# Author: Nic Wolfe # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of Sick Beard. # # Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Sick Beard. If not, see . from __future__ import with_statement import os.path import time import urllib import re import threading import datetime import random import locale import logging import itertools import operator from Cheetah.Template import Template import cherrypy import cherrypy.lib import cherrypy.lib.cptools import sickbeard from sickbeard import config, sab from sickbeard import clients from sickbeard import history, notifiers, processTV from sickbeard import ui from sickbeard import logger, helpers, exceptions, classes, db from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek from sickbeard import search_queue from sickbeard import image_cache from sickbeard import naming from sickbeard import scene_exceptions from sickbeard import subtitles from sickbeard import failed_history from sickbeard import failedProcessor from sickbeard import network_timezones from sickbeard.providers import newznab, rsstorrent from sickbeard.common import Quality, Overview, statusStrings, qualityPresetStrings from sickbeard.common import SNATCHED, SKIPPED, UNAIRED, IGNORED, ARCHIVED, WANTED, FAILED from sickbeard.common import SD, HD720p, HD1080p from sickbeard.exceptions import ex from sickbeard.webapi import Api from sickbeard.scene_exceptions import get_scene_exceptions from sickbeard.scene_numbering import get_scene_numbering, set_scene_numbering, get_scene_numbering_for_show, \ get_xem_numbering_for_show from sickbeard.providers.generic import TorrentProvider from lib.dateutil import tz from lib.unrar2 import RarFile, RarInfo from lib import subliminal try: import json except ImportError: from lib import simplejson as json try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from sickbeard import browser def _handle_reverse_proxy(): if sickbeard.HANDLE_REVERSE_PROXY: cherrypy.lib.cptools.proxy() cherrypy.tools.handle_reverse_proxy = cherrypy.Tool('before_handler', _handle_reverse_proxy) class PageTemplate(Template): def __init__(self, *args, **KWs): KWs['file'] = os.path.join(sickbeard.PROG_DIR, "gui/" + sickbeard.GUI_NAME + "/interfaces/default/",KWs['file']) super(PageTemplate, self).__init__(*args, **KWs) self.sbRoot = sickbeard.WEB_ROOT self.sbHttpPort = sickbeard.WEB_PORT self.sbHttpsPort = sickbeard.WEB_PORT self.sbHttpsEnabled = sickbeard.ENABLE_HTTPS self.sbHandleReverseProxy = sickbeard.HANDLE_REVERSE_PROXY if cherrypy.request.headers['Host'][0] == '[': self.sbHost = re.match("^\[.*\]", cherrypy.request.headers['Host'], re.X | re.M | re.S).group(0) else: self.sbHost = re.match("^[^:]+", cherrypy.request.headers['Host'], re.X | re.M | re.S).group(0) self.projectHomePage = "http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/" if sickbeard.NZBS and sickbeard.NZBS_UID and sickbeard.NZBS_HASH: logger.log(u"NZBs.org has been replaced, please check the config to configure the new provider!", logger.ERROR) ui.notifications.error("NZBs.org Config Update", "NZBs.org has a new site. Please update your config with the api key from http://nzbs.org and then disable the old NZBs.org provider.") if "X-Forwarded-Host" in cherrypy.request.headers: self.sbHost = cherrypy.request.headers['X-Forwarded-Host'] if "X-Forwarded-Port" in cherrypy.request.headers: self.sbHttpPort = cherrypy.request.headers['X-Forwarded-Port'] self.sbHttpsPort = self.sbHttpPort if "X-Forwarded-Proto" in cherrypy.request.headers: self.sbHttpsEnabled = True if cherrypy.request.headers['X-Forwarded-Proto'] == 'https' else False logPageTitle = 'Logs & Errors' if len(classes.ErrorViewer.errors): logPageTitle += ' (' + str(len(classes.ErrorViewer.errors)) + ')' self.logPageTitle = logPageTitle self.sbPID = str(sickbeard.PID) self.menu = [ {'title': 'Home', 'key': 'home'}, {'title': 'Coming Episodes', 'key': 'comingEpisodes'}, {'title': 'History', 'key': 'history'}, {'title': 'Manage', 'key': 'manage'}, {'title': 'Config', 'key': 'config'}, {'title': logPageTitle, 'key': 'errorlogs'}, ] def redirect(abspath, *args, **KWs): assert abspath[0] == '/' raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(sickbeard.WEB_ROOT + abspath, *args, **KWs) class IndexerWebUI: def __init__(self, config, log=None): self.config = config self.log = log def selectSeries(self, allSeries): searchList = ",".join([x['id'] for x in allSeries]) showDirList = "" for curShowDir in self.config['_showDir']: showDirList += "showDir=" + curShowDir + "&" redirect("/home/addShows/addShow?" + showDirList + "seriesList=" + searchList) def _munge(string): return unicode(string).encode('utf-8', 'xmlcharrefreplace') def _genericMessage(subject, message): t = PageTemplate(file="genericMessage.tmpl") t.submenu = HomeMenu() t.subject = subject t.message = message return _munge(t) def _getEpisode(show, season, episode): if show is None or season is None or episode is None: return "Invalid parameters" showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show)) if showObj is None: return "Show not in show list" epObj = showObj.getEpisode(int(season), int(episode)) if epObj is None: return "Episode couldn't be retrieved" return epObj def ManageMenu(): manageMenu = [ {'title': 'Backlog Overview', 'path': 'manage/backlogOverview/'}, {'title': 'Manage Searches', 'path': 'manage/manageSearches/'}, {'title': 'Episode Status Management', 'path': 'manage/episodeStatuses/'}, ] if sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS and sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD != 'blackhole' \ and (sickbeard.ENABLE_HTTPS and sickbeard.TORRENT_HOST[:5] == 'https' or not sickbeard.ENABLE_HTTPS and sickbeard.TORRENT_HOST[:5] == 'http:'): manageMenu.append({'title': 'Manage Torrents', 'path': 'manage/manageTorrents/'}) if sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES: manageMenu.append({'title': 'Missed Subtitle Management', 'path': 'manage/subtitleMissed/'}) if sickbeard.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS: manageMenu.append({'title': 'Failed Downloads', 'path': 'manage/failedDownloads/'}) return manageMenu class ManageSearches: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): t = PageTemplate(file="manage_manageSearches.tmpl") #t.backlogPI = sickbeard.backlogSearchScheduler.action.getProgressIndicator() t.backlogPaused = sickbeard.searchQueueScheduler.action.is_backlog_paused() # @UndefinedVariable t.backlogRunning = sickbeard.searchQueueScheduler.action.is_backlog_in_progress() # @UndefinedVariable t.searchStatus = sickbeard.dailySearchScheduler.action.amActive # @UndefinedVariable t.submenu = ManageMenu() return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def forceBacklog(self): # force it to run the next time it looks result = sickbeard.backlogSearchScheduler.forceRun() if result: logger.log(u"Backlog search forced") ui.notifications.message('Backlog search started') redirect("/manage/manageSearches/") @cherrypy.expose def forceSearch(self): # force it to run the next time it looks result = sickbeard.dailySearchScheduler.forceRun() if result: logger.log(u"Daily search forced") ui.notifications.message('Daily search for new releases started') redirect("/manage/manageSearches/") @cherrypy.expose def pauseBacklog(self, paused=None): if paused == "1": sickbeard.searchQueueScheduler.action.pause_backlog() # @UndefinedVariable else: sickbeard.searchQueueScheduler.action.unpause_backlog() # @UndefinedVariable redirect("/manage/manageSearches/") @cherrypy.expose def forceVersionCheck(self): # force a check to see if there is a new version result = sickbeard.versionCheckScheduler.action.check_for_new_version(force=True) # @UndefinedVariable if result: logger.log(u"Forcing version check") redirect("/manage/manageSearches/") class Manage: manageSearches = ManageSearches() @cherrypy.expose def index(self): t = PageTemplate(file="manage.tmpl") t.submenu = ManageMenu() return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def showEpisodeStatuses(self, indexer_id, whichStatus): myDB = db.DBConnection() status_list = [int(whichStatus)] if status_list[0] == SNATCHED: status_list = Quality.SNATCHED + Quality.SNATCHED_PROPER cur_show_results = myDB.select( "SELECT season, episode, name FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND season != 0 AND status IN (" + ','.join( ['?'] * len(status_list)) + ")", [int(indexer_id)] + status_list) result = {} for cur_result in cur_show_results: cur_season = int(cur_result["season"]) cur_episode = int(cur_result["episode"]) if cur_season not in result: result[cur_season] = {} result[cur_season][cur_episode] = cur_result["name"] return json.dumps(result) @cherrypy.expose def episodeStatuses(self, whichStatus=None): if whichStatus: whichStatus = int(whichStatus) status_list = [whichStatus] if status_list[0] == SNATCHED: status_list = Quality.SNATCHED + Quality.SNATCHED_PROPER else: status_list = [] t = PageTemplate(file="manage_episodeStatuses.tmpl") t.submenu = ManageMenu() t.whichStatus = whichStatus # if we have no status then this is as far as we need to go if not status_list: return _munge(t) myDB = db.DBConnection() status_results = myDB.select( "SELECT show_name, tv_shows.indexer_id as indexer_id FROM tv_episodes, tv_shows WHERE tv_episodes.status IN (" + ','.join( ['?'] * len( status_list)) + ") AND season != 0 AND tv_episodes.showid = tv_shows.indexer_id ORDER BY show_name", status_list) ep_counts = {} show_names = {} sorted_show_ids = [] for cur_status_result in status_results: cur_indexer_id = int(cur_status_result["indexer_id"]) if cur_indexer_id not in ep_counts: ep_counts[cur_indexer_id] = 1 else: ep_counts[cur_indexer_id] += 1 show_names[cur_indexer_id] = cur_status_result["show_name"] if cur_indexer_id not in sorted_show_ids: sorted_show_ids.append(cur_indexer_id) t.show_names = show_names t.ep_counts = ep_counts t.sorted_show_ids = sorted_show_ids return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def changeEpisodeStatuses(self, oldStatus, newStatus, *args, **kwargs): status_list = [int(oldStatus)] if status_list[0] == SNATCHED: status_list = Quality.SNATCHED + Quality.SNATCHED_PROPER to_change = {} # make a list of all shows and their associated args for arg in kwargs: indexer_id, what = arg.split('-') # we don't care about unchecked checkboxes if kwargs[arg] != 'on': continue if indexer_id not in to_change: to_change[indexer_id] = [] to_change[indexer_id].append(what) myDB = db.DBConnection() for cur_indexer_id in to_change: # get a list of all the eps we want to change if they just said "all" if 'all' in to_change[cur_indexer_id]: all_eps_results = myDB.select("SELECT season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE status IN (" + ','.join( ['?'] * len(status_list)) + ") AND season != 0 AND showid = ?", status_list + [cur_indexer_id]) all_eps = [str(x["season"]) + 'x' + str(x["episode"]) for x in all_eps_results] to_change[cur_indexer_id] = all_eps Home().setStatus(cur_indexer_id, '|'.join(to_change[cur_indexer_id]), newStatus, direct=True) redirect('/manage/episodeStatuses') @cherrypy.expose def showSubtitleMissed(self, indexer_id, whichSubs): myDB = db.DBConnection() cur_show_results = myDB.select( "SELECT season, episode, name, subtitles FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND season != 0 AND status LIKE '%4'", [int(indexer_id)]) result = {} for cur_result in cur_show_results: if whichSubs == 'all': if len(set(cur_result["subtitles"].split(',')).intersection(set(subtitles.wantedLanguages()))) >= len( subtitles.wantedLanguages()): continue elif whichSubs in cur_result["subtitles"].split(','): continue cur_season = int(cur_result["season"]) cur_episode = int(cur_result["episode"]) if cur_season not in result: result[cur_season] = {} if cur_episode not in result[cur_season]: result[cur_season][cur_episode] = {} result[cur_season][cur_episode]["name"] = cur_result["name"] result[cur_season][cur_episode]["subtitles"] = ",".join( subliminal.language.Language(subtitle).alpha2 for subtitle in cur_result["subtitles"].split(',')) if not \ cur_result["subtitles"] == '' else '' return json.dumps(result) @cherrypy.expose def subtitleMissed(self, whichSubs=None): t = PageTemplate(file="manage_subtitleMissed.tmpl") t.submenu = ManageMenu() t.whichSubs = whichSubs if not whichSubs: return _munge(t) myDB = db.DBConnection() status_results = myDB.select( "SELECT show_name, tv_shows.indexer_id as indexer_id, tv_episodes.subtitles subtitles FROM tv_episodes, tv_shows WHERE tv_shows.subtitles = 1 AND tv_episodes.status LIKE '%4' AND tv_episodes.season != 0 AND tv_episodes.showid = tv_shows.indexer_id ORDER BY show_name") ep_counts = {} show_names = {} sorted_show_ids = [] for cur_status_result in status_results: if whichSubs == 'all': if len(set(cur_status_result["subtitles"].split(',')).intersection( set(subtitles.wantedLanguages()))) >= len(subtitles.wantedLanguages()): continue elif whichSubs in cur_status_result["subtitles"].split(','): continue cur_indexer_id = int(cur_status_result["indexer_id"]) if cur_indexer_id not in ep_counts: ep_counts[cur_indexer_id] = 1 else: ep_counts[cur_indexer_id] += 1 show_names[cur_indexer_id] = cur_status_result["show_name"] if cur_indexer_id not in sorted_show_ids: sorted_show_ids.append(cur_indexer_id) t.show_names = show_names t.ep_counts = ep_counts t.sorted_show_ids = sorted_show_ids return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def downloadSubtitleMissed(self, *args, **kwargs): to_download = {} # make a list of all shows and their associated args for arg in kwargs: indexer_id, what = arg.split('-') # we don't care about unchecked checkboxes if kwargs[arg] != 'on': continue if indexer_id not in to_download: to_download[indexer_id] = [] to_download[indexer_id].append(what) for cur_indexer_id in to_download: # get a list of all the eps we want to download subtitles if they just said "all" if 'all' in to_download[cur_indexer_id]: myDB = db.DBConnection() all_eps_results = myDB.select( "SELECT season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE status LIKE '%4' AND season != 0 AND showid = ?", [cur_indexer_id]) to_download[cur_indexer_id] = [str(x["season"]) + 'x' + str(x["episode"]) for x in all_eps_results] for epResult in to_download[cur_indexer_id]: season, episode = epResult.split('x'); show = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(cur_indexer_id)) subtitles = show.getEpisode(int(season), int(episode)).downloadSubtitles() redirect('/manage/subtitleMissed/') @cherrypy.expose def backlogShow(self, indexer_id): show_obj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(indexer_id)) if show_obj: sickbeard.backlogSearchScheduler.action.searchBacklog([show_obj]) # @UndefinedVariable redirect("/manage/backlogOverview/") @cherrypy.expose def backlogOverview(self): t = PageTemplate(file="manage_backlogOverview.tmpl") t.submenu = ManageMenu() myDB = db.DBConnection() showCounts = {} showCats = {} showSQLResults = {} for curShow in sickbeard.showList: epCounts = {} epCats = {} epCounts[Overview.SKIPPED] = 0 epCounts[Overview.WANTED] = 0 epCounts[Overview.QUAL] = 0 epCounts[Overview.GOOD] = 0 epCounts[Overview.UNAIRED] = 0 epCounts[Overview.SNATCHED] = 0 sqlResults = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? ORDER BY season DESC, episode DESC", [curShow.indexerid]) for curResult in sqlResults: curEpCat = curShow.getOverview(int(curResult["status"])) epCats[str(curResult["season"]) + "x" + str(curResult["episode"])] = curEpCat epCounts[curEpCat] += 1 showCounts[curShow.indexerid] = epCounts showCats[curShow.indexerid] = epCats showSQLResults[curShow.indexerid] = sqlResults t.showCounts = showCounts t.showCats = showCats t.showSQLResults = showSQLResults return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def massEdit(self, toEdit=None): t = PageTemplate(file="manage_massEdit.tmpl") t.submenu = ManageMenu() if not toEdit: redirect("/manage/") showIDs = toEdit.split("|") showList = [] for curID in showIDs: curID = int(curID) showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, curID) if showObj: showList.append(showObj) flatten_folders_all_same = True last_flatten_folders = None paused_all_same = True last_paused = None quality_all_same = True last_quality = None subtitles_all_same = True last_subtitles = None root_dir_list = [] for curShow in showList: cur_root_dir = ek.ek(os.path.dirname, curShow._location) if cur_root_dir not in root_dir_list: root_dir_list.append(cur_root_dir) # if we know they're not all the same then no point even bothering if paused_all_same: # if we had a value already and this value is different then they're not all the same if last_paused not in (curShow.paused, None): paused_all_same = False else: last_paused = curShow.paused if flatten_folders_all_same: if last_flatten_folders not in (None, curShow.flatten_folders): flatten_folders_all_same = False else: last_flatten_folders = curShow.flatten_folders if quality_all_same: if last_quality not in (None, curShow.quality): quality_all_same = False else: last_quality = curShow.quality if subtitles_all_same: if last_subtitles not in (None, curShow.subtitles): subtitles_all_same = False else: last_subtitles = curShow.subtitles t.showList = toEdit t.paused_value = last_paused if paused_all_same else None t.flatten_folders_value = last_flatten_folders if flatten_folders_all_same else None t.quality_value = last_quality if quality_all_same else None t.subtitles_value = last_subtitles if subtitles_all_same else None t.root_dir_list = root_dir_list return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def massEditSubmit(self, paused=None, flatten_folders=None, quality_preset=False, subtitles=None, anyQualities=[], bestQualities=[], toEdit=None, *args, **kwargs): dir_map = {} for cur_arg in kwargs: if not cur_arg.startswith('orig_root_dir_'): continue which_index = cur_arg.replace('orig_root_dir_', '') end_dir = kwargs['new_root_dir_' + which_index] dir_map[kwargs[cur_arg]] = end_dir showIDs = toEdit.split("|") errors = [] for curShow in showIDs: curErrors = [] showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(curShow)) if not showObj: continue cur_root_dir = ek.ek(os.path.dirname, showObj._location) cur_show_dir = ek.ek(os.path.basename, showObj._location) if cur_root_dir in dir_map and cur_root_dir != dir_map[cur_root_dir]: new_show_dir = ek.ek(os.path.join, dir_map[cur_root_dir], cur_show_dir) logger.log( u"For show " + showObj.name + " changing dir from " + showObj._location + " to " + new_show_dir) else: new_show_dir = showObj._location if paused == 'keep': new_paused = showObj.paused else: new_paused = True if paused == 'enable' else False new_paused = 'on' if new_paused else 'off' if flatten_folders == 'keep': new_flatten_folders = showObj.flatten_folders else: new_flatten_folders = True if flatten_folders == 'enable' else False new_flatten_folders = 'on' if new_flatten_folders else 'off' if subtitles == 'keep': new_subtitles = showObj.subtitles else: new_subtitles = True if subtitles == 'enable' else False new_subtitles = 'on' if new_subtitles else 'off' if quality_preset == 'keep': anyQualities, bestQualities = Quality.splitQuality(showObj.quality) exceptions_list = [] curErrors += Home().editShow(curShow, new_show_dir, anyQualities, bestQualities, exceptions_list, new_flatten_folders, new_paused, subtitles=new_subtitles, directCall=True) if curErrors: logger.log(u"Errors: " + str(curErrors), logger.ERROR) errors.append('%s:\n") if len(errors) > 0: ui.notifications.error('%d error%s while saving changes:' % (len(errors), "" if len(errors) == 1 else "s"), " ".join(errors)) redirect("/manage/") @cherrypy.expose def massUpdate(self, toUpdate=None, toRefresh=None, toRename=None, toDelete=None, toMetadata=None, toSubtitle=None): if toUpdate is not None: toUpdate = toUpdate.split('|') else: toUpdate = [] if toRefresh is not None: toRefresh = toRefresh.split('|') else: toRefresh = [] if toRename is not None: toRename = toRename.split('|') else: toRename = [] if toSubtitle is not None: toSubtitle = toSubtitle.split('|') else: toSubtitle = [] if toDelete is not None: toDelete = toDelete.split('|') else: toDelete = [] if toMetadata is not None: toMetadata = toMetadata.split('|') else: toMetadata = [] errors = [] refreshes = [] updates = [] renames = [] subtitles = [] for curShowID in set(toUpdate + toRefresh + toRename + toSubtitle + toDelete + toMetadata): if curShowID == '': continue showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(curShowID)) if showObj is None: continue if curShowID in toDelete: showObj.deleteShow() # don't do anything else if it's being deleted continue if curShowID in toUpdate: try: sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.updateShow(showObj, True) # @UndefinedVariable updates.append(showObj.name) except exceptions.CantUpdateException, e: errors.append("Unable to update show " + showObj.name + ": " + ex(e)) # don't bother refreshing shows that were updated anyway if curShowID in toRefresh and curShowID not in toUpdate: try: sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.refreshShow(showObj) # @UndefinedVariable refreshes.append(showObj.name) except exceptions.CantRefreshException, e: errors.append("Unable to refresh show " + showObj.name + ": " + ex(e)) if curShowID in toRename: sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.renameShowEpisodes(showObj) # @UndefinedVariable renames.append(showObj.name) if curShowID in toSubtitle: sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.downloadSubtitles(showObj) # @UndefinedVariable subtitles.append(showObj.name) if len(errors) > 0: ui.notifications.error("Errors encountered", '
\n'.join(errors)) messageDetail = "" if len(updates) > 0: messageDetail += "
" if len(refreshes) > 0: messageDetail += "
" if len(renames) > 0: messageDetail += "
" if len(subtitles) > 0: messageDetail += "
" if len(updates + refreshes + renames + subtitles) > 0: ui.notifications.message("The following actions were queued:", messageDetail) redirect("/manage/") @cherrypy.expose def manageTorrents(self): t = PageTemplate(file="manage_torrents.tmpl") t.info_download_station = '' t.submenu = ManageMenu() if re.search('localhost', sickbeard.TORRENT_HOST): if sickbeard.LOCALHOST_IP == '': t.webui_url = re.sub('localhost', helpers.get_lan_ip(), sickbeard.TORRENT_HOST) else: t.webui_url = re.sub('localhost', sickbeard.LOCALHOST_IP, sickbeard.TORRENT_HOST) else: t.webui_url = sickbeard.TORRENT_HOST if sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD == 'utorrent': t.webui_url = '/'.join(s.strip('/') for s in (t.webui_url, 'gui/')) if sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD == 'download_station': if helpers.check_url(t.webui_url + 'download/'): t.webui_url = t.webui_url + 'download/' else: t.info_download_station = '

To have a better experience please set the Download Station alias as download, you can check this setting in the Synology DSM Control Panel > Application Portal. Make sure you allow DSM to be embedded with iFrames too in Control Panel > DSM Settings > Security.

There is more information about this available here.

' return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def failedDownloads(self, limit=100, toRemove=None): myDB = db.DBConnection("failed.db") if limit == "0": sqlResults = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM failed") else: sqlResults = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM failed LIMIT ?", [limit]) toRemove = toRemove.split("|") if toRemove is not None else [] for release in toRemove: myDB.action('DELETE FROM failed WHERE release = ?', [release]) if toRemove: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/manage/failedDownloads/') t = PageTemplate(file="manage_failedDownloads.tmpl") t.failedResults = sqlResults t.limit = limit t.submenu = ManageMenu() return _munge(t) class History: @cherrypy.expose def index(self, limit=100): myDB = db.DBConnection() # sqlResults = myDB.select("SELECT h.*, show_name, name FROM history h, tv_shows s, tv_episodes e WHERE h.showid=s.indexer_id AND h.showid=e.showid AND h.season=e.season AND h.episode=e.episode ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT "+str(numPerPage*(p-1))+", "+str(numPerPage)) if limit == "0": sqlResults = myDB.select( "SELECT h.*, show_name FROM history h, tv_shows s WHERE h.showid=s.indexer_id ORDER BY date DESC") else: sqlResults = myDB.select( "SELECT h.*, show_name FROM history h, tv_shows s WHERE h.showid=s.indexer_id ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT ?", [limit]) history = {'show_id': 0, 'season': 0, 'episode': 0, 'quality': 0, 'actions': [{'time': '', 'action': '', 'provider': ''}]} compact = [] for sql_result in sqlResults: if not any((history['show_id'] == sql_result['showid'] and history['season'] == sql_result['season'] and history['episode'] == sql_result['episode'] and history['quality'] == sql_result['quality']) for history in compact): history = {} history['show_id'] = sql_result['showid'] history['season'] = sql_result['season'] history['episode'] = sql_result['episode'] history['quality'] = sql_result['quality'] history['show_name'] = sql_result['show_name'] history['resource'] = sql_result['resource'] action = {} history['actions'] = [] action['time'] = sql_result['date'] action['action'] = sql_result['action'] action['provider'] = sql_result['provider'] action['resource'] = sql_result['resource'] history['actions'].append(action) history['actions'].sort(key=lambda x: x['time']) compact.append(history) else: index = [i for i, dict in enumerate(compact) \ if dict['show_id'] == sql_result['showid'] \ and dict['season'] == sql_result['season'] \ and dict['episode'] == sql_result['episode'] and dict['quality'] == sql_result['quality']][0] action = {} history = compact[index] action['time'] = sql_result['date'] action['action'] = sql_result['action'] action['provider'] = sql_result['provider'] action['resource'] = sql_result['resource'] history['actions'].append(action) history['actions'].sort(key=lambda x: x['time'], reverse=True) t = PageTemplate(file="history.tmpl") t.historyResults = sqlResults t.compactResults = compact t.limit = limit t.submenu = [ {'title': 'Clear History', 'path': 'history/clearHistory'}, {'title': 'Trim History', 'path': 'history/trimHistory'}, ] return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def clearHistory(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() myDB.action("DELETE FROM history WHERE 1=1") ui.notifications.message('History cleared') redirect("/history/") @cherrypy.expose def trimHistory(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() myDB.action("DELETE FROM history WHERE date < " + str( (datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=30)).strftime(history.dateFormat))) ui.notifications.message('Removed history entries greater than 30 days old') redirect("/history/") ConfigMenu = [ {'title': 'General', 'path': 'config/general/'}, {'title': 'Search Settings', 'path': 'config/search/'}, {'title': 'Search Providers', 'path': 'config/providers/'}, {'title': 'Subtitles Settings', 'path': 'config/subtitles/'}, {'title': 'Post Processing', 'path': 'config/postProcessing/'}, {'title': 'Notifications', 'path': 'config/notifications/'}, ] class ConfigGeneral: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): t = PageTemplate(file="config_general.tmpl") t.submenu = ConfigMenu return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def saveRootDirs(self, rootDirString=None): sickbeard.ROOT_DIRS = rootDirString @cherrypy.expose def saveAddShowDefaults(self, defaultStatus, anyQualities, bestQualities, defaultFlattenFolders, subtitles=False): if anyQualities: anyQualities = anyQualities.split(',') else: anyQualities = [] if bestQualities: bestQualities = bestQualities.split(',') else: bestQualities = [] newQuality = Quality.combineQualities(map(int, anyQualities), map(int, bestQualities)) sickbeard.STATUS_DEFAULT = int(defaultStatus) sickbeard.QUALITY_DEFAULT = int(newQuality) sickbeard.FLATTEN_FOLDERS_DEFAULT = config.checkbox_to_value(defaultFlattenFolders) sickbeard.SUBTITLES_DEFAULT = config.checkbox_to_value(subtitles) sickbeard.save_config() @cherrypy.expose def generateKey(self): """ Return a new randomized API_KEY """ try: from hashlib import md5 except ImportError: from md5 import md5 # Create some values to seed md5 t = str(time.time()) r = str(random.random()) # Create the md5 instance and give it the current time m = md5(t) # Update the md5 instance with the random variable m.update(r) # Return a hex digest of the md5, eg 49f68a5c8493ec2c0bf489821c21fc3b logger.log(u"New API generated") return m.hexdigest() @cherrypy.expose def saveGeneral(self, log_dir=None, web_port=None, web_log=None, encryption_version=None, web_ipv6=None, update_shows_on_start=None, update_frequency=None, launch_browser=None, web_username=None, use_api=None, api_key=None, web_password=None, version_notify=None, enable_https=None, https_cert=None, https_key=None, handle_reverse_proxy=None, sort_article=None, auto_update=None, proxy_setting=None, anon_redirect=None, git_path=None, calendar_unprotected=None, date_preset=None, time_preset=None, indexer_default=None, timezone_display=None, cpu_preset=None): results = [] # Misc sickbeard.LAUNCH_BROWSER = config.checkbox_to_value(launch_browser) config.change_VERSION_NOTIFY(config.checkbox_to_value(version_notify)) sickbeard.AUTO_UPDATE = config.checkbox_to_value(auto_update) # sickbeard.LOG_DIR is set in config.change_LOG_DIR() sickbeard.UPDATE_SHOWS_ON_START = config.checkbox_to_value(update_shows_on_start) config.change_UPDATE_FREQUENCY(update_frequency) sickbeard.LAUNCH_BROWSER = config.checkbox_to_value(launch_browser) sickbeard.SORT_ARTICLE = config.checkbox_to_value(sort_article) sickbeard.CPU_PRESET = cpu_preset sickbeard.ANON_REDIRECT = anon_redirect sickbeard.PROXY_SETTING = proxy_setting sickbeard.GIT_PATH = git_path sickbeard.CALENDAR_UNPROTECTED = config.checkbox_to_value(calendar_unprotected) # sickbeard.LOG_DIR is set in config.change_LOG_DIR() sickbeard.WEB_PORT = config.to_int(web_port) sickbeard.WEB_IPV6 = config.checkbox_to_value(web_ipv6) # sickbeard.WEB_LOG is set in config.change_LOG_DIR() sickbeard.ENCRYPTION_VERSION = config.checkbox_to_value(encryption_version) sickbeard.WEB_USERNAME = web_username sickbeard.WEB_PASSWORD = web_password if date_preset: sickbeard.DATE_PRESET = date_preset if indexer_default: sickbeard.INDEXER_DEFAULT = config.to_int(indexer_default) if time_preset: sickbeard.TIME_PRESET_W_SECONDS = time_preset sickbeard.TIME_PRESET = sickbeard.TIME_PRESET_W_SECONDS.replace(u":%S", u"") sickbeard.TIMEZONE_DISPLAY = timezone_display if not config.change_LOG_DIR(log_dir, web_log): results += ["Unable to create directory " + os.path.normpath(log_dir) + ", log directory not changed."] sickbeard.USE_API = config.checkbox_to_value(use_api) sickbeard.API_KEY = api_key sickbeard.ENABLE_HTTPS = config.checkbox_to_value(enable_https) if not config.change_HTTPS_CERT(https_cert): results += [ "Unable to create directory " + os.path.normpath(https_cert) + ", https cert directory not changed."] if not config.change_HTTPS_KEY(https_key): results += [ "Unable to create directory " + os.path.normpath(https_key) + ", https key directory not changed."] sickbeard.HANDLE_REVERSE_PROXY = config.checkbox_to_value(handle_reverse_proxy) sickbeard.save_config() if len(results) > 0: for x in results: logger.log(x, logger.ERROR) ui.notifications.error('Error(s) Saving Configuration', '
\n'.join(results)) else: ui.notifications.message('Configuration Saved', ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE)) redirect("/config/general/") class ConfigSearch: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): t = PageTemplate(file="config_search.tmpl") t.submenu = ConfigMenu return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def saveSearch(self, use_nzbs=None, use_torrents=None, nzb_dir=None, sab_username=None, sab_password=None, sab_apikey=None, sab_category=None, sab_host=None, nzbget_username=None, nzbget_password=None, nzbget_category=None, nzbget_host=None, nzbget_use_https=None, dailysearch_frequency=None, nzb_method=None, torrent_method=None, usenet_retention=None, backlog_frequency=None, download_propers=None, check_propers_interval=None, prefer_episode_releases=None, allow_high_priority=None, backlog_startup=None, dailysearch_startup=None, torrent_dir=None, torrent_username=None, torrent_password=None, torrent_host=None, torrent_label=None, torrent_path=None, torrent_verify_cert=None, torrent_ratio=None, torrent_seed_time=None, torrent_paused=None, torrent_high_bandwidth=None, ignore_words=None): results = [] if not config.change_NZB_DIR(nzb_dir): results += ["Unable to create directory " + os.path.normpath(nzb_dir) + ", dir not changed."] if not config.change_TORRENT_DIR(torrent_dir): results += ["Unable to create directory " + os.path.normpath(torrent_dir) + ", dir not changed."] config.change_DAILYSEARCH_FREQUENCY(dailysearch_frequency) config.change_BACKLOG_FREQUENCY(backlog_frequency) sickbeard.USE_NZBS = config.checkbox_to_value(use_nzbs) sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS = config.checkbox_to_value(use_torrents) sickbeard.NZB_METHOD = nzb_method sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD = torrent_method sickbeard.USENET_RETENTION = config.to_int(usenet_retention, default=500) sickbeard.IGNORE_WORDS = ignore_words if ignore_words else "" sickbeard.DOWNLOAD_PROPERS = config.checkbox_to_value(download_propers) if sickbeard.DOWNLOAD_PROPERS: sickbeard.properFinderScheduler.silent = False else: sickbeard.properFinderScheduler.silent = True sickbeard.CHECK_PROPERS_INTERVAL = check_propers_interval sickbeard.PREFER_EPISODE_RELEASES = config.checkbox_to_value(prefer_episode_releases) sickbeard.ALLOW_HIGH_PRIORITY = config.checkbox_to_value(allow_high_priority) sickbeard.DAILYSEARCH_STARTUP = config.checkbox_to_value(dailysearch_startup) sickbeard.BACKLOG_STARTUP = config.checkbox_to_value(backlog_startup) sickbeard.SAB_USERNAME = sab_username sickbeard.SAB_PASSWORD = sab_password sickbeard.SAB_APIKEY = sab_apikey.strip() sickbeard.SAB_CATEGORY = sab_category sickbeard.SAB_HOST = config.clean_url(sab_host) sickbeard.NZBGET_USERNAME = nzbget_username sickbeard.NZBGET_PASSWORD = nzbget_password sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY = nzbget_category sickbeard.NZBGET_HOST = config.clean_host(nzbget_host) sickbeard.NZBGET_USE_HTTPS = config.checkbox_to_value(nzbget_use_https) sickbeard.TORRENT_USERNAME = torrent_username sickbeard.TORRENT_PASSWORD = torrent_password sickbeard.TORRENT_LABEL = torrent_label sickbeard.TORRENT_VERIFY_CERT = config.checkbox_to_value(torrent_verify_cert) sickbeard.TORRENT_PATH = torrent_path sickbeard.TORRENT_RATIO = torrent_ratio sickbeard.TORRENT_SEED_TIME = torrent_seed_time sickbeard.TORRENT_PAUSED = config.checkbox_to_value(torrent_paused) sickbeard.TORRENT_HIGH_BANDWIDTH = config.checkbox_to_value(torrent_high_bandwidth) sickbeard.TORRENT_HOST = config.clean_url(torrent_host) sickbeard.save_config() if len(results) > 0: for x in results: logger.log(x, logger.ERROR) ui.notifications.error('Error(s) Saving Configuration', '
\n'.join(results)) else: ui.notifications.message('Configuration Saved', ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE)) redirect("/config/search/") class ConfigPostProcessing: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): t = PageTemplate(file="config_postProcessing.tmpl") t.submenu = ConfigMenu return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def savePostProcessing(self, naming_pattern=None, naming_multi_ep=None, xbmc_data=None, xbmc_12plus_data=None, mediabrowser_data=None, sony_ps3_data=None, wdtv_data=None, tivo_data=None, mede8er_data=None, keep_processed_dir=None, process_method=None, process_automatically=None, rename_episodes=None, airdate_episodes=None, unpack=None, move_associated_files=None, tv_download_dir=None, naming_custom_abd=None, naming_abd_pattern=None, naming_strip_year=None, use_failed_downloads=None, delete_failed=None, extra_scripts=None, naming_custom_sports=None, naming_sports_pattern=None): results = [] if not config.change_TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR(tv_download_dir): results += ["Unable to create directory " + os.path.normpath(tv_download_dir) + ", dir not changed."] sickbeard.PROCESS_AUTOMATICALLY = config.checkbox_to_value(process_automatically) if sickbeard.PROCESS_AUTOMATICALLY: sickbeard.autoPostProcesserScheduler.silent = False else: sickbeard.autoPostProcesserScheduler.silent = True if unpack: if self.isRarSupported() != 'not supported': sickbeard.UNPACK = config.checkbox_to_value(unpack) else: sickbeard.UNPACK = 0 results.append("Unpacking Not Supported, disabling unpack setting") else: sickbeard.UNPACK = config.checkbox_to_value(unpack) sickbeard.KEEP_PROCESSED_DIR = config.checkbox_to_value(keep_processed_dir) sickbeard.PROCESS_METHOD = process_method sickbeard.EXTRA_SCRIPTS = [x.strip() for x in extra_scripts.split('|') if x.strip()] sickbeard.RENAME_EPISODES = config.checkbox_to_value(rename_episodes) sickbeard.AIRDATE_EPISODES = config.checkbox_to_value(airdate_episodes) sickbeard.MOVE_ASSOCIATED_FILES = config.checkbox_to_value(move_associated_files) sickbeard.NAMING_CUSTOM_ABD = config.checkbox_to_value(naming_custom_abd) sickbeard.NAMING_CUSTOM_SPORTS = config.checkbox_to_value(naming_custom_sports) sickbeard.NAMING_STRIP_YEAR = config.checkbox_to_value(naming_strip_year) sickbeard.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS = config.checkbox_to_value(use_failed_downloads) sickbeard.DELETE_FAILED = config.checkbox_to_value(delete_failed) sickbeard.METADATA_XBMC = xbmc_data sickbeard.METADATA_XBMC_12PLUS = xbmc_12plus_data sickbeard.METADATA_MEDIABROWSER = mediabrowser_data sickbeard.METADATA_PS3 = sony_ps3_data sickbeard.METADATA_WDTV = wdtv_data sickbeard.METADATA_TIVO = tivo_data sickbeard.METADATA_MEDE8ER = mede8er_data sickbeard.metadata_provider_dict['XBMC'].set_config(sickbeard.METADATA_XBMC) sickbeard.metadata_provider_dict['XBMC 12+'].set_config(sickbeard.METADATA_XBMC_12PLUS) sickbeard.metadata_provider_dict['MediaBrowser'].set_config(sickbeard.METADATA_MEDIABROWSER) sickbeard.metadata_provider_dict['Sony PS3'].set_config(sickbeard.METADATA_PS3) sickbeard.metadata_provider_dict['WDTV'].set_config(sickbeard.METADATA_WDTV) sickbeard.metadata_provider_dict['TIVO'].set_config(sickbeard.METADATA_TIVO) sickbeard.metadata_provider_dict['Mede8er'].set_config(sickbeard.METADATA_MEDE8ER) if self.isNamingValid(naming_pattern, naming_multi_ep) != "invalid": sickbeard.NAMING_PATTERN = naming_pattern sickbeard.NAMING_MULTI_EP = int(naming_multi_ep) sickbeard.NAMING_FORCE_FOLDERS = naming.check_force_season_folders() else: results.append("You tried saving an invalid naming config, not saving your naming settings") if self.isNamingValid(naming_abd_pattern, None, abd=True) != "invalid": sickbeard.NAMING_ABD_PATTERN = naming_abd_pattern else: results.append( "You tried saving an invalid air-by-date naming config, not saving your air-by-date settings") if self.isNamingValid(naming_sports_pattern, None, sports=True) != "invalid": sickbeard.NAMING_SPORTS_PATTERN = naming_sports_pattern else: results.append( "You tried saving an invalid sports naming config, not saving your sports settings") sickbeard.save_config() if len(results) > 0: for x in results: logger.log(x, logger.ERROR) ui.notifications.error('Error(s) Saving Configuration', '
\n'.join(results)) else: ui.notifications.message('Configuration Saved', ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE)) redirect("/config/postProcessing/") @cherrypy.expose def testNaming(self, pattern=None, multi=None, abd=False, sports=False): if multi is not None: multi = int(multi) result = naming.test_name(pattern, multi, abd, sports) result = ek.ek(os.path.join, result['dir'], result['name']) return result @cherrypy.expose def isNamingValid(self, pattern=None, multi=None, abd=False, sports=False): if pattern is None: return "invalid" # air by date shows just need one check, we don't need to worry about season folders if abd: is_valid = naming.check_valid_abd_naming(pattern) require_season_folders = False # sport shows just need one check, we don't need to worry about season folders elif sports: is_valid = naming.check_valid_sports_naming(pattern) require_season_folders = False else: # check validity of single and multi ep cases for the whole path is_valid = naming.check_valid_naming(pattern, multi) # check validity of single and multi ep cases for only the file name require_season_folders = naming.check_force_season_folders(pattern, multi) if is_valid and not require_season_folders: return "valid" elif is_valid and require_season_folders: return "seasonfolders" else: return "invalid" @cherrypy.expose def isRarSupported(self): """ Test Packing Support: - Simulating in memory rar extraction on test.rar file """ try: rar_path = os.path.join(sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'lib', 'unrar2', 'test.rar') testing = RarFile(rar_path).read_files('*test.txt') if testing[0][1] == 'This is only a test.': return 'supported' logger.log(u'Rar Not Supported: Can not read the content of test file', logger.ERROR) return 'not supported' except Exception, e: logger.log(u'Rar Not Supported: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR) return 'not supported' class ConfigProviders: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): t = PageTemplate(file="config_providers.tmpl") t.submenu = ConfigMenu return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def canAddNewznabProvider(self, name): if not name: return json.dumps({'error': 'No Provider Name specified'}) providerDict = dict(zip([x.getID() for x in sickbeard.newznabProviderList], sickbeard.newznabProviderList)) tempProvider = newznab.NewznabProvider(name, '') if tempProvider.getID() in providerDict: return json.dumps({'error': 'Provider Name already exists as ' + providerDict[tempProvider.getID()].name}) else: return json.dumps({'success': tempProvider.getID()}) @cherrypy.expose def saveNewznabProvider(self, name, url, key=''): if not name or not url: return '0' providerDict = dict(zip([x.name for x in sickbeard.newznabProviderList], sickbeard.newznabProviderList)) if name in providerDict: if not providerDict[name].default: providerDict[name].name = name providerDict[name].url = config.clean_url(url) providerDict[name].key = key # a 0 in the key spot indicates that no key is needed if key == '0': providerDict[name].needs_auth = False else: providerDict[name].needs_auth = True return providerDict[name].getID() + '|' + providerDict[name].configStr() else: newProvider = newznab.NewznabProvider(name, url, key=key) sickbeard.newznabProviderList.append(newProvider) return newProvider.getID() + '|' + newProvider.configStr() @cherrypy.expose def deleteNewznabProvider(self, nnid): providerDict = dict(zip([x.getID() for x in sickbeard.newznabProviderList], sickbeard.newznabProviderList)) if nnid not in providerDict or providerDict[nnid].default: return '0' # delete it from the list sickbeard.newznabProviderList.remove(providerDict[nnid]) if nnid in sickbeard.PROVIDER_ORDER: sickbeard.PROVIDER_ORDER.remove(nnid) return '1' @cherrypy.expose def canAddTorrentRssProvider(self, name, url): if not name: return json.dumps({'error': 'Invalid name specified'}) providerDict = dict( zip([x.getID() for x in sickbeard.torrentRssProviderList], sickbeard.torrentRssProviderList)) tempProvider = rsstorrent.TorrentRssProvider(name, url) if tempProvider.getID() in providerDict: return json.dumps({'error': 'Exists as ' + providerDict[tempProvider.getID()].name}) else: (succ, errMsg) = tempProvider.validateRSS() if succ: return json.dumps({'success': tempProvider.getID()}) else: return json.dumps({'error': errMsg}) @cherrypy.expose def saveTorrentRssProvider(self, name, url): if not name or not url: return '0' providerDict = dict(zip([x.name for x in sickbeard.torrentRssProviderList], sickbeard.torrentRssProviderList)) if name in providerDict: providerDict[name].name = name providerDict[name].url = config.clean_url(url) return providerDict[name].getID() + '|' + providerDict[name].configStr() else: newProvider = rsstorrent.TorrentRssProvider(name, url) sickbeard.torrentRssProviderList.append(newProvider) return newProvider.getID() + '|' + newProvider.configStr() @cherrypy.expose def deleteTorrentRssProvider(self, id): providerDict = dict( zip([x.getID() for x in sickbeard.torrentRssProviderList], sickbeard.torrentRssProviderList)) if id not in providerDict: return '0' # delete it from the list sickbeard.torrentRssProviderList.remove(providerDict[id]) if id in sickbeard.PROVIDER_ORDER: sickbeard.PROVIDER_ORDER.remove(id) return '1' @cherrypy.expose def saveProviders(self, newznab_string='', torrentrss_string='', provider_order=None, **kwargs): results = [] provider_str_list = provider_order.split() provider_list = [] newznabProviderDict = dict( zip([x.getID() for x in sickbeard.newznabProviderList], sickbeard.newznabProviderList)) finishedNames = [] # add all the newznab info we got into our list if newznab_string: for curNewznabProviderStr in newznab_string.split('!!!'): if not curNewznabProviderStr: continue cur_name, cur_url, cur_key = curNewznabProviderStr.split('|') cur_url = config.clean_url(cur_url) newProvider = newznab.NewznabProvider(cur_name, cur_url, key=cur_key) cur_id = newProvider.getID() # if it already exists then update it if cur_id in newznabProviderDict: newznabProviderDict[cur_id].name = cur_name newznabProviderDict[cur_id].url = cur_url newznabProviderDict[cur_id].key = cur_key # a 0 in the key spot indicates that no key is needed if cur_key == '0': newznabProviderDict[cur_id].needs_auth = False else: newznabProviderDict[cur_id].needs_auth = True try: newznabProviderDict[cur_id].search_mode = str(kwargs[cur_id + '_search_mode']).strip() except: newznabProviderDict[cur_id].search_mode = 'eponly' try: newznabProviderDict[cur_id].search_fallback = config.checkbox_to_value( kwargs[cur_id + '_search_fallback']) except: newznabProviderDict[cur_id].search_fallback = 0 else: try: newProvider.search_mode = str(kwargs[cur_id + '_search_mode']).strip() except: newProvider.search_mode = 'eponly' try: newProvider.search_fallback = config.checkbox_to_value( kwargs[cur_id + '_search_fallback']) except: newProvider.search_fallback = 0 sickbeard.newznabProviderList.append(newProvider) finishedNames.append(cur_id) # delete anything that is missing for curProvider in sickbeard.newznabProviderList: if curProvider.getID() not in finishedNames: sickbeard.newznabProviderList.remove(curProvider) # delete anything that is missing for curProvider in sickbeard.newznabProviderList: if curProvider.getID() not in finishedNames: sickbeard.newznabProviderList.remove(curProvider) torrentRssProviderDict = dict( zip([x.getID() for x in sickbeard.torrentRssProviderList], sickbeard.torrentRssProviderList)) finishedNames = [] if torrentrss_string: for curTorrentRssProviderStr in torrentrss_string.split('!!!'): if not curTorrentRssProviderStr: continue curName, curURL = curTorrentRssProviderStr.split('|') curURL = config.clean_url(curURL) newProvider = rsstorrent.TorrentRssProvider(curName, curURL) curID = newProvider.getID() # if it already exists then update it if curID in torrentRssProviderDict: torrentRssProviderDict[curID].name = curName torrentRssProviderDict[curID].url = curURL else: sickbeard.torrentRssProviderList.append(newProvider) finishedNames.append(curID) # delete anything that is missing #logger.log(u"sickbeard.anyRssProviderList = " + repr(sickbeard.anyRssProviderList)) for curProvider in sickbeard.torrentRssProviderList: if curProvider.getID() not in finishedNames: sickbeard.torrentRssProviderList.remove(curProvider) # do the enable/disable for curProviderStr in provider_str_list: curProvider, curEnabled = curProviderStr.split(':') curEnabled = config.to_int(curEnabled) provider_list.append(curProvider) # dynamically set providers enabled/disabled for provider in sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList(): if provider.getID() != curProvider or not hasattr(provider, 'enabled'): continue provider.enabled = curEnabled # dynamically load provider settings for curTorrentProvider in [curProvider for curProvider in sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList() if curProvider.providerType == sickbeard.GenericProvider.TORRENT]: if hasattr(curTorrentProvider, 'ratio'): try: curTorrentProvider.ratio = float(str(kwargs[curTorrentProvider.getID() + '_ratio']).strip()) except: curTorrentProvider.ratio = None if hasattr(curTorrentProvider, 'digest'): try: curTorrentProvider.digest = str(kwargs[curTorrentProvider.getID() + '_digest']).strip() except: curTorrentProvider.digest = None if hasattr(curTorrentProvider, 'hash'): try: curTorrentProvider.hash = str(kwargs[curTorrentProvider.getID() + '_hash']).strip() except: curTorrentProvider.hash = None if hasattr(curTorrentProvider, 'api_key'): try: curTorrentProvider.api_key = str(kwargs[curTorrentProvider.getID() + '_api_key']).strip() except: curTorrentProvider.api_key = None if hasattr(curTorrentProvider, 'username'): try: curTorrentProvider.username = str(kwargs[curTorrentProvider.getID() + '_username']).strip() except: curTorrentProvider.username = None if hasattr(curTorrentProvider, 'password'): try: curTorrentProvider.password = str(kwargs[curTorrentProvider.getID() + '_password']).strip() except: curTorrentProvider.password = None if hasattr(curTorrentProvider, 'confirmed'): try: curTorrentProvider.confirmed = config.checkbox_to_value(kwargs[curTorrentProvider.getID() + '_confirmed']) except: curTorrentProvider.confirmed = 0 if hasattr(curTorrentProvider, 'proxy'): try: curTorrentProvider.proxy.enabled = config.checkbox_to_value(kwargs[curTorrentProvider.getID() + '_proxy']) except: curTorrentProvider.proxy.enabled = 0 if hasattr(curTorrentProvider.proxy, 'url'): try: curTorrentProvider.proxy.url = str(kwargs[curTorrentProvider.getID() + '_proxy_url']).strip() except: curTorrentProvider.proxy.url = None if hasattr(curTorrentProvider, 'freeleech'): try: curTorrentProvider.freeleech = config.checkbox_to_value(kwargs[curTorrentProvider.getID() + '_freeleech']) except: curTorrentProvider.freeleech = 0 if hasattr(curTorrentProvider, 'search_mode'): try: curTorrentProvider.search_mode = str(kwargs[curTorrentProvider.getID() + '_search_mode']).strip() except: curTorrentProvider.search_mode = 'eponly' if hasattr(curTorrentProvider, 'search_fallback'): try: curTorrentProvider.search_fallback = config.checkbox_to_value(kwargs[curTorrentProvider.getID() + '_search_fallback']) except: curTorrentProvider.search_fallback = 0 sickbeard.OMGWTFNZBS_USERNAME = kwargs['omgwtfnzbs_username'].strip() sickbeard.OMGWTFNZBS_APIKEY = kwargs['omgwtfnzbs_apikey'].strip() sickbeard.NEWZNAB_DATA = '!!!'.join([x.configStr() for x in sickbeard.newznabProviderList]) sickbeard.PROVIDER_ORDER = provider_list sickbeard.save_config() if len(results) > 0: for x in results: logger.log(x, logger.ERROR) ui.notifications.error('Error(s) Saving Configuration', '
\n'.join(results)) else: ui.notifications.message('Configuration Saved', ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE)) redirect("/config/providers/") class ConfigNotifications: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): t = PageTemplate(file="config_notifications.tmpl") t.submenu = ConfigMenu return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def saveNotifications(self, use_xbmc=None, xbmc_always_on=None, xbmc_notify_onsnatch=None, xbmc_notify_ondownload=None, xbmc_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, xbmc_update_onlyfirst=None, xbmc_update_library=None, xbmc_update_full=None, xbmc_host=None, xbmc_username=None, xbmc_password=None, use_plex=None, plex_notify_onsnatch=None, plex_notify_ondownload=None, plex_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, plex_update_library=None, plex_server_host=None, plex_host=None, plex_username=None, plex_password=None, use_growl=None, growl_notify_onsnatch=None, growl_notify_ondownload=None, growl_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, growl_host=None, growl_password=None, use_prowl=None, prowl_notify_onsnatch=None, prowl_notify_ondownload=None, prowl_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, prowl_api=None, prowl_priority=0, use_twitter=None, twitter_notify_onsnatch=None, twitter_notify_ondownload=None, twitter_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, use_boxcar=None, boxcar_notify_onsnatch=None, boxcar_notify_ondownload=None, boxcar_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, boxcar_username=None, use_boxcar2=None, boxcar2_notify_onsnatch=None, boxcar2_notify_ondownload=None, boxcar2_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, boxcar2_accesstoken=None, use_pushover=None, pushover_notify_onsnatch=None, pushover_notify_ondownload=None, pushover_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, pushover_userkey=None, use_libnotify=None, libnotify_notify_onsnatch=None, libnotify_notify_ondownload=None, libnotify_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, use_nmj=None, nmj_host=None, nmj_database=None, nmj_mount=None, use_synoindex=None, use_nmjv2=None, nmjv2_host=None, nmjv2_dbloc=None, nmjv2_database=None, use_trakt=None, trakt_username=None, trakt_password=None, trakt_api=None, trakt_remove_watchlist=None, trakt_use_watchlist=None, trakt_method_add=None, trakt_start_paused=None, use_synologynotifier=None, synologynotifier_notify_onsnatch=None, synologynotifier_notify_ondownload=None, synologynotifier_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, use_pytivo=None, pytivo_notify_onsnatch=None, pytivo_notify_ondownload=None, pytivo_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, pytivo_update_library=None, pytivo_host=None, pytivo_share_name=None, pytivo_tivo_name=None, use_nma=None, nma_notify_onsnatch=None, nma_notify_ondownload=None, nma_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, nma_api=None, nma_priority=0, use_pushalot=None, pushalot_notify_onsnatch=None, pushalot_notify_ondownload=None, pushalot_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, pushalot_authorizationtoken=None, use_pushbullet=None, pushbullet_notify_onsnatch=None, pushbullet_notify_ondownload=None, pushbullet_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, pushbullet_api=None, pushbullet_device=None, pushbullet_device_list=None, use_email=None, email_notify_onsnatch=None, email_notify_ondownload=None, email_notify_onsubtitledownload=None, email_host=None, email_port=25, email_from=None, email_tls=None, email_user=None, email_password=None, email_list=None, email_show_list=None, email_show=None): results = [] sickbeard.USE_XBMC = config.checkbox_to_value(use_xbmc) sickbeard.XBMC_ALWAYS_ON = config.checkbox_to_value(xbmc_always_on) sickbeard.XBMC_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(xbmc_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.XBMC_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(xbmc_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.XBMC_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(xbmc_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.XBMC_UPDATE_LIBRARY = config.checkbox_to_value(xbmc_update_library) sickbeard.XBMC_UPDATE_FULL = config.checkbox_to_value(xbmc_update_full) sickbeard.XBMC_UPDATE_ONLYFIRST = config.checkbox_to_value(xbmc_update_onlyfirst) sickbeard.XBMC_HOST = config.clean_hosts(xbmc_host) sickbeard.XBMC_USERNAME = xbmc_username sickbeard.XBMC_PASSWORD = xbmc_password sickbeard.USE_PLEX = config.checkbox_to_value(use_plex) sickbeard.PLEX_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(plex_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.PLEX_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(plex_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.PLEX_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(plex_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.PLEX_UPDATE_LIBRARY = config.checkbox_to_value(plex_update_library) sickbeard.PLEX_HOST = config.clean_hosts(plex_host) sickbeard.PLEX_SERVER_HOST = config.clean_host(plex_server_host) sickbeard.PLEX_USERNAME = plex_username sickbeard.PLEX_PASSWORD = plex_password sickbeard.USE_GROWL = config.checkbox_to_value(use_growl) sickbeard.GROWL_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(growl_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.GROWL_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(growl_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.GROWL_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(growl_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.GROWL_HOST = config.clean_host(growl_host, default_port=23053) sickbeard.GROWL_PASSWORD = growl_password sickbeard.USE_PROWL = config.checkbox_to_value(use_prowl) sickbeard.PROWL_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(prowl_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.PROWL_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(prowl_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.PROWL_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(prowl_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.PROWL_API = prowl_api sickbeard.PROWL_PRIORITY = prowl_priority sickbeard.USE_TWITTER = config.checkbox_to_value(use_twitter) sickbeard.TWITTER_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(twitter_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.TWITTER_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(twitter_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.TWITTER_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(twitter_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.USE_BOXCAR = config.checkbox_to_value(use_boxcar) sickbeard.BOXCAR_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(boxcar_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.BOXCAR_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(boxcar_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.BOXCAR_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(boxcar_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.BOXCAR_USERNAME = boxcar_username sickbeard.USE_BOXCAR2 = config.checkbox_to_value(use_boxcar2) sickbeard.BOXCAR2_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(boxcar2_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.BOXCAR2_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(boxcar2_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.BOXCAR2_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(boxcar2_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.BOXCAR2_ACCESSTOKEN = boxcar2_accesstoken sickbeard.USE_PUSHOVER = config.checkbox_to_value(use_pushover) sickbeard.PUSHOVER_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(pushover_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.PUSHOVER_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(pushover_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.PUSHOVER_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(pushover_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.PUSHOVER_USERKEY = pushover_userkey sickbeard.USE_LIBNOTIFY = config.checkbox_to_value(use_libnotify) sickbeard.LIBNOTIFY_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(libnotify_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.LIBNOTIFY_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(libnotify_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.LIBNOTIFY_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(libnotify_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.USE_NMJ = config.checkbox_to_value(use_nmj) sickbeard.NMJ_HOST = config.clean_host(nmj_host) sickbeard.NMJ_DATABASE = nmj_database sickbeard.NMJ_MOUNT = nmj_mount sickbeard.USE_NMJv2 = config.checkbox_to_value(use_nmjv2) sickbeard.NMJv2_HOST = config.clean_host(nmjv2_host) sickbeard.NMJv2_DATABASE = nmjv2_database sickbeard.NMJv2_DBLOC = nmjv2_dbloc sickbeard.USE_SYNOINDEX = config.checkbox_to_value(use_synoindex) sickbeard.USE_SYNOLOGYNOTIFIER = config.checkbox_to_value(use_synologynotifier) sickbeard.SYNOLOGYNOTIFIER_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(synologynotifier_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.SYNOLOGYNOTIFIER_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(synologynotifier_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.SYNOLOGYNOTIFIER_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value( synologynotifier_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.USE_TRAKT = config.checkbox_to_value(use_trakt) sickbeard.TRAKT_USERNAME = trakt_username sickbeard.TRAKT_PASSWORD = trakt_password sickbeard.TRAKT_API = trakt_api sickbeard.TRAKT_REMOVE_WATCHLIST = config.checkbox_to_value(trakt_remove_watchlist) sickbeard.TRAKT_USE_WATCHLIST = config.checkbox_to_value(trakt_use_watchlist) sickbeard.TRAKT_METHOD_ADD = trakt_method_add sickbeard.TRAKT_START_PAUSED = config.checkbox_to_value(trakt_start_paused) if sickbeard.USE_TRAKT: sickbeard.traktWatchListCheckerSchedular.silent = False else: sickbeard.traktWatchListCheckerSchedular.silent = True sickbeard.USE_EMAIL = config.checkbox_to_value(use_email) sickbeard.EMAIL_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(email_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.EMAIL_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(email_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.EMAIL_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(email_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.EMAIL_HOST = config.clean_host(email_host) sickbeard.EMAIL_PORT = config.to_int(email_port, default=25) sickbeard.EMAIL_FROM = email_from sickbeard.EMAIL_TLS = config.checkbox_to_value(email_tls) sickbeard.EMAIL_USER = email_user sickbeard.EMAIL_PASSWORD = email_password sickbeard.EMAIL_LIST = email_list sickbeard.USE_PYTIVO = config.checkbox_to_value(use_pytivo) sickbeard.PYTIVO_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(pytivo_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.PYTIVO_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(pytivo_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.PYTIVO_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(pytivo_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.PYTIVO_UPDATE_LIBRARY = config.checkbox_to_value(pytivo_update_library) sickbeard.PYTIVO_HOST = config.clean_host(pytivo_host) sickbeard.PYTIVO_SHARE_NAME = pytivo_share_name sickbeard.PYTIVO_TIVO_NAME = pytivo_tivo_name sickbeard.USE_NMA = config.checkbox_to_value(use_nma) sickbeard.NMA_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(nma_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.NMA_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(nma_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.NMA_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(nma_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.NMA_API = nma_api sickbeard.NMA_PRIORITY = nma_priority sickbeard.USE_PUSHALOT = config.checkbox_to_value(use_pushalot) sickbeard.PUSHALOT_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(pushalot_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.PUSHALOT_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(pushalot_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.PUSHALOT_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(pushalot_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.PUSHALOT_AUTHORIZATIONTOKEN = pushalot_authorizationtoken sickbeard.USE_PUSHBULLET = config.checkbox_to_value(use_pushbullet) sickbeard.PUSHBULLET_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH = config.checkbox_to_value(pushbullet_notify_onsnatch) sickbeard.PUSHBULLET_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(pushbullet_notify_ondownload) sickbeard.PUSHBULLET_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD = config.checkbox_to_value(pushbullet_notify_onsubtitledownload) sickbeard.PUSHBULLET_API = pushbullet_api sickbeard.PUSHBULLET_DEVICE = pushbullet_device_list sickbeard.save_config() if len(results) > 0: for x in results: logger.log(x, logger.ERROR) ui.notifications.error('Error(s) Saving Configuration', '
\n'.join(results)) else: ui.notifications.message('Configuration Saved', ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE)) redirect("/config/notifications/") class ConfigSubtitles: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): t = PageTemplate(file="config_subtitles.tmpl") t.submenu = ConfigMenu return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def saveSubtitles(self, use_subtitles=None, subtitles_plugins=None, subtitles_languages=None, subtitles_dir=None, service_order=None, subtitles_history=None, subtitles_finder_frequency=None): results = [] if subtitles_finder_frequency == '' or subtitles_finder_frequency is None: subtitles_finder_frequency = 1 if use_subtitles == "on": if sickbeard.subtitlesFinderScheduler.thread is None or not sickbeard.subtitlesFinderScheduler.thread.isAlive(): sickbeard.subtitlesFinderScheduler.silent = False sickbeard.subtitlesFinderScheduler.initThread() else: sickbeard.subtitlesFinderScheduler.abort = True sickbeard.subtitlesFinderScheduler.silent = True logger.log(u"Waiting for the SUBTITLESFINDER thread to exit") try: sickbeard.subtitlesFinderScheduler.thread.join(5) except: pass sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES = config.checkbox_to_value(use_subtitles) sickbeard.SUBTITLES_LANGUAGES = [lang.alpha2 for lang in subtitles.isValidLanguage( subtitles_languages.replace(' ', '').split(','))] if subtitles_languages != '' else '' sickbeard.SUBTITLES_DIR = subtitles_dir sickbeard.SUBTITLES_HISTORY = config.checkbox_to_value(subtitles_history) sickbeard.SUBTITLES_FINDER_FREQUENCY = config.to_int(subtitles_finder_frequency, default=1) # Subtitles services services_str_list = service_order.split() subtitles_services_list = [] subtitles_services_enabled = [] for curServiceStr in services_str_list: curService, curEnabled = curServiceStr.split(':') subtitles_services_list.append(curService) subtitles_services_enabled.append(int(curEnabled)) sickbeard.SUBTITLES_SERVICES_LIST = subtitles_services_list sickbeard.SUBTITLES_SERVICES_ENABLED = subtitles_services_enabled sickbeard.save_config() if len(results) > 0: for x in results: logger.log(x, logger.ERROR) ui.notifications.error('Error(s) Saving Configuration', '
\n'.join(results)) else: ui.notifications.message('Configuration Saved', ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE)) redirect("/config/subtitles/") class Config: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): t = PageTemplate(file="config.tmpl") t.submenu = ConfigMenu return _munge(t) general = ConfigGeneral() search = ConfigSearch() postProcessing = ConfigPostProcessing() providers = ConfigProviders() notifications = ConfigNotifications() subtitles = ConfigSubtitles() def haveXBMC(): return sickbeard.USE_XBMC and sickbeard.XBMC_UPDATE_LIBRARY def havePLEX(): return sickbeard.USE_PLEX and sickbeard.PLEX_UPDATE_LIBRARY def haveTORRENT(): if sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS and sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD != 'blackhole' \ and (sickbeard.ENABLE_HTTPS and sickbeard.TORRENT_HOST[:5] == 'https' or not sickbeard.ENABLE_HTTPS and sickbeard.TORRENT_HOST[:5] == 'http:'): return True else: return False def HomeMenu(): return [ {'title': 'Add Shows', 'path': 'home/addShows/', }, {'title': 'Manual Post-Processing', 'path': 'home/postprocess/'}, {'title': 'Update XBMC', 'path': 'home/updateXBMC/', 'requires': haveXBMC}, {'title': 'Update Plex', 'path': 'home/updatePLEX/', 'requires': havePLEX}, {'title': 'Manage Torrents', 'path': 'manage/manageTorrents', 'requires': haveTORRENT}, {'title': 'Restart', 'path': 'home/restart/?pid=' + str(sickbeard.PID), 'confirm': True}, {'title': 'Shutdown', 'path': 'home/shutdown/?pid=' + str(sickbeard.PID), 'confirm': True}, ] class HomePostProcess: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): t = PageTemplate(file="home_postprocess.tmpl") t.submenu = HomeMenu() return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def processEpisode(self, dir=None, nzbName=None, jobName=None, quiet=None, process_method=None, force=None, is_priority=None, failed="0", type="auto"): if failed == "0": failed = False else: failed = True if force == "on": force = True else: force = False if is_priority == "on": is_priority = True else: is_priority = False if not dir: redirect("/home/postprocess/") else: result = processTV.processDir(dir, nzbName, process_method=process_method, force=force, is_priority=is_priority, failed=failed, type=type) if quiet is not None and int(quiet) == 1: return result result = result.replace("\n", "
\n") return _genericMessage("Postprocessing results", result) class NewHomeAddShows: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): t = PageTemplate(file="home_addShows.tmpl") t.submenu = HomeMenu() return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def getIndexerLanguages(self): result = sickbeard.indexerApi().config['valid_languages'] # Make sure list is sorted alphabetically but 'en' is in front if 'en' in result: del result[result.index('en')] result.sort() result.insert(0, 'en') return json.dumps({'results': result}) @cherrypy.expose def sanitizeFileName(self, name): return helpers.sanitizeFileName(name) @cherrypy.expose def searchIndexersForShowName(self, search_term, lang="en", indexer=None): if not lang or lang == 'null': lang = "en" results = {} final_results = [] # Query Indexers for each search term and build the list of results for indexer in sickbeard.indexerApi().indexers if not int(indexer) else [int(indexer)]: lINDEXER_API_PARMS = sickbeard.indexerApi(indexer).api_params.copy() lINDEXER_API_PARMS['language'] = lang lINDEXER_API_PARMS['custom_ui'] = classes.AllShowsListUI t = sickbeard.indexerApi(indexer).indexer(**lINDEXER_API_PARMS) logger.log("Searching for Show with searchterm: %s on Indexer: %s" % (search_term, sickbeard.indexerApi(indexer).name), logger.DEBUG) try: # add search results results.setdefault(indexer, []).extend(t[search_term]) except Exception, e: continue map(final_results.extend, ([[sickbeard.indexerApi(id).name, id, sickbeard.indexerApi(id).config["show_url"], int(show['id']), show['seriesname'], show['firstaired']] for show in shows] for id, shows in results.items())) lang_id = sickbeard.indexerApi().config['langabbv_to_id'][lang] return json.dumps({'results': final_results, 'langid': lang_id}) @cherrypy.expose def massAddTable(self, rootDir=None): t = PageTemplate(file="home_massAddTable.tmpl") t.submenu = HomeMenu() myDB = db.DBConnection() if not rootDir: return "No folders selected." elif type(rootDir) != list: root_dirs = [rootDir] else: root_dirs = rootDir root_dirs = [urllib.unquote_plus(x) for x in root_dirs] if sickbeard.ROOT_DIRS: default_index = int(sickbeard.ROOT_DIRS.split('|')[0]) else: default_index = 0 if len(root_dirs) > default_index: tmp = root_dirs[default_index] if tmp in root_dirs: root_dirs.remove(tmp) root_dirs = [tmp] + root_dirs dir_list = [] for root_dir in root_dirs: try: file_list = ek.ek(os.listdir, root_dir) except: continue for cur_file in file_list: cur_path = ek.ek(os.path.normpath, ek.ek(os.path.join, root_dir, cur_file)) if not ek.ek(os.path.isdir, cur_path): continue cur_dir = { 'dir': cur_path, 'display_dir': '' + ek.ek(os.path.dirname, cur_path) + os.sep + '' + ek.ek(os.path.basename, cur_path), } # see if the folder is in XBMC already dirResults = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM tv_shows WHERE location = ?", [cur_path]) if dirResults: cur_dir['added_already'] = True else: cur_dir['added_already'] = False dir_list.append(cur_dir) indexer_id = show_name = indexer = None for cur_provider in sickbeard.metadata_provider_dict.values(): (indexer_id, show_name, indexer) = cur_provider.retrieveShowMetadata(cur_path) if show_name: break # default to TVDB if indexer was not detected if show_name and not (indexer and indexer_id): (sn,idx,id) = helpers.searchIndexerForShowID(show_name, indexer, indexer_id) # set indexer and indexer_id from found info if indexer is None and idx: indexer = idx if indexer_id is None and id: indexer_id = id cur_dir['existing_info'] = (indexer_id, show_name, indexer) if indexer_id and helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexer_id): cur_dir['added_already'] = True t.dirList = dir_list return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def newShow(self, show_to_add=None, other_shows=None): """ Display the new show page which collects a tvdb id, folder, and extra options and posts them to addNewShow """ t = PageTemplate(file="home_newShow.tmpl") t.submenu = HomeMenu() indexer, show_dir, indexer_id, show_name = self.split_extra_show(show_to_add) if indexer_id and indexer and show_name: use_provided_info = True else: use_provided_info = False # tell the template whether we're giving it show name & Indexer ID t.use_provided_info = use_provided_info # use the given show_dir for the indexer search if available if not show_dir: t.default_show_name = '' elif not show_name: t.default_show_name = ek.ek(os.path.basename, ek.ek(os.path.normpath, show_dir)).replace('.', ' ') else: t.default_show_name = show_name # carry a list of other dirs if given if not other_shows: other_shows = [] elif type(other_shows) != list: other_shows = [other_shows] if use_provided_info: t.provided_indexer_id = int(indexer_id or 0) t.provided_indexer_name = show_name t.provided_show_dir = show_dir t.other_shows = other_shows t.provided_indexer = int(indexer or sickbeard.INDEXER_DEFAULT) t.indexers = sickbeard.indexerApi().indexers return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def existingShows(self): """ Prints out the page to add existing shows from a root dir """ t = PageTemplate(file="home_addExistingShow.tmpl") t.submenu = HomeMenu() return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def addNewShow(self, whichSeries=None, indexerLang="en", rootDir=None, defaultStatus=None, anyQualities=None, bestQualities=None, flatten_folders=None, subtitles=None, fullShowPath=None, other_shows=None, skipShow=None, providedIndexer=None): """ Receive tvdb id, dir, and other options and create a show from them. If extra show dirs are provided then it forwards back to newShow, if not it goes to /home. """ # grab our list of other dirs if given if not other_shows: other_shows = [] elif type(other_shows) != list: other_shows = [other_shows] def finishAddShow(): # if there are no extra shows then go home if not other_shows: redirect('/home/') # peel off the next one next_show_dir = other_shows[0] rest_of_show_dirs = other_shows[1:] # go to add the next show return self.newShow(next_show_dir, rest_of_show_dirs) # if we're skipping then behave accordingly if skipShow: return finishAddShow() # sanity check on our inputs if (not rootDir and not fullShowPath) or not whichSeries: return "Missing params, no Indexer ID or folder:" + repr(whichSeries) + " and " + repr( rootDir) + "/" + repr(fullShowPath) # figure out what show we're adding and where series_pieces = whichSeries.split('|') if (whichSeries and rootDir) or (whichSeries and fullShowPath and len(series_pieces) > 1): if len(series_pieces) < 6: logger.log("Unable to add show due to show selection. Not anough arguments: %s" % (repr(series_pieces)), logger.ERROR) ui.notifications.error("Unknown error. Unable to add show due to problem with show selection.") redirect('/home/addShows/existingShows/') indexer = int(series_pieces[1]) indexer_id = int(series_pieces[3]) show_name = series_pieces[4] else: indexer = 1 indexer_id = int(whichSeries) show_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(fullShowPath)) # use the whole path if it's given, or else append the show name to the root dir to get the full show path if fullShowPath: show_dir = ek.ek(os.path.normpath, fullShowPath) else: show_dir = ek.ek(os.path.join, rootDir, helpers.sanitizeFileName(show_name)) # blanket policy - if the dir exists you should have used "add existing show" numbnuts if ek.ek(os.path.isdir, show_dir) and not fullShowPath: ui.notifications.error("Unable to add show", "Folder " + show_dir + " exists already") redirect('/home/addShows/existingShows/') # don't create show dir if config says not to if sickbeard.ADD_SHOWS_WO_DIR: logger.log(u"Skipping initial creation of " + show_dir + " due to config.ini setting") else: dir_exists = helpers.makeDir(show_dir) if not dir_exists: logger.log(u"Unable to create the folder " + show_dir + ", can't add the show", logger.ERROR) ui.notifications.error("Unable to add show", "Unable to create the folder " + show_dir + ", can't add the show") redirect("/home/") else: helpers.chmodAsParent(show_dir) # prepare the inputs for passing along flatten_folders = config.checkbox_to_value(flatten_folders) subtitles = config.checkbox_to_value(subtitles) if not anyQualities: anyQualities = [] if not bestQualities: bestQualities = [] if type(anyQualities) != list: anyQualities = [anyQualities] if type(bestQualities) != list: bestQualities = [bestQualities] newQuality = Quality.combineQualities(map(int, anyQualities), map(int, bestQualities)) # add the show sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.addShow(indexer, indexer_id, show_dir, int(defaultStatus), newQuality, flatten_folders, subtitles, indexerLang) # @UndefinedVariable ui.notifications.message('Show added', 'Adding the specified show into ' + show_dir) return finishAddShow() def split_extra_show(self, extra_show): if not extra_show: return (None, None, None, None) split_vals = extra_show.split('|') if len(split_vals) < 4: indexer = split_vals[0] show_dir = split_vals[1] return (indexer, show_dir, None, None) indexer = split_vals[0] show_dir = split_vals[1] indexer_id = split_vals[2] show_name = '|'.join(split_vals[3:]) return (indexer, show_dir, indexer_id, show_name) @cherrypy.expose def addExistingShows(self, shows_to_add=None, promptForSettings=None): """ Receives a dir list and add them. Adds the ones with given TVDB IDs first, then forwards along to the newShow page. """ # grab a list of other shows to add, if provided if not shows_to_add: shows_to_add = [] elif type(shows_to_add) != list: shows_to_add = [shows_to_add] shows_to_add = [urllib.unquote_plus(x) for x in shows_to_add] promptForSettings = config.checkbox_to_value(promptForSettings) indexer_id_given = [] dirs_only = [] # separate all the ones with Indexer IDs for cur_dir in shows_to_add: if '|' in cur_dir: split_vals = cur_dir.split('|') if len(split_vals) < 3: dirs_only.append(cur_dir) if not '|' in cur_dir: dirs_only.append(cur_dir) else: indexer, show_dir, indexer_id, show_name = self.split_extra_show(cur_dir) if not show_dir or not indexer_id or not show_name: continue indexer_id_given.append((int(indexer), show_dir, int(indexer_id), show_name)) # if they want me to prompt for settings then I will just carry on to the newShow page if promptForSettings and shows_to_add: return self.newShow(shows_to_add[0], shows_to_add[1:]) # if they don't want me to prompt for settings then I can just add all the nfo shows now num_added = 0 for cur_show in indexer_id_given: indexer, show_dir, indexer_id, show_name = cur_show if indexer is not None and indexer_id is not None: # add the show sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.addShow(indexer, indexer_id, show_dir, sickbeard.STATUS_DEFAULT, sickbeard.QUALITY_DEFAULT, sickbeard.FLATTEN_FOLDERS_DEFAULT, sickbeard.SUBTITLES_DEFAULT) num_added += 1 if num_added: ui.notifications.message("Shows Added", "Automatically added " + str(num_added) + " from their existing metadata files") # if we're done then go home if not dirs_only: redirect('/home/') # for the remaining shows we need to prompt for each one, so forward this on to the newShow page return self.newShow(dirs_only[0], dirs_only[1:]) ErrorLogsMenu = [ {'title': 'Clear Errors', 'path': 'errorlogs/clearerrors/'}, #{ 'title': 'View Log', 'path': 'errorlogs/viewlog' }, ] class ErrorLogs: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): t = PageTemplate(file="errorlogs.tmpl") t.submenu = ErrorLogsMenu return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def clearerrors(self): classes.ErrorViewer.clear() redirect("/errorlogs/") @cherrypy.expose def viewlog(self, minLevel=logger.MESSAGE, maxLines=500): t = PageTemplate(file="viewlogs.tmpl") t.submenu = ErrorLogsMenu minLevel = int(minLevel) data = [] if os.path.isfile(logger.sb_log_instance.log_file_path): with ek.ek(open, logger.sb_log_instance.log_file_path) as f: data = f.readlines() regex = "^(\d\d\d\d)\-(\d\d)\-(\d\d)\s*(\d\d)\:(\d\d):(\d\d)\s*([A-Z]+)\s*(.+?)\s*\:\:\s*(.*)$" finalData = [] numLines = 0 lastLine = False numToShow = min(maxLines, len(data)) for x in reversed(data): x = x.decode('utf-8', 'replace') match = re.match(regex, x) if match: level = match.group(7) if level not in logger.reverseNames: lastLine = False continue if logger.reverseNames[level] >= minLevel: lastLine = True finalData.append(x) else: lastLine = False continue elif lastLine: finalData.append("AA" + x) numLines += 1 if numLines >= numToShow: break result = "".join(finalData) t.logLines = result t.minLevel = minLevel return _munge(t) class Home: @cherrypy.expose def is_alive(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'callback' in kwargs and '_' in kwargs: callback, _ = kwargs['callback'], kwargs['_'] else: return "Error: Unsupported Request. Send jsonp request with 'callback' variable in the query stiring." cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/javascript' cherrypy.response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' cherrypy.response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'x-requested-with' if sickbeard.started: return callback + '(' + json.dumps({"msg": str(sickbeard.PID)}) + ');' else: return callback + '(' + json.dumps({"msg": "nope"}) + ');' @cherrypy.expose def index(self): t = PageTemplate(file="home.tmpl") t.submenu = HomeMenu() return _munge(t) addShows = NewHomeAddShows() postprocess = HomePostProcess() @cherrypy.expose def testSABnzbd(self, host=None, username=None, password=None, apikey=None): host = config.clean_url(host) connection, accesMsg = sab.getSabAccesMethod(host, username, password, apikey) if connection: authed, authMsg = sab.testAuthentication(host, username, password, apikey) #@UnusedVariable if authed: return "Success. Connected and authenticated" else: return "Authentication failed. SABnzbd expects '" + accesMsg + "' as authentication method" else: return "Unable to connect to host" @cherrypy.expose def testTorrent(self, torrent_method=None, host=None, username=None, password=None): host = config.clean_url(host) client = clients.getClientIstance(torrent_method) connection, accesMsg = client(host, username, password).testAuthentication() return accesMsg @cherrypy.expose def testGrowl(self, host=None, password=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" host = config.clean_host(host, default_port=23053) result = notifiers.growl_notifier.test_notify(host, password) if password is None or password == '': pw_append = '' else: pw_append = " with password: " + password if result: return "Registered and Tested growl successfully " + urllib.unquote_plus(host) + pw_append else: return "Registration and Testing of growl failed " + urllib.unquote_plus(host) + pw_append @cherrypy.expose def testProwl(self, prowl_api=None, prowl_priority=0): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" result = notifiers.prowl_notifier.test_notify(prowl_api, prowl_priority) if result: return "Test prowl notice sent successfully" else: return "Test prowl notice failed" @cherrypy.expose def testBoxcar(self, username=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" result = notifiers.boxcar_notifier.test_notify(username) if result: return "Boxcar notification succeeded. Check your Boxcar clients to make sure it worked" else: return "Error sending Boxcar notification" @cherrypy.expose def testBoxcar2(self, accesstoken=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" result = notifiers.boxcar2_notifier.test_notify(accesstoken) if result: return "Boxcar2 notification succeeded. Check your Boxcar2 clients to make sure it worked" else: return "Error sending Boxcar2 notification" @cherrypy.expose def testPushover(self, userKey=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" result = notifiers.pushover_notifier.test_notify(userKey) if result: return "Pushover notification succeeded. Check your Pushover clients to make sure it worked" else: return "Error sending Pushover notification" @cherrypy.expose def twitterStep1(self): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" return notifiers.twitter_notifier._get_authorization() @cherrypy.expose def twitterStep2(self, key): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" result = notifiers.twitter_notifier._get_credentials(key) logger.log(u"result: " + str(result)) if result: return "Key verification successful" else: return "Unable to verify key" @cherrypy.expose def testTwitter(self): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" result = notifiers.twitter_notifier.test_notify() if result: return "Tweet successful, check your twitter to make sure it worked" else: return "Error sending tweet" @cherrypy.expose def testXBMC(self, host=None, username=None, password=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" host = config.clean_hosts(host) finalResult = '' for curHost in [x.strip() for x in host.split(",")]: curResult = notifiers.xbmc_notifier.test_notify(urllib.unquote_plus(curHost), username, password) if len(curResult.split(":")) > 2 and 'OK' in curResult.split(":")[2]: finalResult += "Test XBMC notice sent successfully to " + urllib.unquote_plus(curHost) else: finalResult += "Test XBMC notice failed to " + urllib.unquote_plus(curHost) finalResult += "
\n" return finalResult @cherrypy.expose def testPLEX(self, host=None, username=None, password=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" finalResult = '' for curHost in [x.strip() for x in host.split(",")]: curResult = notifiers.plex_notifier.test_notify(urllib.unquote_plus(curHost), username, password) if len(curResult.split(":")) > 2 and 'OK' in curResult.split(":")[2]: finalResult += "Test Plex notice sent successfully to " + urllib.unquote_plus(curHost) else: finalResult += "Test Plex notice failed to " + urllib.unquote_plus(curHost) finalResult += "
\n" return finalResult @cherrypy.expose def testLibnotify(self): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" if notifiers.libnotify_notifier.test_notify(): return "Tried sending desktop notification via libnotify" else: return notifiers.libnotify.diagnose() @cherrypy.expose def testNMJ(self, host=None, database=None, mount=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" host = config.clean_host(host) result = notifiers.nmj_notifier.test_notify(urllib.unquote_plus(host), database, mount) if result: return "Successfully started the scan update" else: return "Test failed to start the scan update" @cherrypy.expose def settingsNMJ(self, host=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" host = config.clean_host(host) result = notifiers.nmj_notifier.notify_settings(urllib.unquote_plus(host)) if result: return '{"message": "Got settings from %(host)s", "database": "%(database)s", "mount": "%(mount)s"}' % { "host": host, "database": sickbeard.NMJ_DATABASE, "mount": sickbeard.NMJ_MOUNT} else: return '{"message": "Failed! Make sure your Popcorn is on and NMJ is running. (see Log & Errors -> Debug for detailed info)", "database": "", "mount": ""}' @cherrypy.expose def testNMJv2(self, host=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" host = config.clean_host(host) result = notifiers.nmjv2_notifier.test_notify(urllib.unquote_plus(host)) if result: return "Test notice sent successfully to " + urllib.unquote_plus(host) else: return "Test notice failed to " + urllib.unquote_plus(host) @cherrypy.expose def settingsNMJv2(self, host=None, dbloc=None, instance=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" host = config.clean_host(host) result = notifiers.nmjv2_notifier.notify_settings(urllib.unquote_plus(host), dbloc, instance) if result: return '{"message": "NMJ Database found at: %(host)s", "database": "%(database)s"}' % {"host": host, "database": sickbeard.NMJv2_DATABASE} else: return '{"message": "Unable to find NMJ Database at location: %(dbloc)s. Is the right location selected and PCH running?", "database": ""}' % { "dbloc": dbloc} @cherrypy.expose def testTrakt(self, api=None, username=None, password=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" result = notifiers.trakt_notifier.test_notify(api, username, password) if result: return "Test notice sent successfully to Trakt" else: return "Test notice failed to Trakt" @cherrypy.expose def loadShowNotifyLists(self): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" mydb = db.DBConnection() rows = mydb.select("SELECT show_id, show_name, notify_list FROM tv_shows ORDER BY show_name ASC") data = {} size = 0 for r in rows: data[r['show_id']] = {'id': r['show_id'], 'name': r['show_name'], 'list': r['notify_list']} size += 1 data['_size'] = size return json.dumps(data) @cherrypy.expose def testEmail(self, host=None, port=None, smtp_from=None, use_tls=None, user=None, pwd=None, to=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" host = config.clean_host(host) if notifiers.email_notifier.test_notify(host, port, smtp_from, use_tls, user, pwd, to): return 'Test email sent successfully! Check inbox.' else: return 'ERROR: %s' % notifiers.email_notifier.last_err @cherrypy.expose def testNMA(self, nma_api=None, nma_priority=0): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" result = notifiers.nma_notifier.test_notify(nma_api, nma_priority) if result: return "Test NMA notice sent successfully" else: return "Test NMA notice failed" @cherrypy.expose def testPushalot(self, authorizationToken=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" result = notifiers.pushalot_notifier.test_notify(authorizationToken) if result: return "Pushalot notification succeeded. Check your Pushalot clients to make sure it worked" else: return "Error sending Pushalot notification" @cherrypy.expose def testPushbullet(self, api=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" result = notifiers.pushbullet_notifier.test_notify(api) if result: return "Pushbullet notification succeeded. Check your device to make sure it worked" else: return "Error sending Pushbullet notification" @cherrypy.expose def getPushbulletDevices(self, api=None): cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store" result = notifiers.pushbullet_notifier.get_devices(api) if result: return result else: return "Error sending Pushbullet notification" @cherrypy.expose def shutdown(self, pid=None): if str(pid) != str(sickbeard.PID): redirect("/home/") threading.Timer(2, sickbeard.invoke_shutdown).start() title = "Shutting down" message = "Sick Beard is shutting down..." return _genericMessage(title, message) @cherrypy.expose def restart(self, pid=None): if str(pid) != str(sickbeard.PID): redirect("/home/") t = PageTemplate(file="restart.tmpl") t.submenu = HomeMenu() # do a soft restart threading.Timer(2, sickbeard.invoke_restart, [False]).start() return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def update(self, pid=None): if str(pid) != str(sickbeard.PID): redirect("/home/") updated = sickbeard.versionCheckScheduler.action.update() # @UndefinedVariable if updated: # do a hard restart threading.Timer(2, sickbeard.invoke_restart, [False]).start() t = PageTemplate(file="restart_bare.tmpl") return _munge(t) else: return _genericMessage("Update Failed", "Update wasn't successful, not restarting. Check your log for more information.") @cherrypy.expose def displayShow(self, show=None): if show is None: return _genericMessage("Error", "Invalid show ID") else: showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show)) if showObj is None: return _genericMessage("Error", "Show not in show list") showObj.exceptions = scene_exceptions.get_scene_exceptions(showObj.indexerid) myDB = db.DBConnection() seasonResults = myDB.select( "SELECT DISTINCT season FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? ORDER BY season desc", [showObj.indexerid] ) sqlResults = myDB.select( "SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? ORDER BY season DESC, episode DESC", [showObj.indexerid] ) t = PageTemplate(file="displayShow.tmpl") t.submenu = [{'title': 'Edit', 'path': 'home/editShow?show=%d' % showObj.indexerid}] try: t.showLoc = (showObj.location, True) except sickbeard.exceptions.ShowDirNotFoundException: t.showLoc = (showObj._location, False) show_message = '' if sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingAdded(showObj): # @UndefinedVariable show_message = 'This show is in the process of being downloaded - the info below is incomplete.' elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingUpdated(showObj): # @UndefinedVariable show_message = 'The information below is in the process of being updated.' elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingRefreshed(showObj): # @UndefinedVariable show_message = 'The episodes below are currently being refreshed from disk' elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingSubtitled(showObj): # @UndefinedVariable show_message = 'Currently downloading subtitles for this show' elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isInRefreshQueue(showObj): # @UndefinedVariable show_message = 'This show is queued to be refreshed.' elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isInUpdateQueue(showObj): # @UndefinedVariable show_message = 'This show is queued and awaiting an update.' elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isInSubtitleQueue(showObj): # @UndefinedVariable show_message = 'This show is queued and awaiting subtitles download.' if not sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingAdded(showObj): # @UndefinedVariable if not sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingUpdated(showObj): # @UndefinedVariable t.submenu.append( {'title': 'Delete', 'path': 'home/deleteShow?show=%d' % showObj.indexerid, 'confirm': True}) t.submenu.append({'title': 'Re-scan files', 'path': 'home/refreshShow?show=%d' % showObj.indexerid}) t.submenu.append( {'title': 'Force Full Update', 'path': 'home/updateShow?show=%d&force=1' % showObj.indexerid}) t.submenu.append({'title': 'Update show in XBMC', 'path': 'home/updateXBMC?showName=%s' % urllib.quote_plus( showObj.name.encode('utf-8')), 'requires': haveXBMC}) t.submenu.append({'title': 'Preview Rename', 'path': 'home/testRename?show=%d' % showObj.indexerid}) if sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES and not sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingSubtitled( showObj) and showObj.subtitles: t.submenu.append( {'title': 'Download Subtitles', 'path': 'home/subtitleShow?show=%d' % showObj.indexerid}) t.show = showObj t.sqlResults = sqlResults t.seasonResults = seasonResults t.show_message = show_message epCounts = {} epCats = {} epCounts[Overview.SKIPPED] = 0 epCounts[Overview.WANTED] = 0 epCounts[Overview.QUAL] = 0 epCounts[Overview.GOOD] = 0 epCounts[Overview.UNAIRED] = 0 epCounts[Overview.SNATCHED] = 0 for curResult in sqlResults: curEpCat = showObj.getOverview(int(curResult["status"])) epCats[str(curResult["season"]) + "x" + str(curResult["episode"])] = curEpCat epCounts[curEpCat] += 1 def titler(x): if not x or sickbeard.SORT_ARTICLE: return x if x.lower().startswith('a '): x = x[2:] if x.lower().startswith('an '): x = x[3:] elif x.lower().startswith('the '): x = x[4:] return x t.sortedShowList = sorted(sickbeard.showList, lambda x, y: cmp(titler(x.name), titler(y.name))) t.epCounts = epCounts t.epCats = epCats indexerid = int(showObj.indexerid) indexer = int(showObj.indexer) t.all_scene_exceptions = get_scene_exceptions(indexerid) t.scene_numbering = get_scene_numbering_for_show(indexerid, indexer) t.xem_numbering = get_xem_numbering_for_show(indexerid, indexer) return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def plotDetails(self, show, season, episode): result = db.DBConnection().action( "SELECT description FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND season = ? AND episode = ?", (int(show), int(season), int(episode))).fetchone() return result['description'] if result else 'Episode not found.' @cherrypy.expose def editShow(self, show=None, location=None, anyQualities=[], bestQualities=[], exceptions_list=[], flatten_folders=None, paused=None, directCall=False, air_by_date=None, sports=None, dvdorder=None, indexerLang=None,subtitles=None, archive_firstmatch=None, rls_ignore_words=None, rls_require_words=None): if show is None: errString = "Invalid show ID: " + str(show) if directCall: return [errString] else: return _genericMessage("Error", errString) showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show)) if showObj is None: errString = "Unable to find the specified show: " + str(show) if directCall: return [errString] else: return _genericMessage("Error", errString) showObj.exceptions = scene_exceptions.get_scene_exceptions(showObj.indexerid) if not location and not anyQualities and not bestQualities and not flatten_folders: t = PageTemplate(file="editShow.tmpl") t.submenu = HomeMenu() with showObj.lock: t.show = showObj t.scene_exceptions = get_scene_exceptions(showObj.indexerid) return _munge(t) flatten_folders = config.checkbox_to_value(flatten_folders) logger.log(u"flatten folders: " + str(flatten_folders)) dvdorder = config.checkbox_to_value(dvdorder) archive_firstmatch = config.checkbox_to_value(archive_firstmatch) paused = config.checkbox_to_value(paused) air_by_date = config.checkbox_to_value(air_by_date) sports = config.checkbox_to_value(sports) subtitles = config.checkbox_to_value(subtitles) indexer_lang = indexerLang # if we changed the language then kick off an update if indexer_lang == showObj.lang: do_update = False else: do_update = True if type(anyQualities) != list: anyQualities = [anyQualities] if type(bestQualities) != list: bestQualities = [bestQualities] if type(exceptions_list) != list: exceptions_list = [exceptions_list] #If directCall from mass_edit_update no scene exceptions handling if directCall: do_update_exceptions = False else: if set(exceptions_list) == set(showObj.exceptions): do_update_exceptions = False else: do_update_exceptions = True errors = [] with showObj.lock: newQuality = Quality.combineQualities(map(int, anyQualities), map(int, bestQualities)) showObj.quality = newQuality # reversed for now if bool(showObj.flatten_folders) != bool(flatten_folders): showObj.flatten_folders = flatten_folders try: sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.refreshShow(showObj) # @UndefinedVariable except exceptions.CantRefreshException, e: errors.append("Unable to refresh this show: " + ex(e)) showObj.paused = paused showObj.air_by_date = air_by_date showObj.sports = sports showObj.subtitles = subtitles showObj.lang = indexer_lang showObj.dvdorder = dvdorder showObj.archive_firstmatch = archive_firstmatch showObj.rls_ignore_words = rls_ignore_words showObj.rls_require_words = rls_require_words # if we change location clear the db of episodes, change it, write to db, and rescan if os.path.normpath(showObj._location) != os.path.normpath(location): logger.log(os.path.normpath(showObj._location) + " != " + os.path.normpath(location), logger.DEBUG) if not ek.ek(os.path.isdir, location): errors.append("New location %s does not exist" % location) # don't bother if we're going to update anyway elif not do_update: # change it try: showObj.location = location try: sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.refreshShow(showObj) # @UndefinedVariable except exceptions.CantRefreshException, e: errors.append("Unable to refresh this show:" + ex(e)) # grab updated info from TVDB #showObj.loadEpisodesFromIndexer() # rescan the episodes in the new folder except exceptions.NoNFOException: errors.append( "The folder at %s doesn't contain a tvshow.nfo - copy your files to that folder before you change the directory in Sick Beard." % location) # save it to the DB showObj.saveToDB() # force the update if do_update: try: sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.updateShow(showObj, True) # @UndefinedVariable time.sleep(1) except exceptions.CantUpdateException, e: errors.append("Unable to force an update on the show.") if do_update_exceptions: try: scene_exceptions.update_scene_exceptions(showObj.indexerid, exceptions_list) # @UndefinedVariable time.sleep(1) except exceptions.CantUpdateException, e: errors.append("Unable to force an update on scene exceptions of the show.") if directCall: return errors if len(errors) > 0: ui.notifications.error('%d error%s while saving changes:' % (len(errors), "" if len(errors) == 1 else "s"), '") redirect("/home/displayShow?show=" + show) @cherrypy.expose def deleteShow(self, show=None): if show is None: return _genericMessage("Error", "Invalid show ID") showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show)) if showObj is None: return _genericMessage("Error", "Unable to find the specified show") if sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingAdded( showObj) or sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingUpdated(showObj): # @UndefinedVariable return _genericMessage("Error", "Shows can't be deleted while they're being added or updated.") showObj.deleteShow() ui.notifications.message('%s has been deleted' % showObj.name) redirect("/home/") @cherrypy.expose def refreshShow(self, show=None): if show is None: return _genericMessage("Error", "Invalid show ID") showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show)) if showObj is None: return _genericMessage("Error", "Unable to find the specified show") # force the update from the DB try: sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.refreshShow(showObj) # @UndefinedVariable except exceptions.CantRefreshException, e: ui.notifications.error("Unable to refresh this show.", ex(e)) time.sleep(3) redirect("/home/displayShow?show=" + str(showObj.indexerid)) @cherrypy.expose def updateShow(self, show=None, force=0): if show is None: return _genericMessage("Error", "Invalid show ID") showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show)) if showObj is None: return _genericMessage("Error", "Unable to find the specified show") # force the update try: sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.updateShow(showObj, bool(force)) # @UndefinedVariable except exceptions.CantUpdateException, e: ui.notifications.error("Unable to update this show.", ex(e)) # just give it some time time.sleep(3) redirect("/home/displayShow?show=" + str(showObj.indexerid)) @cherrypy.expose def subtitleShow(self, show=None, force=0): if show is None: return _genericMessage("Error", "Invalid show ID") showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show)) if showObj is None: return _genericMessage("Error", "Unable to find the specified show") # search and download subtitles sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.downloadSubtitles(showObj, bool(force)) # @UndefinedVariable time.sleep(3) redirect("/home/displayShow?show=" + str(showObj.indexerid)) @cherrypy.expose def updateXBMC(self, showName=None): # only send update to first host in the list -- workaround for xbmc sql backend users if sickbeard.XBMC_UPDATE_ONLYFIRST: # only send update to first host in the list -- workaround for xbmc sql backend users host = sickbeard.XBMC_HOST.split(",")[0].strip() else: host = sickbeard.XBMC_HOST if notifiers.xbmc_notifier.update_library(showName=showName): ui.notifications.message("Library update command sent to XBMC host(s): " + host) else: ui.notifications.error("Unable to contact one or more XBMC host(s): " + host) redirect('/home/') @cherrypy.expose def updatePLEX(self): if notifiers.plex_notifier.update_library(): ui.notifications.message( "Library update command sent to Plex Media Server host: " + sickbeard.PLEX_SERVER_HOST) else: ui.notifications.error("Unable to contact Plex Media Server host: " + sickbeard.PLEX_SERVER_HOST) redirect('/home/') @cherrypy.expose def setStatus(self, show=None, eps=None, status=None, direct=False): if show is None or eps is None or status is None: errMsg = "You must specify a show and at least one episode" if direct: ui.notifications.error('Error', errMsg) return json.dumps({'result': 'error'}) else: return _genericMessage("Error", errMsg) if not statusStrings.has_key(int(status)): errMsg = "Invalid status" if direct: ui.notifications.error('Error', errMsg) return json.dumps({'result': 'error'}) else: return _genericMessage("Error", errMsg) showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show)) if showObj is None: errMsg = "Error", "Show not in show list" if direct: ui.notifications.error('Error', errMsg) return json.dumps({'result': 'error'}) else: return _genericMessage("Error", errMsg) segment = {} if eps is not None: sql_l = [] for curEp in eps.split('|'): logger.log(u"Attempting to set status on episode " + curEp + " to " + status, logger.DEBUG) epInfo = curEp.split('x') epObj = showObj.getEpisode(int(epInfo[0]), int(epInfo[1])) if epObj is None: return _genericMessage("Error", "Episode couldn't be retrieved") if int(status) in [WANTED, FAILED]: # figure out what episodes are wanted so we can backlog them if epObj.season in segment: segment[epObj.season].append(epObj) else: segment[epObj.season] = [epObj] with epObj.lock: # don't let them mess up UNAIRED episodes if epObj.status == UNAIRED: logger.log(u"Refusing to change status of " + curEp + " because it is UNAIRED", logger.ERROR) continue if int( status) in Quality.DOWNLOADED and epObj.status not in Quality.SNATCHED + Quality.SNATCHED_PROPER + Quality.DOWNLOADED + [ IGNORED] and not ek.ek(os.path.isfile, epObj.location): logger.log( u"Refusing to change status of " + curEp + " to DOWNLOADED because it's not SNATCHED/DOWNLOADED", logger.ERROR) continue if int( status) == FAILED and epObj.status not in Quality.SNATCHED + Quality.SNATCHED_PROPER + Quality.DOWNLOADED: logger.log( u"Refusing to change status of " + curEp + " to FAILED because it's not SNATCHED/DOWNLOADED", logger.ERROR) continue epObj.status = int(status) # mass add to database if epObj.dirty: sql_l.append(epObj.get_sql()) if len(sql_l) > 0: myDB = db.DBConnection() myDB.mass_action(sql_l) if int(status) == WANTED: msg = "Backlog was automatically started for the following seasons of " + showObj.name + ":
" for season in segment: msg += "
  • Season " + str(season) + "
  • " logger.log(u"Sending backlog for " + showObj.name + " season " + str( season) + " because some eps were set to wanted") msg += "" cur_backlog_queue_item = search_queue.BacklogQueueItem(showObj, segment) sickbeard.searchQueueScheduler.action.add_item(cur_backlog_queue_item) # @UndefinedVariable if segment: ui.notifications.message("Backlog started", msg) if int(status) == FAILED: msg = "Retrying Search was automatically started for the following season of " + showObj.name + ":
    " for season in segment: msg += "
  • Season " + str(season) + "
  • " logger.log(u"Retrying Search for " + showObj.name + " season " + str( season) + " because some eps were set to failed") msg += "" cur_failed_queue_item = search_queue.FailedQueueItem(showObj, segment) sickbeard.searchQueueScheduler.action.add_item(cur_failed_queue_item) # @UndefinedVariable if segment: ui.notifications.message("Retry Search started", msg) if direct: return json.dumps({'result': 'success'}) else: redirect("/home/displayShow?show=" + show) @cherrypy.expose def testRename(self, show=None): if show is None: return _genericMessage("Error", "You must specify a show") showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show)) if showObj is None: return _genericMessage("Error", "Show not in show list") try: show_loc = showObj.location #@UnusedVariable except exceptions.ShowDirNotFoundException: return _genericMessage("Error", "Can't rename episodes when the show dir is missing.") ep_obj_rename_list = [] ep_obj_list = showObj.getAllEpisodes(has_location=True) for cur_ep_obj in ep_obj_list: # Only want to rename if we have a location if cur_ep_obj.location: if cur_ep_obj.relatedEps: # do we have one of multi-episodes in the rename list already have_already = False for cur_related_ep in cur_ep_obj.relatedEps + [cur_ep_obj]: if cur_related_ep in ep_obj_rename_list: have_already = True break if not have_already: ep_obj_rename_list.append(cur_ep_obj) else: ep_obj_rename_list.append(cur_ep_obj) if ep_obj_rename_list: # present season DESC episode DESC on screen ep_obj_rename_list.reverse() t = PageTemplate(file="testRename.tmpl") t.submenu = [{'title': 'Edit', 'path': 'home/editShow?show=%d' % showObj.indexerid}] t.ep_obj_list = ep_obj_rename_list t.show = showObj return _munge(t) @cherrypy.expose def doRename(self, show=None, eps=None): if show is None or eps is None: errMsg = "You must specify a show and at least one episode" return _genericMessage("Error", errMsg) show_obj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show)) if show_obj is None: errMsg = "Error", "Show not in show list" return _genericMessage("Error", errMsg) try: show_loc = show_obj.location #@UnusedVariable except exceptions.ShowDirNotFoundException: return _genericMessage("Error", "Can't rename episodes when the show dir is missing.") myDB = db.DBConnection() if eps is None: redirect("/home/displayShow?show=" + show) for curEp in eps.split('|'): epInfo = curEp.split('x') # this is probably the worst possible way to deal with double eps but I've kinda painted myself into a corner here with this stupid database ep_result = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND season = ? AND episode = ? AND 5=5", [show, epInfo[0], epInfo[1]]) if not ep_result: logger.log(u"Unable to find an episode for " + curEp + ", skipping", logger.WARNING) continue related_eps_result = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE location = ? AND episode != ?", [ep_result[0]["location"], epInfo[1]]) root_ep_obj = show_obj.getEpisode(int(epInfo[0]), int(epInfo[1])) root_ep_obj.relatedEps = [] for cur_related_ep in related_eps_result: related_ep_obj = show_obj.getEpisode(int(cur_related_ep["season"]), int(cur_related_ep["episode"])) if related_ep_obj not in root_ep_obj.relatedEps: root_ep_obj.relatedEps.append(related_ep_obj) root_ep_obj.rename() redirect("/home/displayShow?show=" + show) @cherrypy.expose def searchEpisode(self, show=None, season=None, episode=None): # retrieve the episode object and fail if we can't get one ep_obj = _getEpisode(show, season, episode) if isinstance(ep_obj, str): return json.dumps({'result': 'failure'}) # make a queue item for it and put it on the queue ep_queue_item = search_queue.ManualSearchQueueItem(ep_obj.show, ep_obj) sickbeard.searchQueueScheduler.action.add_item(ep_queue_item) # @UndefinedVariable # wait until the queue item tells us whether it worked or not while ep_queue_item.success is None: # @UndefinedVariable time.sleep(1) # return the correct json value if ep_queue_item.success: #Find the quality class for the episode quality_class = Quality.qualityStrings[Quality.UNKNOWN] ep_status, ep_quality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(ep_obj.status) for x in (SD, HD720p, HD1080p): if ep_quality in Quality.splitQuality(x)[0]: quality_class = qualityPresetStrings[x] break return json.dumps({'result': statusStrings[ep_obj.status], 'quality': quality_class }) return json.dumps({'result': 'failure'}) @cherrypy.expose def searchEpisodeSubtitles(self, show=None, season=None, episode=None): # retrieve the episode object and fail if we can't get one ep_obj = _getEpisode(show, season, episode) if isinstance(ep_obj, str): return json.dumps({'result': 'failure'}) # try do download subtitles for that episode previous_subtitles = ep_obj.subtitles try: subtitles = ep_obj.downloadSubtitles() except: return json.dumps({'result': 'failure'}) # return the correct json value if previous_subtitles != ep_obj.subtitles: status = 'New subtitles downloaded: %s' % ' '.join([ "" + subliminal.language.Language(x).name + "" for x in sorted(list(set(ep_obj.subtitles).difference(previous_subtitles)))]) else: status = 'No subtitles downloaded' ui.notifications.message('Subtitles Search', status) return json.dumps({'result': status, 'subtitles': ','.join([x for x in ep_obj.subtitles])}) @cherrypy.expose def setEpisodeSceneNumbering(self, show, indexer, forSeason, forEpisode, sceneSeason=None, sceneEpisode=None): # sanitize: if sceneSeason in ['null', '']: sceneSeason = None if sceneEpisode in ['null', '']: sceneEpisode = None result = { 'success': True, 'forSeason': forSeason, 'forEpisode': forEpisode, } # retrieve the episode object and fail if we can't get one ep_obj = _getEpisode(show, forSeason, forEpisode) if isinstance(ep_obj, str): result['success'] = False result['errorMessage'] = ep_obj else: logger.log(u"setEpisodeSceneNumbering for %s from %sx%s to %sx%s" % (show, forSeason, forEpisode, sceneSeason, sceneEpisode), logger.DEBUG) show = int(show) indexer = int(indexer) forSeason = int(forSeason) forEpisode = int(forEpisode) if sceneSeason is not None: sceneSeason = int(sceneSeason) if sceneEpisode is not None: sceneEpisode = int(sceneEpisode) set_scene_numbering(show, indexer, forSeason, forEpisode, sceneSeason, sceneEpisode) sn = get_scene_numbering(show, indexer, forSeason, forEpisode) if sn: (result['sceneSeason'], result['sceneEpisode']) = sn else: (result['sceneSeason'], result['sceneEpisode']) = (None, None) return json.dumps(result) @cherrypy.expose def retryEpisode(self, show, season, episode): # retrieve the episode object and fail if we can't get one ep_obj = _getEpisode(show, season, episode) if isinstance(ep_obj, str): return json.dumps({'result': 'failure'}) # make a queue item for it and put it on the queue ep_queue_item = search_queue.FailedQueueItem(ep_obj.show, [ep_obj]) sickbeard.searchQueueScheduler.action.add_item(ep_queue_item) # @UndefinedVariable # wait until the queue item tells us whether it worked or not while ep_queue_item.success is None: # @UndefinedVariable time.sleep(1) # return the correct json value if ep_queue_item.success: #Find the quality class for the episode quality_class = Quality.qualityStrings[Quality.UNKNOWN] ep_status, ep_quality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(ep_obj.status) for x in (SD, HD720p, HD1080p): if ep_quality in Quality.splitQuality(x)[0]: quality_class = qualityPresetStrings[x] break return json.dumps({'result': statusStrings[ep_obj.status], 'quality': quality_class }) return json.dumps({'result': 'failure'}) class UI: @cherrypy.expose def add_message(self): ui.notifications.message('Test 1', 'This is test number 1') ui.notifications.error('Test 2', 'This is test number 2') return "ok" @cherrypy.expose def get_messages(self): messages = {} cur_notification_num = 1 for cur_notification in ui.notifications.get_notifications(): messages['notification-' + str(cur_notification_num)] = {'title': cur_notification.title, 'message': cur_notification.message, 'type': cur_notification.type} cur_notification_num += 1 return json.dumps(messages) class WebInterface: @cherrypy.expose def robots_txt(self): """ Keep web crawlers out """ cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' return 'User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n' @cherrypy.expose def index(self): redirect("/home/") @cherrypy.expose def showPoster(self, show=None, which=None): #Redirect initial poster/banner thumb to default images if which[0:6] == 'poster': default_image_name = 'poster.png' else: default_image_name = 'banner.png' default_image_path = ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui', 'slick', 'images', default_image_name) if show is None: return cherrypy.lib.static.serve_file(default_image_path, content_type="image/png") else: showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show)) if showObj is None: return cherrypy.lib.static.serve_file(default_image_path, content_type="image/png") cache_obj = image_cache.ImageCache() image_file_name = None if which == 'poster': image_file_name = cache_obj.poster_path(showObj.indexerid) if which == 'poster_thumb': image_file_name = cache_obj.poster_thumb_path(showObj.indexerid) if which == 'banner': image_file_name = cache_obj.banner_path(showObj.indexerid) if which == 'banner_thumb': image_file_name = cache_obj.banner_thumb_path(showObj.indexerid) if ek.ek(os.path.isfile, image_file_name): return cherrypy.lib.static.serve_file(image_file_name, content_type="image/jpeg") else: return cherrypy.lib.static.serve_file(default_image_path, content_type="image/png") @cherrypy.expose def setHomeLayout(self, layout): if layout not in ('poster', 'banner', 'simple'): layout = 'poster' sickbeard.HOME_LAYOUT = layout redirect("/home/") @cherrypy.expose def setHistoryLayout(self, layout): if layout not in ('compact', 'detailed'): layout = 'detailed' sickbeard.HISTORY_LAYOUT = layout redirect("/history/") @cherrypy.expose def toggleDisplayShowSpecials(self, show): sickbeard.DISPLAY_SHOW_SPECIALS = not sickbeard.DISPLAY_SHOW_SPECIALS redirect("/home/displayShow?show=" + show) @cherrypy.expose def setComingEpsLayout(self, layout): if layout not in ('poster', 'banner', 'list'): layout = 'banner' sickbeard.COMING_EPS_LAYOUT = layout redirect("/comingEpisodes/") @cherrypy.expose def toggleComingEpsDisplayPaused(self): sickbeard.COMING_EPS_DISPLAY_PAUSED = not sickbeard.COMING_EPS_DISPLAY_PAUSED redirect("/comingEpisodes/") @cherrypy.expose def setComingEpsSort(self, sort): if sort not in ('date', 'network', 'show'): sort = 'date' sickbeard.COMING_EPS_SORT = sort redirect("/comingEpisodes/") @cherrypy.expose def comingEpisodes(self, layout="None"): myDB = db.DBConnection() today1 = datetime.date.today() today = today1.toordinal() next_week1 = (datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=7)) next_week = next_week1.toordinal() recently = (datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=sickbeard.COMING_EPS_MISSED_RANGE)).toordinal() done_show_list = [] qualList = Quality.DOWNLOADED + Quality.SNATCHED + [ARCHIVED, IGNORED] sql_results = myDB.select( "SELECT *, tv_shows.status as show_status FROM tv_episodes, tv_shows WHERE season != 0 AND airdate >= ? AND airdate < ? AND tv_shows.indexer_id = tv_episodes.showid AND tv_episodes.status NOT IN (" + ','.join( ['?'] * len(qualList)) + ")", [today, next_week] + qualList) for cur_result in sql_results: done_show_list.append(int(cur_result["showid"])) more_sql_results = myDB.select( "SELECT *, tv_shows.status as show_status FROM tv_episodes outer_eps, tv_shows WHERE season != 0 AND showid NOT IN (" + ','.join( ['?'] * len( done_show_list)) + ") AND tv_shows.indexer_id = outer_eps.showid AND airdate = (SELECT airdate FROM tv_episodes inner_eps WHERE inner_eps.season != 0 AND inner_eps.showid = outer_eps.showid AND inner_eps.airdate >= ? ORDER BY inner_eps.airdate ASC LIMIT 1) AND outer_eps.status NOT IN (" + ','.join( ['?'] * len(Quality.DOWNLOADED + Quality.SNATCHED)) + ")", done_show_list + [next_week] + Quality.DOWNLOADED + Quality.SNATCHED) sql_results += more_sql_results more_sql_results = myDB.select( "SELECT *, tv_shows.status as show_status FROM tv_episodes, tv_shows WHERE season != 0 AND tv_shows.indexer_id = tv_episodes.showid AND airdate < ? AND airdate >= ? AND tv_episodes.status = ? AND tv_episodes.status NOT IN (" + ','.join( ['?'] * len(qualList)) + ")", [today, recently, WANTED] + qualList) sql_results += more_sql_results # sort by localtime sorts = { 'date': (lambda x, y: cmp(x["localtime"], y["localtime"])), 'show': (lambda a, b: cmp((a["show_name"], a["localtime"]), (b["show_name"], b["localtime"]))), 'network': (lambda a, b: cmp((a["network"], a["localtime"]), (b["network"], b["localtime"]))), } # make a dict out of the sql results sql_results = [dict(row) for row in sql_results] # add localtime to the dict for index, item in enumerate(sql_results): sql_results[index]['localtime'] = network_timezones.parse_date_time(item['airdate'], item['airs'], item['network']) sql_results.sort(sorts[sickbeard.COMING_EPS_SORT]) t = PageTemplate(file="comingEpisodes.tmpl") # paused_item = { 'title': '', 'path': 'toggleComingEpsDisplayPaused' } # paused_item['title'] = 'Hide Paused' if sickbeard.COMING_EPS_DISPLAY_PAUSED else 'Show Paused' paused_item = {'title': 'View Paused:', 'path': {'': ''}} paused_item['path'] = {'Hide': 'toggleComingEpsDisplayPaused'} if sickbeard.COMING_EPS_DISPLAY_PAUSED else { 'Show': 'toggleComingEpsDisplayPaused'} t.submenu = [ {'title': 'Sort by:', 'path': {'Date': 'setComingEpsSort/?sort=date', 'Show': 'setComingEpsSort/?sort=show', 'Network': 'setComingEpsSort/?sort=network', }}, {'title': 'Layout:', 'path': {'Banner': 'setComingEpsLayout/?layout=banner', 'Poster': 'setComingEpsLayout/?layout=poster', 'List': 'setComingEpsLayout/?layout=list', }}, paused_item, ] t.next_week = datetime.datetime.combine(next_week1, datetime.time(tzinfo=network_timezones.sb_timezone)) t.today = datetime.datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=network_timezones.sb_timezone) t.sql_results = sql_results # Allow local overriding of layout parameter if layout and layout in ('poster', 'banner', 'list'): t.layout = layout else: t.layout = sickbeard.COMING_EPS_LAYOUT return _munge(t) # Raw iCalendar implementation by Pedro Jose Pereira Vieito (@pvieito). # # iCalendar (iCal) - Standard RFC 5545 # Works with iCloud, Google Calendar and Outlook. @cherrypy.expose def calendar(self): """ Provides a subscribeable URL for iCal subscriptions """ logger.log(u"Receiving iCal request from %s" % cherrypy.request.remote.ip) poster_url = cherrypy.url().replace('ical', '') time_re = re.compile('([0-9]{1,2})\:([0-9]{2})(\ |)([AM|am|PM|pm]{2})') # Create a iCal string ical = 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n' ical += 'VERSION:2.0\r\n' ical += 'X-WR-CALNAME:Sick Beard\r\n' ical += 'X-WR-CALDESC:Sick Beard\r\n' ical += 'PRODID://Sick-Beard Upcoming Episodes//\r\n' # Get shows info myDB = db.DBConnection() # Limit dates past_date = (datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(weeks=-52)).toordinal() future_date = (datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(weeks=52)).toordinal() # Get all the shows that are not paused and are currently on air (from kjoconnor Fork) calendar_shows = myDB.select( "SELECT show_name, indexer_id, network, airs, runtime FROM tv_shows WHERE ( status = 'Continuing' OR status = 'Returning Series' ) AND paused != '1'") for show in calendar_shows: # Get all episodes of this show airing between today and next month episode_list = myDB.select( "SELECT indexerid, name, season, episode, description, airdate FROM tv_episodes WHERE airdate >= ? AND airdate < ? AND showid = ?", (past_date, future_date, int(show["indexer_id"]))) utc = tz.gettz('GMT') for episode in episode_list: air_date_time = network_timezones.parse_date_time(episode['airdate'], show["airs"], show['network']).astimezone(utc) air_date_time_end = air_date_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=helpers.tryInt(show["runtime"],60)) # Create event for episode ical = ical + 'BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n' ical = ical + 'DTSTART:' + air_date_time.strftime("%Y%m%d") + 'T' + air_date_time.strftime("%H%M%S") + 'Z\r\n' ical = ical + 'DTEND:' + air_date_time_end.strftime("%Y%m%d") + 'T' + air_date_time_end.strftime("%H%M%S") + 'Z\r\n' ical = ical + 'SUMMARY:' + show['show_name'] + ': ' + episode['name'] + '\r\n' ical = ical + 'UID:Sick-Beard-' + str(datetime.date.today().isoformat()) + '-' + show[ 'show_name'].replace(" ", "-") + '-E' + str(episode['episode']) + 'S' + str( episode['season']) + '\r\n' if (episode['description'] is not None and episode['description'] != ''): ical = ical + 'DESCRIPTION:' + show['airs'] + ' on ' + show['network'] + '\\n\\n' + \ episode['description'].splitlines()[0] + '\r\n' else: ical = ical + 'DESCRIPTION:' + show['airs'] + ' on ' + show['network'] + '\r\n' ical = ical + 'LOCATION:' + 'Episode ' + str(episode['episode']) + ' - Season ' + str( episode['season']) + '\r\n' ical = ical + 'END:VEVENT\r\n' # Ending the iCal ical += 'END:VCALENDAR' return ical manage = Manage() history = History() config = Config() home = Home() api = Api() browser = browser.WebFileBrowser() errorlogs = ErrorLogs() ui = UI()