# Author: Nic Wolfe # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickGear. # # SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickGear. If not, see . from __future__ import with_statement import os import time import re import datetime import os.path import regexes import sickbeard from sickbeard import logger, helpers, scene_numbering, common, scene_exceptions, encodingKludge as ek, db from sickbeard.exceptions import ex class NameParser(object): ALL_REGEX = 0 NORMAL_REGEX = 1 ANIME_REGEX = 2 def __init__(self, file_name=True, showObj=None, try_scene_exceptions=False, convert=False, naming_pattern=False, testing=False, indexer_lookup=True): self.file_name = file_name self.showObj = showObj self.try_scene_exceptions = try_scene_exceptions self.convert = convert self.naming_pattern = naming_pattern self.testing = testing self.indexer_lookup = indexer_lookup if self.showObj and not self.showObj.is_anime: self._compile_regexes(self.NORMAL_REGEX) elif self.showObj and self.showObj.is_anime: self._compile_regexes(self.ANIME_REGEX) else: self._compile_regexes(self.ALL_REGEX) @staticmethod def clean_series_name(series_name): """Cleans up series name by removing any . and _ characters, along with any trailing hyphens. Is basically equivalent to replacing all _ and . with a space, but handles decimal numbers in string, for example: >>> clean_series_name('an.example.1.0.test') 'an example 1.0 test' >>> clean_series_name('an_example_1.0_test') 'an example 1.0 test' Stolen from dbr's tvnamer """ series_name = re.sub('(\D)\.(?!\s)(\D)', '\\1 \\2', series_name) series_name = re.sub('(\d)\.(\d{4})', '\\1 \\2', series_name) # if it ends in a year then don't keep the dot series_name = re.sub('(\D)\.(?!\s)', '\\1 ', series_name) series_name = re.sub('\.(?!\s)(\D)', ' \\1', series_name) series_name = series_name.replace('_', ' ') series_name = re.sub('-$', '', series_name) series_name = re.sub('^\[.*\]', '', series_name) return series_name.strip() def _compile_regexes(self, regexMode): if self.ANIME_REGEX == regexMode: logger.log(u'Using ANIME regexs', logger.DEBUG) uncompiled_regex = [regexes.anime_regexes] elif self.NORMAL_REGEX == regexMode: logger.log(u'Using NORMAL regexs', logger.DEBUG) uncompiled_regex = [regexes.normal_regexes] else: logger.log(u'Using ALL regexes', logger.DEBUG) uncompiled_regex = [regexes.normal_regexes, regexes.anime_regexes] self.compiled_regexes = {0: [], 1: []} index = 0 for regexItem in uncompiled_regex: for cur_pattern_num, (cur_pattern_name, cur_pattern) in enumerate(regexItem): try: cur_regex = re.compile(cur_pattern, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) except re.error as errormsg: logger.log(u'WARNING: Invalid episode_pattern, %s. %s' % (errormsg, cur_pattern)) else: self.compiled_regexes[index].append([cur_pattern_num, cur_pattern_name, cur_regex]) index += 1 def _parse_string(self, name): if not name: return matches = [] for regex in self.compiled_regexes: for (cur_regex_num, cur_regex_name, cur_regex) in self.compiled_regexes[regex]: new_name = helpers.remove_non_release_groups(name, 'anime' in cur_regex_name) match = cur_regex.match(new_name) if not match: continue if 'garbage_name' == cur_regex_name: return result = ParseResult(new_name) result.which_regex = [cur_regex_name] result.score = 0 - cur_regex_num named_groups = match.groupdict().keys() if 'series_name' in named_groups: result.series_name = match.group('series_name') if result.series_name: result.series_name = self.clean_series_name(result.series_name) name_parts = re.match('(?i)(.*)[ -]((?:part|pt)[ -]?\w+)$', result.series_name) try: result.series_name = name_parts.group(1) result.extra_info = name_parts.group(2) except (AttributeError, IndexError): pass result.score += 1 if 'series_num' in named_groups and match.group('series_num'): result.score += 1 if 'season_num' in named_groups: tmp_season = int(match.group('season_num')) if 'bare' == cur_regex_name and tmp_season in (19, 20): continue result.season_number = tmp_season result.score += 1 def _process_epnum(captures, capture_names, grp_name, extra_grp_name, ep_numbers, parse_result): ep_num = self._convert_number(captures.group(grp_name)) extra_grp_name = 'extra_%s' % extra_grp_name ep_numbers = '%sepisode_numbers' % ep_numbers if extra_grp_name in capture_names and captures.group(extra_grp_name): try: if hasattr(self.showObj, 'getEpisode'): ep = self.showObj.getEpisode(parse_result.season_number, ep_num) else: tmp_show = helpers.get_show(parse_result.series_name, True, False) if tmp_show and hasattr(tmp_show, 'getEpisode'): ep = tmp_show.getEpisode(parse_result.season_number, ep_num) else: ep = None except (StandardError, Exception): ep = None en = ep and ep.name and re.match(r'^\W*(\d+)', ep.name) or None es = en and en.group(1) or None extra_ep_num = self._convert_number(captures.group(extra_grp_name)) parse_result.__dict__[ep_numbers] = range(ep_num, extra_ep_num + 1) if not ( ep and es and es != captures.group(extra_grp_name)) and ( 0 < extra_ep_num - ep_num < 10) else [ep_num] parse_result.score += 1 else: parse_result.__dict__[ep_numbers] = [ep_num] parse_result.score += 1 return parse_result if 'ep_num' in named_groups: result = _process_epnum(match, named_groups, 'ep_num', 'ep_num', '', result) if 'ep_ab_num' in named_groups: result = _process_epnum(match, named_groups, 'ep_ab_num', 'ab_ep_num', 'ab_', result) if 'air_year' in named_groups and 'air_month' in named_groups and 'air_day' in named_groups: year = int(match.group('air_year')) try: month = int(match.group('air_month')) except ValueError: try: month = time.strptime(match.group('air_month')[0:3], '%b').tm_mon except ValueError as e: raise InvalidNameException(ex(e)) day = int(match.group('air_day')) # make an attempt to detect YYYY-DD-MM formats if 12 < month: tmp_month = month month = day day = tmp_month try: result.air_date = datetime.date( year + ((1900, 2000)[0 < year < 28], 0)[1900 < year], month, day) except ValueError as e: raise InvalidNameException(ex(e)) if 'extra_info' in named_groups: tmp_extra_info = match.group('extra_info') # Show.S04.Special or Show.S05.Part.2.Extras is almost certainly not every episode in the season if tmp_extra_info and 'season_only' == cur_regex_name and re.search( r'([. _-]|^)(special|extra)s?\w*([. _-]|$)', tmp_extra_info, re.I): continue if tmp_extra_info: if result.extra_info: tmp_extra_info = '%s %s' % (result.extra_info, tmp_extra_info) result.extra_info = tmp_extra_info result.score += 1 if 'release_group' in named_groups: result.release_group = match.group('release_group') result.score += 1 if 'version' in named_groups: # assigns version to anime file if detected using anime regex. Non-anime regex receives -1 version = match.group('version') if version: result.version = version else: result.version = 1 else: result.version = -1 if None is result.season_number and result.episode_numbers and not result.air_date and \ cur_regex_name in ['no_season', 'no_season_general', 'no_season_multi_ep'] and \ re.search(r'(?i)\bpart.?\d{1,2}\b', result.original_name): result.season_number = 1 matches.append(result) if len(matches): # pick best match with highest score based on placement best_result = max(sorted(matches, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.which_regex), key=lambda x: x.score) show = None if not self.naming_pattern: # try and create a show object for this result show = helpers.get_show(best_result.series_name, self.try_scene_exceptions) # confirm passed in show object indexer id matches result show object indexer id if show and not self.testing: if self.showObj and show.indexerid != self.showObj.indexerid: show = None elif not show and self.showObj: show = self.showObj best_result.show = show if show and show.is_anime and 1 < len(self.compiled_regexes[1]) and 1 != regex: continue # if this is a naming pattern test then return best result if not show or self.naming_pattern: return best_result # get quality new_name = helpers.remove_non_release_groups(name, show.is_anime) best_result.quality = common.Quality.nameQuality(new_name, show.is_anime) new_episode_numbers = [] new_season_numbers = [] new_absolute_numbers = [] # if we have an air-by-date show then get the real season/episode numbers if best_result.is_air_by_date: season_number, episode_numbers = None, [] airdate = best_result.air_date.toordinal() my_db = db.DBConnection() sql_result = my_db.select( 'SELECT season, episode, name FROM tv_episodes ' + 'WHERE showid = ? and indexer = ? and airdate = ?', [show.indexerid, show.indexer, airdate]) if sql_result: season_number = int(sql_result[0]['season']) episode_numbers = [int(sql_result[0]['episode'])] if 1 < len(sql_result): # multi-eps broadcast on this day nums = {'1': 'one', '2': 'two', '3': 'three', '4': 'four', '5': 'five', '6': 'six', '7': 'seven', '8': 'eight', '9': 'nine', '10': 'ten'} patt = '(?i)(?:e(?:p(?:isode)?)?|part|pt)[. _-]?(%s)' try: src_num = str(re.findall(patt % '\w+', best_result.extra_info)[0]) alt_num = nums.get(src_num) or list(nums.keys())[list(nums.values()).index(src_num)] re_partnum = re.compile(patt % ('%s|%s' % (src_num, alt_num))) for ep_details in sql_result: if re_partnum.search(ep_details['name']): season_number = int(ep_details['season']) episode_numbers = [int(ep_details['episode'])] break except (StandardError, Exception): pass if self.indexer_lookup and not season_number or not len(episode_numbers): try: lindexer_api_parms = sickbeard.indexerApi(show.indexer).api_params.copy() if show.lang: lindexer_api_parms['language'] = show.lang t = sickbeard.indexerApi(show.indexer).indexer(**lindexer_api_parms) ep_obj = t[show.indexerid].aired_on(best_result.air_date)[0] season_number = int(ep_obj['seasonnumber']) episode_numbers = [int(ep_obj['episodenumber'])] except sickbeard.indexer_episodenotfound: logger.log(u'Unable to find episode with date ' + str(best_result.air_date) + ' for show ' + show.name + ', skipping', logger.WARNING) episode_numbers = [] except sickbeard.indexer_error as e: logger.log(u'Unable to contact ' + sickbeard.indexerApi(show.indexer).name + ': ' + ex(e), logger.WARNING) episode_numbers = [] for epNo in episode_numbers: s = season_number e = epNo if self.convert and show.is_scene: (s, e) = scene_numbering.get_indexer_numbering(show.indexerid, show.indexer, season_number, epNo) new_episode_numbers.append(e) new_season_numbers.append(s) elif show.is_anime and len(best_result.ab_episode_numbers) and not self.testing: scene_season = scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name(best_result.series_name)[1] for epAbsNo in best_result.ab_episode_numbers: a = epAbsNo if self.convert and show.is_scene: a = scene_numbering.get_indexer_absolute_numbering(show.indexerid, show.indexer, epAbsNo, True, scene_season) (s, e) = helpers.get_all_episodes_from_absolute_number(show, [a]) new_absolute_numbers.append(a) new_episode_numbers.extend(e) new_season_numbers.append(s) elif best_result.season_number and len(best_result.episode_numbers) and not self.testing: for epNo in best_result.episode_numbers: s = best_result.season_number e = epNo if self.convert and show.is_scene: (s, e) = scene_numbering.get_indexer_numbering(show.indexerid, show.indexer, best_result.season_number, epNo) if show.is_anime: a = helpers.get_absolute_number_from_season_and_episode(show, s, e) if a: new_absolute_numbers.append(a) new_episode_numbers.append(e) new_season_numbers.append(s) # need to do a quick sanity check heregex. It's possible that we now have episodes # from more than one season (by tvdb numbering), and this is just too much # for sickbeard, so we'd need to flag it. new_season_numbers = list(set(new_season_numbers)) # remove duplicates if 1 < len(new_season_numbers): raise InvalidNameException('Scene numbering results episodes from ' 'seasons %s, (i.e. more than one) and ' 'SickGear does not support this. ' 'Sorry.' % (str(new_season_numbers))) # I guess it's possible that we'd have duplicate episodes too, so lets # eliminate them new_episode_numbers = list(set(new_episode_numbers)) new_episode_numbers.sort() # maybe even duplicate absolute numbers so why not do them as well new_absolute_numbers = list(set(new_absolute_numbers)) new_absolute_numbers.sort() if len(new_absolute_numbers): best_result.ab_episode_numbers = new_absolute_numbers if len(new_season_numbers) and len(new_episode_numbers): best_result.episode_numbers = new_episode_numbers best_result.season_number = new_season_numbers[0] if self.convert and show.is_scene: logger.log(u'Converted parsed result %s into %s' % (best_result.original_name, str(best_result).decode('utf-8', 'xmlcharrefreplace')), logger.DEBUG) helpers.cpu_sleep() return best_result @staticmethod def _combine_results(first, second, attr): # if the first doesn't exist then return the second or nothing if not first: if not second: return None else: return getattr(second, attr) # if the second doesn't exist then return the first if not second: return getattr(first, attr) a = getattr(first, attr) b = getattr(second, attr) # if a is good use it if None is not a or (list == type(a) and len(a)): return a # if not use b (if b isn't set it'll just be default) else: return b @staticmethod def _unicodify(obj, encoding='utf-8'): if isinstance(obj, basestring): if not isinstance(obj, unicode): obj = unicode(obj, encoding, 'replace') return obj @staticmethod def _convert_number(org_number): """ Convert org_number into an integer org_number: integer or representation of a number: string or unicode Try force converting to int first, on error try converting from Roman numerals returns integer or 0 """ try: # try forcing to int if org_number: number = int(org_number) else: number = 0 except (StandardError, Exception): # on error try converting from Roman numerals roman_to_int_map = (('M', 1000), ('CM', 900), ('D', 500), ('CD', 400), ('C', 100), ('XC', 90), ('L', 50), ('XL', 40), ('X', 10), ('IX', 9), ('V', 5), ('IV', 4), ('I', 1)) roman_numeral = str(org_number).upper() number = 0 index = 0 for numeral, integer in roman_to_int_map: while roman_numeral[index:index + len(numeral)] == numeral: number += integer index += len(numeral) return number def parse(self, name, cache_result=True): name = self._unicodify(name) if self.naming_pattern: cache_result = False cached = name_parser_cache.get(name) if cached: return cached # break it into parts if there are any (dirname, file name, extension) dir_name, file_name = ek.ek(os.path.split, name) if self.file_name: base_file_name = helpers.remove_extension(file_name) else: base_file_name = file_name # set up a result to use final_result = ParseResult(name) # try parsing the file name file_name_result = self._parse_string(base_file_name) # use only the direct parent dir dir_name = ek.ek(os.path.basename, dir_name) # parse the dirname for extra info if needed dir_name_result = self._parse_string(dir_name) # build the ParseResult object final_result.air_date = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'air_date') # anime absolute numbers final_result.ab_episode_numbers = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'ab_episode_numbers') # season and episode numbers final_result.season_number = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'season_number') final_result.episode_numbers = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'episode_numbers') # if the dirname has a release group/show name I believe it over the filename final_result.series_name = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'series_name') final_result.extra_info = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'extra_info') final_result.release_group = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'release_group') final_result.version = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'version') final_result.which_regex = [] if final_result == file_name_result: final_result.which_regex = file_name_result.which_regex elif final_result == dir_name_result: final_result.which_regex = dir_name_result.which_regex else: if file_name_result: final_result.which_regex += file_name_result.which_regex if dir_name_result: final_result.which_regex += dir_name_result.which_regex final_result.show = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'show') final_result.quality = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'quality') if not final_result.show: if self.testing: pass else: raise InvalidShowException('Unable to parse %s' % name.encode(sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING, 'xmlcharrefreplace')) # if there's no useful info in it then raise an exception if None is final_result.season_number and not final_result.episode_numbers and None is final_result.air_date \ and not final_result.ab_episode_numbers and not final_result.series_name: raise InvalidNameException('Unable to parse %s' % name.encode(sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING, 'xmlcharrefreplace')) if cache_result: name_parser_cache.add(name, final_result) logger.log(u'Parsed %s into %s' % (name, str(final_result).decode('utf-8', 'xmlcharrefreplace')), logger.DEBUG) return final_result class ParseResult(object): def __init__(self, original_name, series_name=None, season_number=None, episode_numbers=None, extra_info=None, release_group=None, air_date=None, ab_episode_numbers=None, show=None, score=None, quality=None, version=None): self.original_name = original_name self.series_name = series_name self.season_number = season_number if not episode_numbers: self.episode_numbers = [] else: self.episode_numbers = episode_numbers if not ab_episode_numbers: self.ab_episode_numbers = [] else: self.ab_episode_numbers = ab_episode_numbers if not quality: self.quality = common.Quality.UNKNOWN else: self.quality = quality self.extra_info = extra_info self.release_group = release_group self.air_date = air_date self.which_regex = None self.show = show self.score = score self.version = version def __eq__(self, other): if not other: return False if self.series_name != other.series_name: return False if self.season_number != other.season_number: return False if self.episode_numbers != other.episode_numbers: return False if self.extra_info != other.extra_info: return False if self.release_group != other.release_group: return False if self.air_date != other.air_date: return False if self.ab_episode_numbers != other.ab_episode_numbers: return False return True def __str__(self): if None is not self.series_name: to_return = self.series_name + u' - ' else: to_return = u'' if None is not self.season_number: to_return += 'S' + str(self.season_number) if self.episode_numbers and len(self.episode_numbers): for e in self.episode_numbers: to_return += 'E' + str(e) if self.is_air_by_date: to_return += str(self.air_date) if self.ab_episode_numbers: to_return += ' [ABS: %s]' % str(self.ab_episode_numbers) if self.is_anime: if self.version: to_return += ' [ANIME VER: %s]' % str(self.version) if self.release_group: to_return += ' [GROUP: %s]' % self.release_group to_return += ' [ABD: %s]' % str(self.is_air_by_date) to_return += ' [ANIME: %s]' % str(self.is_anime) to_return += ' [whichReg: %s]' % str(self.which_regex) return to_return.encode('utf-8') @property def is_air_by_date(self): if self.air_date: return True return False @property def is_anime(self): if len(self.ab_episode_numbers): return True return False class NameParserCache(object): _previous_parsed = {} _cache_size = 100 def add(self, name, parse_result): self._previous_parsed[name] = parse_result _current_cache_size = len(self._previous_parsed) if _current_cache_size > self._cache_size: for i in range(_current_cache_size - self._cache_size): del self._previous_parsed[self._previous_parsed.keys()[0]] def get(self, name): if name in self._previous_parsed: logger.log('Using cached parse result for: ' + name, logger.DEBUG) return self._previous_parsed[name] name_parser_cache = NameParserCache() class InvalidNameException(Exception): """The given release name is not valid""" class InvalidShowException(Exception): """The given show name is not valid"""