#!/usr/bin/env python2 #encoding:utf-8 #author:dbr/Ben #project:tvdb_api #repository:http://github.com/dbr/tvdb_api #license:unlicense (http://unlicense.org/) """Contains included user interfaces for Tvdb show selection. A UI is a callback. A class, it's __init__ function takes two arguments: - config, which is the Tvdb config dict, setup in tvdb_api.py - log, which is Tvdb's logger instance (which uses the logging module). You can call log.info() log.warning() etc It must have a method "selectSeries", this is passed a list of dicts, each dict contains the the keys "name" (human readable show name), and "sid" (the shows ID as on thetvdb.com). For example: [{'name': u'Lost', 'sid': u'73739'}, {'name': u'Lost Universe', 'sid': u'73181'}] The "selectSeries" method must return the appropriate dict, or it can raise tvdb_userabort (if the selection is aborted), tvdb_shownotfound (if the show cannot be found). A simple example callback, which returns a random series: >>> import random >>> from tvdb_ui import BaseUI >>> class RandomUI(BaseUI): ... def selectSeries(self, allSeries): ... import random ... return random.choice(allSeries) Then to use it.. >>> from tvdb_api import Tvdb >>> t = Tvdb(custom_ui = RandomUI) >>> random_matching_series = t['Lost'] >>> type(random_matching_series) <class 'tvdb_api.Show'> """ __author__ = "dbr/Ben" __version__ = "1.9" import logging import warnings from tvdb_exceptions import tvdb_userabort_v1 def log(): return logging.getLogger(__name__) class BaseUI: """Default non-interactive UI, which auto-selects first results """ def __init__(self, config, log = None): self.config = config if log is not None: warnings.warn("the UI's log parameter is deprecated, instead use\n" "use import logging; logging.getLogger('ui').info('blah')\n" "The self.log attribute will be removed in the next version") self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def selectSeries(self, allSeries): return allSeries[0] class ConsoleUI(BaseUI): """Interactively allows the user to select a show from a console based UI """ def _displaySeries(self, allSeries, limit = 6): """Helper function, lists series with corresponding ID """ if limit is not None: toshow = allSeries[:limit] else: toshow = allSeries print "TVDB Search Results:" for i, cshow in enumerate(toshow): i_show = i + 1 # Start at more human readable number 1 (not 0) log().debug('Showing allSeries[%s], series %s)' % (i_show, allSeries[i]['seriesname'])) if i == 0: extra = " (default)" else: extra = "" print "%s -> %s [%s] # http://thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=%s&lid=%s%s" % ( i_show, cshow['seriesname'].encode("UTF-8", "ignore"), cshow['language'].encode("UTF-8", "ignore"), str(cshow['id']), cshow['lid'], extra ) def selectSeries(self, allSeries): self._displaySeries(allSeries) if len(allSeries) == 1: # Single result, return it! print "Automatically selecting only result" return allSeries[0] if self.config['select_first'] is True: print "Automatically returning first search result" return allSeries[0] while True: # return breaks this loop try: print "Enter choice (first number, return for default, 'all', ? for help):" ans = raw_input() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted (^c keyboard interupt)") except EOFError: raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted (EOF received)") log().debug('Got choice of: %s' % (ans)) try: selected_id = int(ans) - 1 # The human entered 1 as first result, not zero except ValueError: # Input was not number if len(ans.strip()) == 0: # Default option log().debug('Default option, returning first series') return allSeries[0] if ans == "q": log().debug('Got quit command (q)') raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted ('q' quit command)") elif ans == "?": print "## Help" print "# Enter the number that corresponds to the correct show." print "# a - display all results" print "# all - display all results" print "# ? - this help" print "# q - abort tvnamer" print "# Press return with no input to select first result" elif ans.lower() in ["a", "all"]: self._displaySeries(allSeries, limit = None) else: log().debug('Unknown keypress %s' % (ans)) else: log().debug('Trying to return ID: %d' % (selected_id)) try: return allSeries[selected_id] except IndexError: log().debug('Invalid show number entered!') print "Invalid number (%s) selected!" self._displaySeries(allSeries)