# Author: Nic Wolfe # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickGear. # # SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickGear. If not, see . import urllib from six.moves import http_client import datetime import sickbeard from lib import MultipartPostHandler import urllib2 from six.moves import http_cookiejar try: import json except ImportError: from lib import simplejson as json from sickbeard.common import USER_AGENT from sickbeard import logger from sickbeard.exceptions import ex def sendNZB(nzb): """ Sends an NZB to SABnzbd via the API. nzb: The NZBSearchResult object to send to SAB """ # set up a dict with the URL params in it params = {} if sickbeard.SAB_USERNAME is not None: params['ma_username'] = sickbeard.SAB_USERNAME if sickbeard.SAB_PASSWORD is not None: params['ma_password'] = sickbeard.SAB_PASSWORD if sickbeard.SAB_APIKEY is not None: params['apikey'] = sickbeard.SAB_APIKEY if sickbeard.SAB_CATEGORY is not None: params['cat'] = sickbeard.SAB_CATEGORY # use high priority if specified (recently aired episode) if nzb.priority == 1: params['priority'] = 1 # if it's a normal result we just pass SAB the URL if nzb.resultType == "nzb": # for newzbin results send the ID to sab specifically if nzb.provider.getID() == 'newzbin': id = nzb.provider.getIDFromURL(nzb.url) if not id: logger.log("Unable to send NZB to SABnzbd, can't find ID in URL " + str(nzb.url), logger.ERROR) return False params['mode'] = 'addid' params['name'] = id else: params['mode'] = 'addurl' params['name'] = nzb.url # if we get a raw data result we want to upload it to SAB elif nzb.resultType == "nzbdata": params['mode'] = 'addfile' multiPartParams = {"nzbfile": (nzb.name + ".nzb", nzb.extraInfo[0])} url = sickbeard.SAB_HOST + "api?" + urllib.urlencode(params) logger.log(u"Sending NZB to SABnzbd: %s" % nzb.name) logger.log(u"SABnzbd URL: " + url, logger.DEBUG) try: # if we have the URL to an NZB then we've built up the SAB API URL already so just call it if nzb.resultType == "nzb": f = urllib.urlopen(url) # if we are uploading the NZB data to SAB then we need to build a little POST form and send it elif nzb.resultType == "nzbdata": cookies = http_cookiejar.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookies), MultipartPostHandler.MultipartPostHandler) req = urllib2.Request(url, multiPartParams, headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) f = opener.open(req) except (EOFError, IOError) as e: logger.log(u"Unable to connect to SABnzbd: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR) return False except http_client.InvalidURL as e: logger.log(u"Invalid SABnzbd host, check your config: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR) return False # this means we couldn't open the connection or something just as bad if f is None: logger.log(u"No data returned from SABnzbd, NZB not sent", logger.ERROR) return False # if we opened the URL connection then read the result from SAB try: result = f.readlines() except Exception as e: logger.log(u"Error trying to get result from SABnzbd, NZB not sent: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR) return False # SAB shouldn't return a blank result, this most likely (but not always) means that it timed out and didn't recieve the NZB if len(result) == 0: logger.log(u"No data returned from SABnzbd, NZB not sent", logger.ERROR) return False # massage the result a little bit sabText = result[0].strip() logger.log(u"Result text from SABnzbd: " + sabText, logger.DEBUG) # do some crude parsing of the result text to determine what SAB said if sabText == "ok": logger.log(u"NZB sent to SABnzbd successfully", logger.DEBUG) return True elif sabText == "Missing authentication": logger.log(u"Incorrect username/password sent to SABnzbd, NZB not sent", logger.ERROR) return False else: logger.log(u"Unknown failure sending NZB to SABnzbd. Return text is: " + sabText, logger.ERROR) return False def _checkSabResponse(f): try: result = f.readlines() except Exception as e: logger.log(u"Error trying to get result from SABnzbd" + ex(e), logger.ERROR) return False, "Error from SABnzbd" if len(result) == 0: logger.log(u"No data returned from SABnzbd, NZB not sent", logger.ERROR) return False, "No data from SABnzbd" sabText = result[0].strip() sabJson = {} try: sabJson = json.loads(sabText) except ValueError as e: pass if sabText == "Missing authentication": logger.log(u"Incorrect username/password sent to SABnzbd", logger.ERROR) return False, "Incorrect username/password sent to SABnzbd" elif 'error' in sabJson: logger.log(sabJson['error'], logger.ERROR) return False, sabJson['error'] else: return True, sabText def _sabURLOpenSimple(url): try: f = urllib.urlopen(url) except (EOFError, IOError) as e: logger.log(u"Unable to connect to SABnzbd: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR) return False, "Unable to connect" except http_client.InvalidURL as e: logger.log(u"Invalid SABnzbd host, check your config: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR) return False, "Invalid SABnzbd host" if f is None: logger.log(u"No data returned from SABnzbd", logger.ERROR) return False, "No data returned from SABnzbd" else: return True, f def getSabAccesMethod(host=None, username=None, password=None, apikey=None): url = host + "api?mode=auth" result, f = _sabURLOpenSimple(url) if not result: return False, f result, sabText = _checkSabResponse(f) if not result: return False, sabText return True, sabText def testAuthentication(host=None, username=None, password=None, apikey=None): """ Sends a simple API request to SAB to determine if the given connection information is connect host: The host where SAB is running (incl port) username: The username to use for the HTTP request password: The password to use for the HTTP request apikey: The API key to provide to SAB Returns: A tuple containing the success boolean and a message """ # build up the URL parameters params = {} params['mode'] = 'queue' params['output'] = 'json' params['ma_username'] = username params['ma_password'] = password params['apikey'] = apikey url = host + "api?" + urllib.urlencode(params) # send the test request logger.log(u"SABnzbd test URL: " + url, logger.DEBUG) result, f = _sabURLOpenSimple(url) if not result: return False, f # check the result and determine if it's good or not result, sabText = _checkSabResponse(f) if not result: return False, sabText return True, "Success"