#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# This file is part of aDBa.
# aDBa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# aDBa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with aDBa.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from random import shuffle

class AniDBMaper:
    blacklist = ('unused', 'retired', 'reserved')

    def getAnimeBitsA(self, amask):
        map = self.getAnimeMapA()
        return self._getBitChain(map, amask)

    def getAnimeCodesA(self, aBitChain):
        amap = self.getAnimeMapA()
        return self._getCodes(amap, aBitChain)

    def getFileBitsF(self, fmask):
        fmap = self.getFileMapF()
        return self._getBitChain(fmap, fmask)

    def getFileCodesF(self, bitChainF):
        fmap = self.getFileMapF()
        return self._getCodes(fmap, bitChainF)

    def getFileBitsA(self, amask):
        amap = self.getFileMapA()
        return self._getBitChain(amap, amask)

    def getFileCodesA(self, bitChainA):
        amap = self.getFileMapA()
        return self._getCodes(amap, bitChainA)

    def _getBitChain(self, map, wanted):
        """Return an hex string with the correct bit set corresponding to the wanted fields in the map
        bit = 0
        for index, field in enumerate(map):
            if field in wanted and field not in self.blacklist:
                bit ^= 1 << len(map) - index - 1

        bit = str(hex(bit)).lstrip("0x").rstrip("L")
        bit = ''.join(["0" for unused in range(int(len(map) / 4) - len(bit))]) + bit
        return bit

    def _getCodes(map, bit_chain):
        """Returns a list with the corresponding fields as set in the bitChain (hex string)
        code_list = []
        bit_chain = int(bit_chain, 16)
        map_length = len(map)
        for i in reversed(list(range(map_length))):
            if bit_chain & (2 ** i):
                code_list.append(map[map_length - i - 1])
        return code_list

    def getAnimeMapA():
        # each line is one byte
        # only chnage this if the api changes
        map = ['aid', 'unused', 'year', 'type', 'related_aid_list', 'related_aid_type', 'category_list', 'category_weight_list',
               'romaji_name', 'kanji_name', 'english_name', 'other_name', 'short_name_list', 'synonym_list', 'retired', 'retired',
               'episodes', 'highest_episode_number', 'special_ep_count', 'air_date', 'end_date', 'url', 'picname', 'category_id_list',
               'rating', 'vote_count', 'temp_rating', 'temp_vote_count', 'average_review_rating', 'review_count', 'award_list', 'is_18_restricted',
               'anime_planet_id', 'ANN_id', 'allcinema_id', 'AnimeNfo_id', 'unused', 'unused', 'unused', 'date_record_updated',
               'character_id_list', 'creator_id_list', 'main_creator_id_list', 'main_creator_name_list', 'unused', 'unused', 'unused', 'unused',
               'specials_count', 'credits_count', 'other_count', 'trailer_count', 'parody_count', 'unused', 'unused', 'unused']
        return map

    def getFileMapF():
        # each line is one byte
        # only chnage this if the api changes
        map = ['unused', 'aid', 'eid', 'gid', 'mylist_id', 'list_other_episodes', 'IsDeprecated', 'state',
               'size', 'ed2k', 'md5', 'sha1', 'crc32', 'unused', 'unused', 'reserved',
               'quality', 'source', 'audio_codec_list', 'audio_bitrate_list', 'video_codec', 'video_bitrate', 'video_resolution', 'file_type_extension',
               'dub_language', 'sub_language', 'length_in_seconds', 'description', 'aired_date', 'unused', 'unused', 'anidb_file_name',
               'mylist_state', 'mylist_filestate', 'mylist_viewed', 'mylist_viewdate', 'mylist_storage', 'mylist_source', 'mylist_other', 'unused']
        return map

    def getFileMapA():
        # each line is one byte
        # only chnage this if the api changes
        map = ['anime_total_episodes', 'highest_episode_number', 'year', 'type', 'related_aid_list', 'related_aid_type', 'category_list', 'reserved',
               'romaji_name', 'kanji_name', 'english_name', 'other_name', 'short_name_list', 'synonym_list', 'retired', 'retired',
               'epno', 'ep_name', 'ep_romaji_name', 'ep_kanji_name', 'episode_rating', 'episode_vote_count', 'unused', 'unused',
               'group_name', 'group_short_name', 'unused', 'unused', 'unused', 'unused', 'unused', 'date_aid_record_updated']
        return map

    def checkMapping(self, verbos=False):

        print("File F: " + str(self.checkMapFileF(verbos)))
        print("File A: " + str(self.checkMapFileA(verbos)))

    def checkMapFileF(self, verbos=False):
        get_general_map = self.getFileMapF
        get_bits = self.getFileBitsF
        get_codes = self.getFileCodesF
        return self._checkMapGeneral(get_general_map, get_bits, get_codes, verbos=verbos)

    def checkMapFileA(self, verbos=False):
        get_general_map = self.getFileMapA
        get_bits = self.getFileBitsA
        get_codes = self.getFileCodesA
        return self._checkMapGeneral(get_general_map, get_bits, get_codes, verbos=verbos)

    def _checkMapGeneral(self, getGeneralMap, getBits, getCodes, verbos=False):
        map = getGeneralMap()
        mask = [elem for elem in map if elem not in self.blacklist][:5]
        bits = getBits(mask)
        mask_re = getCodes(bits)
        bits_re = getBits(mask_re)
        if verbos:
            print("bits are:" + str((bits_re == bits)))
            print("map is :" + str((sorted(mask_re) == sorted(mask))))
        return (bits_re == bits) and sorted(mask_re) == sorted(mask)