var search_status_url = sbRoot + '/getManualSearchStatus'; $.pnotify.defaults.width = "400px"; $.pnotify.defaults.styling = "jqueryui"; $.pnotify.defaults.history = false; $.pnotify.defaults.shadow = false; $.pnotify.defaults.delay = 4000; $.pnotify.defaults.maxonscreen = 5; $.fn.manualSearches = []; function check_manual_searches() { var poll_interval = 5000; $.ajax({ url: search_status_url + '?show=' + $('#showID').val(), success: function (data) { if (data.episodes) { poll_interval = 5000; } else { poll_interval = 15000; } updateImages(data); //cleanupManualSearches(data); }, error: function () { poll_interval = 30000; }, type: "GET", dataType: "json", complete: function () { setTimeout(check_manual_searches, poll_interval); }, timeout: 15000 // timeout every 15 secs }); } function updateImages(data) { $.each(data.episodes, function (name, ep) { console.debug(ep.searchstatus); // Get td element for current ep var loadingImage = 'loading16_dddddd.gif'; var queuedImage = 'queued.png'; var searchImage = 'search32.png'; var status = null; //Try to get the <a> Element el=$('a[id=' + ep.season + 'x' + ep.episode+']'); img=el.children('img'); parent=el.parent(); if (el) { if (ep.searchstatus == 'searching') { //el=$('td#' + ep.season + 'x' + ep.episode + '.search img'); img.attr('title','Searching'); img.attr('alt','searching'); img.attr('src',sbRoot+'/images/' + loadingImage); disableLink(el); // Update Status and Quality var rSearchTerm = /(\w+)\s\((.+?)\)/; HtmlContent = ep.searchstatus; } else if (ep.searchstatus == 'queued') { //el=$('td#' + ep.season + 'x' + ep.episode + '.search img'); img.attr('title','Queued'); img.attr('alt','queued'); img.attr('src',sbRoot+'/images/' + queuedImage ); disableLink(el); HtmlContent = ep.searchstatus; } else if (ep.searchstatus == 'finished') { //el=$('td#' + ep.season + 'x' + ep.episode + '.search img'); img.attr('title','Searching'); img.attr('alt','searching'); img.parent().attr('class','epRetry'); img.attr('src',sbRoot+'/images/' + searchImage); enableLink(el); // Update Status and Quality var rSearchTerm = /(\w+)\s\((.+?)\)/; HtmlContent = ep.status.replace(rSearchTerm,"$1"+' <span class="quality '+ep.quality+'">'+"$2"+'</span>'); } // update the status column if it exists parent.siblings('.status_column').html(HtmlContent) } }); } $(document).ready(function () { check_manual_searches(); }); function enableLink(el) { el.on('click.disabled', false); el.attr('enableClick', '1'); el.fadeTo("fast", 1) } function disableLink(el) {'click.disabled'); el.attr('enableClick', '0'); el.fadeTo("fast", .5) } (function(){ $.ajaxEpSearch = { defaults: { size: 16, colorRow: false, loadingImage: 'loading16_dddddd.gif', queuedImage: 'queued.png', noImage: 'no16.png', yesImage: 'yes16.png' } }; $.fn.ajaxEpSearch = function(options){ options = $.extend({}, $.ajaxEpSearch.defaults, options); $('.epSearch, .epRetry').click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); // Check if we have disabled the click if ( $(this).attr('enableClick') == '0' ) { console.debug("Already queued, not downloading!"); return false; } if ( $(this).attr('class') == "epRetry" ) { if ( !confirm("Mark download as bad and retry?") ) return false; }; var parent = $(this).parent(); // Create var for anchor link = $(this); // Create var for img under anchor and set options for the loading gif img=$(this).children('img'); img.attr('title','loading'); img.attr('alt',''); img.attr('src',sbRoot+'/images/' + options.loadingImage); $.getJSON($(this).attr('href'), function(data){ // if they failed then just put the red X if (data.result == 'failure') { img_name = options.noImage; img_result = 'failed'; // if the snatch was successful then apply the corresponding class and fill in the row appropriately } else { img_name = options.loadingImage; img_result = 'success'; // color the row if (options.colorRow) parent.parent().removeClass('skipped wanted qual good unaired').addClass('snatched'); // applying the quality class var rSearchTerm = /(\w+)\s\((.+?)\)/; HtmlContent = data.result.replace(rSearchTerm,"$1"+' <span class="quality '+data.quality+'">'+"$2"+'</span>'); // update the status column if it exists parent.siblings('.status_column').html(HtmlContent) // Only if the queing was succesfull, disable the onClick event of the loading image disableLink(link); } // put the corresponding image as the result of queuing of the manual search img.attr('title',img_result); img.attr('alt',img_result); img.attr('height', options.size); img.attr('src',sbRoot+"/images/"+img_name); }); // // don't follow the link return false; }); } })();