# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2011-2012 Antoine Bertin <diaoulael@gmail.com> # # This file is part of subliminal. # # subliminal is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # subliminal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with subliminal. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from . import subtitles from .language import Language from .utils import to_unicode import enzyme.core import guessit import hashlib import logging import mimetypes import os import struct from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek import sickbeard __all__ = ['EXTENSIONS', 'MIMETYPES', 'Video', 'Episode', 'Movie', 'UnknownVideo', 'scan', 'hash_opensubtitles', 'hash_thesubdb'] logger = logging.getLogger("subliminal") #: Video extensions EXTENSIONS = ['.avi', '.mkv', '.mpg', '.mp4', '.m4v', '.mov', '.ogm', '.ogv', '.wmv', '.divx', '.asf'] #: Video mimetypes MIMETYPES = ['video/mpeg', 'video/mp4', 'video/quicktime', 'video/x-ms-wmv', 'video/x-msvideo', 'video/x-flv', 'video/x-matroska', 'video/x-matroska-3d'] class Video(object): """Base class for videos :param string path: path :param guess: guessed informations :type guess: :class:`~guessit.guess.Guess` :param string imdbid: imdbid """ def __init__(self, path, guess, imdbid=None): self.release = path self.guess = guess self.imdbid = imdbid self._path = None self.hashes = {} if isinstance(path, unicode): path = path.encode('utf-8') if os.path.exists(path): self._path = path self.size = os.path.getsize(self._path) self._compute_hashes() @classmethod def from_path(cls, path): """Create a :class:`Video` subclass guessing all informations from the given path :param string path: path :return: video object :rtype: :class:`Episode` or :class:`Movie` or :class:`UnknownVideo` """ guess = guessit.guess_file_info(path, 'autodetect') result = None if guess['type'] == 'episode' and 'series' in guess and 'season' in guess and 'episodeNumber' in guess: title = None if 'title' in guess: title = guess['title'] result = Episode(path, guess['series'], guess['season'], guess['episodeNumber'], title, guess) if guess['type'] == 'movie' and 'title' in guess: year = None if 'year' in guess: year = guess['year'] result = Movie(path, guess['title'], year, guess) if not result: result = UnknownVideo(path, guess) if not isinstance(result, cls): raise ValueError('Video is not of requested type') return result @property def exists(self): """Whether the video exists or not""" if self._path: return os.path.exists(self._path) return False @property def path(self): """Path to the video""" return self._path @path.setter def path(self, value): if not os.path.exists(value): raise ValueError('Path does not exists') self._path = value self.size = os.path.getsize(self._path) self._compute_hashes() def _compute_hashes(self): """Compute different hashes""" self.hashes['OpenSubtitles'] = hash_opensubtitles(self.path) self.hashes['TheSubDB'] = hash_thesubdb(self.path) def scan(self): """Scan and return associated subtitles :return: associated subtitles :rtype: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitles.Subtitle` """ if not self.exists: return [] basepath = os.path.splitext(self.path)[0] results = [] video_infos = None try: video_infos = enzyme.parse(self.path) logger.debug(u'Succeeded parsing %s with enzyme: %r' % (self.path, video_infos)) except: logger.debug(u'Failed parsing %s with enzyme' % self.path) if isinstance(video_infos, enzyme.core.AVContainer): results.extend([subtitles.EmbeddedSubtitle.from_enzyme(self.path, s) for s in video_infos.subtitles]) # cannot use glob here because it chokes if there are any square # brackets inside the filename, so we have to use basic string # startswith/endswith comparisons folder, basename = os.path.split(basepath) if folder == '': folder = '.' existing = [f for f in os.listdir(folder) if f.startswith(basename)] if sickbeard.SUBTITLES_DIR: subsDir = ek.ek(os.path.join, folder, sickbeard.SUBTITLES_DIR) if ek.ek(os.path.isdir, subsDir): existing.extend([f for f in os.listdir(subsDir) if f.startswith(basename)]) for path in existing: for ext in subtitles.EXTENSIONS: if path.endswith(ext): language = Language(path[len(basename) + 1:-len(ext)], strict=False) results.append(subtitles.ExternalSubtitle(path, language)) return results def __unicode__(self): return to_unicode(self.path or self.release) def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('utf-8') def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.path or self.release) class Episode(Video): """Episode :class:`Video` :param string path: path :param string series: series :param int season: season number :param int episode: episode number :param string title: title :param guess: guessed informations :type guess: :class:`~guessit.guess.Guess` :param string tvdbid: tvdbid :param string imdbid: imdbid """ def __init__(self, path, series, season, episode, title=None, guess=None, tvdbid=None, imdbid=None): super(Episode, self).__init__(path, guess, imdbid) self.series = series self.title = title self.season = season self.episode = episode self.tvdbid = tvdbid class Movie(Video): """Movie :class:`Video` :param string path: path :param string title: title :param int year: year :param guess: guessed informations :type guess: :class:`~guessit.guess.Guess` :param string imdbid: imdbid """ def __init__(self, path, title, year=None, guess=None, imdbid=None): super(Movie, self).__init__(path, guess, imdbid) self.title = title self.year = year class UnknownVideo(Video): """Unknown video""" pass def scan(entry, max_depth=3, scan_filter=None, depth=0): """Scan a path for videos and subtitles :param string entry: path :param int max_depth: maximum folder depth :param function scan_filter: filter function that takes a path as argument and returns a boolean indicating whether it has to be filtered out (``True``) or not (``False``) :param int depth: starting depth :return: found videos and subtitles :rtype: list of (:class:`Video`, [:class:`~subliminal.subtitles.Subtitle`]) """ if isinstance(entry, unicode): entry = entry.encode('utf-8') if depth > max_depth and max_depth != 0: # we do not want to search the whole file system except if max_depth = 0 return [] if os.path.isdir(entry): # a dir? recurse logger.debug(u'Scanning directory %s with depth %d/%d' % (entry, depth, max_depth)) result = [] for e in os.listdir(entry): result.extend(scan(os.path.join(entry, e), max_depth, scan_filter, depth + 1)) return result if os.path.isfile(entry) or depth == 0: logger.debug(u'Scanning file %s with depth %d/%d' % (entry, depth, max_depth)) if depth != 0: # trust the user: only check for valid format if recursing if mimetypes.guess_type(entry)[0] not in MIMETYPES and os.path.splitext(entry)[1] not in EXTENSIONS: return [] if scan_filter is not None and scan_filter(entry): return [] video = Video.from_path(entry) return [(video, video.scan())] logger.warning(u'Scanning entry %s failed with depth %d/%d' % (entry, depth, max_depth)) return [] # anything else def hash_opensubtitles(path): """Compute a hash using OpenSubtitles' algorithm :param string path: path :return: hash :rtype: string """ longlongformat = 'q' # long long bytesize = struct.calcsize(longlongformat) with open(path, 'rb') as f: filesize = os.path.getsize(path) filehash = filesize if filesize < 65536 * 2: return None for _ in range(65536 / bytesize): filebuffer = f.read(bytesize) (l_value,) = struct.unpack(longlongformat, filebuffer) filehash += l_value filehash = filehash & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF # to remain as 64bit number f.seek(max(0, filesize - 65536), 0) for _ in range(65536 / bytesize): filebuffer = f.read(bytesize) (l_value,) = struct.unpack(longlongformat, filebuffer) filehash += l_value filehash = filehash & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF returnedhash = '%016x' % filehash logger.debug(u'Computed OpenSubtitle hash %s for %s' % (returnedhash, path)) return returnedhash def hash_thesubdb(path): """Compute a hash using TheSubDB's algorithm :param string path: path :return: hash :rtype: string """ readsize = 64 * 1024 if os.path.getsize(path) < readsize: return None with open(path, 'rb') as f: data = f.read(readsize) f.seek(-readsize, os.SEEK_END) data += f.read(readsize) returnedhash = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest() logger.debug(u'Computed TheSubDB hash %s for %s' % (returnedhash, path)) return returnedhash