""" MPEG audio file parser. Creation: 12 decembre 2005 Author: Victor Stinner """ from hachoir_parser import Parser from hachoir_core.field import (FieldSet, MissingField, ParserError, createOrphanField, Bit, Bits, Enum, PaddingBits, PaddingBytes, RawBytes) from hachoir_parser.audio.id3 import ID3v1, ID3v2 from hachoir_core.endian import BIG_ENDIAN from hachoir_core.tools import humanFrequency, humanBitSize from hachoir_core.bits import long2raw from hachoir_core.error import HACHOIR_ERRORS from hachoir_core.stream import InputStreamError # Max MP3 filesize: 200 MB MAX_FILESIZE = 200*1024*1024*8 class Frame(FieldSet): VERSION_NAME = { 0: "2.5", 2: "2", 3: "1" } MPEG_I = 3 MPEG_II = 2 MPEG_II_5 = 0 LAYER_NAME = { 1: "III", 2: "II", 3: "I" } LAYER_I = 3 LAYER_II = 2 LAYER_III = 1 # Bit rates (bit_rate * 1000 = bits/sec) # key 15 is always invalid BIT_RATES = { 1: ( # MPEG1 ( 0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448 ), # layer I ( 0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384 ), # layer II ( 0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320 ), # layer III # - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 - ), 2: ( # MPEG2 / MPEG2.5 ( 0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256 ), # layer I ( 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160 ), # layer II ( 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160 ), # layer III # - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 - ) } SAMPLING_RATES = { 3: {0: 44100, 1: 48000, 2: 32000}, # MPEG1 2: {0: 22050, 1: 24000, 2: 16000}, # MPEG2 0: {0: 11025, 1: 12000, 2: 8000} # MPEG2.5 } EMPHASIS_NAME = {0: "none", 1: "50/15 ms", 3: "CCIT J.17"} CHANNEL_MODE_NAME = { 0: "Stereo", 1: "Joint stereo", 2: "Dual channel", 3: "Single channel" } # Channel mode => number of channels NB_CHANNEL = { 0: 2, 1: 2, 2: 2, 3: 1, } def __init__(self, *args, **kw): FieldSet.__init__(self, *args, **kw) if not self._size: frame_size = self.getFrameSize() if not frame_size: raise ParserError("MPEG audio: Invalid frame %s" % self.path) self._size = min(frame_size * 8, self.parent.size - self.address) def createFields(self): # Header yield PaddingBits(self, "sync", 11, "Synchronize bits (set to 1)", pattern=1) yield Enum(Bits(self, "version", 2, "MPEG audio version"), self.VERSION_NAME) yield Enum(Bits(self, "layer", 2, "MPEG audio layer"), self.LAYER_NAME) yield Bit(self, "crc16", "No CRC16 protection?") # Rates and padding yield Bits(self, "bit_rate", 4, "Bit rate") yield Bits(self, "sampling_rate", 2, "Sampling rate") yield Bit(self, "use_padding", "Stream field use padding?") yield Bit(self, "extension", "Extension") # Channel mode, mode extension, copyright, ... yield Enum(Bits(self, "channel_mode", 2, "Channel mode"), self.CHANNEL_MODE_NAME) yield Bits(self, "mode_ext", 2, "Mode extension") yield Bit(self, "copyright", "Is copyrighted?") yield Bit(self, "original", "Is original?") yield Enum(Bits(self, "emphasis", 2, "Emphasis"), self.EMPHASIS_NAME) size = (self.size - self.current_size) / 8 if size: yield RawBytes(self, "data", size) def isValid(self): return (self["layer"].value != 0 and self["sync"].value == 2047 and self["version"].value != 1 and self["sampling_rate"].value != 3 and self["bit_rate"].value not in (0, 15) and self["emphasis"].value != 2) def getSampleRate(self): """ Read sampling rate. Returns None on error. """ version = self["version"].value rate = self["sampling_rate"].value try: return self.SAMPLING_RATES[version][rate] except (KeyError, IndexError): return None def getBitRate(self): """ Read bit rate in bit/sec. Returns None on error. """ layer = 3 - self["layer"].value bit_rate = self["bit_rate"].value if bit_rate in (0, 15): return None if self["version"].value == 3: dataset = self.BIT_RATES[1] # MPEG1 else: dataset = self.BIT_RATES[2] # MPEG2 / MPEG2.5 try: return dataset[layer][bit_rate] * 1000 except (KeyError, IndexError): return None def getFrameSize(self): """ Read frame size in bytes. Returns None on error. """ frame_size = self.getBitRate() if not frame_size: return None sample_rate = self.getSampleRate() if not sample_rate: return None padding = int(self["use_padding"].value) if self["layer"].value == self.LAYER_III: if self["version"].value == self.MPEG_I: return (frame_size * 144) // sample_rate + padding else: return (frame_size * 72) // sample_rate + padding elif self["layer"].value == self.LAYER_II: return (frame_size * 144) / sample_rate + padding else: # self.LAYER_I: frame_size = (frame_size * 12) / sample_rate return (frame_size + padding) * 4 def getNbChannel(self): return self.NB_CHANNEL[ self["channel_mode"].value ] def createDescription(self): info = ["layer %s" % self["layer"].display] bit_rate = self.getBitRate() if bit_rate: info.append("%s/sec" % humanBitSize(bit_rate)) sampling_rate = self.getSampleRate() if sampling_rate: info.append(humanFrequency(sampling_rate)) return "MPEG-%s %s" % (self["version"].display, ", ".join(info)) def findSynchronizeBits(parser, start, max_size): """ Find synchronisation bits (11 bits set to 1) Returns None on error, or number of bytes before the synchronization. """ address0 = parser.absolute_address end = start + max_size size = 0 while start < end: # Fast search: search 0xFF (first byte of sync frame field) length = parser.stream.searchBytesLength("\xff", False, start, end) if length is None: return None size += length start += length * 8 # Strong validation of frame: create the frame # and call method isValid() try: frame = createOrphanField(parser, start-address0, Frame, "frame") valid = frame.isValid() except HACHOIR_ERRORS: valid = False if valid: return size # Invalid frame: continue start += 8 size += 1 return None class Frames(FieldSet): # Padding bytes allowed before a frame MAX_PADDING = 256 def synchronize(self): addr = self.absolute_address start = addr + self.current_size end = min(start + self.MAX_PADDING*8, addr + self.size) padding = findSynchronizeBits(self, start, end) if padding is None: raise ParserError("MPEG audio: Unable to find synchronization bits") if padding: return PaddingBytes(self, "padding[]", padding, "Padding before synchronization") else: return None def looksConstantBitRate(self, count=10): """ Guess if frames are constant bit rate. If it returns False, you can be sure that frames are variable bit rate. Otherwise, it looks like constant bit rate (on first count fields). """ check_keys = ("version", "layer", "bit_rate") last_field = None for index, field in enumerate(self.array("frame")): if last_field: for key in check_keys: if field[key].value != last_field[key].value: return False last_field = field if index == count: break return True def createFields(self): # Find synchronisation bytes padding = self.synchronize() if padding: yield padding while self.current_size < self.size: yield Frame(self, "frame[]") # padding = self.synchronize() # if padding: # yield padding # Read raw bytes at the end (if any) size = (self.size - self.current_size) / 8 if size: yield RawBytes(self, "raw", size) def createDescription(self): if self.looksConstantBitRate(): text = "(looks like) Constant bit rate (CBR)" else: text = "Variable bit rate (VBR)" return "Frames: %s" % text def createMpegAudioMagic(): # ID3v1 magic magics = [("TAG", 0)] # ID3v2 magics for ver_major in ID3v2.VALID_MAJOR_VERSIONS: magic = "ID3%c\x00" % ver_major magics.append( (magic,0) ) # MPEG frame magic # TODO: Use longer magic: 32 bits instead of 16 bits SYNC_BITS = 2047 for version in Frame.VERSION_NAME.iterkeys(): for layer in Frame.LAYER_NAME.iterkeys(): for crc16 in (0, 1): magic = (SYNC_BITS << 5) | (version << 3) | (layer << 1) | crc16 magic = long2raw(magic, BIG_ENDIAN, 2) magics.append( (magic, 0) ) return magics class MpegAudioFile(Parser): PARSER_TAGS = { "id": "mpeg_audio", "category": "audio", "file_ext": ("mpa", "mp1", "mp2", "mp3"), "mime": (u"audio/mpeg",), "min_size": 4*8, # "magic": createMpegAudioMagic(), "description": "MPEG audio version 1, 2, 2.5", "subfile": "skip", } endian = BIG_ENDIAN def validate(self): if self[0].name in ("id3v2", "id3v1"): return True if not self.stream.checked: # TODO: is it possible to handle piped input? return False # Validate first 5 frames for index in xrange(5): try: frame = self["frames/frame[%u]" % index] except MissingField: # Require a least one valid frame if (1 <= index) \ and self["frames"].done: return True return "Unable to get frame #%u" % index except (InputStreamError, ParserError): return "Unable to create frame #%u" % index # Check first frame values if not frame.isValid(): return "Frame #%u is invalid" % index # Check that all frames are similar if not index: frame0 = frame else: if frame0["channel_mode"].value != frame["channel_mode"].value: return "Frame #%u channel mode is different" % index return True def createFields(self): # Read ID3v2 (if any) if self.stream.readBytes(0, 3) == "ID3": yield ID3v2(self, "id3v2") if self._size is None: # TODO: is it possible to handle piped input? raise NotImplementedError # Check if file is ending with ID3v1 or not and compute frames size frames_size = self.size - self.current_size addr = self.size - 128*8 if 0 <= addr: has_id3 = (self.stream.readBytes(addr, 3) == "TAG") if has_id3: frames_size -= 128*8 else: has_id3 = False # Read frames (if any) if frames_size: yield Frames(self, "frames", size=frames_size) # Read ID3v1 (if any) if has_id3: yield ID3v1(self, "id3v1") def createDescription(self): if "frames" in self: frame = self["frames/frame[0]"] return "%s, %s" % (frame.description, frame["channel_mode"].display) elif "id3v2" in self: return self["id3v2"].description elif "id3v1" in self: return self["id3v1"].description else: return "MPEG audio" def createContentSize(self): # Get "frames" field field = self[0] if field.name != "frames": try: field = self[1] except MissingField: # File only contains ID3v1 or ID3v2 return field.size # Error: second field are not the frames"? if field.name != "frames": return None # Go to last frame frames = field frame = frames["frame[0]"] address0 = field.absolute_address size = address0 + frame.size while True: try: # Parse one MPEG audio frame frame = createOrphanField(frames, size - address0, Frame, "frame") # Check frame 32 bits header if not frame.isValid(): break except HACHOIR_ERRORS: break if MAX_FILESIZE < (size + frame.size): break size += frame.size # ID3v1 at the end? try: if self.stream.readBytes(size, 3) == "TAG": size += ID3v1.static_size except InputStreamError: pass return size