#import sickbeard #from sickbeard.clients import get_client_instance #from sickbeard.providers.generic import GenericProvider #from sickbeard.providers import thepiratebay #from sickbeard.helpers import anon_url, starify ## #set global $title = 'Config - Providers' #set global $header = 'Media Providers' #set global $sbPath = '../..' #set global $topmenu = 'config' ## #import os.path #include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl') #if $varExists('header')




#end if #set $methods_notused = [] #if not $sickbeard.USE_NZBS $methods_notused.append('Newznab') #end if #if not $sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS $methods_notused.append('Torrent') #end if #if $sickbeard.USE_NZBS or $sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS #end if ## #set $html_selected = ' selected="selected"' #set $html_checked = 'checked="checked" '

Provider Priorities

Allows searching recent and past releases.

Check off and drag the providers into the order you want them to be used.

At least one provider is required, two are recommended.

#if $methods_notused
<%= '/'.join(x for x in methods_notused) %> providers can be enabled in Search Settings
#end if
    #for $cur_provider in [$x for $x in $sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList() if $x.providerType == $GenericProvider.NZB and $sickbeard.USE_NZBS or $x.providerType == $GenericProvider.TORRENT and $sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS] #set $cur_name = $cur_provider.get_id() #set $cur_url = $cur_provider.url #set $show_type = $sickbeard.USE_NZBS and $sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS and $GenericProvider.NZB == $cur_provider.providerType #set $bad_url = not $cur_url and cur_provider.is_enabled() #set $tip = ($cur_provider.name + ('', ' (enable for link)')[not $cur_url and not cur_provider.is_enabled()], 'Site Down')[$bad_url] #set $state = ('', ' (Site Down?)')[$bad_url]
  • /> $tip $cur_provider.name$state #if $cur_provider.is_public_access() and type($cur_provider).__name__ not in ['TorrentRssProvider'] (PA) #end if# #if $show_type ($cur_provider.providerType) #end if# #if not $cur_provider.supports_backlog#*#end if#
  • #end for

Public access, no account required

## #if $sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS ##


Supports limited backlog searches, some episodes/qualities may not be available

## #end if ##


Provider is NOT WORKING

Provider Options

Configure individual provider settings here.

#for $cur_newznab_provider in [$cur_provider for $cur_provider in $sickbeard.newznabProviderList]
#if $cur_newznab_provider.default and $cur_newznab_provider.needs_auth
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_newznab_provider, 'enable_recentsearch') and $cur_newznab_provider.supports_backlog:
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_newznab_provider, 'enable_backlog') and $cur_newznab_provider.supports_backlog:
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_newznab_provider, 'enable_scheduled_backlog') and $cur_newznab_provider.supports_backlog:
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_newznab_provider, 'search_mode') and $cur_newznab_provider.supports_backlog:
Episode search mode

when searching for episodes, collect single episodes or search for packs

#end if #if $hasattr($cur_newznab_provider, 'search_fallback') and $cur_newznab_provider.supports_backlog:
#end if
#end for ## ## #for $cur_nzb_provider in [$cur_provider for $cur_provider in $sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList() if $cur_provider.providerType == $GenericProvider.NZB and $cur_provider not in $sickbeard.newznabProviderList]:
#if $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'username'):
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'api_key'):
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'enable_recentsearch') and $cur_nzb_provider.supports_backlog:
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'enable_backlog') and $cur_nzb_provider.supports_backlog:
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'enable_scheduled_backlog') and $cur_nzb_provider.supports_backlog:
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'search_mode') and $cur_nzb_provider.supports_backlog:
Episode search mode

when searching for episodes, collect single episodes or search for packs

#end if #if $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'search_fallback') and $cur_nzb_provider.supports_backlog:
#end if #if not $cur_nzb_provider.supports_backlog:
The latest releases are the focus of this provider, no backlog searching
#end if
#end for ## ## #for $cur_torrent_provider in $sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS and [$cur_provider for $cur_provider in $sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList() if $cur_provider.providerType == $GenericProvider.TORRENT] or []:
#if callable(getattr(cur_torrent_provider, 'ui_string', None)) #set $field_name = cur_torrent_provider.get_id() + '_tip' #set $tip_text = cur_torrent_provider.ui_string($field_name) #if $tip_text

Important! ${cur_torrent_provider.name} $tip_text

#end if #end if #if $getattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'url_edit', None):
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'api_key'):
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'digest'): #set $field_name = cur_torrent_provider.get_id() + '_digest'
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'hash'):
#end if #for $user_type in ['username', 'uid']: #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, $user_type): #set $prov_type = '%s_%s' % ($cur_torrent_provider.get_id(), $user_type) #set $user_value = $getattr($cur_torrent_provider, $user_type) or ''
#break #end if #end for #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'password'):
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'passkey'):
#end if <% client = {} if 'blackhole' == sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD else get_client_instance(sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD)().__class__.__dict__ name = '' if not client else get_client_instance(sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD)().name %> #if ($hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, '_seed_ratio') and '_set_torrent_ratio' in $client)
#end if #if ($hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'seed_time') and '_set_torrent_seed_time' in $client) #set $use_default = 'to use the %s min torrent search setting minumum default' % ($sickbeard.TORRENT_SEED_TIME, $sbRoot) if $sickbeard.TORRENT_SEED_TIME else 'for the %s setting' % $name
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'minseed'):
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'minleech'):
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'confirmed'):
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'freeleech'):
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'may_filter'):
Allow releases that are #for $cur_fval, $filter in $cur_torrent_provider.may_filter.iteritems() #set $cur_fname, $cur_is_default = $filter[0], $filter[1] #set $filter_id = '%s_filter_%s' % ($cur_torrent_provider.get_id(), $cur_fval) #end for (see site for meaning)

nothing selected allows everything (no filter, default)

#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'reject_m2ts'):
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'enable_recentsearch') and $cur_torrent_provider.supports_backlog:
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'enable_backlog') and $cur_torrent_provider.supports_backlog:
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'enable_scheduled_backlog') and $cur_torrent_provider.supports_backlog:
#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'search_mode') and $cur_torrent_provider.supports_backlog:
Episode search mode

when searching for episodes, collect single episodes or search for packs

#end if #if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'search_fallback') and $cur_torrent_provider.supports_backlog:
#end if #if not $cur_torrent_provider.supports_backlog:
The latest releases are the focus of this provider, no backlog searching
#end if
#end for #if $provider_config_list
#end if
#if $sickbeard.USE_NZBS

Custom Newznab Providers

Add, setup or remove custom newznab providers.

#end if #if $sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS

Custom Torrent Providers

Add or remove custom RSS providers.

#end if

#include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')