#import sickbeard #from sickbeard import sbdatetime ## #set global $title = 'Media Search' #set global $header = 'Media Search' #set global $sbPath = '..' #set global $topmenu = 'manage' ## #import os.path #include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl')
No current failures. Failure stats display here when appropriate.
#elseSome providers can be often down over periods, SickGear will back off then retry connecting at a later time
#for $prov in $provider_fail_stats #if $len($prov['fails']) $prov['name'] #if $prov['active'] #if $prov['next_try'] #set nt = $str($prov['next_try']).split('.', 2) ... is blocked until $sbdatetime.sbdatetime.sbftime($sbdatetime.sbdatetime.now() + $prov['next_try'], markup=True) (in $nt[0]) #end if #else ... is not enabled #end ifperiod of 1hr | server/timeout | network | no data | other | #if $prov['has_limit']hit limit | #end if||
$sbdatetime.sbdatetime.sbfdate($fail['date_time']) | #else$sbdatetime.sbdatetime.sbftime($fail['date_time'], markup=True) | #end if #else$sbdatetime.sbdatetime.sbfdatetime($fail['date_time'], markup=True) | #end if #set $blank = '-' #set $title=None #if $fail['http']['count'] #set $title=$fail['http']['code'] #end if#if $fail['http']['count']#$fail['http']['count']#else#$blank#end if# / #echo $fail['timeout'].get('count', 0) or $blank# | #echo ($fail['connection'].get('count', 0) + $fail['connection_timeout'].get('count', 0)) or $blank# | #echo $fail['nodata'].get('count', 0) or $blank# | #echo $fail['other'].get('count', 0) or $blank# | #if $prov['has_limit']#echo $fail.get('limit', {}).get('count', 0) or $blank# | #end if