$(function () {
    $('.plotInfo, .plot-daybyday').each(function () {
        var match = $(this).attr('id').match(/^plot(?:_info_|-)((\d+)_(\d+)[_x](\d+))$/);
        var showName = $('#show-' + match[1]).attr('data-rawname');
            content: {
                text: function(event, api) {
                    // deferred object ensuring the request is only made once
                        url: $('#sbRoot').val() + '/home/plotDetails',
                        type: 'GET',
                        data: {
                            show: match[2],
                            episode: match[4],
                            season: match[3]
                    .then(function(content) {
                        // Set the tooltip content upon successful retrieval
                        api.set('content.text', ('undefined' === typeof(showName) ? ''
                            : ('' !== content ? '<b class="boldest">' + showName + '</b>' : showName))
                            + ('' !== content ? ' ' + content : ''));
                    }, function(xhr, status, error) {
                        // Upon failure... set the tooltip content to the status and error value
                        api.set('content.text', status + ': ' + error);
                    return 'Loading...'; // Set initial text
            show: {
                solo: true
            position: {
                viewport: $(window),
                my: 'left center',
                adjust: {
                    y: -10,
                    x: 0
            style: {
                classes: 'qtip-rounded qtip-shadow'