# # This file is part of SickGear. # # SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickGear. If not, see . import socket import time from .generic import Notifier import sickgear from exceptions_helper import ex from json_helper import json_dumps, json_load from _23 import b64encodestring, decode_str, etree, quote, unquote, unquote_plus, urlencode # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from six.moves import urllib # noinspection PyUnreachableCode if False: from typing import Dict, Union class XBMCNotifier(Notifier): def __init__(self): super(XBMCNotifier, self).__init__() self.sg_logo_file = 'apple-touch-icon-72x72.png' def _get_xbmc_version(self, host, username, password): """Returns XBMC JSON-RPC API version (odd # = dev, even # = stable) Sends a request to the XBMC host using the JSON-RPC to determine if the legacy API or if the JSON-RPC API functions should be used. Fallback to testing legacy HTTPAPI before assuming it is just a badly configured host. Args: host: XBMC webserver host:port username: XBMC webserver username password: XBMC webserver password Returns: Returns API number or False List of possible known values: API | XBMC Version -----+--------------- 2 | v10 (Dharma) 3 | (pre Eden) 4 | v11 (Eden) 5 | (pre Frodo) 6 | v12 (Frodo) / v13 (Gotham) """ # since we need to maintain python 2.5 compatability we can not pass a timeout delay # to urllib2 directly (python 2.6+) override socket timeout to reduce delay for this call alone socket.setdefaulttimeout(10) check_command = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"JSONRPC.Version","id":1}' result = self._send_to_xbmc_json(check_command, host, username, password) # revert back to default socket timeout socket.setdefaulttimeout(sickgear.SOCKET_TIMEOUT) if result: return result['result']['version'] else: # fallback to legacy HTTPAPI method test_command = {'command': 'Help'} request = self._send_to_xbmc(test_command, host, username, password) if request: # return a fake version number, so it uses the legacy method return 1 else: return False def _send_update_library(self, host, show_name=None): """Internal wrapper for the update library function to branch the logic for JSON-RPC or legacy HTTP API Checks the XBMC API version to branch the logic to call either the legacy HTTP API or the newer JSON-RPC over HTTP methods. Args: host: XBMC webserver host:port show_name: Name of a TV show to specifically target the library update for Returns: Returns True or False, if the update was successful """ self._log(u'Sending request to update library for host: "%s"' % host) xbmcapi = self._get_xbmc_version(host, sickgear.XBMC_USERNAME, sickgear.XBMC_PASSWORD) if xbmcapi: if 4 >= xbmcapi: # try to update for just the show, if it fails, do full update if enabled if not self._update_library_http(host, show_name) and sickgear.XBMC_UPDATE_FULL: self._log_warning(u'Single show update failed, falling back to full update') return self._update_library_http(host) else: return True else: # try to update for just the show, if it fails, do full update if enabled if not self._update_library_json(host, show_name) and sickgear.XBMC_UPDATE_FULL: self._log_warning(u'Single show update failed, falling back to full update') return self._update_library_json(host) else: return True self._log_debug(u'Failed to detect version for "%s", check configuration and try again' % host) return False # ############################################################################# # Legacy HTTP API (pre XBMC 12) methods ############################################################################## def _send_to_xbmc(self, command, host=None, username=None, password=None): """Handles communication to XBMC servers via HTTP API Args: command: Dictionary of field/data pairs, encoded via urllib and passed to the XBMC API via HTTP host: XBMC webserver host:port username: XBMC webserver username password: XBMC webserver password Returns: Returns response.result for successful commands or False if there was an error """ if not host: self._log_debug(u'No host passed, aborting update') return False username = self._choose(username, sickgear.XBMC_USERNAME) password = self._choose(password, sickgear.XBMC_PASSWORD) for key in command: command[key] = command[key].encode('utf-8') enc_command = urlencode(command) self._log_debug(u'Encoded API command: ' + enc_command) url = 'http://%s/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp/?%s' % (host, enc_command) try: req = urllib.request.Request(url) # if we have a password, use authentication if password: req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % b64encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password))) self._log_debug(u'Contacting (with auth header) via url: ' + url) else: self._log_debug(u'Contacting via url: ' + url) http_response_obj = urllib.request.urlopen(req) # PY2 http_response_obj has no `with` context manager result = decode_str(http_response_obj.read(), sickgear.SYS_ENCODING) http_response_obj.close() self._log_debug(u'HTTP response: ' + result.replace('\n', '')) return result except (urllib.error.URLError, IOError) as e: self._log_warning(u'Couldn\'t contact HTTP at %s %s' % (url, ex(e))) return False def _update_library_http(self, host=None, show_name=None): """Handles updating XBMC host via HTTP API Attempts to update the XBMC video library for a specific tv show if passed, otherwise update the whole library if enabled. Args: host: XBMC webserver host:port show_name: Name of a TV show to specifically target the library update for Returns: Returns True or False """ if not host: self._log_debug(u'No host passed, aborting update') return False self._log_debug(u'Updating XMBC library via HTTP method for host: ' + host) # if we're doing per-show if show_name: self._log_debug(u'Updating library via HTTP method for show ' + show_name) # noinspection SqlResolve path_sql = 'select path.strPath' \ ' from path, tvshow, tvshowlinkpath' \ ' where tvshow.c00 = "%s"' \ ' and tvshowlinkpath.idShow = tvshow.idShow' \ ' and tvshowlinkpath.idPath = path.idPath' % show_name # use this to get xml back for the path lookups xml_command = dict(command='SetResponseFormat(webheader;false;webfooter;false;header;;footer;;' 'opentag;;closetag;;closefinaltag;false)') # sql used to grab path(s) sql_command = dict(command='QueryVideoDatabase(%s)' % path_sql) # set output back to default reset_command = dict(command='SetResponseFormat()') # set xml response format, if this fails then don't bother with the rest request = self._send_to_xbmc(xml_command, host) if not request: return False sql_xml = self._send_to_xbmc(sql_command, host) self._send_to_xbmc(reset_command, host) if not sql_xml: self._log_debug(u'Invalid response for ' + show_name + ' on ' + host) return False enc_sql_xml = quote(sql_xml, ':\\/<>') try: et = etree.fromstring(enc_sql_xml) except SyntaxError as e: self._log_error(u'Unable to parse XML response: ' + ex(e)) return False paths = et.findall('.//field') if not paths: self._log_debug(u'No valid paths found for ' + show_name + ' on ' + host) return False for path in paths: # we do not need it double-encoded, gawd this is dumb un_enc_path = decode_str(unquote(path.text), sickgear.SYS_ENCODING) self._log_debug(u'Updating ' + show_name + ' on ' + host + ' at ' + un_enc_path) update_command = dict(command='ExecBuiltIn', parameter='XBMC.updatelibrary(video, %s)' % un_enc_path) request = self._send_to_xbmc(update_command, host) if not request: self._log_error(u'Update of show directory failed on ' + show_name + ' on ' + host + ' at ' + un_enc_path) return False # sleep for a few seconds just to be sure xbmc has a chance to finish each directory if 1 < len(paths): time.sleep(5) # do a full update if requested else: self._log(u'Doing full library update on host: ' + host) update_command = {'command': 'ExecBuiltIn', 'parameter': 'XBMC.updatelibrary(video)'} request = self._send_to_xbmc(update_command, host) if not request: self._log_error(u'Full Library update failed on: ' + host) return False return True ############################################################################## # JSON-RPC API (XBMC 12+) methods ############################################################################## def _send_to_xbmc_json(self, command, host=None, username=None, password=None): # type: (...) -> Union[bool, Dict] """Handles communication to XBMC servers via JSONRPC Args: command: Dictionary of field/data pairs, encoded via urllib and passed to the XBMC JSON-RPC via HTTP host: XBMC webserver host:port username: XBMC webserver username password: XBMC webserver password Returns: Returns response.result for successful commands or False if there was an error """ if not host: self._log_debug(u'No host passed, aborting update') return False username = self._choose(username, sickgear.XBMC_USERNAME) password = self._choose(password, sickgear.XBMC_PASSWORD) command = command.encode('utf-8') self._log_debug(u'JSON command: ' + command) url = 'http://%s/jsonrpc' % host try: req = urllib.request.Request(url, command) req.add_header('Content-type', 'application/json') # if we have a password, use authentication if password: req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % b64encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password))) self._log_debug(u'Contacting (with auth header) via url: ' + url) else: self._log_debug(u'Contacting via url: ' + url) try: http_response_obj = urllib.request.urlopen(req) # PY2 http_response_obj has no `with` context manager except urllib.error.URLError as e: self._log_warning(u'Error while trying to retrieve API version for "%s": %s' % (host, ex(e))) return False # parse the json result try: result = json_load(http_response_obj) http_response_obj.close() self._log_debug(u'JSON response: ' + str(result)) return result # need to return response for parsing except ValueError: self._log_warning(u'Unable to decode JSON: ' + http_response_obj) return False except IOError as e: self._log_warning(u'Couldn\'t contact JSON API at ' + url + ' ' + ex(e)) return False def _update_library_json(self, host=None, show_name=None): """Handles updating XBMC host via HTTP JSON-RPC Attempts to update the XBMC video library for a specific tv show if passed, otherwise update the whole library if enabled. Args: host: XBMC webserver host:port show_name: Name of a TV show to specifically target the library update for Returns: Returns True or False """ if not host: self._log_debug(u'No host passed, aborting update') return False self._log(u'Updating XMBC library via JSON method for host: ' + host) # if we're doing per-show if show_name: tvshowid = -1 self._log_debug(u'Updating library via JSON method for show ' + show_name) # get tvshowid by showName shows_command = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.GetTVShows","id":1}' shows_response = self._send_to_xbmc_json(shows_command, host) if shows_response and 'result' in shows_response and 'tvshows' in shows_response['result']: shows = shows_response['result']['tvshows'] else: self._log_debug(u'No tvshows in TV show list') return False for show in shows: if show['label'] == show_name: tvshowid = show['tvshowid'] break # exit out of loop otherwise the label and showname will not match up # this can be big, so free some memory del shows # we didn't find the show (exact match), thus revert to just doing a full update if enabled if -1 == tvshowid: self._log_debug(u'Exact show name not matched in TV show list') return False # lookup tv-show path path_command = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.GetTVShowDetails",' \ '"params":{"tvshowid":%d, "properties": ["file"]},"id":1}' % tvshowid path_response = self._send_to_xbmc_json(path_command, host) path = path_response['result']['tvshowdetails']['file'] self._log_debug(u'Received Show: ' + show_name + ' with ID: ' + str(tvshowid) + ' Path: ' + path) if 1 > len(path): self._log_warning(u'No valid path found for ' + show_name + ' with ID: ' + str(tvshowid) + ' on ' + host) return False self._log_debug(u'Updating ' + show_name + ' on ' + host + ' at ' + path) update_command = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.Scan","params":{"directory":%s},"id":1}' % ( json_dumps(path)) request = self._send_to_xbmc_json(update_command, host) if not request: self._log_error(u'Update of show directory failed on ' + show_name + ' on ' + host + ' at ' + path) return False # catch if there was an error in the returned request # noinspection PyTypeChecker for r in request: if 'error' in r: self._log_error( u'Error while attempting to update show directory for ' + show_name + ' on ' + host + ' at ' + path) return False # do a full update if requested else: self._log(u'Doing Full Library update on host: ' + host) update_command = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.Scan","id":1}' request = self._send_to_xbmc_json(update_command, host, sickgear.XBMC_USERNAME, sickgear.XBMC_PASSWORD) if not request: self._log_error(u'Full Library update failed on: ' + host) return False return True def _notify(self, title, body, hosts=None, username=None, password=None, **kwargs): """Internal wrapper for the notify_snatch and notify_download functions Detects JSON-RPC version then branches the logic for either the JSON-RPC or legacy HTTP API methods. Args: title: Title of the notice to send body: Message body of the notice to send hosts: XBMC webserver host:port username: XBMC webserver username password: XBMC webserver password Returns: Returns a list results in the format of host:ip:result The result will either be 'OK' or False, this is used to be parsed by the calling function. """ hosts = self._choose(hosts, sickgear.XBMC_HOST) username = self._choose(username, sickgear.XBMC_USERNAME) password = self._choose(password, sickgear.XBMC_PASSWORD) success = False result = [] for cur_host in [x.strip() for x in hosts.split(',')]: cur_host = unquote_plus(cur_host) self._log(u'Sending notification to "%s"' % cur_host) xbmcapi = self._get_xbmc_version(cur_host, username, password) if xbmcapi: if 4 >= xbmcapi: self._log_debug(u'Detected version <= 11, using HTTP API') command = dict(command='ExecBuiltIn', parameter='Notification(' + title.encode('utf-8') + ',' + body.encode('utf-8') + ')') notify_result = self._send_to_xbmc(command, cur_host, username, password) if notify_result: result += [cur_host + ':' + str(notify_result)] success |= 'OK' in notify_result or success else: self._log_debug(u'Detected version >= 12, using JSON API') command = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"GUI.ShowNotification",' \ '"params":{"title":"%s","message":"%s", "image": "%s"},"id":1}' % \ (title.encode('utf-8'), body.encode('utf-8'), self._sg_logo_url) notify_result = self._send_to_xbmc_json(command, cur_host, username, password) if notify_result.get('result'): result += [cur_host + ':' + decode_str(notify_result['result'], sickgear.SYS_ENCODING)] success |= 'OK' in notify_result or success else: if sickgear.XBMC_ALWAYS_ON or self._testing: self._log_error(u'Failed to detect version for "%s", check configuration and try again' % cur_host) result += [cur_host + ':No response'] success = False return self._choose(('Success, all hosts tested', '
\n'.join(result))[not bool(success)], bool(success)) def update_library(self, show_name=None, **kwargs): """Public wrapper for the update library functions to branch the logic for JSON-RPC or legacy HTTP API Checks the XBMC API version to branch the logic to call either the legacy HTTP API or the newer JSON-RPC over HTTP methods. Do the ability of accepting a list of hosts delimited by comma, only one host is updated, the first to respond with success. This is a workaround for SQL backend users as updating multiple clients causes duplicate entries. Future plan is to revist how we store the host/ip/username/pw/options so that it may be more flexible. Args: show_name: Name of a TV show to specifically target the library update for Returns: Returns True or False """ if not sickgear.XBMC_HOST: self._log_debug(u'No hosts specified, check your settings') return False # either update each host, or only attempt to update until one successful result result = 0 for host in [x.strip() for x in sickgear.XBMC_HOST.split(',')]: if self._send_update_library(host, show_name): if sickgear.XBMC_UPDATE_ONLYFIRST: self._log_debug(u'Successfully updated "%s", stopped sending update library commands' % host) return True else: if sickgear.XBMC_ALWAYS_ON: self._log_error(u'Failed to detect version for "%s", check configuration and try again' % host) result = result + 1 # needed for the 'update xbmc' submenu command # as it only cares of the final result vs the individual ones if not 0 != result: return False return True notifier = XBMCNotifier