# Author: Maciej Olesinski (https://github.com/molesinski/) # Based on prowl.py by Nic Wolfe # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickRage. # # SickRage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickRage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickRage. If not, see . from httplib import HTTPSConnection, HTTPException from urllib import urlencode from ssl import SSLError import sickbeard from sickbeard import logger, common class PushalotNotifier: def test_notify(self, pushalot_authorizationtoken): return self._sendPushalot(pushalot_authorizationtoken, event="Test", message="Testing Pushalot settings from SickRage", force=True) def notify_snatch(self, ep_name): if sickbeard.PUSHALOT_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH: self._sendPushalot(pushalot_authorizationtoken=None, event=common.notifyStrings[common.NOTIFY_SNATCH], message=ep_name) def notify_download(self, ep_name): if sickbeard.PUSHALOT_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD: self._sendPushalot(pushalot_authorizationtoken=None, event=common.notifyStrings[common.NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD], message=ep_name) def notify_subtitle_download(self, ep_name, lang): if sickbeard.PUSHALOT_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD: self._sendPushalot(pushalot_authorizationtoken=None, event=common.notifyStrings[common.NOTIFY_SUBTITLE_DOWNLOAD], message=ep_name + ": " + lang) def notify_sickrage_update(self, new_version = "??"): if sickbeard.USE_PUSHALOT: update_text=common.notifyStrings[common.NOTIFY_SICKRAGE_UPDATE_TEXT] title=common.notifyStrings[common.NOTIFY_SICKRAGE_UPDATE] self._sendPushalot(pushalot_authorizationtoken=None, event=title, message=update_text + new_version) def _sendPushalot(self, pushalot_authorizationtoken=None, event=None, message=None, force=False): if not sickbeard.USE_PUSHALOT and not force: return False if pushalot_authorizationtoken == None: pushalot_authorizationtoken = sickbeard.PUSHALOT_AUTHORIZATIONTOKEN logger.log(u"Pushalot event: " + event, logger.DEBUG) logger.log(u"Pushalot message: " + message, logger.DEBUG) logger.log(u"Pushalot api: " + pushalot_authorizationtoken, logger.DEBUG) http_handler = HTTPSConnection("pushalot.com") data = {'AuthorizationToken': pushalot_authorizationtoken, 'Title': event.encode('utf-8'), 'Body': message.encode('utf-8')} try: http_handler.request("POST", "/api/sendmessage", headers={'Content-type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, body=urlencode(data)) except (SSLError, HTTPException): logger.log(u"Pushalot notification failed.", logger.ERROR) return False response = http_handler.getresponse() request_status = response.status if request_status == 200: logger.log(u"Pushalot notifications sent.", logger.DEBUG) return True elif request_status == 410: logger.log(u"Pushalot auth failed: %s" % response.reason, logger.ERROR) return False else: logger.log(u"Pushalot notification failed.", logger.ERROR) return False notifier = PushalotNotifier