# coding=utf-8
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see .
import random
import re
import time
import traceback
from . import generic
from .. import logger
from ..helpers import try_int
from json_helper import json_loads
from _23 import b64encodestring, quote
from six import iteritems
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import AnyStr, Tuple
class SnowflProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
def __init__(self):
generic.TorrentProvider.__init__(self, 'Snowfl')
self.url_base = 'https://snowfl.com/'
self.urls = {'config_provider_home_uri': self.url_base,
'browse': self.url_base + '%(token)s/Q/%(ent)s/0/DATE/24/0?_=%(ts)s',
'search': self.url_base + '%(token)s/%(ss)s/%(ent)s/0/DATE/NONE/1?_=%(ts)s',
'get': self.url_base + '%(token)s/%(src)s/%(url)s?_=%(ts)s'}
self.minseed, self.minleech = 2 * [None]
self.confirmed = False
def _has_signature(data=None):
return data and re.search(r'(?i)snowfl', data[33:1024:])
def _search_provider(self, search_params, **kwargs):
results = []
if not self.url:
return results
items = {'Cache': [], 'Season': [], 'Episode': [], 'Propers': []}
quote_fx = (lambda t: quote(t, safe='~()*!.\''))
for mode in search_params:
for search_string in search_params[mode]:
search_url = self.url
cnt = len(items[mode])
for token in self._get_tokens():
if self.should_skip():
return results
if not token:
params = dict(token=token[0], ent=token[1])
if 'Cache' != mode:
params.update({'ss': quote_fx(search_string)})
data_json = None
vals = [i for i in range(3, 8)]
for x in vals[0], vals[2], vals[4]:
search_url = self.urls[('search', 'browse')['Cache' == mode]] % params
# decode json below as get resp will false -ve to 'nodata' when no search results
html_json = self.get_url(search_url)
if None is not html_json:
data_json = json_loads(html_json)
if data_json or 'Cache' != mode:
if self.should_skip():
return results
for item in filter(lambda di: re.match('(?i).*?(tv|television)',
di.get('type', '') or di.get('category', ''))
and (not self.confirmed or di.get('trusted') or di.get('verified')),
data_json or {}):
seeders, leechers, size = list(map(lambda arg: try_int(
*([item.get(arg[0]) if None is not item.get(arg[0]) else item.get(arg[1])]) * 2),
(('seeder', 'seed'), ('leecher', 'leech'), ('size', 'size'))))
if self._reject_item(seeders, leechers):
title = item.get('name') or item.get('title')
download_url = item.get('magnet') or item.get('magnetLink')
if not download_url:
source = item.get('site') or item.get('source')
link = self._link(item.get('url') or item.get('pageLink'))
if not source or not link:
download_url = self.urls['get'] % dict(
token=token[0], src=quote_fx(source),
url=b64encodestring(quote_fx(link)), ts='%(ts)s')
if title and download_url:
items[mode].append((title, download_url, seeders, size))
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
results = self._sort_seeding(mode, results + items[mode])
return results
def _get_tokens(self):
# type: (...) -> Tuple[AnyStr, AnyStr]
html = self.get_url(self.url)
if not self.should_skip():
if not html:
raise generic.HaltParseException
rc = dict([(k, re.compile('(?i)' + v)) for (k, v) in iteritems({
'js': r'