""" Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) parser, format used by Windows Media Video (WMF) and Windows Media Audio (WMA). Informations: - http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/forpros/format/asfspec.aspx - http://swpat.ffii.org/pikta/xrani/asf/index.fr.html Author: Victor Stinner Creation: 5 august 2006 """ from hachoir.parser import Parser from hachoir.field import (FieldSet, ParserError, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, TimestampWin64, TimedeltaWin64, TimedeltaMillisWin64, String, PascalString16, Enum, Bit, Bits, PaddingBits, PaddingBytes, NullBytes, RawBytes) from hachoir.core.endian import LITTLE_ENDIAN from hachoir.core.text_handler import ( displayHandler, filesizeHandler) from hachoir.core.tools import humanBitRate from hachoir.parser.video.fourcc import audio_codec_name, video_fourcc_name from hachoir.parser.common.win32 import BitmapInfoHeader, GUID MAX_HEADER_SIZE = 100 * 1024 # bytes class AudioHeader(FieldSet): guid = "F8699E40-5B4D-11CF-A8FD-00805F5C442B" def createFields(self): yield Enum(UInt16(self, "twocc"), audio_codec_name) yield UInt16(self, "channels") yield UInt32(self, "sample_rate") yield UInt32(self, "bit_rate") yield UInt16(self, "block_align") yield UInt16(self, "bits_per_sample") yield UInt16(self, "codec_specific_size") size = self["codec_specific_size"].value if size: yield RawBytes(self, "codec_specific", size) class BitrateMutualExclusion(FieldSet): guid = "D6E229DC-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE" mutex_name = { "D6E22A00-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE": "Language", "D6E22A01-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE": "Bitrate", "D6E22A02-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE": "Unknown", } def createFields(self): yield Enum(GUID(self, "exclusion_type"), self.mutex_name) yield UInt16(self, "nb_stream") for index in range(self["nb_stream"].value): yield UInt16(self, "stream[]") class VideoHeader(FieldSet): guid = "BC19EFC0-5B4D-11CF-A8FD-00805F5C442B" def createFields(self): if False: yield UInt32(self, "width0") yield UInt32(self, "height0") yield PaddingBytes(self, "reserved[]", 7) yield UInt32(self, "width") yield UInt32(self, "height") yield PaddingBytes(self, "reserved[]", 2) yield UInt16(self, "depth") yield Enum(String(self, "codec", 4, charset="ASCII"), video_fourcc_name) yield NullBytes(self, "padding", 20) else: yield UInt32(self, "width") yield UInt32(self, "height") yield PaddingBytes(self, "reserved[]", 1) yield UInt16(self, "format_data_size") if self["format_data_size"].value < 40: raise ParserError("Unknown format data size") yield BitmapInfoHeader(self, "bmp_info", use_fourcc=True) class FileProperty(FieldSet): guid = "8CABDCA1-A947-11CF-8EE4-00C00C205365" def createFields(self): yield GUID(self, "guid") yield filesizeHandler(UInt64(self, "file_size")) yield TimestampWin64(self, "creation_date") yield UInt64(self, "pckt_count") yield TimedeltaWin64(self, "play_duration") yield TimedeltaWin64(self, "send_duration") yield TimedeltaMillisWin64(self, "preroll") yield Bit(self, "broadcast", "Is broadcast?") yield Bit(self, "seekable", "Seekable stream?") yield PaddingBits(self, "reserved[]", 30) yield filesizeHandler(UInt32(self, "min_pckt_size")) yield filesizeHandler(UInt32(self, "max_pckt_size")) yield displayHandler(UInt32(self, "max_bitrate"), humanBitRate) class HeaderExtension(FieldSet): guid = "5FBF03B5-A92E-11CF-8EE3-00C00C205365" def createFields(self): yield GUID(self, "reserved[]") yield UInt16(self, "reserved[]") yield UInt32(self, "size") if self["size"].value: yield RawBytes(self, "data", self["size"].value) class Header(FieldSet): guid = "75B22630-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6C" def createFields(self): yield UInt32(self, "obj_count") yield PaddingBytes(self, "reserved[]", 2) for index in range(self["obj_count"].value): yield Object(self, "object[]") class Metadata(FieldSet): guid = "75B22633-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6C" names = ("title", "author", "copyright", "xxx", "yyy") def createFields(self): for index in range(5): yield UInt16(self, "size[]") for name, size in zip(self.names, self.array("size")): if size.value: yield String(self, name, size.value, charset="UTF-16-LE", strip=" \0") class Descriptor(FieldSet): """ See ExtendedContentDescription class. """ TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY = 1 TYPE_NAME = { 0: "Unicode", 1: "Byte array", 2: "BOOL (32 bits)", 3: "DWORD (32 bits)", 4: "QWORD (64 bits)", 5: "WORD (16 bits)" } def createFields(self): yield PascalString16(self, "name", "Name", charset="UTF-16-LE", strip="\0") yield Enum(UInt16(self, "type"), self.TYPE_NAME) yield UInt16(self, "value_length") type = self["type"].value size = self["value_length"].value name = "value" if type == 0 and (size % 2) == 0: yield String(self, name, size, charset="UTF-16-LE", strip="\0") elif type in (2, 3): yield UInt32(self, name) elif type == 4: yield UInt64(self, name) else: yield RawBytes(self, name, size) class ExtendedContentDescription(FieldSet): guid = "D2D0A440-E307-11D2-97F0-00A0C95EA850" def createFields(self): yield UInt16(self, "count") for index in range(self["count"].value): yield Descriptor(self, "descriptor[]") class Codec(FieldSet): """ See CodecList class. """ type_name = { 1: "video", 2: "audio" } def createFields(self): yield Enum(UInt16(self, "type"), self.type_name) yield UInt16(self, "name_len", "Name length in character (byte=len*2)") if self["name_len"].value: yield String(self, "name", self["name_len"].value * 2, "Name", charset="UTF-16-LE", strip=" \0") yield UInt16(self, "desc_len", "Description length in character (byte=len*2)") if self["desc_len"].value: yield String(self, "desc", self["desc_len"].value * 2, "Description", charset="UTF-16-LE", strip=" \0") yield UInt16(self, "info_len") if self["info_len"].value: yield RawBytes(self, "info", self["info_len"].value) class CodecList(FieldSet): guid = "86D15240-311D-11D0-A3A4-00A0C90348F6" def createFields(self): yield GUID(self, "reserved[]") yield UInt32(self, "count") for index in range(self["count"].value): yield Codec(self, "codec[]") class SimpleIndexEntry(FieldSet): """ See SimpleIndex class. """ def createFields(self): yield UInt32(self, "pckt_number") yield UInt16(self, "pckt_count") class SimpleIndex(FieldSet): guid = "33000890-E5B1-11CF-89F4-00A0C90349CB" def createFields(self): yield GUID(self, "file_id") yield TimedeltaWin64(self, "entry_interval") yield UInt32(self, "max_pckt_count") yield UInt32(self, "entry_count") for index in range(self["entry_count"].value): yield SimpleIndexEntry(self, "entry[]") class BitRate(FieldSet): """ See BitRateList class. """ def createFields(self): yield Bits(self, "stream_index", 7) yield PaddingBits(self, "reserved", 9) yield displayHandler(UInt32(self, "avg_bitrate"), humanBitRate) class BitRateList(FieldSet): guid = "7BF875CE-468D-11D1-8D82-006097C9A2B2" def createFields(self): yield UInt16(self, "count") for index in range(self["count"].value): yield BitRate(self, "bit_rate[]") class Data(FieldSet): guid = "75B22636-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6C" def createFields(self): yield GUID(self, "file_id") yield UInt64(self, "packet_count") yield PaddingBytes(self, "reserved", 2) size = (self.size - self.current_size) // 8 yield RawBytes(self, "data", size) class StreamProperty(FieldSet): guid = "B7DC0791-A9B7-11CF-8EE6-00C00C205365" def createFields(self): yield GUID(self, "type") yield GUID(self, "error_correction") yield UInt64(self, "time_offset") yield UInt32(self, "data_len") yield UInt32(self, "error_correct_len") yield Bits(self, "stream_index", 7) yield Bits(self, "reserved[]", 8) yield Bit(self, "encrypted", "Content is encrypted?") yield UInt32(self, "reserved[]") size = self["data_len"].value if size: tag = self["type"].value if tag in Object.TAG_INFO: name, parser = Object.TAG_INFO[tag][0:2] yield parser(self, name, size=size * 8) else: yield RawBytes(self, "data", size) size = self["error_correct_len"].value if size: yield RawBytes(self, "error_correct", size) class Object(FieldSet): # This list is converted to a dictionnary later where the key is the GUID TAG_INFO = ( ("header", Header, "Header object"), ("file_prop", FileProperty, "File property"), ("header_ext", HeaderExtension, "Header extension"), ("codec_list", CodecList, "Codec list"), ("simple_index", SimpleIndex, "Simple index"), ("data", Data, "Data object"), ("stream_prop[]", StreamProperty, "Stream properties"), ("bit_rates", BitRateList, "Bit rate list"), ("ext_desc", ExtendedContentDescription, "Extended content description"), ("metadata", Metadata, "Metadata"), ("video_header", VideoHeader, "Video"), ("audio_header", AudioHeader, "Audio"), ("bitrate_mutex", BitrateMutualExclusion, "Bitrate mutual exclusion"), ) def __init__(self, *args, **kw): FieldSet.__init__(self, *args, **kw) tag = self["guid"].value if tag not in self.TAG_INFO: self.handler = None return info = self.TAG_INFO[tag] self._name = info[0] self.handler = info[1] def createFields(self): yield GUID(self, "guid") yield filesizeHandler(UInt64(self, "size")) size = self["size"].value - self.current_size // 8 if 0 < size: if self.handler: yield self.handler(self, "content", size=size * 8) else: yield RawBytes(self, "content", size) tag_info_list = Object.TAG_INFO Object.TAG_INFO = dict((parser[1].guid, parser) for parser in tag_info_list) class AsfFile(Parser): MAGIC = b"\x30\x26\xB2\x75\x8E\x66\xCF\x11\xA6\xD9\x00\xAA\x00\x62\xCE\x6C" PARSER_TAGS = { "id": "asf", "category": "video", "file_ext": ("wmv", "wma", "asf"), "mime": ("video/x-ms-asf", "video/x-ms-wmv", "audio/x-ms-wma"), "min_size": 24 * 8, "description": "Advanced Streaming Format (ASF), used for WMV (video) and WMA (audio)", "magic": ((MAGIC, 0),), } FILE_TYPE = { "video/x-ms-wmv": (".wmv", "Window Media Video (wmv)"), "video/x-ms-asf": (".asf", "ASF container"), "audio/x-ms-wma": (".wma", "Window Media Audio (wma)"), } endian = LITTLE_ENDIAN def validate(self): magic = self.MAGIC if self.stream.readBytes(0, len(magic)) != magic: return "Invalid magic" header = self[0] if not(30 <= header["size"].value <= MAX_HEADER_SIZE): return "Invalid header size (%u)" % header["size"].value return True def createMimeType(self): audio = False for prop in self.array("header/content/stream_prop"): guid = prop["content/type"].value if guid == VideoHeader.guid: return "video/x-ms-wmv" if guid == AudioHeader.guid: audio = True if audio: return "audio/x-ms-wma" else: return "video/x-ms-asf" def createFields(self): while not self.eof: yield Object(self, "object[]") def createDescription(self): return self.FILE_TYPE[self.mime_type][1] def createFilenameSuffix(self): return self.FILE_TYPE[self.mime_type][0] def createContentSize(self): if self[0].name != "header": return None return self["header/content/file_prop/content/file_size"].value * 8