else: elements.append(parseAssignmentExpression()) if not match("]"): expect(",") expect("]") return delegate.createArrayExpression(elements) def parsePropertyFunction(param=None, first=None): global strict previousStrict = None body = None previousStrict = strict skipComment() delegate.markStart() body = parseFunctionSourceElements() if (first and strict) and isRestrictedWord(param[0].name): throwErrorTolerant(first, Messages.StrictParamName) strict = previousStrict return delegate.markEnd( delegate.createFunctionExpression(None, param, [], body)) def parseObjectPropertyKey(): token = None skipComment() delegate.markStart() token = lex() if (token.type == Token.StringLiteral) or ( token.type == Token.NumericLiteral): if strict and token.octal: throwErrorTolerant(token, Messages.StrictOctalLiteral) return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createLiteral(token)) return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createIdentifier(token.value)) def parseObjectProperty(): token = None key = None id = None value = None param = None token = lookahead skipComment() delegate.markStart() if token.type == Token.Identifier: id = parseObjectPropertyKey() if (token.value == "get") and (not match(":")): key = parseObjectPropertyKey() expect("(") expect(")") value = parsePropertyFunction([]) return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createProperty("get", key, value)) if (token.value == "set") and (not match(":")): key = parseObjectPropertyKey() expect("(") token = lookahead if token.type != Token.Identifier: expect(")") throwErrorTolerant(token, Messages.UnexpectedToken, token.value) value = parsePropertyFunction([]) else: param = [parseVariableIdentifier()] expect(")") value = parsePropertyFunction(param, token) return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createProperty("set", key, value)) expect(":") value = parseAssignmentExpression() return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createProperty("init", id, value)) if (token.type == Token.EOF) or (token.type == Token.Punctuator): throwUnexpected(token) else: key = parseObjectPropertyKey() expect(":") value = parseAssignmentExpression() return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createProperty("init", key, value)) def parseObjectInitialiser(): properties = [] property = None name = None key = None kind = None map = jsdict({}) toString = str expect("{") while not match("}"): property = parseObjectProperty() if property.key.type == Syntax.Identifier: name = property.key.name else: name = toString(property.key.value) kind = (PropertyKind.Data if property.kind == "init" else ( PropertyKind.Get if property.kind == "get" else PropertyKind.Set)) key = "$" + name if key in map: if map[key] == PropertyKind.Data: if strict and (kind == PropertyKind.Data): throwErrorTolerant( jsdict({}), Messages.StrictDuplicateProperty) elif kind != PropertyKind.Data: throwErrorTolerant( jsdict({}), Messages.AccessorDataProperty) else: if kind == PropertyKind.Data: throwErrorTolerant( jsdict({}), Messages.AccessorDataProperty) elif map[key] & kind: throwErrorTolerant(jsdict({}), Messages.AccessorGetSet) map[key] |= kind else: map[key] = kind properties.append(property) if not match("}"): expect(",") expect("}") return delegate.createObjectExpression(properties) def parseGroupExpression(): expr = None expect("(") expr = parseExpression() expect(")") return expr def parsePrimaryExpression(): type = None token = None expr = None if match("("): return parseGroupExpression() type = lookahead.type delegate.markStart() if type == Token.Identifier: expr = delegate.createIdentifier(lex().value) elif (type == Token.StringLiteral) or (type == Token.NumericLiteral): if strict and lookahead.octal: throwErrorTolerant(lookahead, Messages.StrictOctalLiteral) expr = delegate.createLiteral(lex()) elif type == Token.Keyword: if matchKeyword("this"): lex() expr = delegate.createThisExpression() elif matchKeyword("function"): expr = parseFunctionExpression() elif type == Token.BooleanLiteral: token = lex() token.value = token.value == "true" expr = delegate.createLiteral(token) elif type == Token.NullLiteral: token = lex() token.value = None expr = delegate.createLiteral(token) elif match("["): expr = parseArrayInitialiser() elif match("{"): expr = parseObjectInitialiser() elif match("/") or match("/="): expr = delegate.createLiteral(scanRegExp()) if expr: return delegate.markEnd(expr) throwUnexpected(lex()) def parseArguments(): args = [] expect("(") if not match(")"): while index < length: args.append(parseAssignmentExpression()) if match(")"): break expect(",") expect(")") return args def parseNonComputedProperty(): token = None delegate.markStart() token = lex() if not isIdentifierName(token): throwUnexpected(token) return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createIdentifier(token.value)) def parseNonComputedMember(): expect(".") return parseNonComputedProperty() def parseComputedMember(): expr = None expect("[") expr = parseExpression() expect("]") return expr def parseNewExpression(): callee = None args = None delegate.markStart() expectKeyword("new") callee = parseLeftHandSideExpression() args = (parseArguments() if match("(") else []) return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createNewExpression(callee, args)) def parseLeftHandSideExpressionAllowCall(): marker = None expr = None args = None property = None marker = createLocationMarker() expr = (parseNewExpression() if matchKeyword("new") else parsePrimaryExpression()) while (match(".") or match("[")) or match("("): if match("("): args = parseArguments() expr = delegate.createCallExpression(expr, args) elif match("["): property = parseComputedMember() expr = delegate.createMemberExpression("[", expr, property) else: property = parseNonComputedMember() expr = delegate.createMemberExpression(".", expr, property) if marker: marker.end() marker.apply(expr) return expr def parseLeftHandSideExpression(): marker = None expr = None property = None marker = createLocationMarker() expr = (parseNewExpression() if matchKeyword("new") else parsePrimaryExpression()) while match(".") or match("["): if match("["): property = parseComputedMember() expr = delegate.createMemberExpression("[", expr, property) else: property = parseNonComputedMember() expr = delegate.createMemberExpression(".", expr, property) if marker: marker.end() marker.apply(expr) return expr def parsePostfixExpression(): expr = None token = None delegate.markStart() expr = parseLeftHandSideExpressionAllowCall() if lookahead.type == Token.Punctuator: if (match("++") or match("--")) and (not peekLineTerminator()): if (strict and (expr.type == Syntax.Identifier)) and isRestrictedWord( expr.name): throwErrorTolerant(jsdict({}), Messages.StrictLHSPostfix) if not isLeftHandSide(expr): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.InvalidLHSInAssignment) token = lex() expr = delegate.createPostfixExpression(token.value, expr) return delegate.markEndIf(expr) def parseUnaryExpression(): token = None expr = None delegate.markStart() if (lookahead.type != Token.Punctuator) and (lookahead.type != Token.Keyword): expr = parsePostfixExpression() elif match("++") or match("--"): token = lex() expr = parseUnaryExpression() if (strict and (expr.type == Syntax.Identifier)) and isRestrictedWord(expr.name): throwErrorTolerant(jsdict({}), Messages.StrictLHSPrefix) if not isLeftHandSide(expr): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.InvalidLHSInAssignment) expr = delegate.createUnaryExpression(token.value, expr) elif ((match("+") or match("-")) or match("~")) or match("!"): token = lex() expr = parseUnaryExpression() expr = delegate.createUnaryExpression(token.value, expr) elif (matchKeyword("delete") or matchKeyword("void")) or matchKeyword("typeof"): token = lex() expr = parseUnaryExpression() expr = delegate.createUnaryExpression(token.value, expr) if (strict and (expr.operator == "delete")) and ( expr.argument.type == Syntax.Identifier): throwErrorTolerant(jsdict({}), Messages.StrictDelete) else: expr = parsePostfixExpression() return delegate.markEndIf(expr) def binaryPrecedence(token=None, allowIn=None): prec = 0 if (token.type != Token.Punctuator) and (token.type != Token.Keyword): return 0 while 1: if token.value == "||": prec = 1 break elif token.value == "&&": prec = 2 break elif token.value == "|": prec = 3 break elif token.value == "^": prec = 4 break elif token.value == "&": prec = 5 break elif (token.value == "!==") or ((token.value == "===") or ((token.value == "!=") or (token.value == "=="))): prec = 6 break elif (token.value == "instanceof") or ((token.value == ">=") or ((token.value == "<=") or ((token.value == ">") or (token.value == "<")))): prec = 7 break elif token.value == "in": prec = (7 if allowIn else 0) break elif (token.value == ">>>") or ((token.value == ">>") or (token.value == "<<")): prec = 8 break elif (token.value == "-") or (token.value == "+"): prec = 9 break elif (token.value == "%") or ((token.value == "/") or (token.value == "*")): prec = 11 break else: break break return prec def parseBinaryExpression(): marker = None markers = None expr = None token = None prec = None previousAllowIn = None stack = None right = None operator = None left = None i = None previousAllowIn = state.allowIn state.allowIn = True marker = createLocationMarker() left = parseUnaryExpression() token = lookahead prec = binaryPrecedence(token, previousAllowIn) if prec == 0: return left token.prec = prec lex() markers = [marker, createLocationMarker()] right = parseUnaryExpression() stack = [left, token, right] prec = binaryPrecedence(lookahead, previousAllowIn) while prec > 0: while (len(stack) > 2) and (prec <= stack[len(stack) - 2].prec): right = stack.pop() operator = stack.pop().value left = stack.pop() expr = delegate.createBinaryExpression(operator, left, right) markers.pop() marker = markers.pop() if marker: marker.end() marker.apply(expr) stack.append(expr) markers.append(marker) token = lex() token.prec = prec stack.append(token) markers.append(createLocationMarker()) expr = parseUnaryExpression() stack.append(expr) prec = binaryPrecedence(lookahead, previousAllowIn) state.allowIn = previousAllowIn i = len(stack) - 1 expr = stack[i] markers.pop() while i > 1: expr = delegate.createBinaryExpression(stack[i - 1].value, stack[i - 2], expr) i -= 2 marker = markers.pop() if marker: marker.end() marker.apply(expr) return expr def parseConditionalExpression(): expr = None previousAllowIn = None consequent = None alternate = None delegate.markStart() expr = parseBinaryExpression() if match("?"): lex() previousAllowIn = state.allowIn state.allowIn = True consequent = parseAssignmentExpression() state.allowIn = previousAllowIn expect(":") alternate = parseAssignmentExpression() expr = delegate.markEnd( delegate.createConditionalExpression(expr, consequent, alternate)) else: delegate.markEnd(jsdict({})) return expr def parseAssignmentExpression(): token = None left = None right = None node = None token = lookahead delegate.markStart() left = parseConditionalExpression() node = left if matchAssign(): if not isLeftHandSide(left): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.InvalidLHSInAssignment) if (strict and (left.type == Syntax.Identifier)) and isRestrictedWord(left.name): throwErrorTolerant(token, Messages.StrictLHSAssignment) token = lex() right = parseAssignmentExpression() node = delegate.createAssignmentExpression(token.value, left, right) return delegate.markEndIf(node) def parseExpression(): expr = None delegate.markStart() expr = parseAssignmentExpression() if match(","): expr = delegate.createSequenceExpression([expr]) while index < length: if not match(","): break lex() expr.expressions.append(parseAssignmentExpression()) return delegate.markEndIf(expr) def parseStatementList(): list__py__ = [] statement = None while index < length: if match("}"): break statement = parseSourceElement() if ('undefined' if not 'statement' in locals() else typeof(statement)) == "undefined": break list__py__.append(statement) return list__py__ def parseBlock(): block = None skipComment() delegate.markStart() expect("{") block = parseStatementList() expect("}") return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createBlockStatement(block)) def parseVariableIdentifier(): token = None skipComment() delegate.markStart() token = lex() if token.type != Token.Identifier: throwUnexpected(token) return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createIdentifier(token.value)) def parseVariableDeclaration(kind=None): init = None id = None skipComment() delegate.markStart() id = parseVariableIdentifier() if strict and isRestrictedWord(id.name): throwErrorTolerant(jsdict({}), Messages.StrictVarName) if kind == "const": expect("=") init = parseAssignmentExpression() elif match("="): lex() init = parseAssignmentExpression() return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createVariableDeclarator(id, init)) def parseVariableDeclarationList(kind=None): list__py__ = [] while 1: list__py__.append(parseVariableDeclaration(kind)) if not match(","): break lex() if not (index < length): break return list__py__ def parseVariableStatement(): declarations = None expectKeyword("var") declarations = parseVariableDeclarationList() consumeSemicolon() return delegate.createVariableDeclaration(declarations, "var") def parseConstLetDeclaration(kind=None): declarations = None skipComment() delegate.markStart() expectKeyword(kind) declarations = parseVariableDeclarationList(kind) consumeSemicolon() return delegate.markEnd( delegate.createVariableDeclaration(declarations, kind)) def parseEmptyStatement(): expect(";") return delegate.createEmptyStatement() def parseExpressionStatement(): expr = parseExpression() consumeSemicolon() return delegate.createExpressionStatement(expr) def parseIfStatement(): test = None consequent = None alternate = None expectKeyword("if") expect("(") test = parseExpression() expect(")") consequent = parseStatement() if matchKeyword("else"): lex() alternate = parseStatement() else: alternate = None return delegate.createIfStatement(test, consequent, alternate) def parseDoWhileStatement(): body = None test = None oldInIteration = None expectKeyword("do") oldInIteration = state.inIteration state.inIteration = True body = parseStatement() state.inIteration = oldInIteration expectKeyword("while") expect("(") test = parseExpression() expect(")") if match(";"): lex() return delegate.createDoWhileStatement(body, test) def parseWhileStatement(): test = None body = None oldInIteration = None expectKeyword("while") expect("(") test = parseExpression() expect(")") oldInIteration = state.inIteration state.inIteration = True body = parseStatement() state.inIteration = oldInIteration return delegate.createWhileStatement(test, body) def parseForVariableDeclaration(): token = None declarations = None delegate.markStart() token = lex() declarations = parseVariableDeclarationList() return delegate.markEnd( delegate.createVariableDeclaration(declarations, token.value)) def parseForStatement(): init = None test = None update = None left = None right = None body = None oldInIteration = None update = None test = update init = test expectKeyword("for") expect("(") if match(";"): lex() else: if matchKeyword("var") or matchKeyword("let"): state.allowIn = False init = parseForVariableDeclaration() state.allowIn = True if (len(init.declarations) == 1) and matchKeyword("in"): lex() left = init right = parseExpression() init = None else: state.allowIn = False init = parseExpression() state.allowIn = True if matchKeyword("in"): if not isLeftHandSide(init): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.InvalidLHSInForIn) lex() left = init right = parseExpression() init = None if ('undefined' if not 'left' in locals() else typeof(left)) == "undefined": expect(";") if ('undefined' if not 'left' in locals() else typeof(left)) == "undefined": if not match(";"): test = parseExpression() expect(";") if not match(")"): update = parseExpression() expect(")") oldInIteration = state.inIteration state.inIteration = True body = parseStatement() state.inIteration = oldInIteration return (delegate.createForStatement(init, test, update, body) if ( 'undefined' if not 'left' in locals() else typeof(left)) == "undefined" else delegate.createForInStatement(left, right, body)) def parseContinueStatement(): label = None key = None expectKeyword("continue") if (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) == 59: lex() if not state.inIteration: throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.IllegalContinue) return delegate.createContinueStatement(None) if peekLineTerminator(): if not state.inIteration: throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.IllegalContinue) return delegate.createContinueStatement(None) if lookahead.type == Token.Identifier: label = parseVariableIdentifier() key = "$" + label.name if not (key in state.labelSet): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnknownLabel, label.name) consumeSemicolon() if (label == None) and (not state.inIteration): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.IllegalContinue) return delegate.createContinueStatement(label) def parseBreakStatement(): label = None key = None expectKeyword("break") if (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) == 59: lex() if not (state.inIteration or state.inSwitch): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.IllegalBreak) return delegate.createBreakStatement(None) if peekLineTerminator(): if not (state.inIteration or state.inSwitch): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.IllegalBreak) return delegate.createBreakStatement(None) if lookahead.type == Token.Identifier: label = parseVariableIdentifier() key = "$" + label.name if not (key in state.labelSet): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.UnknownLabel, label.name) consumeSemicolon() if (label == None) and (not (state.inIteration or state.inSwitch)): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.IllegalBreak) return delegate.createBreakStatement(label) def parseReturnStatement(): argument = None expectKeyword("return") if not state.inFunctionBody: throwErrorTolerant(jsdict({}), Messages.IllegalReturn) if (ord(source[index]) if index < len(source) else None) == 32: if isIdentifierStart((ord(source[index + 1]) if (index + 1) < len(source) else None)): argument = parseExpression() consumeSemicolon() return delegate.createReturnStatement(argument) if peekLineTerminator(): return delegate.createReturnStatement(None) if not match(";"): if (not match("}")) and (lookahead.type != Token.EOF): argument = parseExpression() consumeSemicolon() return delegate.createReturnStatement(argument) def parseWithStatement(): object = None body = None if strict: throwErrorTolerant(jsdict({}), Messages.StrictModeWith) expectKeyword("with") expect("(") object = parseExpression() expect(")") body = parseStatement() return delegate.createWithStatement(object, body) def parseSwitchCase(): test = None consequent = [] statement = None skipComment() delegate.markStart() if matchKeyword("default"): lex() test = None else: expectKeyword("case") test = parseExpression() expect(":") while index < length: if (match("}") or matchKeyword("default")) or matchKeyword("case"): break statement = parseStatement() consequent.append(statement) return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createSwitchCase(test, consequent)) def parseSwitchStatement(): discriminant = None cases = None clause = None oldInSwitch = None defaultFound = None expectKeyword("switch") expect("(") discriminant = parseExpression() expect(")") expect("{") if match("}"): lex() return delegate.createSwitchStatement(discriminant) cases = [] oldInSwitch = state.inSwitch state.inSwitch = True defaultFound = False while index < length: if match("}"): break clause = parseSwitchCase() if clause.test == None: if defaultFound: throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.MultipleDefaultsInSwitch) defaultFound = True cases.append(clause) state.inSwitch = oldInSwitch expect("}") return delegate.createSwitchStatement(discriminant, cases) def parseThrowStatement(): argument = None expectKeyword("throw") if peekLineTerminator(): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.NewlineAfterThrow) argument = parseExpression() consumeSemicolon() return delegate.createThrowStatement(argument) def parseCatchClause(): param = None body = None skipComment() delegate.markStart() expectKeyword("catch") expect("(") if match(")"): throwUnexpected(lookahead) param = parseVariableIdentifier() if strict and isRestrictedWord(param.name): throwErrorTolerant(jsdict({}), Messages.StrictCatchVariable) expect(")") body = parseBlock() return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createCatchClause(param, body)) def parseTryStatement(): block = None handlers = [] finalizer = None expectKeyword("try") block = parseBlock() if matchKeyword("catch"): handlers.append(parseCatchClause()) if matchKeyword("finally"): lex() finalizer = parseBlock() if (len(handlers) == 0) and (not finalizer): throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.NoCatchOrFinally) return delegate.createTryStatement(block, [], handlers, finalizer) def parseDebuggerStatement(): expectKeyword("debugger") consumeSemicolon() return delegate.createDebuggerStatement() def parseStatement(): type = lookahead.type expr = None labeledBody = None key = None if type == Token.EOF: throwUnexpected(lookahead) skipComment() delegate.markStart() if type == Token.Punctuator: while 1: if lookahead.value == ";": return delegate.markEnd(parseEmptyStatement()) elif lookahead.value == "{": return delegate.markEnd(parseBlock()) elif lookahead.value == "(": return delegate.markEnd(parseExpressionStatement()) else: break break if type == Token.Keyword: while 1: if lookahead.value == "break": return delegate.markEnd(parseBreakStatement()) elif lookahead.value == "continue": return delegate.markEnd(parseContinueStatement()) elif lookahead.value == "debugger": return delegate.markEnd(parseDebuggerStatement()) elif lookahead.value == "do": return delegate.markEnd(parseDoWhileStatement()) elif lookahead.value == "for": return delegate.markEnd(parseForStatement()) elif lookahead.value == "function": return delegate.markEnd(parseFunctionDeclaration()) elif lookahead.value == "if": return delegate.markEnd(parseIfStatement()) elif lookahead.value == "return": return delegate.markEnd(parseReturnStatement()) elif lookahead.value == "switch": return delegate.markEnd(parseSwitchStatement()) elif lookahead.value == "throw": return delegate.markEnd(parseThrowStatement()) elif lookahead.value == "try": return delegate.markEnd(parseTryStatement()) elif lookahead.value == "var": return delegate.markEnd(parseVariableStatement()) elif lookahead.value == "while": return delegate.markEnd(parseWhileStatement()) elif lookahead.value == "with": return delegate.markEnd(parseWithStatement()) else: break break expr = parseExpression() if (expr.type == Syntax.Identifier) and match(":"): lex() key = "$" + expr.name if key in state.labelSet: throwError(jsdict({}), Messages.Redeclaration, "Label", expr.name) state.labelSet[key] = True labeledBody = parseStatement() del state.labelSet[key] return delegate.markEnd( delegate.createLabeledStatement(expr, labeledBody)) consumeSemicolon() return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createExpressionStatement(expr)) def parseFunctionSourceElements(): global strict sourceElement = None sourceElements = [] token = None directive = None firstRestricted = None oldLabelSet = None oldInIteration = None oldInSwitch = None oldInFunctionBody = None skipComment() delegate.markStart() expect("{") while index < length: if lookahead.type != Token.StringLiteral: break token = lookahead sourceElement = parseSourceElement() sourceElements.append(sourceElement) if sourceElement.expression.type != Syntax.Literal: break directive = source[(token.range[0] + 1):(token.range[1] - 1)] if directive == "use strict": strict = True if firstRestricted: throwErrorTolerant(firstRestricted, Messages.StrictOctalLiteral) else: if (not firstRestricted) and token.octal: firstRestricted = token oldLabelSet = state.labelSet oldInIteration = state.inIteration oldInSwitch = state.inSwitch oldInFunctionBody = state.inFunctionBody state.labelSet = jsdict({}) state.inIteration = False state.inSwitch = False state.inFunctionBody = True while index < length: if match("}"): break sourceElement = parseSourceElement() if ('undefined' if not 'sourceElement' in locals() else typeof(sourceElement)) == "undefined": break sourceElements.append(sourceElement) expect("}") state.labelSet = oldLabelSet state.inIteration = oldInIteration state.inSwitch = oldInSwitch state.inFunctionBody = oldInFunctionBody return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createBlockStatement(sourceElements)) def parseParams(firstRestricted=None): param = None params = [] token = None stricted = None paramSet = None key = None message = None expect("(") if not match(")"): paramSet = jsdict({}) while index < length: token = lookahead param = parseVariableIdentifier() key = "$" + token.value if strict: if isRestrictedWord(token.value): stricted = token message = Messages.StrictParamName if key in paramSet: stricted = token message = Messages.StrictParamDupe elif not firstRestricted: if isRestrictedWord(token.value): firstRestricted = token message = Messages.StrictParamName elif isStrictModeReservedWord(token.value): firstRestricted = token message = Messages.StrictReservedWord elif key in paramSet: firstRestricted = token message = Messages.StrictParamDupe params.append(param) paramSet[key] = True if match(")"): break expect(",") expect(")") return jsdict({ "params": params, "stricted": stricted, "firstRestricted": firstRestricted, "message": message, }) def parseFunctionDeclaration(): global strict id = None params = [] body = None token = None stricted = None tmp = None firstRestricted = None message = None previousStrict = None skipComment() delegate.markStart() expectKeyword("function") token = lookahead id = parseVariableIdentifier() if strict: if isRestrictedWord(token.value): throwErrorTolerant(token, Messages.StrictFunctionName) else: if isRestrictedWord(token.value): firstRestricted = token message = Messages.StrictFunctionName elif isStrictModeReservedWord(token.value): firstRestricted = token message = Messages.StrictReservedWord tmp = parseParams(firstRestricted) params = tmp.params stricted = tmp.stricted firstRestricted = tmp.firstRestricted if tmp.message: message = tmp.message previousStrict = strict body = parseFunctionSourceElements() if strict and firstRestricted: throwError(firstRestricted, message) if strict and stricted: throwErrorTolerant(stricted, message) strict = previousStrict return delegate.markEnd( delegate.createFunctionDeclaration(id, params, [], body)) def parseFunctionExpression(): global strict token = None id = None stricted = None firstRestricted = None message = None tmp = None params = [] body = None previousStrict = None delegate.markStart() expectKeyword("function") if not match("("): token = lookahead id = parseVariableIdentifier() if strict: if isRestrictedWord(token.value): throwErrorTolerant(token, Messages.StrictFunctionName) else: if isRestrictedWord(token.value): firstRestricted = token message = Messages.StrictFunctionName elif isStrictModeReservedWord(token.value): firstRestricted = token message = Messages.StrictReservedWord tmp = parseParams(firstRestricted) params = tmp.params stricted = tmp.stricted firstRestricted = tmp.firstRestricted if tmp.message: message = tmp.message previousStrict = strict body = parseFunctionSourceElements() if strict and firstRestricted: throwError(firstRestricted, message) if strict and stricted: throwErrorTolerant(stricted, message) strict = previousStrict return delegate.markEnd( delegate.createFunctionExpression(id, params, [], body)) def parseSourceElement(): if lookahead.type == Token.Keyword: while 1: if (lookahead.value == "let") or (lookahead.value == "const"): return parseConstLetDeclaration(lookahead.value) elif lookahead.value == "function": return parseFunctionDeclaration() else: return parseStatement() break if lookahead.type != Token.EOF: return parseStatement() def parseSourceElements(): global strict sourceElement = None sourceElements = [] token = None directive = None firstRestricted = None while index < length: token = lookahead if token.type != Token.StringLiteral: break sourceElement = parseSourceElement() sourceElements.append(sourceElement) if sourceElement.expression.type != Syntax.Literal: break directive = source[(token.range[0] + 1):(token.range[1] - 1)] if directive == "use strict": strict = True if firstRestricted: throwErrorTolerant(firstRestricted, Messages.StrictOctalLiteral) else: if (not firstRestricted) and token.octal: firstRestricted = token while index < length: sourceElement = parseSourceElement() if ('undefined' if not 'sourceElement' in locals() else typeof(sourceElement)) == "undefined": break sourceElements.append(sourceElement) return sourceElements def parseProgram(): global strict body = None skipComment() delegate.markStart() strict = False peek() body = parseSourceElements() return delegate.markEnd(delegate.createProgram(body)) def collectToken(): start = None loc = None token = None range = None value = None skipComment() start = index loc = jsdict({ "start": jsdict({ "line": lineNumber, "column": index - lineStart, }), }) token = extra.advance() loc.end = jsdict({ "line": lineNumber, "column": index - lineStart, }) if token.type != Token.EOF: range = [token.range[0], token.range[1]] value = source[token.range[0]:token.range[1]] extra.tokens.append( jsdict({ "type": TokenName[token.type], "value": value, "range": range, "loc": loc, })) return token def collectRegex(): pos = None loc = None regex = None token = None skipComment() pos = index loc = jsdict({ "start": jsdict({ "line": lineNumber, "column": index - lineStart, }), }) regex = extra.scanRegExp() loc.end = jsdict({ "line": lineNumber, "column": index - lineStart, }) if not extra.tokenize: if len(extra.tokens) > 0: token = extra.tokens[len(extra.tokens) - 1] if (token.range[0] == pos) and (token.type == "Punctuator"): if (token.value == "/") or (token.value == "/="): extra.tokens.pop() extra.tokens.append( jsdict({ "type": "RegularExpression", "value": regex.literal, "range": [pos, index], "loc": loc, })) return regex def filterTokenLocation(): i = None entry = None token = None tokens = [] i = 0 while 1: if not (i < len(extra.tokens)): break entry = extra.tokens[i] token = jsdict({ "type": entry.type, "value": entry.value, }) if extra.range: token.range = entry.range if extra.loc: token.loc = entry.loc tokens.append(token) i += 1 extra.tokens = tokens class LocationMarker(object): def __init__(self=None): self.marker = [index, lineNumber, index - lineStart, 0, 0, 0] def end(self=None): self.marker[3] = index self.marker[4] = lineNumber self.marker[5] = index - lineStart def apply(self=None, node=None): if extra.range: node.range = [self.marker[0], self.marker[3]] if extra.loc: node.loc = jsdict({ "start": jsdict({ "line": self.marker[1], "column": self.marker[2], }), "end": jsdict({ "line": self.marker[4], "column": self.marker[5], }), }) node = delegate.postProcess(node) def createLocationMarker(): if (not extra.loc) and (not extra.range): return None skipComment() return LocationMarker() def patch(): global advance, scanRegExp if ('undefined' if not ('tokens' in extra) else typeof( extra.tokens)) != "undefined": extra.advance = advance extra.scanRegExp = scanRegExp advance = collectToken scanRegExp = collectRegex def unpatch(): global advance, scanRegExp if ('undefined' if not ('scanRegExp' in extra) else typeof( extra.scanRegExp)) == "function": advance = extra.advance scanRegExp = extra.scanRegExp def tokenize(code, **options): global delegate, source, index, lineNumber, lineStart, length, lookahead, state, extra options = jsdict(options) toString = None token = None tokens = None toString = str if (('undefined' if not 'code' in locals() else typeof(code)) != "string") and (not isinstance(code, str)): code = toString(code) delegate = SyntaxTreeDelegate source = code index = 0 lineNumber = (1 if len(source) > 0 else 0) lineStart = 0 length = len(source) lookahead = None state = jsdict({ "allowIn": True, "labelSet": jsdict({}), "inFunctionBody": False, "inIteration": False, "inSwitch": False, "lastCommentStart": -1, }) extra = jsdict({}) options = options or jsdict({}) options.tokens = True extra.tokens = [] extra.tokenize = True extra.openParenToken = -1 extra.openCurlyToken = -1 extra.range = (('undefined' if not ('range' in options) else typeof( options.range)) == "boolean") and options.range extra.loc = (('undefined' if not ('loc' in options) else typeof( options.loc)) == "boolean") and options.loc if (('undefined' if not ('comment' in options) else typeof( options.comment)) == "boolean") and options.comment: extra.comments = [] if (('undefined' if not ('tolerant' in options) else typeof( options.tolerant)) == "boolean") and options.tolerant: extra.errors = [] if length > 0: if (typeof(source[0])) == "undefined": if isinstance(code, str): source = code.valueOf() patch() try: peek() if lookahead.type == Token.EOF: return extra.tokens token = lex() while lookahead.type != Token.EOF: try: token = lex() except Exception as lexError: token = lookahead if extra.errors: extra.errors.append(lexError) break else: raise filterTokenLocation() tokens = extra.tokens if ('undefined' if not ('comments' in extra) else typeof( extra.comments)) != "undefined": tokens.comments = extra.comments if ('undefined' if not ('errors' in extra) else typeof( extra.errors)) != "undefined": tokens.errors = extra.errors except Exception as e: raise finally: unpatch() extra = jsdict({}) return tokens def parse(code, **options): global delegate, source, index, lineNumber, lineStart, length, lookahead, state, extra options = jsdict(options) program = None toString = None toString = str if (('undefined' if not 'code' in locals() else typeof(code)) != "string") and (not isinstance(code, str)): code = toString(code) delegate = SyntaxTreeDelegate source = code index = 0 lineNumber = (1 if len(source) > 0 else 0) lineStart = 0 length = len(source) lookahead = None state = jsdict({ "allowIn": True, "labelSet": jsdict({}), "inFunctionBody": False, "inIteration": False, "inSwitch": False, "lastCommentStart": -1, "markerStack": [], }) extra = jsdict({}) if ('undefined' if not 'options' in locals() else typeof(options)) != "undefined": extra.range = (('undefined' if not ('range' in options) else typeof( options.range)) == "boolean") and options.range extra.loc = (('undefined' if not ('loc' in options) else typeof( options.loc)) == "boolean") and options.loc if (extra.loc and (options.source != None)) and (options.source != undefined): extra.source = toString(options.source) if (('undefined' if not ('tokens' in options) else typeof( options.tokens)) == "boolean") and options.tokens: extra.tokens = [] if (('undefined' if not ('comment' in options) else typeof( options.comment)) == "boolean") and options.comment: extra.comments = [] if (('undefined' if not ('tolerant' in options) else typeof( options.tolerant)) == "boolean") and options.tolerant: extra.errors = [] if length > 0: if (typeof(source[0])) == "undefined": if isinstance(code, str): source = code.valueOf() patch() try: program = parseProgram() if ('undefined' if not ('comments' in extra) else typeof( extra.comments)) != "undefined": program.comments = extra.comments if ('undefined' if not ('tokens' in extra) else typeof( extra.tokens)) != "undefined": filterTokenLocation() program.tokens = extra.tokens if ('undefined' if not ('errors' in extra) else typeof( extra.errors)) != "undefined": program.errors = extra.errors except Exception as e: raise finally: unpatch() extra = jsdict({}) return program parse('var = 490 \n a=4;')