# Author: Nic Wolfe # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickGear. # # SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickGear. If not, see . import datetime import re import sickbeard from base64 import standard_b64encode from six.moves import xmlrpc_client from six.moves import http_client from sickbeard.providers.generic import GenericProvider from sickbeard import logger, helpers from common import Quality def sendNZB(nzb, proper=False): addToTop = False nzbgetprio = 0 if sickbeard.NZBGET_USE_HTTPS: nzbgetXMLrpc = "https://%(username)s:%(password)s@%(host)s/xmlrpc" else: nzbgetXMLrpc = "http://%(username)s:%(password)s@%(host)s/xmlrpc" if sickbeard.NZBGET_HOST == None: logger.log(u"No NZBget host found in configuration. Please configure it.", logger.ERROR) return False url = nzbgetXMLrpc % {"host": sickbeard.NZBGET_HOST, "username": sickbeard.NZBGET_USERNAME, "password": sickbeard.NZBGET_PASSWORD} nzbGetRPC = xmlrpc_client.ServerProxy(url) try: if nzbGetRPC.writelog("INFO", "SickGear connected to drop off %s any moment now." % (nzb.name + ".nzb")): logger.log(u"Successfully connected to NZBget", logger.DEBUG) else: logger.log(u"Successfully connected to NZBget, but unable to send a message", logger.ERROR) except http_client.socket.error: logger.log( u"Please check your NZBget host and port (if it is running). NZBget is not responding to this combination", logger.ERROR) return False except xmlrpc_client.ProtocolError as e: if (e.errmsg == "Unauthorized"): logger.log(u"NZBget username or password is incorrect.", logger.ERROR) else: logger.log(u"Protocol Error: " + e.errmsg, logger.ERROR) return False dupekey = "" dupescore = 0 # if it aired recently make it high priority and generate DupeKey/Score for curEp in nzb.episodes: if dupekey == "": if curEp.show.indexer == 1: dupekey = "SickGear-" + str(curEp.show.indexerid) elif curEp.show.indexer == 2: dupekey = "SickGear-tvr" + str(curEp.show.indexerid) dupekey += "-" + str(curEp.season) + "." + str(curEp.episode) if datetime.date.today() - curEp.airdate <= datetime.timedelta(days=7): addToTop = True nzbgetprio = sickbeard.NZBGET_PRIORITY if nzb.quality != Quality.UNKNOWN: dupescore = nzb.quality * 100 if proper: dupescore += 10 nzbcontent64 = None if nzb.resultType == "nzbdata": data = nzb.extraInfo[0] nzbcontent64 = standard_b64encode(data) logger.log(u"Sending NZB to NZBGet: %s" % nzb.name) logger.log(u"NZBGet URL: " + url, logger.DEBUG) try: # Find out if nzbget supports priority (Version 9.0+), old versions beginning with a 0.x will use the old command nzbget_version_str = nzbGetRPC.version() nzbget_version = helpers.tryInt(nzbget_version_str[:nzbget_version_str.find(".")]) if nzbget_version == 0: if nzbcontent64 is not None: nzbget_result = nzbGetRPC.append(nzb.name + ".nzb", sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, addToTop, nzbcontent64) else: if nzb.resultType == "nzb": genProvider = GenericProvider("") data = genProvider.getURL(nzb.url) if (data == None): return False nzbcontent64 = standard_b64encode(data) nzbget_result = nzbGetRPC.append(nzb.name + ".nzb", sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, addToTop, nzbcontent64) elif nzbget_version == 12: if nzbcontent64 is not None: nzbget_result = nzbGetRPC.append(nzb.name + ".nzb", sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, nzbgetprio, False, nzbcontent64, False, dupekey, dupescore, "score") else: nzbget_result = nzbGetRPC.appendurl(nzb.name + ".nzb", sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, nzbgetprio, False, nzb.url, False, dupekey, dupescore, "score") # v13+ has a new combined append method that accepts both (url and content) # also the return value has changed from boolean to integer # (Positive number representing NZBID of the queue item. 0 and negative numbers represent error codes.) elif nzbget_version >= 13: nzbget_result = True if nzbGetRPC.append(nzb.name + ".nzb", nzbcontent64 if nzbcontent64 is not None else nzb.url, sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, nzbgetprio, False, False, dupekey, dupescore, "score") > 0 else False else: if nzbcontent64 is not None: nzbget_result = nzbGetRPC.append(nzb.name + ".nzb", sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, nzbgetprio, False, nzbcontent64) else: nzbget_result = nzbGetRPC.appendurl(nzb.name + ".nzb", sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, nzbgetprio, False, nzb.url) if nzbget_result: logger.log(u"NZB sent to NZBget successfully", logger.DEBUG) return True else: logger.log(u"NZBget could not add %s to the queue" % (nzb.name + ".nzb"), logger.ERROR) return False except: logger.log(u"Connect Error to NZBget: could not add %s to the queue" % (nzb.name + ".nzb"), logger.ERROR) return False