#import sickbeard #import datetime #import re #import urllib #from sickbeard.common import * #from sickbeard import sbdatetime #from sickbeard.helpers import anon_url ## #set global $title='Browse Shows' #set global $header='Browse Shows' #set global $sbPath='..' #set global $topmenu='home' ## #import os.path #include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl') #if $varExists('header') #set $heading = ('header', $header) #else #set $heading = ('title', $title) #end if

%s' % $heading#

#if $all_shows or ($kwargs and $kwargs.get('show_header', None))
Show: Sort By: Sort Order:


#if $kwargs and $kwargs.get('oldest', None):
First aired from $kwargs['oldest'] until $kwargs['newest']
#end if #end if
#if $all_shows #for $this_show in $all_shows: #set $title_html = $this_show['title'].replace('"', '"').replace("'", ''') #if 'newseasons' == $kwargs.get('mode', '') #set $overview = '%s: %s' % ( ('Season %s' % $this_show['episode_season'], 'Brand-new')[1 == $this_show['episode_season']], ($this_show['overview'], $this_show['episode_overview'])[any($this_show['episode_overview']) and 1 != $this_show['episode_season']]) #else #set $overview = $this_show['overview'] #end if
<%= (this_show['title'], ' ')['' == this_show['title']] %>

$this_show['rating']% $this_show['votes'] votes

#if 'url_tvdb' in $this_show and $this_show['url_tvdb']: tvdb #end if
#if ':' in $this_show['show_id']:

In library

#else Add Show #end if
#end for
#if $kwargs and $kwargs.get('footnote', None):
#end if #else

#if $kwargs and $kwargs.get('error_msg', None): $kwargs['error_msg'] #else $browse_type API did not return results, this can happen from time to time.

This view should auto refresh every 10 mins. #end if

#end if #include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')