$(document).ready(function () { function populateSelect() { if (!$('#nameToSearch').length) { return; } if ($('#indexerLangSelect option').length <= 1) { $.getJSON(sbRoot + '/home/addShows/getIndexerLanguages', {}, function (data) { var selected, resultStr = ''; if (data.results.length === 0) { resultStr = ''; } else { $.each(data.results, function (index, obj) { if (resultStr == '') { selected = ' selected="selected"'; } else { selected = ''; } resultStr += ''; }); } $('#indexerLangSelect').html(resultStr); $('#indexerLangSelect').change(function () { searchIndexers(); }); }); } } function searchIndexers() { if (!$('#nameToSearch').val().length) { return; } $('#searchResults').html(' searching...'); $.getJSON(sbRoot + '/home/addShows/searchIndexersForShowName', {'name': $('#nameToSearch').val(), 'lang': $('#indexerLangSelect').val(), 'indexer': $('#providedIndexer').val()}, function (data) { var firstResult = true; var resultStr = '
'; $('#searchResults').html(resultStr); updateSampleText(); myform.loadsection(0); }); } $('#searchName').click(function () { searchIndexers(); }); if ($('#nameToSearch').length && $('#nameToSearch').val().length) { $('#searchName').click(); } $('#addShowButton').click(function () { // if they haven't picked a show don't let them submit if (!$("input:radio[name='whichSeries']:checked").val() && !$("input:hidden[name='whichSeries']").val().length) { alert('You must choose a show to continue'); return false; } $('#addShowForm').submit(); }); $('#skipShowButton').click(function () { $('#skipShow').val('1'); $('#addShowForm').submit(); }); $('#qualityPreset').change(function () { myform.loadsection(2); }); /*********************************************** * jQuery Form to Form Wizard- (c) Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com) * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for this script and 100s more. ***********************************************/ var myform = new formtowizard({ formid: 'addShowForm', revealfx: ['slide', 500], oninit: function () { populateSelect(); updateSampleText(); if ($('input:hidden[name=whichSeries]').length && $('#fullShowPath').length) { goToStep(3); } } }); function goToStep(num) { $('.step').each(function () { if ($.data(this, 'section') + 1 == num) { $(this).click(); } }); } $('#nameToSearch').focus(); function updateSampleText() { // if something's selected then we have some behavior to figure out var show_name, sep_char; // if they've picked a radio button then use that if ($('input:radio[name=whichSeries]:checked').length) { show_name = $('input:radio[name=whichSeries]:checked').val().split('|')[4]; } // if we provided a show in the hidden field, use that else if ($('input:hidden[name=whichSeries]').length && $('input:hidden[name=whichSeries]').val().length) { show_name = $('#providedName').val(); } else { show_name = ''; } var sample_text = 'Adding show ' + show_name + ' into '; // if we have a root dir selected, figure out the path if ($("#rootDirs option:selected").length) { var root_dir_text = $('#rootDirs option:selected').val(); if (root_dir_text.indexOf('/') >= 0) { sep_char = '/'; } else if (root_dir_text.indexOf('\\') >= 0) { sep_char = '\\'; } else { sep_char = ''; } if (root_dir_text.substr(sample_text.length - 1) != sep_char) { root_dir_text += sep_char; } root_dir_text += '||' + sep_char; sample_text += root_dir_text; } else if ($('#fullShowPath').length && $('#fullShowPath').val().length) { sample_text += $('#fullShowPath').val(); } else { sample_text += 'unknown dir.'; } sample_text += ''; // if we have a show name then sanitize and use it for the dir name if (show_name.length) { $.get(sbRoot + '/home/addShows/sanitizeFileName', {name: show_name}, function (data) { $('#displayText').html(sample_text.replace('||', data)); }); // if not then it's unknown } else { $('#displayText').html(sample_text.replace('||', '??')); } // also toggle the add show button if (($("#rootDirs option:selected").length || ($('#fullShowPath').length && $('#fullShowPath').val().length)) && ($('input:radio[name=whichSeries]:checked').length) || ($('input:hidden[name=whichSeries]').length && $('input:hidden[name=whichSeries]').val().length)) { $('#addShowButton').attr('disabled', false); } else { $('#addShowButton').attr('disabled', true); } } $('#rootDirText').change(updateSampleText); $('#whichSeries').live('change', updateSampleText); $('#nameToSearch').keyup(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { $('#searchName').click(); } }); });